K-14 Teacher Training

Woman reading

As part of its Title VI-funded mission as a National Resource Center, CSEAS sponsors outreach programs about Southeast Asia for K-14 educators and students through the Office of Resources for International and Area Studies (ORIAS) and the History-Social Science Project (HSSP) at UC Berkeley.

Office of Resources for International and Area Studies (ORIAS)

The main activities for ORIAS are its two summer institutes, held on the Berkeley campus in June, for K-12 teachers in the humanities and social studies, and for community colleges instructors focused on world history and global studies. ORIAS also sponsors two reading groups during the school year, one based in the East Bay and one in San Francisco, and has formed a speakers bureau composed of advanced graduate students from UC Berkeley who are available to make presentations to Bay Area schools on topics concerning various world areas, including Southeast Asia.

History-Social Science Project (HSSP)

The History-Social Science Project is part of the California Subject Matter Project, a network of nine discipline-based projects that provide professional development for K-12 instructors in the state. The project is authorized by state statute and administered by the University of California Office of the President, working with the state's Department of Education and other state offices covering education. Its work is directly tied to improving teacher preparation in the state’s public schools. A particular intiative of HSSP are the teacher training workshops that are part of its Global History Series. The project has also developed a series of online curriculum materials including, for Southeast Asia, a course unit on genocide and the Khmer Rouge.