Exhibit: Shanghai Alleyways 上海弄堂
Photographs by Jianhua Gong 龚建华摄影展
January 18 – May 8, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies
Many stories, many celebrations, many births and deaths have created vivid living memories in the Shanghai alleyways, known locally as "nongtang". These alleyways, unchanged from the 1950s to 1990s, embody a special way of life that exists between the old and new Shanghai. These back passageways gave birth to a rich and varied Shanghai neighborhood culture that is now fast disappearing. While the architectural style is one of traditional Jiang Nan (south of the Yangtze River) design, it is coupled with the decor of western architecture. Together, they offer a unique urban landscape. To study Shanghai's nongtang is to understand its importance in modern architecture, to recognize its vitality and importance for future city and urban planning, and to understand how architecture planning can directly affect every day quality of human life. The opening reception for the Shanghai Alleyways exhibit will be held on Thursday, January 18, 2007 from 6-8 pm.
Mr. Jianhua Gong, a well known Chinese photographer, offers us his views on the alleyways of late 20th century Shanghai. He is a recognized member of the Association of Chinese Photographers and an officer in the Shanghai Photographer Association. Mr. Gong has been doing professional photography for 26 years. His portfolio includes over 1,000 published photographic works as well as personal exhibitions in Japan, China and the United States. He has received over 100 gold, silver, and bronze medals in many international photography competitions, including in China. His work also includes photography books such as Shanghai Nong Tang and Shanghai Pictorial.
Click here to read "Shanghai, Yesterday, at Dawn ... Musings on Gong Jianhua's Photography," by Meng Changming in Chinese or in English.
Other exhibits in the IEAS Exhibits Series — Arts of East Asia.
Opening Reception: Shanghai Alleyways 上海弄堂: Photographs by Jianhua Gong 龚建华摄影展
Jianhua Gong, Photographer
Christian Henriot, Editor, Virtual Shanghai
January 18, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies
Please join us for a lecture and reception with the artist, Jianhua Gong, and Christian Henriot, editor of Virtual Shanghai, on Thursday, January 18, 2007, between 6:00 and 8:00 pm in the IEAS Gallery. Shanghai Alleyways 上海弄堂: Photographs by Jianhua Gong 龚建华摄影展 will be on display in the Institute of East Asian Studies Gallery until May 18, 2007.
Jianhua Gong, a well known Chinese photographer, offers us his views on the alleyways of the late 20th century Shanghai. He is a recognized member of the Association of Chinese Photographers and an officer in the Shanghai Photographer Association. Mr. Gong has been doing professional photography for 26 years. His portfolio includes over 1,000 published photographic works as well as personal exhibitions in Japan, China and the United States. He has received over 100 gold, silver, and bronze medals in many international photography competitions, including in China. His work also includes photography books such as Shanghai Nong Tang and Shanghai Pictorial.
Christian Henriot is a historian of modern China with a particular interest in urban history, wartime China, and the use of NITCs in research and teaching. He received his training in Paris, Hong Kong and Stanford. He is a research fellow at the Institut d'Asie Orientale (CNRS-Lumiere Lyon 2 University). Virtual Shanghai is a research platform that aims at writing the history of Shanghai through the combined use of textual records, photographs and GIS mapping.
Commuting Time
Thomas Lamarre, Japanese Literature, McGill University
January 19, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies
Doppler effects, both visual and aural, are crucial to the experience of commuting time, and such effects also populate and in many ways define the experience of manga and anime. Through examples drawn from an array of anime, I will attempt another look at the commuter train, not only in terms of the production of empty, homogeneous time, but also in terms of an experience of security/fear and a space of revelation/apocalypse. Such a shift in perspective also highlights the relation between commuting and mobilizing for total war.
My Music — Three Examples
Lee Geon-Yong, Professor, Korean National University of the Arts
January 23, 2007
Center for Korean Studies
Geon-yong Lee, one of the most serious Korean composers of our time, has been composing since age twelve. He studied composition with Dal-Sung Kim at Seoul High School of Music and Arts and Sung-Jae Lee at Seoul National University. In 1976 he went to Frankfurt am Main and studied composition with Heinz Werner Zimmermann at Frankfurter Musik-hochschule. After returning to Korea. he taught composition in Hyo-sung Woman's University and Seoul National University. He moved to the Korean National University of Arts in 1993 and was named university president for 2002-06. Lee has challenged the modernism which dominated Korean musical environment in early 1980s and founded composer's group called The Third Generation. He has since devoted his effort to create music that represents the unique identity of the Third World and Korea. In the early 1980s he produced mostly chamber works including experiments with Korean traditional styles and forms, such as Phrygian Sanjo, Cello Sanjo, Syrum-norum, and He-yoo-Gok. During the late 1980s, while the political and social conditions of the country changed for the worse, he composed many vocal pieces with strong messages including Song of Yellow Jesus and Psalms of Wrath. Since the early 1990s he has focused on words like 'touching' and 'moving' and the beauty of lyricism. His interest narrowed down to the expression of localized rather than universal beauty.
The composer will introduce six examples of his music from different period from 1979, when he was still studying in Germany, to recent years. He will explain how the pieces were written, especially in connection with social context in the 80s and 90s. Professor John Sockett (UCSC) will play short pieces to demonstrate Professor Lee's compositional style.
The Yomiuri Shimbun, From Marco Polo Bridge to Pearl Harbor: Who Was Responsible?
Takahiko Tennichi, Editorial writer, The Yomiuri Shimbun
January 24, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Walter H. Shorenstein Fund, Graduate School of Journalism
History is a controversial issue in East Asia today. The Yomiuri Shimbun, the largest daily paper in Japan, with a right of center editorial position, has recently completed a year-long project to clarify Japanese leaders' responsibility for the Pacific War. In Japan such an undertaking is an exceptional case. Why did the Yomiuri launch this campaign? How will this history review affect the contemporary Japan? To what extent was its conclusion different from the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East? Takahiko Tennichi, an editorial writer of the Yomiuri Shimbun, will discuss the implications of the project, clarifying the Yomiuri's position on the so-called history issue.
Program followed by reception.
Other programs in the IEAS Book Series: New Perspectives on East Asia.
Reading Chinese Buddhist Monastic Hagiographies: A New Approach
Jinhua Chen, Associate Professor, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
January 25, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Chinese Studies
Scholars have developed various approaches to the study of Buddhist monastic hagiographies and biographies, each of which have their merits and demerits. This talk explores a new approach that promises to be more balanced and productive; it seeks to preserve the merits of older approaches while at the same time avoiding their shortcomings.
Jinhua Chen teaches East Asian Buddhism at the University of British Columbia. His research covers monastic historiography and biography, state-church relationship in medieval China and Heian Buddhism.
Peasant Perspectives on Deforestation in Southwest China: Social Discontent and Environmental Mismanagement
Justin Zackey, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Chinese Studies
January 26, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Discussant: You-tien Hsing, Associate Professor, Geography, UC Berkeley
This talk examines the causes of deforestation in southwest China by listening to peasants' own descriptions of their role in illegal timber cutting. It finds that a sense of "relative deprivation" amongst China's rural poor has encouraged poor environmental management. Peasants justify illegal tree cutting by pointing to China's rapidly increasing inequalities, their lack of economic opportunity and the absence of economic support from the (corrupt) government. These issues, combined with the continuing institutional problems with forest management after decollectivization, convince peasants that ignoring environmental conservation edicts and cashing in on their trees is a good choice. Overall, this talk identifies relative poverty and social discontent as major factors driving deforestation.
Craft specialization in early states in China: A view from the Erlitou hinterland
Li Liu, Professor, Archaeology, LaTrobe University
January 26, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Archaeological Research Facility
Professor Li Liu's research deals with Neolithic and Bronze Age China, focusing on topics such as settlement pattern, ritual practice, state formation, craft specialization, and zooarchaeology. Professor Liu is the chief investigator of a large-scale international archaeological research project titled Settlement Patterns, Craft Production, and the Rise of Early States in China. The multidisciplinary study probes processes which led to the rise of these states in the Yiluo River Valley in western Henan Province through regional survey programs examining settlement patterns in core areas of the early states, reconstruction of climate data using isotope analysis on stalagmites from local caves, analysis of craft goods such as stone tools and fine ceramics, and investigations of plant and animal remains from 6000 to 200 BC. Research into population and land use is assisted by computerized Geographic Information System (GIS) studies, which allows researchers to locate the exact sites of a vast amount of important original archaeological data, and to integrate results from all these scientific programs to explain social, ecological and environmental changes in the emergence of Chinese civilizations.
The Discovery of Buddhism on the Silk Road
Dr. Susan Whitfield, Director, International Dunhuang Project, British Library, London
February 1, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, Berkeley China Initiative, Caucasus and Central Asia Program, East Asian Library
The Eastern Silk Road's Buddhist ruins and relics are now well-known. Yet in the late nineteenth century they were still hidden by the desert sands. It was the curiosity of scholars such as Stein which led to their discovery and the start of scholarship in this area. Just as Buddhism traveled from India through Central Asia, so the rediscovery of its sacred sites made the same journey. This lecture will tell the story of the scholars and their finds and consider how far — or how little — we have traveled in our own journey of understanding Buddhism in this region.
For more information, please contact: Kimberly Carl, kcarl@berkeley.edu.
The US-Japan Special Relationship and East Asia: How to Build up a Stable Triangle?
Fumio Matsuo, Journalist/Author, Former Washington Bureau Chief, Kyodo News
February 5, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies
Fumio Matsuo, author of numerous articles and essays on U.S. politics, is recognized as one of Japan's foremost experts on U.S. political affairs. His book entitled: Democracy with a Gun: The Making of America, published in 2004 won the 52nd Annual Award of the Japan Essayist Club. The book is currently under English translation for international readers.
Mr. Matsuo earned his B.A. in Political Science from Gakushuin University. After joining Kyodo News in 1956, Mr. Matsuo was assigned as foreign correspondent to New York and Washington from 1964 to 1969 to cover the escalation of the Vietnam War, the resulting antiwar movement and political and social upheavals under the Johnson administration, and the emergence of Richard Nixon into the Presidency in 1968.
In 1971, three months prior to Henry Kissinger's secret visit to China, Mr. Matsuo wrote an article titled "Nixon's America: Its Skillful Approach to China" in anticipation of the historic reconciliation between the U.S. and China. When his predictions proved correct, Mr. Matsuo became renowned for his keen insight on the American political arena. He published the book Nixon's America in 1972 and translated The Memoirs of Richard Nixon into Japanese in 1980.
Mr. Matsuo served as Bangkok Bureau Chief from 1972 to 1975 to cover Southeast Asia, including the final phase of the Indochina War, reporting from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
From 1981 to 1984, Mr. Matsuo returned to the U.S. as Washington Bureau Chief, covering the first term of the Reagan Administration. During the 1980s and 90s he managed K.K. Kyodo News, the business arm of Kyodo News, promoting international financial information services as a joint venture with Dow Jones and The Associated Press.
On August 16th, 2005, Mr. Matsuo contributed an article to the opinion page of The Wall Street Journal under the title of "Tokyo Needs its Dresden Moment," in which he proposed that President Bush lay a wreath at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial to mourn the deceased and call for permanent reconciliation between the US and Japan, as Germany had achieved with the U.S. at Dresden upon the 50th anniversary of the Dresden Bombings.
Mr. Matsuo has also lectured at the University of Tokyo's Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies.
China's Engagement with Latin America: Economic and Political Implications
Adrian Hearn, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for International Studies, University of Technology Sydney
February 7, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, The Center for Latin American Studies
This seminar discusses the strengthening of economic and political relations between China and Latin America, illustrating some of the opportunities and challenges that these relations hold for the region. China's emergence as the world's 2nd largest consumer of hydrocarbons and other natural resources has favoured resource exporters such as Brazil (soy), Chile (copper), Cuba (nickel), Peru (fishmeal, iron), and Venezuela (oil), prompting some observers to recognize China as the new engine for Latin American growth. Mexico and Central America, however, have fared considerably less well because they export manufactured products such as textiles, electrodomestics, and automobiles rather than natural resources.
Latin American political reactions to engagement with China have been similarly diverse, from recognition of the latter as a valued protagonist of "South-South" cooperation to public concern about an emerging "China Threat" to the region. This ambivalence is particularly evident in the case of Cuba. In 2005 China became Cuba's second largest trading partner (after Venezuela) and Chinese industrial manufacturing firms have identified Cuba as a potential production platform for expanding their Latin American market. Chinese investment is strengthening Cuba's export capacities in the areas of medicine, nickel, and oil, and it may also strengthen the efforts of Cuba (together with Venezuela and Bolivia) to challenge to U.S. hegemony in the region.
But collaboration with China has also provoked more rigorous strategies of governance to contain the influence of Chinese diplomats and businesspeople in Cuba. Indeed, in January 2006 the government of Old Havana dissolved the board of administrators of the city's Chinatown and assumed direct control of the district's management. This has provoked serious concerns from within the Cuban Chinese community about the centralization of local modes of administration, including the ability to autonomously develop relations with collaborators in China independently of the Cuban State.
The seminar draws together these local and international developments to illustrate that China's engagement with Latin America has brought both opportunities and challenges. While it has opened a profitable new destination for natural resource exports, it has also provoked concerns in the region about protecting national interests and about China's strategic ambitions in the Western Hemisphere.
Chinese Lessons: Five Classmates and the Story of the New China — A Conversation with Orville Schell
John Pomfret, Los Angeles bureau chief of The Washington Post
February 8, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Graduate School of Journalism, Institute of International Studies
Chinese Lessons: Five Classmates and the Story of the New China is Washington Post bureau chief John Pomfret's evocative recounting of the lives of his former classmates in the Nanjing University History Class of 1982. In Chinese Lessons, the lives of Pomfret's classmates are the vehicle for telling China's story — one of the most tumultuous the modern world has ever known. By weaving his classmates' lives into an extraordinary chronicle of the past forty years of China's reinvention, Pomfret reveals the new China as it has never been seen before. Pomfret relates their small and large triumphs, and how the Chinese, as individuals and as a society, grapple with the skeletons of their past as they continue to push forward into futures marked by ever-increasing prosperity, opportunity, and unease.
John Pomfret is currently Los Angeles Bureau Chief of The Washington Post. Leaving China in 1982, Pomfret returned for the Tiananmen Square protests and the crackdown of June 4, 1989. Expelled by the Chinese government at that point, he again returned to live from 1998-2005 as the Post's bureau chief in Beijing. Pomfret is the recipient of the Osborn Elliott Prize for Journalism by the Asia Society which is given annually to the best coverage of Asia. For more information about John Pomfret and Chinese Lessons, please visit http://johnpomfret.net/
Program followed by reception and book-signing.
Other programs in the IEAS Book Series: New Perspectives on East Asia.
The Manchus, the Ming, and Modern China
Mark Elliott, Professor, History, Harvard University
February 8, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of History
Does Humor Belong in Buddhism?
February 9–10, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Townsend Center for the Humanities
The Buddha Shakyamuni is said to have asked, "How can anyone laugh who knows of old age, disease, and death?" Despite the severity of this rhetorical question, Buddhists through the centuries and across cultures have incorporated humor into their religious lives. The literary, ritual, and artistic traditions of the Buddhist world contain a variety of humorous and comedic elements that challenge the representation of Buddhism as a humorless doctrine of detached austerity. As a result of this image of Buddhism, scholars have tended to view humorous elements of Buddhist texts and practices as anomalous or marginal rather than as vibrant and vital aspects of Buddhist traditions. This workshop will explore the role of humor in Buddhism from early canonical theories of humor and the unexpectedly robust comedy of the rules for monks and nuns to the outrageous behavior of tantric gurus and Zen Masters.
- Plenary address: What's So Funny About the Laughing Buddha?
- Panel 1: Humor in the Leaves of the Tripitika
- Panel 2: Buddhism and Humor in China and Japan
- Panel 3: The Logic of Laughter in Tibetan Buddhism
- Closing discussion
Babel in Beijing: Dialect Accents and Urban Identity in Late-Imperial Chinese Fiction
Paize Keulemans, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Literatures,Yale University
February 9, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
By examining the imitation of regional dialects in two nineteenth-century vernacular novels The Tale of Romance and Heroism (1878) and The Three Knights and the Five Gallants (1879), I argue that these popular tales reaffirm Beijing's central political and linguistic status by gathering a variety of different dialects within their pages. This use of different dialects, I argue, represents a striking response to the growing regional nature of the nineteenth-century vernacular novel; whereas novels produced in the provinces create a regional identity by employing their own dialect, the Beijing-produced novels reaffirm their central position in the empire by mimicking other regional dialects.
The model for this dialect mimicry is the "cross-talking" routine of the urban storyteller, whose oral performance creates an acoustic reflection of the capital at the expense of the provincial periphery. As an oral mirror of the capital, "cross-talking" brings different regional languages together, suggesting that Beijing, as the center of the empire, is a place where all provincial languages mingle. The mimicry of different dialects moreover creates a strong division between provincial and cosmopolitan identities. By imitating provincial speech, the storyteller emphasizes the inferior nature of the fictional provincial character acted out, while meanwhile displaying a tremendous linguistic acuity himself, thus reminding his audience of his (and their own) superior, cosmopolitan identity.
Discussant; Sophie Volpp, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Cultures/Comparative Literature, U.C. Berkeley
Reflections on Asia — Growth and Sustainability
The Berkeley MBA Asia Business Conference
February 10, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley MBA Association, UC Berkeley Haas Alumni Network, Johnson & Johnson, Cultural Division-Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco, Samsung, Choya, Booz Allen Hamilton
Nuclear North Korea and the Future of Northeast Asian Security: An Asia Society Northern California Conference
February 13, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies, Asia Society Northern California, Asia Foundation, Business Executives for National Security, Japan Society of Northern California, National Committee on North Korea, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, USF Center for the Pacific Rim, World Affairs Council of Northern California
Registration required. Please contact the Asia Society at (415) 421-8707.
$55 Members; $70 Non-Members; $35 Students (includes breakfast/lunch)
North Korea's emergence as a nuclear state poses dramatic new challenges to South Korea, the U.S., and the broader Asia-Pacific region. Please join us as experts from the U.S., South Korea, Japan, and China share their views on what has happened in North Korea in recent years and how the U.S. and its allies can best respond. The North's nuclear test on October 9th sent shock waves throughout the region, but its October 31st decision to resume the six-party talks over its nuclear program has encouraged a measure of hope.
North Korea has reportedly reaffirmed its pledge to give up nuclear weapons programs in exchange for energy supplies and security guarantees. What steps can be taken to achieve this? What, if anything, would it take for the North to denuclearize? What will be the consequences if it does not?
Just how different are interests, perceptions, and strategies among the other parties to the negotiations, especially China, South Korea, and Japan? What concessions is the Bush administration, hamstrung by the war in Iraq and loss of control of Congress, willing to offer North Korea? What has the nuclear test done to the credibility or effectiveness of South Korea's "Sunshine policy" of conciliation and aid for the North? How much leverage does the PRC hold over the North, and how far is it willing to go in using it? What line is Japan's conservative new administration under Shinzo Abe in Japan likely to take? These are some of the urgent questions that the conference will address.
Conference Program
Breakfast Keynote: The Honorable Lee Tae-sik, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States
Panel 1: The North Korean Nuclear Program: How Did We Get Here? What Does North Korea Want?
Moderator: Gi-wook Shin, Director, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University
Dr. Siegfried Hecker, Emeritus Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory; Visiting Professor, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University
Kongdan (Katy) Oh, Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analyses; Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
David Kang, Professor of Government, Dartmouth College
Scott Snyder, Senior Associate of Washington Programs, Asia Foundation
Victor Cha, Director for Japan and Korea, U.S. National Security Council
Panel 2: Regional Perspectives on North Korea
Moderator: Christopher Sigur, Special Advisor, Asia Society Northern California
Hitoshi Tanaka, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan
Kim Sang Han, Professor, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (Korea)
Xiyu Yang, Counselor, Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China; Pantech Fellow, Stanford University
Lunchtime Keynote: The Honorable William Perry, Michael and Barbara Berberian Professor, Stanford University; Former U.S. Secretary of Defense (1994-97)
*This program is made possible by the generous support of the Korea Foundation and Japan Airlines.
Of Hands and Feet: The Female Body in Chinese History
Dorothy Ko, Professor, History, Barnard College & Columbia University
February 15, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of History
Relations between Africa and China in a Globalized World
Steven Nakana, Graduate Student, Sociology, U.C. Berkeley
Admission free for I-House members, residents and alumni
$5 for the general public
February 15, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, International House, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies
I-House is thrilled to welcome Steven Nakana, 2005-2007 Rotary International World Peace Fellow from Cape Town, South Africa. Steven is currently working towards a Masters degree in Sociology at UC Berkeley. In South Africa, Steven worked as a researcher at the Center of Conflict Resolution, a non-profit organization situated at the University of Cape Town. In the Policy Development and Research Program he focused on peace, security and conflict resolution, working on diverse projects relating to proliferation of small arms; the transformation of the African Union from its predecessor the Organization of African Unity; sub-regional organizations as building blocs for a continental security architecture; and the Economic Community of West Africa States and the Southern African Development Community. Steven will discuss current China-Africa relations. He is mainly concerned with whether the current Chinese presence in Africa is a catalyst for development or further internal conflicts as witnessed in the 1990's in countries like Liberia, Sudan and Chad.
Admission is free for I-House members, residents and alumni, $5 for the general public.
Co-sponsored by International House and the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies.
Limits and Potential of Media: Iinuma Yokusai's (1783-1865) Pictorial Experiments
Maki Fukuoka, Japanese Humanities, University of Michigan
February 16, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
Dr. Fukuoka will be discussing the work of this natural historian in Owari-domain at the end of Tokugawa Japan, and the ways in which he used a variety of picture-making methods to construct and test his knowledge of botanical specimens. How did he evaluate the "accuracy" of pictorial representations? What kind of images did he have access to, and how did he describe the images he created? She will explore Yokusai's pictorial experiments, including photographic technology, within the larger discourse of history of photography, as well as practices of picture making and viewing in 19th century Japan.
Trained in the field of visual culture, Maki Fukuoka's interests include the history of photography, the history of exhibition practices, and the discursive formulation of "art history" in 19th century Japan. Her current project looks at the ways in which photographic images of the deceased were reproduced and circulated between the years of 1872 to 1902 and tries to shed light on the ways in which concepts and values of individual life and death shifted during these turbulent years of Japanese history.
The 2007 Berkeley Chinese Traditional New Year Celebration
Tickets (Dinner included): $3 – $8
February 16, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association
Friday, February 16
6:30 p.m. dinner, 7:30 p.m. party
Tickets (Dinner included): $3 – Berkeley Student, $8 – Otherwise
Programs will include: Chinese Culture Exhibition, Super Girls V.S. Super Boys, Chinese Traditional Local Opera, Chinese Comedy Skit, Korean Drum Performance, Indian Dance, Games and Gifts.
For more information, contact: Zongshi Chen, Vice President, Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association, <zongshi@berkeley.edu>
P'ungmul: South Korean Drumming and Dance
Nathan Hesselink, Assistant Professor, School of Music, University of British Columbia
February 20, 2007
Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies
Composed of a core set of two drums and two gongs, p'ungmul is a South Korean tradition of rural folk percussion. Steeped in music, dance, theater, and pageantry, but centrally focused on rhythm, such ensembles have been an integral part of village life in South Korea for centuries, serving as a musical accompaniment in the often overlapping and shifting contexts of labor, ritual, and entertainment.
Professor Hesselink's talk will be preceded by a demonstration of p'ungmul byEGO. EGO is the UC Berkeley student group that practices and promotes traditional Korean Drumming, p'ungmul, on campus.
The first book to introduce Korean drumming and dance to the English-speaking world, Nathan Hesselink's P'ungmul offers detailed descriptions of its instrumentation, dance formations, costuming, actors, teaching lineages, and the complexities of training. Hesselink also evaluates how this tradition has taken on new roles and meanings in the twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries, investigating the interrelated yet contested spheres of history, memory, government policy, grassroots politics, opportunities for musical transmission, and performance practices and aesthetics. P'ungmul offers those interested in ethnomusicology, world music, anthropology, sociology, and Asian studies a special glimpse into the inner workings of a historically rich, artistically complex, and aesthetically and aurally beautiful Korean musical and dance tradition.
Nathan Hesselink is a researcher-performer of South Korean percussion traditions. He received his Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from the University of London, SOAS, and was a postdoctoral research fellow in Korean studies at the University of California, Berkeley. His publications include Contemporary Directions: Korean Folk Music Engaging the Twentieth Century and Beyond (ed., University of California, 2001) and P'ungmul: South Korean Drumming and Dance (University of Chicago, 2006), as well as articles in Ethnomusicology, Asian Music, British Journal of Ethnomusicology, Tongyang Umak, Journal of Musicological Research, and others. Former President of the Association for Korean Music Research, he has received grants from Fulbright, FLAS, The Korea Foundation, and The Ouseley Memorial Trust.
Program followed by reception and book-signing.
Other programs in the IEAS Book Series: New Perspectives on East Asia.
The Chinese Media and the Environment: A Conversation with Orville Schell
Hu Shuli, Editor, Caijing magazine
Orville Schell, Dean, Graduate School of Journalism
February 20, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Graduate School of Journalism
Hu Shuli, editor of China's business and finance magazine, Caijing, will discuss, "The Chinese Media and Environment," with Orville Schell, Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism. Since founding the magazine in 1998, Hu Shuli has been the driving force behind Caijing magazine, China's most influential business journal. The publication is known for its aggressive pursuit of investigative reporting, especially its exposés on government corruption and corporate fraud in China.
Contemplation and Education: Landscape of Research
Father Thomas Keating OSCO, Founder of the Centering Prayer Movement and Contemplative Outreach
Venerable Tenzin LS Priyadarshi, Visiting Scholar and Buddhist Chaplain at MIT and President of the Prajnopaya Foundation
Professor Tobin Hart, Professor of Psychology at the University of West Georgia
February 21, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Institute for Buddhist Studies, Graduate Theological Union, The Impact Foundation, The Prajnopaya Foundation-MIT, Contemplative Outreach
Contemplation has been recognized across time and culture as essential to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, yet it remains almost entirely absent from today's curriculum and pedagogy. Contemplative knowing is a missing link, one that affects student performance, character, and depth of understanding. This panel discussion will feature Father Thomas Keating OSCO (Christian elder and monk, founder of Centering Prayer Movement); Venerable Tenzin LS Priyadarshi (Buddhist contemplative and Chaplain at MIT); and Professor Tobin Hart, Ph.D., (Professor of Psychology, University of West Georgia). The panelists will talk about the insights to contemplative practice, current research, and the practical and natural role of contemplation in life-long learning, including formal education.
Father Thomas Keating OCSO is the founder of the Centering Prayer Movement and Contemplative Outreach and former chair of the Monastic Inter-religious Dialogue. He is known as one of the world's most revered teachers of the contemplative dimensions of Christianity. He was Superior of St. Benedict's Monastery of Snowmass, and the Abbot of St. Joseph's Abbey.
Venerable Tenzin LS Priyadarshi received his ordination and studied under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He has degrees in Philosophy and Physics, and a masters in Comparative Religion from Harvard. He is currently a Visiting Scholar and Buddhist Chaplain at MIT and the President of the Prajnopaya Foundation. For more information, please visit www.prajnopaya.org or www.imonk.org
Professor Tobin Hart is a teacher, psychologist, researcher, and Professor of Psychology at the Univ. of West Georgia. He is the President of the ChildSpirit Institute, dedicated to exploring and nurturing the inner life of children and adults. His work has been at the frontier of an integration of spirituality, psychology, consciousness research and education. For more information, please visit www.westga.edu/~psydept/hart.html
For more information, please call 617.395.7988 or email info@theimpactfoundation.org
Unionizing Wal-Mart in China
Xin Tong, Director, The Research Center of China's Workers, Peking University
February 21, 2007
Lecture conducted in Chinese with English translation
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Labor Research and Education, Institute of Industrial Relations
Rocky Stability versus Social Volcano?: Distributive Injustice Feelings in China
Martin K. Whyte, Professor, Sociology, Harvard
February 23, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Discussant: Tom Gold, Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Berkeley
The talk will use data from a China national survey that Whyte directed in 2004 to examine popular attitudes of Chinese citizens toward how fair or unfair current inequalities are. Two primary questions will be examined: (1) In general, how angry versus accepting are Chinese citizens' sentiments toward current patterns of inequality? (2) Among which social groups, and in which locales, are feelings of distributive injustice most intense?
BCSSA Career Development Seminar
37 Years After Berkeley — Business and Cultural Experiences of a Chinese-American
Ta-lin Hsu, Founder and Chairman, H&Q Asia Pacific, Member of Advisory Board, Haas School of Business, U.C. Berkeley
February 23, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association
Admission: Free; Refreshments will be provided.
Pre-registration required, RSVP to <bcssa2@hotmail.com> with your name in the subject line.
The China Economic Miracle: How Stable Is It?
Howard French, UC Regents' Lecturer, Graduate School of Journalism
February 26, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, Graduate School of Journalism
Award-winning New York Times foreign correspondent Howard French is a UC Regents' Lecturer at the Graduate School of Journalism. Mr. French will share his experiences covering China and running the Shanghai Bureau of The New York Times, which he has been presiding over since 2003.
This event is free and open to the general public with disability-related accommodations available in Sibley Auditorium.
Same Choice, Different Rewards: Shanghai's Financial Changes from 1927–1937
Xue Nianwen, Associate Professor, Business Ethics, Tongji University
February 28, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
This talk considers how different styles of management led to the decline of native banks (Qianzhuang) and commensurate rise of modern banks in Shanghai between 1927–1937.
Chinese History from the Viewpoint of Medicine
Nathan Sivin, Professor Emeritus, Chinese Culture and History of Science, University of Pennsylvania
February 28, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Office for History of Science & Technology, Department of History
The Nexus of Power: War, Market and the State Formation in Later Imperial China, 1000-1450
Guanglin Liu, Assistant Professor, History, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
March 1, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of History
Finance and taxes are of fundamental importance to the survival of a sovereign state; both offer detailed accounts of how the state attempts to secure a larger share in redistribution of wealth and resources. However, in the current literature, opinions on traditional Chinese finance and taxes stress continuity in the state building as the major theme. The traditional Chinese state was an agrarian empire or, as one scholar put it, a "physiocratic state", a state that could merely control a tiny share of national incomes through land taxes. In this essay, I will argue that, from the eleventh through the eighteenth century, there were three kinds of state administration in later imperial China. First, the Song state can be termed the fiscal state, as its statehood was largely ensured by administration through market means. Secondly, the early Ming regime demonstrated another kind of powerful state administration, which I define as the despotic state, by exerting direct control over populace and resources. The third kind, the physiocratic state is true only for the Chinese state from the sixteenth century down to the early twentieth century, a well-known story of a state with quite limited power. The strength of the Song state lay, in a large sense, in its effective control of the wealth and sources through market means, especially its mechanism of public finance and indirect taxes. It is a marked success in contrast to the backwardness of state finance and taxes in the succeeding Chinese dynasties. The fiscal performance of the state in Song China represented a significant breakthrough in the construction of a fiscal state as early as in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Such a divergence demonstrates a contingent path of the state building in later imperial China independent from long-term changes in the economy. In pursuit of its own power, the Chinese state unavoidably came to face a market society in all three cases. The way the state chose to extract resources for expansion of its influence, and consequently the agenda the state set up to resolve contemporary problems was congruent with changes in the environment and the different concerns of the ruling class. Such a procedure of state building will largely define the relation between the state and market economy. Nonetheless, the choices made by the state at the beginning in turn constrained its ability to make decisions. Past choices preclude certain strategies or make them costly. Once new structures and institutions are in place, they can affect profoundly in the succeeding development of the administrative apparatus. The different natures of state building in pre-industrial China as shown in eleventh-century Song and post-Song suggest that the formation of financial systems was a state-centered scenario rather than an adaptive evolution in response to changes in the economy and society.
Buddhist Material Culture and the Construction of Pan-Asianism in Pre-War Japan
Richard M. Jaffe, Japanese Religion, Duke University
March 2, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Japanese Studies
Late-nineteenth and early twentieth century Japanese Buddhism was marked by a wide-ranging fascination with Buddhist origins in India. This Indian turn in Japanese Buddhist circles manifested not only in elite academic scholarship, but also in Buddhist art and architecture. In this paper the speaker considers the early twentieth century artistic and architectural production of Ito Chuta and Otani Kozui to deploy Indian and Southeast Asian Buddhist art as part of the effort to create a universalized Japanese Buddhism.
Richard M. Jaffe received his Ph.D. in religious studies with a concentration in Buddhist studies from Yale University in 1995. He is a specialist in modern Japanese Buddhism. His teaching interests include both Buddhism and Japanese religions. His publications include Neither Monk nor Layman: Clerical Marriage in Modern Japanese Buddhism (Princeton University Press, 2002) and Seeking Shakyamuni: World Travel and the Creation of Modern Japanese Buddhism (forthcoming in Japanese). He currently is working on a book about Japanese Buddhist travel and the transformation of Buddhism in late-nineteenth century Japan.
Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid, and Reform
Stephan Haggard, Professor, Graduate School of International Relations & Pacific Studies, UC San Diego
March 2, 2007
Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies
In the mid-1990s, as many as one million North Koreans died in one of the worst famines of the twentieth century. The socialist food distribution system collapsed primarily because of a misguided push for self-reliance, but was compounded by the regime's failure to formulate a quick response-including the blocking of desperately needed humanitarian relief.
As households, enterprises, local party organs, and military units tried to cope with the economic collapse, a grassroots process of marketization took root. However, rather than embracing these changes, the North Korean regime opted for tentative economic reforms with ambiguous benefits and a self-destructive foreign policy. As a result, a chronic food shortage continues to plague North Korea today.
In their carefully researched book, Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland present the most comprehensive and penetrating account of the famine to date, examining not only the origins and aftermath of the crisis but also the regime's response to outside aid and the effect of its current policies on the country's economic future. Their study begins by considering the root causes of the famine, weighing the effects of the decline in the availability of food against its poor distribution. Then it takes a close look at the aid effort, addressing the difficulty of monitoring assistance within the country, and concludes with an analysis of current economic reforms and strategies of engagement.
North Korea's famine exemplified the depredations that can arise from tyrannical rule and the dilemmas such regimes pose for the humanitarian community, as well as the obstacles inherent in achieving economic and political reform. To reveal the state's culpability in this tragic event is a vital project of historical recovery, one that is especially critical in light of our current engagement with the "North Korean question."
Stephan Haggard is the Lawrence and Sallye Krause Professor at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego. He is the author of Pathways from the Periphery; The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions (with Robert Kaufman); and The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis. His current research is on democracy, globalization, and social policy in East Asia, Latin America, and Central Europe.
Program followed by reception and book-signing.
Other programs in the IEAS Book Series: New Perspectives on East Asia.
Legal Uncertainty in Foreign Investment in China: Causes and Management
Stanley Lubman, Lecturer, Boalt School of Law
March 5, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for the Study of Law and Society
Although foreign direct investment (FDI) in China has developed remarkably since economic reform began in 1979, foreign investors encounter many difficulties, of which one has been the difficulty of ascertaining the rules that might apply to their activities. Legal uncertainty marks the investment atmosphere, and to attract FDI local governments have adopted a variety of tactics, many of which violate national laws and policies. Discussion will focus on major causes of uncertainty and strategies for dealing with it, and will end by speculating about the future.
The Social History of the Book in China: Sibao and Late Imperial Book Culture
Cynthia Brokaw, Professor, History, Ohio State University
March 5, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of History
Beyond the Ivory Tower: Alternative Careers for Asia Specialists
March 7, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies, Career Center, Group in Asian Studies
The "East Asia Career Forum" provides a platform to help Berkeley undergraduate and graduate students explore the diversity of career paths related to East Asia. Panelists will provide hands-on information about career decision-making, job search strategies and opportunities for gaining professional experience in different areas, including journalism, consulting, and publishing.
Attendance is limited to 40 individuals and space will be on a first come, first serve basis. Lunch will be provided during the panel. Please RSVP by February 28 to either asianst@berkeley.edu or shawna@berkeley.edu.
Charles Burress is the East Bay Bureau Chief for the San Francisco Chronicle. A staff writer with the Chronicle for eighteen years and a free-lance writer, editor, and reporter in the U.S., Japan, and Canada for over twenty-five years, Mr. Burress is a graduate of UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism.
Daniella Gould is the Director of North America and East Asia for Impactt Limited, an international consulting firm. Ms. Gould is a graduate of UC Berkeley's Group in Asian Studies Masters Program.
David Fraser has worked as a journalist in China and the U.S for over thirty years. He earned the Ph.D. in East Asian History from UC Berkeley and is currently Managing Editor of Asian Survey, UC Berkeley's premier publication on Asian Studies.
Moderated by: Hilary Finchum-Sung, Group in Asian Studies, UC Berkeley.
The Repeal of the Agricultural Tax and Its Impact on Rural Governance in China
Chen An, Associate Professor, Political Science, National University of Singapore
March 7, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Much Ado About the Appearance and Perception of Water: Attempts Made by the Four Major Schools of Tibetan Buddhism to Resolve Ontological and Epistemological Problems
Dorji Wangchuk, University of Hamburg
March 8, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
Tibetan Buddhist scholars generally tried to adhere to the doctrines of Indian Buddhism, but we do encounter philosophical theories and interpretations that are purely Tibetan, typically due to the scholars' attempts to resolve conflicts and inconsistencies found in the heterogeneous Indian Buddhist scriptures and systems. The varying Tibetan positions on the ontological status of water and the validity of its perception re intriguing examples. According to Indian Buddhist sources, sentient beings of different realms are said to perceive what is known to humans as 'water' differently. Tibetan Buddhist scholars have pondered whether there is a common and shared object of perception, and if so, what it is. Further, they consider whether any of these perceptions are valid, and if so, which and why? Wangchuk will show how scholars from the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism came to their various conclusions and point out the possible practical (e.g. ethical) implications of such theoretical deliberations.
Dorji Wangchuk is at present a lector (Tibetology) and research scholar (Indo-Tibetan Buddhism) at the Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, University of Hamburg. His general area of interest lies in the intellectual history and philosophy of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism (i.e. Abhidharma, Pramana, Yogacara, Madhyamaka, Prajñaparamita, Tantra, and rDzogs-chen). His most recent study, "The Resolve to Become a Buddha: A Study of the Bodhicitta Concept in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism" (forthcoming), deals with the various aspects of tantric and non-tantric Mahayana soteriology centering on the idea of bodhicitta ('the resolve to [attain the highest state of] awakening'). Currently he is preparing a critical edition of the *Guhyagarbhatantra, an important tantric scripture of the rNying-ma school of Tibetan Buddhism.
Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia
March 8, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Institute of International Studies, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Asia Society of Northern California
Non-traditional security (NTS) issues are challenges to the survival and well-being of peoples and states that arise primarily out of non-military sources, such as climate change, resource scarcity, infectious diseases, natural disasters, irregular migration, food shortages, people smuggling, drug trafficking and transnational crime. These dangers are often transnational in scope, defying unilateral remedies and requiring comprehensive — political, economic, social — responses, as well as humanitarian use of military force. The study of these issues are critical given the current circumstances of global politics, where interstate and non-state cooperation is crucial in addressing emerging threats that bear adverse regional and global consequences.
The Consortium of Non-Traditional Security Studies in Asia (NTS-Asia) is a newly established network in the Asia that engages on a wide-range of emerging non-traditional security issues in the region. It was formally established on 8 January 2007 and comprises 14 research institutes and think tanks from across Asia. NTS-Asia aims to develop further the process of networking among scholars and analysts working on NTS issues in the region, to build long-term and sustainable regional capacity for research, and to mainstream and advance the field of non-traditional security studies in Asia and beyond. The S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore serves as the Coordinator and the Secretariat for NTS-Asia.
NTS-Asia's dissemination meetings are geared at raising awareness of emerging NTS issues and challenges in the Asian region as well as facilitate the exchange of information and experiences in responding to a wide range of NTS threats confronting the region. These dissemination meetings are also aimed at building regional capacity and expertise on the broad field of non-traditional security by bringing together scholars, analysts and the policy community at large to help the wider community understand how and why certain issues need to be securitised in order for various actors, both state and non-state, to respond to these challenges adequately.
8:30 — Registration/coffee/light breakfast
9:00–9:15 — Introductory remarks
Amitav Acharya (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore)
Mely Caballero-Anthony (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore)
T.J. Pempel (Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley)
9:15–10:15 — Panel 1: Infectious Disease and Migration
Moderator: Christopher Ansell (Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley)
Speaker: Mely Caballero-Anthony (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore)
Speaker: Tasneem Siddiqui (Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU), Bangladesh)
Discussant: You-tien Hsing (Department of Geography, UC Berkeley)
10:15–10:30 — Coffee/tea break
10:30–11:30 — Panel 2: Terrorism in Asia
Moderator: Jeffrey Hadler (Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies, UC Berkeley)
Speaker: Syed Rifaat Hussain (Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Sri Lanka)
Discussant: Justin Hastings (Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley)
11:30–12:30 — Panel 3: China's Approach to Non-traditional Security
Moderator: Thomas Gold (Department of Sociology, UC Berkeley)
Speaker: Jia Duqiang (Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Speaker: Li Dongyan (Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Discussant: Lowell Dittmer (Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley)
12:30–1:30 — Lunch Break
1:30–2:30 — Roundtable Discussion on the Role of the United States and UN
Moderator: Amitav Acharya (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore)
Moderator: T.J. Pempel (Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley)
2:30–2:45 — Closing Remarks
Against the Law: Labor Protests in China's Rustbelt and Sunbelt
Ching Kwan Lee, Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Michigan
March 8, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of Sociology
How does the world's largest workforce confront market reform and globalization? Drawing on a comparative ethnographic study of labor activism in China's rustbelt and sunbelt, this talk will offer an analysis of the relation between state developmental strategies, local labor systems, and the constitution of workers' insurgent subjectivities.
Does a Buddha Possess Gnosis (jñ na: ye shes)?: A Dispute Among Madhyamaka Exponents in India and Tibet
Orna Almogi, University of Hamburg
March 8, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
A controversy concerning the existence and nature of the buddha's gnosis (jñ na: ye shes) apparently emerged in India in the 7th or 8th centuries and reached its peak in the 11th century, with the growing influence of Yogacara-Madhyamaka, the followers of which adopted various Yogacara theories of knowledge for establishing the conventional truth. The debate surrounding the existence of gnosis was taken up by various Tibetan scholars with great interest, and discussions of it have continued to the present day. Almogi will discuss the different positions of the Madhyamaka subschools on this issue, as presented by the 11th-century Tibetan scholar Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po, and will provide a summary of the main issues of the debate, at the center of which stands the question of how a buddha is able to act in the world for the benefit of living beings.
Orna Almogi is currently an adjunct lecturer for Tibetan Studies at the Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, University of Hamburg. Her major areas of interest are the different concepts of Buddhahood found in the various Indian and Tibetan Buddhist scriptures as well as doctrinal and historical issues related to the rNying-ma school of Tibetan Buddhism, particularly those surrounding the eleventh-century scholar Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po. She is also interested in Tibetan literature in general and worked for the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project and its follow-up project, the Nepalese-German Manuscript Cataloguing Project, for six years, and was responsible for the publication of the CD containing the preliminary list of the Tibetan material microfilmed by the project in Nepal.
Girl-time and Commodity Aesthetics: The Feminization of Japanese Mass Culture
Tomiko Yoda, Japanese Literature, Duke University
March 9, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
Tomiko Yoda is Associate Professor of Asian and African Languages and Literature, Duke University. She received Ph.D. in Japanese Stanford University. She specializes in Japanese literature, intellectual history, gender, and feminist studies. Her Recent Publications include: Japan After Japan: Social and Cultural Life From the Recessionary 90s to the Present. Duke University Press, Summer, 2006. (co-ed). Also her recent work entitled "Kogyaru and the Political Economy of Feminized Consuer Culture" Zappa: the Social Space and Movements of Contemporary Japan has been accepted for publication.
The Autumn Harvest: Peasants and Markets in the Post-Corporatist Rural China
Xueguang Zhou, Professor, Sociology, Stanford University
March 9, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Discussant: Kevin O'Brien, Professor, Political Science, UC Berkeley
The harvest season is the occasion for peasants to realize returns to their year-long hard work, which provides the main source of income for their households. For the peasants in rural China, the harvest season is also the occasion when several different worlds — the business world of large companies, the entrepreneurial world of middlemen, local elites, and peasant households — are compressed into the same social space, inducing intensive economic and social interactions, thereby crystallizing social relations among villagers, between villagers and local elites, and between peasants and markets. Based on my ethnographic research in a township in Northern China, I ask: What are the implications of market experiences for the peasants and their search for institutions of governance? How does the autumn harvest episode inform us of institutional changes in rural China?
Voice in Japanese Literature: Symposium in Honor of Susan Matisoff
March 10, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Man'yôshû Reception in the Heian and Kamakura Periods
Robert Huey, University of Hawaii
Love Among the Ruins: Depictions of the Kawara-no-in in Medieval Nô Plays
Paul Atkins, University of Washington
The Woman Warrior Tomoe in Bangai Nô
Elizabeth Oyler, University of Illinois
Who is the Clint Eastwood of Medieval Japan?: Competing Masculinities in Gunki monogatari
Roberta Strippoli, University of Naples
Unsilencing the Silent: Prequeling and Sequeling in Chikamatsu's Komochi yamauba
Janice Kanemitsu, University of California, Berkeley
Questioning Chastity in Taisho Popular Fiction: Kikuchi Kan's Shinju fujin
Michiko Suzuki, Indiana University
Lady Ise Remix — Michitsuna no haha's Making of Literature
John Wallace, University of California, Berkeley
Half Made-up, or How the Truth is Properly Told in Kengozen's Tamakiwaru
C. Miki Wheeler, University of California, Berkeley
Vision, Violence, and Voice in Mori Ôgai's "Masui"
Michael Foster, University of California, Riverside
Jizô, Datsueba, and the Sai no kawara: on the Illustrations in Two Illustrated Books of Fuji no hito ana in the New York Public Library's Spencer Collection
Hank Glassman, Haverford College
Saigyô's Wanderings in Hell
Joseph Sorensen, University of California, Davis
A Woman at the Top: The Solo Poetry Contest of Eifukumon-in
Stefania Burk, University of British Columbia
Voices of Anguish: Kudoki and Monogatari Scenes in Kabuki
Katherine Saltzman-Li, University of California, Santa Barbara
Typologies of the Subject in Zeami's Go on
Tom Hare, Princeton University
The Role of The Supreme People's Procuratorate in Promoting Respect for Human Rights and Rule of Law in China
Dan Wei, Professor, Institute for Procuratorial Theory, Supreme People's Procuratorate
March 12, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, Boalt School of Law
As a professor and senior researcher at the Institute for Procuratorial Theory of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China, Dr. Dan Wei focuses on the comparative study of criminal law. Since receiving his PhD degree from Wuhan University in 1999, he has published 5 books and more than 40 articles in the field of criminal justice. His book The Comparative Studies on the Crimes of Trafficking in Person, published by the Law Press of China in June 2004, is the first one specializing in this area of criminal justice. Dr. Dan also serves as the deputy editor-in-chief of Chinese Criminal Science, and has established the journal as the most authoritative one in the field of criminal science in China, with a readership of over 20,000. In recent years, Dr. Wei has participated in numerous academic activities concerned with legal reform in China and, in 2004, was recipient of a Special Award from the State Council of the People's Republic of China for his work in this field.
Recent Developments in Chinese Labor Law and the Response of Foreign Investors
Liu Cheng, Professor, Law and Politics, Shanghai Normal University
March 12, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, Center for Labor Research and Education, Institute of Industrial Relations, Boalt School of Law
Kobayashi Hideo: French Symbolism, Shishosetsu-ron, and After
Atsuo Morimoto, Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University
March 13, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
(The talk will be delivered in Japanese.)
This talk will examine how Kobayashi Hideo, creating his own critical idioms through the study of French Symbolists such as Paul Valéry, had to return to the idea of "Japanese-ness" after he epitomized the critical trend around 1935 in the essay Shishosetsu ron (Essay on the I-novel). The following issues will also be considered: the discourse on shishosetsu (I-novel) at the time was more diversified than what is generally known by Nakamura Mitsuo's postwar summary; and the I-novel discourse had certain affinities with the jingoistic sentiment of the time. <
Morimoto Atsuo is Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University. His main field of research is French Literature with a focus on Paul Valéry. He is author of Kobayashi Hideo no ronri (The Logic of Kobayashi Hideo, 2002) and Mikan no Valéry (Unfinished Valéry, 2004)His doctorate dissertation on Paul Valéry, submitted to Université Blaise Pascal — Clermont II in 2005, is being prepared for publication.
Understanding Tibetan Monastic Music in the 21st Century
March 14, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Cal Performances
This panel will provide an introduction to Tibetan musical structure and theory in preparation for the evening's performance by the Gyuto Monks. The panel will also situate the monks' performance in the context of the history of Tibetan monastic rituals and will include anthropologicalperspectives on the cultural transformations that occur when a ritual is displaced from the monastery to the stage. Panel participants include: Ben Bogin, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley; Keila Diehl, Lecturer, Stanford University; and Jessie Wallner, Ph.D. candidate, Indiana University. The panel discussion is organized in conjunction with the performance of the Gyuoto Monks Tibetan Tantric Choir on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 8 pm at Zellerbach Hall, presented by CalPerformances in association with the Center for Buddhist Studies and the Institute of East Asian Studies.
A Traveling Text: Souvenirs entomologiques and Shanghai Neo-Senstionism
Hsiao-yen Peng, Researcher, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
March 14, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
The Hong Kong poet Ogai Kamome (Ouwai Ou) published a seemingly nonsensical palm-of-the-hand story in Furen huabao (The women's pictorial) in 1934. Titled "Yanjiu chujiao de sangeren" (The three who study antennas), it used the science of insect behavior to interpret man-and-woman love in a playful fashion, typical of Neo-Sensationist stories. But the meaning of the mini-story goes beyond pleasantry. Although no names or books are ever mentioned, it implies Lu Xun's advocacy of Jean-Henri Fabre's ten volume work Souvenirs entomologiques: étude sur l'instinct et les moeurs des insects (Memories of insects: study on the instinct and manners of insects; 1879-1907) during the 1920s. Lu Xun, who did not know French, read the Japanese translation, titled Konchûki (Book of insects, 1922-1931), by Osugi Sakae and Shiina Sonoji, two anarchists during the Daisho period. The intriguing questions this paper addresses include: Why were anarchists attracted to Fabre's work? Did it ever occur to Lu Xun, who used Fabre's work to comment on the Chinese national character, that science carried special meanings for anarchism? Was Ogai Kamome, intending to ridicule intellectuals like Lu Xun, aware of the complex implications of Fabre's work, including his famous disputes with Charles Darwin on the theory of evolution? This paper will explore how texts and ideas travel in the Euro-Asian context, and how certain values are lost during the transaction, while others are accrued during the process.
High Tech Intellectual Property Issues in China
March 15, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Association of Taiwanese, erkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association (BCSSA), Student Organization for Advanced Legal Studies (SOALS)
Professor Robert P. Merges, Boalt Hall School of Law
Professor Chenming Hu, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor Henry Chesbrough, Haas School of Business
Mr. Tom Savage, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Mr. Scott Anthony, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
This event is organized and sponsored by Berkeley Association of Taiwanese Students (BATS), Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association (BCSSA), and Student Organization for Advanced Legal Studies (SOALS).
Outcasts, Treaty Ports and the Meanings of "Liberation": Revisiting Meiji Japan's Emancipatory Moment
Daniel Botsman, History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
March 16, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
This presentation explores the background to the so-called "Emancipation Edict for Outcasts" (buraku kaihorei) issued by Japan's Meiji government in 1871. It focuses on the role of an official named Oe Taku (1847-1921), who is generally credited with having first proposed the Edict, and delves into the social history of one particular outcast community on the outskirts of the newly opened treaty port of Kobe, which Oe later claimed inspired his interest in the issue. At a thematic level, the paper considers how experiences and stories that carry localized meanings at one point in time come to be appropriated and woven into larger narratives of progress and nation in modern Japan
Daniel Botsman is Associate Professor at the Department of History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He received his Ph.D. in History from Princeton University. His main field of research is the social history of Japan in the late Tokugawa and the Meiji periods. He is the author of Punishment and Power in the Making of Modern Japan (2005).
Summer Palace (颐和园)
March 17, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
Lou Ye (China/France, 2006, 140 mins, In Mandarin with English subtitles, Color, 35mm)
Sponsored by the Pacific Film Archive — Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
March 18, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
Nick Broomfield (U.K., 2006, 96 mins, In English and Mandarin with English subtitles, Color, 35mm)
Sponsored by the Pacific Film Archive — Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
On Contemporary Art
Hou Hanru, Curator, San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI)
March 19, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of Art Practice
Recently appointed the director of exhibitions and public programs at the San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI), Hou Hanru is a noted curator and critic of contemporary art.
Hou is internationally-recognized in the art world for his critical and curatorial innovation and global perspective. He most recently served as the artistic director of the 2nd Guangzhou Triennale where he co-curated Beyond: An Extraordinary Space of Experimentation for Modernization (China, 2005). Other recent curatorial projects include Go Inside, the 3rd Tirana Biennale (Albania, 2005), Out of Sight (Netherlands, 2005), and A L'Ouest Du Sud De L'Est / A L'Est Du Sud De L'Ouest (France, 2004).
Hou has also been an independent curator on a number of noted international exhibitions including Z.O.UZone of Urgency (50th Venice Biennale, 2003), P_A_U_S_E, the 4th Gwangju Biennale (Gwangju, Korea, 2002), Cities on the Move (Secession, Vienna and six other venues in Europe, Asia, and the US, 19972000), and the landmark China/Avant-Garde co-curated with Gao Minglu at China's National Art Gallery (China, 1989).
Hou is the French correspondent for Flash Art International and a regular contributor to several other journals on contemporary art including Frieze, Art Monthly, Third Text, Art and Asia Pacific, Domus, Atlantica, Texte Zur Kunst , and Tema Celeste . Most recently, Hou was appointed Curator of the 10th International Istanbul Biennial, which will take place from September to November 2007.
Born in 1963 in Guangzhou, China, Hou Hanru studied at the Central Institute of Fine Arts in Beijing. Prior to his appointment at SFAI, Hou lived and worked in Paris as an independent critic and curator and as Professor at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam, and as Visiting Professor at Hoger Instituut voor Shone Kunsten in Belgium.
Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture has Invaded the U.S.
Roland Kelts, Lecturer, University of Tokyo, and Editor, "A Public Space" Literary Journal
March 20, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Graduate School of Journalism
Contemporary Japanese pop culture such as anime and manga (Japanese animation and comic books) is Asia's equivalent of the Harry Potter phenomenon — an overseas export that has taken America by storm. While Hollywood struggles to fill seats, Japanese anime releases are increasingly outpacing American movies in number and, more importantly, in the devotion they inspire in their fans. But just as Harry Potter is both "universal" and very English, anime is also deeply Japanese, making its popularity in the United States totally unexpected. Japanamerica is the first book that directly addresses the American experience with the Japanese pop phenomenon, covering everything from Hayao Miyazaki's epics, the burgeoning world of hentai, or violent pornographic anime, and Puffy Amiyumi, whose exploits are broadcast daily on the Cartoon Network, to literary novelist Haruki Murakami, and more. With insights from the artists, critics, readers and fans from both nations, this book is as literate as it is hip, highlighting the shared conflicts as American and Japanese pop cultures dramatically collide in the here and now. For more information visit http://www.japanamericabook.com/.
Roland Kelts is a Lecturer at the University of Tokyo and a co-editor of the New York-based literary journal, A Public Space. His first novel, Access, will be published next year. His articles, essays, and stories have been published in Zoetrope, Playboy, Salon, The Village Voice, Newsday, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and The Japan Times, among others. He has lectured at New York University, Rutgers University and Barnard College, and he is a graduate of Oberlin College and Columbia University. He currently splits his time between New York and Tokyo.
Program followed by reception and book-signing.
Other programs in the IEAS Book Series: New Perspectives on East Asia.
Karma, Curse, or Divine Illusion: The Destruction of the Buddha's Clan and the Slaughter of the Yâdavas
Phyllis Granoff, Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Yale University, and Visiting Scholar, Center for Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley
March 22, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
The early Indian tradition knows of two instances of genocide in which the clan of a famous person was slaughtered. They are the slaughter of the Buddha's own clan, the Sakyas, and the slaughter of the Yâdavas, relatives of the god Krsna. This paper examines the treatment of the genocides in a range of texts, including the Pali Jatakas, Mahabharata, Bhagavata Purana, and vernacular versions of the epic from Northeast India.
Phyllis Granoff received her Ph.D. from Harvard University in Sanskrit and Indian Studies and Fine Arts. She is presently a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley (Spring 2007). She teaches at Yale University in the Department of Religious Studies and serves as the Chair of the South Asian Studies Council. Her research interests include the development of classical Hinduism, medieval Jainism, and early Mahayana approaches to image worship.
Do Over (一年之初)
March 23, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
Cheng Yu-Chieh (Taiwan, 2006, 113 mins, In Mandarin with English subtitles, Color, 35mm)
Sponsored by the Pacific Film Archive — Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
Women, Iron, and Useful Things in Republican Martial Arts Fiction
Petrus Liu, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, Cornell University
April 5, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of East Asian Langugaes & Cultures
This talk analyzes Wang Dulu's invention of a unique prose style in such texts as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the context of the contradictions of Chinese industrialization. I argue that the figure of nüxia (the female knight-errant) was invented as a narrative solution to the crisis of kinship and new forms of social interdependence engendered by capitalist modernity. The text should be read as a product of a distinct brand of Republican feminism that rewrote gender as anatomically discrete bodies at the expense of more traditional understandings of affect and yin/yang cosmology. As the emancipated new woman and the scientific management of China's natural resources came to be identified as icons of Chinese modernity in the Republican era, these tropes critically re-defined the narrative strategies and concerns of a longstanding popular genre in modern Chinese literature, martial arts fiction.
Natsuo Kirino, author of Grotesque and Out
April 6, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, The Japan Foundation (New York), Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, The Japan Society of Northern California
In her riveting new novel Grotesque, Kirino once again depicts a barely known Japan. This is the story of three Japanese women and the interconnectedness of beauty and cruelty, sex and violence, ugliness and ambition in their lives. Tokyo prostitutes Yuriko and Kazue have been brutally murdered, their deaths leaving a wake of unanswered questions about who they were, who their murderer is, and how their lives came to this end. As their stories unfurl in an ingeniously layered narrative, coolly mediated by Yuriko's older sister, we are taken back to their time in a prestigious girls' high school — where a strict social hierarchy decided their fates — and follow them through the years as they struggle against rigid societal conventions. Shedding light on the most hidden precincts of Japanese society today, Grotesque is both a psychological investigation into the female psyche and a classic work of noir fiction. It is a stunning novel, a book that confirms Natsuo Kirino's electrifying gifts.
Natsuo Kirino was born in 1951. The author of sixteen novels, four collections of short stories and one essay collection, she won the Japan Mystery Writers' Association Prize for Out in 1998, as well as the Naoki Prize, one of Japan's premier literary awards, for Soft Cheeks (which has not yet been published in English) in 1999. Several of her books have also been turned into movies and her work has been translated into more than 19 different languages. Out was the first of her novels to appear in English and was nominated for an Edgar Award. Grotesque, Kirino's next book to be translated into English, won the Izumi Kyoka Literary Award in Japan and was published by Alfred A. Knopf in March 2007.
Program followed by reception and book-signing.
Other programs in the IEAS Book Series: New Perspectives on East Asia
China and India: How Japan Approaches Asia's Two Giants
Ambassador Sakutaro Tanino, Former Japanese Ambassador to China and India
April 11, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, Japan Society of Northern California, Asia Society of Northern California, Center for South Asia Studies
China and India are frequently compared to a giant dragon and a giant elephant. There is much these two countries have in common, but there are also major differences. Ambassador Sakutaro Tanino will discuss how Japan has approached these two great giants in the past, and he will look at the present and future of Japan's bilateral relations with them.
Ambassador Tanino was born in Tokyo and attended the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo. Upon graduation in 1960, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and in 1989 was named Director-General of the Asian Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Tanino was subsequently named Cabinet Secretariat of the Chief Cabinet Councillors' Office on External Affairs. In 1995, he was appointed as Ambassador to India, and three years later became Ambassador to the People's Republic of China. Ambassador Tanino retired from the government in 2001 and became Director of Toshiba Corporation.
China's Global Activism: Strategy, Drivers, and Tools
Phillip C. Saunders, Senior Research Fellow, National Defense University
April 11, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
China's leaders have achieved remarkable success in building a booming economy and holding their political system together for 15 years after communism collapsed in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Although prospects for continued growth are good, Chinese leaders confront an international system dominated by the United States and a globalized world economy where sophisticated multinational corporations possess technology and management skills decades ahead of their Chinese competitors. China also faces a host of domestic challenges, ranging from the environmental degradation produced by headlong growth to social tensions created by rising inequality between coastal and interior provinces and between rural and urban workers. A senior public security official recently admitted that there were more than 74,000 mass protests involving 3.7 million people in 2004.
The party's response emphasizes efforts to alleviate social pressures by reducing the tax burden on rural residents and devising economic policies that will produce more balanced growth with fewer negative side effects. This represents an adjustment from previous policies focused on maximizing growth rates, but Chinese leaders will still emphasize the importance of continued rapid economic growth for maintaining domestic stability and attaining long-term policy goals. A prolonged economic downturn or slowdown in growth would aggravate social problems and likely stimulate increased protests.
Economic imperatives and strategic challenges are leading China to expand its international activities into different regions of the world. This paper analyzes the rationale and drivers for China's increased global activism; examines the tools China is employing and how they are being used; assesses the empirical evidence about priorities and patterns in China's global activities; and considers whether these activities reflect an underlying strategic design. The paper concludes with an overview of likely future developments and an assessment of the implications for the United States.
Discursive Frames in Early Japanese Photography
Allen Hockley, Art History, Dartmouth College
April 12, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, History of Art
Nineteenth-century Japanese photographs were highly mobile commodities. Produced in relatively large quantities and packaged in a variety of formats for Western consumers, they circulated among viewer constituencies that were fractured along national, class, and gendered lines. These constituencies were themselves mobile. As they returned home from their residencies or travels in Japan, the photographs they acquired entered new viewing contexts far removed geographically and chronologically from their points of origin. Images derived from photographs also circulated through a variety of Western print media, creating yet more consumer constituencies and viewing contexts.
The fractured and transient nature of this visual culture complicates any attempt to address issues of signification, as individual photographs were re-inscribed with new meanings in each of the viewing contexts through which they passed. This lecture adopts the concept of 'discursive frames' to manage this complexity. Working from the assumption that photographs have no intrinsic meaning in and of themselves, it examines instead the discourses photographs acquired in a variety of personal, social, cultural and commercial transactions.
Think Global, Fear Local: Sex, Violence, and Anxiety in Contemporary Japan
David Leheny, Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
April 13, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies
Examining both Japan's 9/11 counterterrorism strategies and the government's handling of the "compensated dating" problem (in which high school girls date adult men for money or presents), Think Global, Fear Local argues that global agreements on crime and justice can shape the local politics of fear and scapegoating. In both cases, police and security officials had long wanted to enhance the state's coercive authority — against external threats like potential North Korean saboteurs, and internal concerns like sexually active schoolgirls — but used international conventions directed at different problems to legitimize their efforts. Although the book draws attention to strategic action by political elites, it also draws heavily on the presentation of contemporary fears in Japanese popular culture.
David Leheny (Ph.D., Cornell University, 1998) is an associate professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of articles in English and Japanese, as well as his previous book, The Rules of Play: National Identity and the Shaping of Japanese Leisure (Cornell University Press, 2003).
Program followed by reception and book-signing.
Other programs in the IEAS Book Series: New Perspectives on East Asia.
To Count Grains of Sand on the Ocean Floor: The Availability and Perceptions of Books in Song Dynasty China
Ronald Egan, Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UCSB
April 13, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
The early stages of the transformation from manuscript to print culture occurred in China during the Song dynasty, roughly between 1000 to 1200 C.E. Owing to several types of printing that became steadily more widespread during the period (including government printing at all levels of the imperial bureaucracy, commercial printing, and private printing), the sheer number of books available and in wide circulation increased dramatically. The imperial collection increased five-fold in size, and private libraries grew from holdings of, say, 10,000 juan to some 100,000 juan. While this development has been written about extensively in Chinese-language scholarship, it has seldom been described in English-language accounts of the period. Still less has been done, in any language, to explore the ways this flood of books altered the ways people thought about the written word, reading, and learning generally. This paper looks at a few well-known Song scholarly and literary figures from the standpoint of the expanded availability of books to see how this perspective affects our understanding of what they said and did.
Discussant: Paula Varsano, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages & Cultures, UCB
On the Beat (民警故事)
April 14, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
Ning Ying (China, 1995, 102 mins, In Chinese with English subtitles, Color, 35mm)
Sponsored by the Pacific Film Archive — Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
Chung Kuo China (Chung Kuo Cina)
April 15, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
Michelangelo Antonioni (Italy/China, 1972, 217 mins, In Italian with English subtitles, Color, 35mm)
Sponsored by the Pacific Film Archive — Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
Sustainable Development in Asia: Coal, Oil, and Renewable Energy in China
Edgard Habib, Chief Economist for Chevron
Jiang Lin, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Doug Ogden, The Energy Foundation
April 16, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies, Asia Society of Northern California, China Circle, East-West Center Association of Northern California, USF Center for the Pacific Rim
Please RSVP to the Asia Society, 415-421-8707. $5 Members/Students, $12 Non-Members
With oil now costing more than $60/barrel, the price of natural gas having doubled in the last two years, and growing alarm over global warming, concern for sustainable energy practices has moved squarely into the mainstream. Nowhere is this clearer and more important than in China today. China relies heavily on imported oil and gas, and its rapid economic growth has directly contributed to global price hikes for both. Faced with increased prices and supply uncertainties, and despite mounting environmental costs, China has little choice in the short run but to increase its reliance on coal, which already supplies some two-thirds of China's energy. But recently the government also announced its goal of supplying 15 percent of China's energy needs with renewables by 2020.
Is this goal feasible? What is being done to achieve it? What is China doing to make coal-fired plants — its largest source of sulfur emissions, which cause global warming — more environmentally friendly? How can it better insure that regulations created in Beijing are actually enforced in the provinces? With venture capital investment exploding in clean technology as well as in China, what is the overlap between the two? How are NGO's helping to improve China's energy policies and practices?
Edgard H. Habib has served as the Chief Economist for Chevron Corporation since 2000. He has also held senior positions at the Mitsubishi Corporation and the International Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Jiang Lin is a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Dr. Lin's research focuses on energy use and policies in China, particularly energy efficiency policies. He has advised numerous government agencies in China as well as multilateral institutions like the World Bank and the United Nations.
Douglas Ogden is Executive Vice President of the Energy Foundation and Director of the China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP) in Beijing. CSEP is a partnership of private foundations that focuses on energy efficiency and renewable energy development in the PRC.
Taiwan's Claim to Statehood Re-Examined
Phil C. W. Chan, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa
April 18, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
The legal status of Taiwan remains one of the most important and troubling concerns of international relations, as the continual political stalemate and tensions have the potential of generating armed conflict and open hostility, not only across the Taiwan Strait but also between China and the United States, and of destabilising the security of the Asia-Pacific Region and the international community. Accordingly, it is the intention of this article to examine, on the basis of international law, whether China has a valid claim of sovereignty over Taiwan or Taiwan is an independent sovereign State entitled under international law to attendant rights and obligations. This Lecture, based on the Speaker's research to appear in the Australian Year Book of International Law, will discuss the implications of relevant peace treaties; the relevancy of foreign recognition of statehood; the operability of the doctrine of estoppel; the nature and extent of the right to self-determination; and the permissibility of the use of force, in connection with the Taiwan question.
Diasporic Visions: Screening of House of Spirit & special presentation of Nüshu — The Secret Language of Women's Writing
Weimin Zhang, Assistant Professor, Cinema, San Francisco State University
April 18, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Asian Cultural Studies Townsend Working Group, Asian Pacific American Studies Townsend Working Group
Free and open to the public. Seating limited to 80 people. First-come, first-served.
"House of Spirit" (2000, 42 minutes)
Shao Fang and her husband, Sheng Pao, were invited to apprentice with Frank Lloyd Wright in the late 1940s. Later, in Williamstown, West Virginia, this Chinese couple from China designed and built a house entirely by themselves. As a woman, as a Chinese, and as an artist, Shao Fang, now in her eighties, has led a highly unusual life. This film is a personal documentary of this indomitable soul and her spiritual house.
"NüShu — The Secret Language of Women's Writing" (a bilingual interactive DVD-Rom)
Nushu, a special female script created by and only for women, existed in southern China for thousands of years. In feudal China, women were denied educational opportunities and condemned to social isolation, but in Hunan province, peasant women developed a unique language called Nushu. This interactive bilingual DVD-rom is designed to help users explore the inner world of Nushu. This multimedia project also includes video and audio materials from Yang Huanyi, the last surviving writer and speaker of Nushu. Yang died on September 20, 2004 at the age of 95. Her death marked the end of the history of Nushu as a living language.
About the filmmaker: Weimin Zhang, an award winning filmmaker and professional cinematographer, is a Chinese Sixth Generation filmmaker and graduate of the Beijing Film Academy in the Department of Cinematography. Weimin has worked on numerous feature films, TV drama series and documentary films in both Chinese and U.S. film industries for over 15 years. She currently teaches film production in the Department of Cinema at San Francisco State University as an Assistant Professor.
Contacts: Amy Lee (amyklee@berkeley.edu) or Marguerite Nguyen (mbnguyen@berkeley.edu)
The Wonder-working Monk Reveals Himself to be the Twelve-headed Avalokiteshvara: Miracle or Esoteric Ritual?
Koichi Shinohara, Yale University
April 19, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
Yü Chün-fang in her learned study of Avalokiteshvara observes that certain famous wonder-working monks were later identified with Avalokiteshvara. Baozhi, for example, is said to have "peeled off his face" in front of Emperor Gao of Qi dynasty and then Emperor Wu of Liang dynasty and revealed himself to be the Twelve-faced Avalokiteshvara. I will argue that this connection between figures like Baozhi and Avalokiteshvara reflects a late development in Chinese Buddhism, and that the story offers us a clue to the growth of the esoteric cult Avalokitehsvara, which may have spread by adopting popular cults such as those of "divine" monks.
Koichi Shinohara is the Numata Visiting Professor in Buddhist Studies at the University of California, Berkeley for Spring 2007. He is a senior lecturer of Religious Studies in the Department of Religious Studies at Yale University, where he works primarily on Buddhism in East Asia. For the past several years his work has centered around the writings of an influential commentator on monastic practices and historian Daoxuan (596-677) and his collaborator Daoshi (d.u.) at the Ximingsi monastery in the capital city. Among his current projects is the study of the cult of a deity with a terrifying appearance, Shensha or Jinja ("Deep Sand"). This cult originated in China in connection with the story of a famous pilgrim to India and later became popular in Japan, where a temple bearing the name of the deity continues to flourish outside of Tokyo.
Changing Job and Housing Distributions under Marketization in Chinese Cities: A Study of Guangzhou
Si-Ming Li, Professor, Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
April 19, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Survey Research Center
In China, under the work-unit system, workers used to live in the work-unit compound where they worked. Yet with the economic and housing reforms, the work-unit system has undergone fundamental changes. Many work units have relocated the production plants to the suburbs and redeveloped the former work-unit compound in whole or in part to capitalize on rising land prices. Others may not survive the increased competition and have gone out of business. The almost perfect match between job and housing distributions is being torn apart at an increasingly rapid pace. The need for commuting is on the rise. Especially caught in the massive urban transformation are the low-income manual workers. The factories they used to work in have move out to the suburbs or simply disappeared. Yet they still have to reside in the old dilapidated housing provided by the work units. Unemployment is on the rise, although in some cases the work units the workers formerly worked in would still allow them to occupy the old and dilapidated work-unit housing in the former work-unit compound. A situation not unlike that of the spatial mismatch phenomenon in American cities (Kain, 1968; Houston, 2005) probably has emerged. Based on large-scale surveys conducted in Guangzhou in 2001 and 2005, this paper tries to examine the extent to which the separation between residence and workplace has increased and whether the spatial mismatch hypothesis holds in the Chinese case.
Co-sponsored by the Survey Research Center. Contact person: Iris Hui (iris_hui@berkeley.edu)
Integrating Demographic Data and Spatial Data for China Studies
Shuming Bao, Senior Research Coordinator for China Initiatives, China Data Center, University of Michigan
April 19, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, East Asian Library, Center for Chinese Studies Library
The China Data Center at the University of Michigan is an international center for advancing the study and understanding of China. This presentation will give an introduction to some China data products, data services, and China data applications in research and education. The presentation will demostrate how demographic data can be integrated with GIS maps of China at province, prefecture, county, and township levels, how to estimate the township boundaries, and how to project the demographic data into 1 sq km GRID data with multilayer information. Some innovative toolkits (web-based services and desktop software) will be introduced for advanced spatial data analysis and mapping of China.
Jeong Seon Revisited: His life and his art: Kumja Paik Kim
Kumja Paik Kim, First Korean Curator, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
April 20, 2007
Center for Korean Studies
Jeong Seon [Chŏng Sŏn] (1676– 1759) is one of the most admired painters in Korea. His paintings of Mt. Geumgang (Diamond Mountains) and Mt. Inwang are widely known and reproduced every year. Jeong Seon's electrifying brush strokes and assertive jet-black ink marks dazzled his contemporaries as they do today's viewers. He is credited with bringing Korean Jingyeong Sansu [Chingyŏng Sansu, "True-Scenery or True-View Landscape"] to its height during the early 18th century. Yet misunderstandings about Jeong Seon abound. Based on new research available in recent years, this lecture will clarify some aspects of his life and status, his friends and patrons, and his art.
Kumja Paik Kim received her Ph.D. in Asian Art History from Stanford University in 1982. In 1989 while teaching at San Jose State University she was appointed curator of Korean art at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, from which she retired in 2006. During her tenure she curated eight exhibitions including Profusion of Color: Korean Costumes and Wrapping Cloths which traveled to Seattle Art Museum and Peabody Essex Museum, Hopes and Aspirations: Decorative Painting of Korea shown at the University of Michigan Art Museum, and Goryeo Dynasty: Korea's Age of Enlightenment (918– 1392). Her articles have appeared in Artibus Asiae, Oriental Art, Orientations, Korean Culture, and Korea Journal. Her most recent publication is The Art of Korea: Highlights from the Collection of San Francisco's Asian Art Museum which came off the press in August, 2006. Currently she is working as special consultant for the new Korean gallery at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, scheduled to open December 2007.
On Chinese Culture (中华文化)
Zhongtian Yi (易中天), Professor, Xiamen University (厦门大学人文学院教授)
Free. Registration required.
Lecture conducted in Chinese
April 23, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association 伯克莱加大中国学生学者联谊会, 中国海外交流协会, 南海艺术中心
Lecture conducted in Chinese. Seating limited. Please RSVP to <bcssa2@hotmail.com> by Sunday April 22nd if you plan to attend.
由中国海外交流协会主办、南海艺术中心承办的《文化中国名家讲坛》的文化讲座,将邀请易中天教授于 4 月 23 日专程来伯克莱加大为同学们设专场,开讲他对中华文化的许多精辟见解,主讲《闲话中国人》和《品人录》。此场演讲由伯克莱加大中国学生学者联谊会协办。
易中天, 1947 年生, 湖南长沙人, 1981 年毕业于武汉大学,现任厦门大学人文学院教授,长期从事文学、艺术、美学、心理学、人类学、历史学等多学科和跨学科研究,著有《〈文心雕龙〉美学思想论稿》《艺术人类学》等著作。近年撰写出版了"易中天随笔体学术著作 · 中国文化系列" 四种:《闲话中国人》《中国的男人和女人》《读城记》和《品人录》。自 2005 年始, 易中天先生因在中国中央电视台 "百家讲坛" 主讲 "汉代风云人物" 而为公众所熟悉,一举成为当前内地最炙手可热的学者和作家。 他在中央电视台视《百家讲坛》开讲 "易中天品三国", 那妙语连珠、充满活力的说史风格,迷倒了无数 "易粉", 掀起民间 "汉风" 热潮。《易中天品读汉代风云人物》《品人录》等著作一纸风行。此次他将就《闲话中国人》、《读城记》及《品人录》等几个话题为广大在美侨胞和中国留学生举办讲座, 并与现场观众进行互动讨论。
The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls & Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient
Sheridan Prasso, Contributing Editor, Fortune magazine
April 24, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies, Bloomberg Business Reporting Program at the Graduate School of Journalism, Japan Society of Northern California
Few Westerners escape the images, expectations and misperceptions that lead us to see Asia as exotic, sensual, decadent, dangerous, and mysterious. Despite — and because of — centuries of East-West interaction, the stereotypes of Western literature, stage, and screen remain pervasive icons: the tea-pouring, submissive, sexually available geisha girl; the steely cold dragon lady dominatrix; as well as the portrayal of the Asian male as effeminate and asexual. These "Oriental" illusions color our relations and relationships in ways even well-respected professional "Asia hands" and scholars don't necessarily see.
The Asian Mystique lays out a provocative challenge to see Asia and Asians as they really are, with unclouded, deeroticized eyes. It traces the origins of Western stereotypes in history and in Hollywood, examines the phenomenon of "yellow fever," then goes on a reality tour of Asia's go-go bars, middle-class homes, college campuses, business districts, and corridors of power, providing intimate profiles of women's lives and vivid portraits of the human side of an Asia we usually mythologize too well to really understand. It strips away our misconceptions and stereotypes, revealing instead the fully dimensional human beings beyond our usual perceptions. The Asian Mystique is required reading for anyone with interest in or interaction with Asia or Asian-origin people, as well as any serious student or practicioner of East-West relations.
Sheridan Prasso has been writing about Asia for more than fifteen years. Currently, she is a Contributing Editor at Fortune magazine. Sheridan previously spent eight years with BusinessWeek, as its New York-based Asia Editor and as a Senior News Editor. She served as Cambodia Bureau Chief for Agence France-Presse (AFP) from 1991 to 1994, setting up the first permanent Western news bureau to reopen in Phnom Penh since 1975. She also worked in Hong Kong as an Asia Regional Correspondent, in Paris as a Europe/Africa Editor, and as a United Nations Correspondent for AFP. She started her career with The Associated Press (AP) in Washington, D.C. and Chicago, and later worked as an AP Business Writer. She has lived in Japan as a U.S.-Japan Foundation Media Fellow, and in China as a Knight International Press Fellow.Previously, Prasso was Asia Editor and a Senior News Editor for BusinessWeek. Her articles have appeared in Time, The New Yorker, The New Republic, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times,and other publications.
For more information about Sheridan Prasso and her new book, The Asian Mystique, please visit her website: http://www.sheridanprasso.com/
Program followed by reception and book-signing.
Other programs in the IEAS Book Series: New Perspectives on East Asia.
Two Revivals of Buddhist Education in East Tibet
Khenpo Phuntsok Namgyal, Abbot, Dzongsar Khamje Institute, Derge, Eastern Tibet
Lodre Phuntso, Principal Administrator, Dzongsar Khamje Institute, Derge, Eastern Tibet
Lama Sonam Phuntsho, Translator
April 24, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Khyentse Foundation
The structures of modern Tibetan Buddhist monastic education are often traced to the efforts of Jamgön Kongtrul and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, two 19th-century scholars and innovators based in East Tibet (Kham). Considered as leaders of a movement toward nonsectarianism (Rimé), the two revived interest in many forgotten traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and shifted the emphasis of monastic education away from sectarian commentaries and back to the shared roots of the tradition. The present abbot of the monastic college at Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo's Dzongsar Monastery will discuss this 19th-century reformation and its effects upon monastic education in Tibet. This monastic college was one of many destroyed during the violence of the Cultural Revolution. It was rebuilt in the 1980's largely through the efforts of Lodre Phuntsok, a traditional Tibetan physician and the author of a history of Dzongsar Monastery. Dr. Lodre Phuntsok will relate the story of this 20th-century revitalization of Buddhism in East Tibet with a focus on the monastic college.
Confronting Modernity: Maruyama Masao, Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor
Robert Bellah, Elliott Professor of Sociology Emeritus, UC Berkeley
April 26, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
Robert N. Bellah is Elliott Professor of Sociology Emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley. He was educated at Harvard University, receiving the B.A. in 1950 and the Ph.D. in 1955. He began teaching at Harvard in 1957 and left there as Professor of Sociology in 1967 when he moved to Berkeley. He served from 1967 to 1997 as UC Berkeley Ford Professor of Sociology where, from 1968 to 1974, he also chaired the Center for Japanese and Korean Studies.
Professor Bellah is the author and editor of several essays and books. His two most influential articles are "Civil Religion in America" (1967) and "Religious Evolution" (1964) the latter of which he is currently transforming into a book. His books include Tokugawa Religion, Beyond Belief, The Broken Covenant, The New Religious Consciousness, Varieties of Civil Religion, Imagining Japan: The Japanese Tradition and Its Modern Interpretation, and most recently (2006) The Robert Bellah Reader. In 1985 he published Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life, in collaboration with Richard Madsen, William Sullivan, Ann Swidler and Steven Tipton, and in 1991, with the same collaborators, The Good Society.
On December 20, 2000, the highly acclaimed educator received the United States National Humanities Medal. The citation, which President William Jefferson Clinton signed, reads:
"The President of the United States of America awards this National Humanities Medal to Robert N. Bellah for his efforts to illuminate the importance of community in American society. A distinguished sociologist and educator, he has raised our awareness of the values that are at the core of our democratic institutions and of the dangers of individualism unchecked by social responsibility."
This series is supported by a grant from the Konishi Foundation for International Exchange, Tokyo
Modernity and Coloniality in the post-WWII World System: Germany, Japan, Korea, Puerto Rico, and Taiwan
Ramon Grosfoguel, U.C., Berkeley,Thomas E. Reifer, Unviersity of San Diego,Satoshi Ikeda, University of Alberta
Sungho Kang, Sunchon National University
Christian F. Ostermann, Woodrow Wilson Center
April 26, 2007
Center for Korean Studies
The 2007 CKS Regional Seminar will use the emerging concept of coloniality to compare and contrast the cultural, economic, diplomatic, and military trajectories of South Korea, Germany, Taiwan, Japan, and Puerto Rico in response to post-WWII U.S. foreign policy to understand how these countries have developed within the modern capitalist world system.
Throughout the Cold War the United States protected these states in order to contain such perceived socialist threats as North Korea, China, the U.S.S.R., East Germany, and Cuba by giving them preferential economic, military, and diplomatic treatment. Under this protective umbrella their development responded strongly to U.S. preferences but the directions and patterns of their development have differed greatly according to their various geopolitical locations, social structures, subjective efforts, and historical backgrounds.
In the post-Cold War period these states have suffered economic decline as a result of changes in the rules of accumulation and governance imposed by the United States. Following their more or less successful recoveries, they have begun to chart their own individual courses within the changed international environment. Unified Germany has managed to become the regional hegemonic state of continental Europe, while Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are now steering their own courses between U.S hegemony and the reemerging sinocentric East Asian regional system.
Our seminar will focus on the changing relations between the United States and these societies from the Cold War to the post-Cold War periods. Through these presentations we may better understand not only the past and present of these states but may essay to forecast the future of the rapidly-changing modern capitalist world system.
Exploring Esoteric Rituals in Early East Asian Buddhism
April 26–27, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
Esoteric Buddhism during the Song Dynasty (960–1279)
Charles D. Orzech, Professor, Religious Studies, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
April 26, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of Buddhist Studies
This event is free and open to the public. RSVP Requested: (510) 809-1444 / events@shin-ibs.edu
The Tang Dynasty (618–906) is commonly depicted as the pinnacle of Buddhism in China. Likewise, the Tang is portrayed as the moment when Esoteric Buddhism briefly flourished in the court and was imbibed by the Japanese pilgrims Kûkai and Saicho. Indeed, most treatments of Esoteric Buddhism in East Asia follow Kûkai and continue
their narrative in Japan with little or no reference to further developments on the Asian mainland. This is unfortunate, as Esoteric traditions in China continued to develop on a trajectory uninfluenced by Japanese developments. In his talk Dr. Orzech will examine three important developments of Song Esoteric Buddhism. First he examines the renewed translation efforts by the first two Northern Song Emperors and their establishment of the Institute for the Translation of Scriptures (Yijing yuan). This effort, along with the production of the first printed canon, was part of a broader strategy to make the Song the center of Buddhist learning in Asia. Second, he explores evidence for the circulation and use of Esoteric scriptures and rituals recorded in the journal of the Japanese pilgrim Jôjin on his visit to Wutaishan. Finally he looks at the integration of Esoteric themes, deities, and rituals in the Dazu region during the Southern Song.
Charles D. Orzech is Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. His research focuses on medieval Chinese Buddhism and in particular Esoteric Buddhism, as well as critical theory in the study of religion. He is co-founder (with James H. Sanford) of the Society for Tantric Studies. His articles and translations have appeared in History of Religions, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie, Journal of the International Buddhist Studies Association, and elsewhere. He is author of Politics and Transcendent Wisdom: The Scripture for Humane Kings in the Creation of Chinese Buddhism (Pennsylvania State University Press, Hermeneutics Series, 1998).
Inserting the Traditional into Chinese Modernities
Lihui Yang, Institute of Folklore and Cultural Anthropology, Beijing Normal University
Deming An, Professor, Division of Folk Literature, Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
April 26, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Folklore Program
Lihui Yang, Professor, Institute of Folklore and Cultural Anthropology, Beijing Normal University: "Anti-Globalization and Transformation of Folk Tradition in Contemporary China: A Study of the TV Series The Legend of Nezha"
Deming An, Professor, Division of Folk Literature, Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS): "The Intangible Cultural Heritage Movement in Contemporary China"
Places and Powers: Landscape, Spirits, and Identity in China
Robert Weller, Professor, Anthropology, Boston University
April 27, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Discussant: Xin Liu, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UC Berkeley
This presentation identifies three of the notions of power that co-exist in China: an imperial power that extends down from the center, an empowered edge that breaks in from the cognitive or physical periphery, and a universal and globalizing power that claims no attachment to place. People have long had various ways of crossing between these powers, from pilgrimage to eating exotic foods. The talk will focus in these forms of boundary crossing, and on how they interact with the project of modernity and its embrace of the universal.
How Multiple are "Multiple Modernities"?
Robert Bellah, Elliott Professor of Sociology Emeritus, UC Berkeley
April 27, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
Returning to the Shore: A Scholarly Symposium in Honor of James Cahill's 81st Year
April 27–28, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, Art History Department, Williams College Asian Studies Department, Ohio State University Institute for Chinese Studies, Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center
Friday, April 27
Gund Theater, Berkeley Art Museum
5:30 p.m. — Introductions
Welcome: Kevin Consey, Director, Berkeley Art Museum
Introduction: Patricia Berger, University of California, Berkeley
Keynote Lecture
James Cahill
Reception and Exhibition Viewing:
Honoring a Tradition, Honoring a Teacher: A Tribute to James Cahill
Asian Galleries C and D, Berkeley Art Museum
Saturday April 28
Maude Fife Room (315 Wheeler Hall)
9:00–9:10 a.m. — Introductions
Julia White, Senior Curator of Asian Art, Berkeley Art Museum
9:10–10:30 a.m. — Panel 1
Hiromitsu Kobayashi, Sophia University, Tokyo: "Unfolding the Pages of the Yuzhi Bizangquan — Filling the Gaps in the Development of Late 10th Century Song Court Academy Landscape painting"
Scarlett Jang, Williams College: "Imperial Publishing in Ming China"
Marsha Smith Weidner, University of Kansas: "A Monk at The Party"
Moderator: Ellen Johnston Laing, University of Michigan
10:30–10:50 a.m. — Coffee break
10:50 a.m.–12:10 p.m. — Panel 2
Mae Anna Pang, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Australia: "Collecting Chinese Paintings at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia — 1976 to the Present"
Sheila Keppel, Independent Scholar: "Exporting a Culture: The Earliest Chinese Porcelains to Reach the Beaches of the New World"
Jane Debevoise, Hong Kong University: "Time Out: Asia Art Archive and the Global Cultural Industry for Contemporary Chinese Art"
Moderator: Patricia Berger, UC Berkeley
12:10–1:40 p.m. — Lunch break
1:40–3:00 p.m. — Panel 3
Patricia Berger, UC Berkeley: "Ultimate Layman: Qianlong's Responses to Buddhist Art"
Ginger Cheng-chi Hsu, UC Riverside: "Travel in the New Qing Empire"
Richard Vinograd, Stanford University: "Imitation, Reproduction, and Authority in early Modern China"
Moderator: Wen-hsin Yeh, UC Berkeley
3:00–3:20 p.m. — Coffee break
3:20–4:40 p.m. — Panel 4
Sarah E. Fraser, Northwestern University: "The Lure of the Western Frontier: Zhang Daqian's Quest for China's Pictorial Past"
Julia F. Andrews, Ohio State University: "The Female Nude and Liu Haisu's Battle for Artistic Modernity"
Felicity Luftkin, Harvard University: "Who is Niren Zhang? Folk Figures and the Representation of Culture"
Moderator: Wen C. Fong, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University
4:40–4:50 p.m. — Introduction
Wen C. Fong, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University
4:50–6:00 p.m. — Closing Remarks
James Cahill, Closing Remarks
Sponsored by: Center for Chinese Studies, Institute for East Asian Studies, Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, and Art History Department at the University of California, Berkeley, with additional support from the Williams College Asian Studies Department and the Ohio State University Institute for Chinese Studies and East Asian Studies Center.
For further information please contact Julia White, Senior Curator of Asian Art, Berkeley Art Museum, <juliamwhite@berkeley.edu>, or 510 642-7542.
Residues of the Cold War: Cross Straits and Korean Peninsula
April 27, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Asia Society, Institute of International Studies
This afternoon symposium will examine the broader issues of security in East Asia in a comparative context, employing the latest interdisciplinary findings on these topics. The focus will be less on the historical evolution of these two problems and more on possible directions for their ultimate resolution. The symposium will provide an updated assessment of complex security issues within the larger regional context, and in reference to other world powers in the area.
1:00-2:00 pm — Panel 1: Roundtable — Overview of the Political Economy of Northeast Asia
T.J. Pempel (UC Berkeley)
Robert Scalapino (UC Berkeley)
Philip Yang (National Taiwan University)
2:00-2:15 pm — Coffee/tea break
2:15-3:45 pm — Panel 2: Presentations on Taiwan & the Cross Straits: Lessons for Korea?
Lowell Dittmer (UC Berkeley)
Lori Gronich (Georgetown University)
Patrick James (University of Southern California)
Fu-Kuo Liu (The Brookings Institution)
3:45-4:00 pm — Coffee/tea break
4:00-5:30 pm — Panel 3: Presentations on the Korean Peninsula: Lessons for Cross-Straits?
Stephan Haggard (UC San Diego)
Chaibong Hahm (University of Southern California)
Yoon Young-kwan (Seoul National University)
5:30-6:30 pm — Reception
Invitation-Only Dinner
William Overholt (RAND Corporation): Taiwan, Korea and the Future of U.S. Relations in Asia
Feeling a Shared History through Song: "A Flower in the Rainy Night" as a Key Cultural Symbol in Taiwan
Nancy Guy, Associate Professor, Music, UC San Diego
April 27, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of Music
Released in 1934, "A Flower in the Rainy Night" is often considered one of the most heart-rending of old Taiwanese songs. Professor Guy's quest for understanding this song's meaning and affective powers was launched on the eve of the 2002 Taipei mayoral election when former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui closed the rally for the underdog candidate by leading a crowd of 50,000 in singing the song. Her analysis of ethnographic, literary, and media sources indicates that this famous old song serves as an elaborating symbol in Taiwan. As such, it aids in conceptualizing the order of the world, making ties between the past and present, and offering visions of alternative futures.
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (不散)
May 2, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
Tsai Ming-liang (Taiwan, 2003, 82 mins, In Chinese with English subtitles, Color, 35mm)
With lecture by Marilyn Fabe
Sponsored by the Pacific Film Archive — Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
Our History Is Still Being Written: The Story of Three Chinese-Cuban Generals in the Cuban Revolution
May 2, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Multicultural Student Development, Chicano/Latino Studies Program, Asian American Studies, African American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Pathfinder Books, Eastwind Books of Berkeley
In this new title by Pathfinder Press, a little-known but important chapter of Chinese emigrant history is told through interviews with Armando Choy, Gustavo Chui and Moisés Sio Wong, three Chinese-Cubans who became generals in Cuba's revolution. The three men discuss their participation in the l959 revolution, their experiences in the fight to defeat apartheid South Africa's invasion of Angola and their leading roles today in such efforts as cleaning up the pollution in Havana Bay and developing small-scale urban agriculture in Cuba and Venezuela.
Mary-Alice Waters, President, Pathfinder Press and editor of "Our History Is Still Being Written"
Harvey Dong, Lecturer, Asian American Studies, UC Berkeley
Loni Ding, Filmmaker and Lecturer, Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley
Alex Saragoza, Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies and Chicano/Latino Studies Program, UC Berkeley
Wesley Ueunten, Grad Student, Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley
Miriam Solis, Grad Student, Geography and Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley
Sponsored by Multicultural Student Development, Chicano/Latino Studies Program, Asian American Studies, African American Studies, Center for Chinese Studies, Ethnic Studies Department, Pathfinder Press and Eastwind Books of Berkeley
Politics in Films
Im Sangsoo, Movie Director
May 3, 2007
Center for Korean Studies
Director Im Sangsoo will talk about the politics, especially that related to America, depicted in his recent movies, A Good Lawyer's Wife (Param nan Gajok, 2003); The President's Last Bang (Kuttae ku Saramdul, 2005), and The Old Garden (Orae-dwen Jeongwon, 2006).
These three movies directed by Im are referred to as the "Trilogy of Korean Modern History." A Good Lawyer's Wife centers on the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, bashing the institution of the traditional family. The movie won the Lotus Award at the Deauville Asian Film Festival in France and the Best Director Award at the Flanders International Film Festival in Belgium. The President's Last Bang narrates the assassination of President Park Chung Hee, who ruled Korea with an iron hand from 1961 to his assassination in 1979. This movie had its international premiere at La Quinzaine des Réalisateurs in Cannes and was also shown at the New York International Film Festival. Im's latest movie, The Old Garden, based on the novel of Hwang Suk-Young, is a love story against a backdrop of political ferment, revolution, and war among the idealists who fought for Korean democratization after President Park's death and after the Kwangju Uprising. It was world-premiered at the San Sebastian International Film Festival.
Although unintended, some American presidents — Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush — appeared in the three movies. This indicates how much Korean modern history has been influenced by America. While growing up Im was exposed to American culture and was strongly affected by such motion pictures as Coppola's The Godfather and Scorsese's Goodfellas. After majoring in sociology at Yonsei University, Im attended the Korean Academy of Film Arts (KAFA) and worked as assistant director to Park Chong-won and Im Kwon-taek. His movies were nominated at several international film festivals, and won numerous awards including the ones mentioned above. His earlier movies, Girls' Night Out (Ch'eonyodu-ui Jeonyok Siksa, 1998), which candidly depicts the sex lives of three women in their late twenties, and Tears (Nunmul, 2000), which narrates the story of misbehaving teens, also won the best film awards in Korea. Im's sixth movie, Une Certain Femme a Paris, will be made in Paris with French actors.
The ROK-U.S. Alliance: Quo Vadis?
Jong Oh Ra, John P. Wheeler Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, Hollins University
May 4, 2007
Center for Korean Studies
The present lecture deals with the very genesis of the two-nation alliance, the underlying set of assumptions that have buttressed its longevity, different categories of influences that have impinged on the ebb and flow of the relationship, a group of recent developments that have strained the relationship, and finally a prognosis of where it is headed in the foreseeable future. Jong Oh Ra, who received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1972, has been John P. Wheeler Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, Hollins University, 1976–1979, 1986–1989, 1991–1995, 1997-1980, 1998– 2001, 2005– present. He has written widely in political science, including the books Labor at the Polls: Union Voting in Presidential Elections, 1952–1976 (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1978); How We Elect a President: A Primer of the Procedure, with Christy Conner and Diane Kelly (A Monograph published by Hollins University, 1972; Revised, 1978); and Profiles of the Congressional Candidates, 1970, ed. by J. O. Ra.
Rereading the Shi jing Poem 'Xia Wu' (Mao 243) on the Basis of Bronze Inscriptions
Edward Shaughnessy, Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations, University of Chicago
May 7, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
China's Brave New World — And Other Tales for Global Times
Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Professor, History, UC Irvine
May 8, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies
Is it possible that Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is now a more useful fictional lens through which to view China than George Orwell's 1984? Were there similarities as well as differences between the anti-American protests that broke out in Beijing in 1999 and the Tiananmen demonstrations of 1989? And what would Mao, if magically brought back to life, make of a Nanjing bookstore where the philosophy section sometimes contains more studies dealing with Deconstructionism than with Marxism?
These are some of the questions addressed, sometimes seriously and sometimes playfully, in this illustrated talk by Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Professor of History at the University of California, Irvine. Drawing upon the speaker's longtime interest in mass movements (dating back to his first book, Student Protest in Twentieth-Century China, Stanford University Press, 1991) and his experiences in China as an eyewitness to two sets of student demonstrations (those of 1986 and those of 1999), the talk showcases material from his latest book, China's Brave New World — And Other Tales for Global Times (forthcoming from Indiana University Press), some of the chapters in which are adapted from articles that originally appeared in venues such as Newsweek International, the Times Literary Supplement (London), and Dissent Magazine.
Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom was trained in Chinese and comparative history at Harvard University and U.C. Berkeley and is currently professor of history at University of California, Irvine. He has published widely on topics ranging from urban theory to patterns of Chinese student protest to the gendered aspects of revolutionary struggles. His books include Human Rights and Revolutions (of which he is co-editor; Rowan & Littlefield, 2000), Chinese Femininities/Chinese Masculinities (co-editor; University of California Press, 2002), and Twentieth-Century China: New Approaches (editor; Routledge, 2003). In addition to various academic venues, his essays have appeared in general interest periodicals such as Christian Science Monitor, American Scholar, and World Policy Journal. He writes regularly for Times Literary Supplement, Dissent Magazine, and Chronicle of Higher Education. In addition, Professor Wasserstrom is a member of the Board of Directors of Long Bow Films.
Ecological Destruction, Three Gorges Dam, and the Aesthetics of Chinese Independent Cinema
Sheldon Lu, Professor, Comparative Literature and Film Studies, UC Davis
May 9, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Asian Cultural Studies Townsend Working Group, Asian Pacific American Studies Townsend Working Group
This talk will look at several films that have the construction of the controversial Three Gorges Dam in the background, and will explore the aesthetics of a new generation of filmmakers in China such as Jia Zhangke. Since this grand national project could not be debated in public, it has been the subject of representation by independent artists, painters, and filmmakers. Films to be discussed will include Jia's Still Life, Dai Sijie's Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, and Zhang Ming's In Expectation.
Mazar (Shrine) Visitation and Sufi Rituals Among the Uyghur in Xinjiang
Rahile Dawuti, Professor, School of Humanities, Xinjiang University, China and ISEEES Visiting Scholar
May 9, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Rapid Urbanization in China: Challenges and Opportunities
Vincent H.S. Lo, Chairman & CEO, Shui On Land Limited
May 15, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, Office of the Chancellor, College of Environmental Design, Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics
Vincent Hong Sui Lo is the chairman and CEO of the Shanghai-based Shui On Land Limited, engaged in large-scale property development. The company is perhaps best known for Shanghai Xintiandi, a 57,000 square-meter development housing some of Shanghai's top restaurants, bars and shops. Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in October 2006, Shui On Land currently has six projects under development in the city centers of Shanghai, Chongqing, Wuhan, and Hangzhou. The company's newest Shanghai project, the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), is intended to foster technical innovation and entrepreneurship, modeled on Silicon Valley.
Mr. Lo was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star in 1998 and was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1999 by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). In 1999 he was made an Honorary Citizen of Shanghai. He has been awarded other numerous awards, including the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French government in 2005.
Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalization
Nayan Chanda, Director, Globalization Project, Yale University
May 16, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies, Institute of International Studies, Center for Globalization and Information Technology
Nayan Chanda, Director of Publications and the Editor of YaleGlobal Online Magazine at the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, will talk about his new book, Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalization (Yale). For nearly thirty years before he joined Yale University Chanda was with the Hong Kong-based magazine the Far Eastern Economic Review as its editor, editor-at-large and correspondent. In 1989-90 Chanda was a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington. From 1990-1992 Chanda was editor of the Asian Wall Street Journal Weekly, published from New York.
For more information, please contact the Institute of International Studies by phone at 510-642-2472 or by email at iis@globetrotter.berkeley.edu.
IIS events are made possible by the support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Travers Foreign Policy Endowment, the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, and the Ford and Hewlett endowments of the Institute of International Studies.
Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power is Transforming the World
Joshua Kurlantzick, Visiting Scholar, China Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
May 21, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies, Asia Society of Northern California
Reservations required. Please contact the Asia Society at 415-421-8707. $5 Members, $10 Non-Members
A great deal has been written of China's economic rise at home, but now China stands poised to become a major global power, influencing politics and business in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Much of China's global strategy depends on its soft power, yet China's charm has gone largely unnoticed. Using diplomacy, trade incentives, cultural and educational exchange, and other techniques, China has remade its international public image, gaining influence around the globe by wooing its neighbors and distant countries alike.
In Charm Offensive, scholar and writer Joshua Kurlantzick examines the ways China's soft power is reshaping the world. With growing support from nations in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, China could become the first nation since the fall of the Soviet Union to seriously challenge the U.S. for control of the international system.
Joshua Kurlantzick is Visiting Scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Special Correspondent at the New Republic, and Senior Correspondent at the American Prospect. His work on Asia and on U.S. foreign policy also has appeared in Foreign Affairs, The New York Times Magazine, The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Harper's, The Atlantic Monthly, Rolling Stone, Commentary, and many other publications. He previously worked as a correspondent covering Asia for The Economist and U.S. News and World Report.
Exhibit: Painting to Live 生きるために描く: Art from Okinawa's Nishimui Artist Society 沖縄の西森美術会の美術と美術品, 1948-1950
May 29 – September 7, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Japan Society of Nothern California, Northern California Okinawan Kenjin Kai
In the wake of World War II, a group of American physicians stationed during a military occupation in Okinawa happened upon a small artist colony near the ruins of Shuri Castle. Hungry for culture and community in a ravaged country, they began painting with the Okinawan artists and commissioning art in exchange for Lucky Strike cigarettes — one of the currencies of the day.
The artists of the Nishimui Artist Society — including Masayoshi Adaniya, Kanemasa Ashimine, Itoku Gushiken, and Seikichi Tamanaha — are now credited with founding Okinawa's modernist art movement. For the first time in the U.S., paintings, drawings, and Christmas cards by these artists will be shown, along with paintings by one of the Americans who befriended them, Stanley Steinberg. Painting to Live is an intimate record of Americans and Okinawans connecting with their collective humanity through art. The opening reception for the Painting to Live exhibit will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2007 from 4:00-6:00 pm.
Curated by Jane Dulay, from the private collections of Stanley Steinberg, MD, Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Abelmann, Chosho Ashitomi, Jane Dulay, MD, David Frederick Dahlin, and David Holman Dahlin.
Other exhibits in the IEAS Exhibits Series — Arts of East Asia.
Opening Reception: Painting to Live 生きるために描く: Art from Okinawa's Nishimui Artist Society 沖縄の西森美術会の美術と美術品, 1948-1950
Chosho Ashitomi, Professor, University of the Ryukyus
June 14, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Japan Society of Northern California, Northern California Okinawan Kenjin Kai
Lecture by Professor Emeritus Chosho Ashitomi, University of the Ryukyus: "Restoration of Art in Post-War Okinawa."
Prof. Ashitomi was the first art student to graduate from the University of Ryukyus, in 1954, under the tutelage of Professors Adaniya, Ashimine and Tamanaha — artists highlighted in the Painting to Live exhibit. He joined them in their artistic group, Goninten in the 50's and Sotokai in the 60's. Prof. Ashitomi is the 2006 recipient of the prestigious Ryukuan Shimpo award for the promotion of Okinawan art and culture, the second artist in the 42 year history of the awards to receive such an honor. He is renowned in the Japanese art world and in March of this year was a judge of the Koku Ten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
Prof. Ashitomi will lecture in Japanese. Wesley Ueunten, UC Berkeley alumnus, and Vice President, Northern California Okinawan Kenjin Kai, will translate to English.
Social Origins and Political Participation of Private Entrepreneurs in Beijing
Björn Alpermann, Lecturer, Modern Chinese Studies, University of Cologne
August 24, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
It is an often observed fact that private entrepreneurs emerging as a social group in China today have close links with the party-state: many are former cadres and current members of the Chinese Communist Party. The question more rarely pursued is what effect these links have on the political attitudes and participation of private businesspeople. This presentation explores this question on the basis of data gathered in a representative survey of Beijing private enterprises in 2006.
Dr Björn Alpermann is lecturer in Modern Chinese Studies at the University of Cologne in Germany and currently a visiting scholar at the Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley. This research was conducted in collaboration with Gang Shuge, associate professor at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences.
Discussant: Peter Lorentzen, Assistant Professor, Political Science, UCB
Qing Servitude and its Antecedents
Pamela Crossley, Professor, History, Dartmouth College
August 31, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Qing forms of slavery were varied, some derived from traditions of China, some from traditions of Inner Asia, and some unique. A brief examination of their characteristics suggest their connection to basic social and cultural and ideological changes of the early modern transition.
Discussant: David Johnson, Professor, History, UCB
Please Vote for Me
September 4, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, ITVS, Independent Lens
Reception 6:00 p.m.
Screening 7:00 p.m.
Panel Discussion 8:00 p.m.
ADMISSION FREE — Presented by ITVS and Independent Lens. Co-sponsored by the Berkeley China Initiative
What do free elections look like in China? Ask an eight-year old. Please Vote for Me follows the aspirations of a trio of elementary students in the city of Wuhan in central China as they campaign for classroom monitor. The three candidates hold debates, campaign tirelessly and show their intellectual and artistic skills, until one is voted the winner.
60 mins., Mandarin with English Subtitles.
The Evolution of Gender Gap in Beijing's Middle Schools: Are boys left behind?
Fang Lai, Assistant Professor, International Education and Economics, New York University
September 4, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research (BEAR) Center
Gender equity in academic progress is one of the key components of the equity of education. Recent U.S. evidence shows that girls outperform boys in the overall performance, doing especially better in reading and writing, but slightly lag behind in math and science. With the increasing convergence in primary and secondary education policies between US and China, it would be interesting to compare the educational performance of these two countries. This paper is among the first attempts to provide rigorous empirical evidences of the gender achievement gap in China. Using census and administrative data on a cohort of 7,235 students who entered middle school in Beijing's Eastern City District in 1999 and graduated in 2002, this paper looks at the evolution of the gender gap in student performance over the middle school period. We find that within each school, girls have higher test scores in all subjects for most part of the middle school period, and that the within-school gender gap favoring girls is bigger than that during the primary school, ranging from 0.17 to 0.38 standardized scores in the average scores across subjects. However, this gap has been steadily closed up over the three years of middle school period, especially in two science subjects, physics and chemistry, until a comeback of girls' performance on the Middle School Graduation Examinations, which is then followed by a sudden drop in the girl-dominant gender gap on the High School Entrance Exams taken right after the former. The magnitudes of gender gaps decrease over the distribution of the performance in both raw and value-added measures. We relate these patterns of gender achievement gaps over the years to the differences in cognitive and non-cognitive skills, parental care received, and schooling experiences between boys and girls by adding the relevant mediators to the model and using Oaxaca decomposition. The conclusions raise concerns about boys' performing under their potential in a test-oriented system, which is detrimental to the continuation of their education beyond the compulsory stage.
The Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research (BEAR) Center coordinates several seminars designed to provide a forum for researchers to share cutting-edge findings and to prompt congenial discussion of educational assessment and evaluation topics.
Eight Years of Human Rights Discourse and Practice under the Chen Shiu-bian's Administration: Creating a National Human Rights Commission
Mab Huang, Director, Chang Fo-chuan Center for The Study of Human Rights, Soochow University
September 6, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
This presentation is taken from a larger study of human rights discourse and practice in three ethnic Chinese societies, a two-year research project by Professor Huang and several colleagues. In focusing on the efforts to create a National Human Rights Commission, this talk will deal primarily with the interactions between the government on the one hand, and the civil society, NGOs and academic community on the other. The endeavors to set up a National Human Rights Commission provided a good opportunity to analyze the possibilities and limits of human rights discourse and practice under a new administration which proclaimed itself committed to international human rights standards.
Please Vote for Me
September 11, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, ITVS, Independent Lens
ADMISSION FREE — Presented by ITVS and Independent Lens. Co-sponsored by the Berkeley China Initiative
What do free elections look like in China? Ask an eight-year old. Please Vote for Me follows the aspirations of a trio of elementary students in the city of Wuhan in central China as they campaign for classroom monitor. The three candidates hold debates, campaign tirelessly and show their intellectual and artistic skills, until one is voted the winner.
60 mins., Mandarin with English Subtitles.
The Center for Chinese Studies at 50: Past, Present, and Future
September 14, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative
Click here to view a webcast of this event.
Established in 1957 with funding from the Ford Foundation and the State of California, the Center's early mission was to coordinate and support the study of contemporary China on the Berkeley campus. Over the last 50 years, the Center has evolved into one of the most active research centers at Berkeley, supporting research and teaching on all aspects of Chinese culture and civilization.
In the early 1960's, a contemporary-China reading room was established at the Center, which has since become known as the the Center for Chinese Studies Library, that has grown to become one of the premier research collections on contemporary mainland Chinese affairs in the United States.
This roundtable presentation will feature:
Bob Scalapino, Professor Emeritus, Political Science, UCB
Joyce Kallgren, Political Science, UC Davis
David Keightley, Professor Emeritus, History, UCB
Tom Gold, Associate Professor, Sociology, UCB
Wen-hsin Yeh, Professor, History, UCB
Liu Xin, Associate Professor, Anthropology
Kevin O'Brien, Professor, Political Science
Annie Chang, Former Head Librarian, CCSL
C.P. Chen, Former Head Librarian, CCSL
Sharon Hayashi, Assistant Professor, Cinema and Media Studies, York University, Toronto
September 16, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
Tomu Uchida: Japanese Genre Master
Pacific Film Archive Film Series September 8-29, 2007
This series of the films of Japanese genre master Tomu Uchida, offers a rare chance to see the work of a director barely known in the West. Born in 1898, Uchida joined a theater troupe in his youth, perfecting a sense of stagecraft and theatrical aesthetics that would become the backbone of his films. He turned to directing in the late 1920s; comedies and police actioners dominated his early production, but Uchida also developed a fledgling realist aesthetic rare in the industry at the time.
"Policeman" intruduced by Sharon Hayashi, and Judith Rosenberg on Piano, is a story of a rookie policeman who suspects his old friend of a crime in this high-energy, visually inventive silent crime saga. Preceded by short: History of Crab Temple (Kanimanji engi).
Sharon Hayashi is assistant professor of cinema and media studies at York University, Toronto. She is currently finishing a manuscript on the travel films of Hiroshi Shimizu.
(Total running time: c. 121 mins, B&W, 35mm, From National Film Center, Tokyo.)
Exhibit — Forces: Paintings and Calligraphy by Lampo Leong
September 17 – December 14, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies
"In the traces of the hand, Chinese calligraphy captures not merely the shape of the characters, but also the spirit of the artist. For me, the inky blacks of figural marks playing against fields of colored densities and radiant lights speak of my own fascination with the processes of creation. Reflecting both a reverence for the spirit of the Tao and the Sublime, as well as an ever-renewed wonder at the universe revealed to us by modern science, my paintings celebrate the dynamic forces that give birth to new life, new planets, and new stars; and provide glimpses into the crucible of genesis."
— Lampo Leong
Well-known internationally for his abstract painting and calligraphy, Professor Lampo Leong, Ph.D.-ABD in Art Theory and Practice from the prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, is currently Chair of the Department of Art at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Leong's work has been exhibited worldwide in more than 55 solo and 250 group exhibitions, featured in hundreds museum, corporate and private collections, and earned him more than 35 awards. His Ø26' calligraphic granite medallion is permanently installed in a city park by the San Francisco Arts Commission. Besides teaching at UMC, Leong had been invited for more than 100 lectures in universities and museums across the United States and Asia and served as judge for many art competitions. His achievements have been featured in more than 800 reviews and publications in newspapers, magazines books and websites. In 1999, the Mayor of San Francisco proclaimed November 19 to be Lampo Leong Day.
To see samples of Leong's paintings and calligraphy, please visit http://www.LampoLeong.com.
Artist's Talk by Lampo Leong and Other UCB Professors
Wednesday, November 7, 4-5:30pm
Opening Reception: 5:30-6:30pm
IEAS Conference Room, 2223 Fulton Street, 6th Floor, UC Berkeley
Calligraphy Workshop by Lampo Leong
Registration required
$10 materials fee/class is free.
Thursday, November 8, 3:30-6pm
Lipman Room, Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley
Why and How China is Pushing Deals Onshore
Howard Chao, Head of Asia Practice, O'Melveny & Myers
Registration Required
September 17, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy
Drawing on his many years of experience living and practicing in Asia as Head of OMM's Asia Practice, Mr. Chao will discuss the significant change occurring in China as more foreign investors are compelled to go onshore in China to do financing transactions for Chinese companies.
Free. Registration Required.
2007 Fall Reception
September 19, 2007
The Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Center for Buddhist Studies, and the Center for Southeast Asia Studies cordially invite you to their joint 2007 Fall Reception, Wednesday, September 19, 2006, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Please join us for this opportunity to meet new faculty, students, and staff. Refreshments will be served.
Institute of East Asian Studies Conference Room
2223 Fulton Street, 6th Floor
University of California, Berkeley Campus
For questions or further information, please call
(510) 642-2809 or 642-3609.
Places Seen — Places Imagined: Reflections on Xuanzang's Xiyu-ji ("Records of the Western Regions")
Max Deeg, Cardiff University
September 20, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
Due to the scarce textual material for the study of the history of Indian Buddhism, the travel accounts of the Chinese pilgrims, especially Xuanzang's text, the Xiyu-ji, "Records of the Western world," have attracted the attention of scholars working in fields such as archaeology, history of arts, history of religion (especially Buddhism) and history in general, etc. Consequently, there is almost no book written on Indian Buddhism of the first millennium C.E. that does not refer to the pilgrims' reports. These texts have not, however, been studied in a sufficiently comparative and critical way by Western scholars and were not adequately contextualized in relation to information which we have from Indian Buddhist literature, archaeology and history of arts. Nor were they read as a specific genre of Chinese literature. Without taking this kind of research into account it is not possible to draw sound conclusions as to whether the pieces of information related in these texts reflect a historical reality — that is to say "places seen" — or whether they were moulded according to certain patterns of inner-Buddhist or inter- or innercultural topoi. This lecture explores one example where it can be shown that Xuanzang, in his Xiyu-ji, construed a complete description of an Indian region, Mathurā, probably without having travelled there and solely on the basis of information available to him in Chinese Buddhist texts. It will be argued that this was not for reasons of forging evidence but as a consequence of the very purpose of the text, written, as it was, for the Chinese emperor in order to provide a complete overview of Buddhist India.
Max Deeg is Senior Lecturer in Buddhist Studies at Cardiff University in Wales. He received his Ph.D. in Indian Studies and his Habilitation (professoral degree) in Religious Studies from the University of Würzburg. He taught German in Taiwan and Japan before joining the Religious Studies faculty at the University of Vienna from 2002-2005. His most recent publication is a German translation of Kumārajīva's Lotussutra.
Steve Vogel, Introduction
September 21, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
Can a candidate with no political experience and no charisma win an election if he is backed by the political giant Prime Minister Koizumi and his Liberal Democratic Party? This cinema-verite documentary closely follows a heated election campaign in Kawasaki, Japan, revealing the true nature of "democracy."
In the fall of 2005, 40-year-old, self-employed Kazuhiko "Yama-san" Yamauchi's peaceful, humdrum life was turned upside-down. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) had suddenly chosen him as its official candidate to run for a vacant seat on the Kawasaki city council. Yama-san had zero experience in politics, no charisma, no supporters, no constituency, and no time to prepare for the impending election.
The election was critical for the LDP. Yama-san's loss would automatically oust the LDP from its position as the dominant political party on the council. Thus, the LDP forms a strong campaign team consisting of every LDP politician from the Kawasaki region to fight the intense battle against the party's opponents — all veterans of the Democratic Party, the Communist Party, and the Kanagawa Network. The campaign team invites many of the LDP's political big shots — Nobuteru Ishihara, Yoriko Kawaguchi, and even Prime Minister Koizumi himself — to back its inexperienced candidate — a rare sight for an election in a politically insignificant suburban town. Adhering to the campaign tactic of "bowing to everybody, even to telephone poles," Yama-san visits local festivals, kindergarten sports events, senior gatherings, commuter train stations, and even bus stops to offer his hand to every one he sees.
Permanent Revolution: Architecture and Politics in North Korea
Chris Springer, Author, "Pyongyang: The Hidden History of the North Korean Capital"
September 21, 2007
Center for Korean Studies, Koret Foundation
North Korea's cities were leveled by U.S. bombing in the Korean War. When the rubble was cleared, the North Korean regime had a blank slate on which to rebuild. And construction has proceeded, undisturbed, for the past 50 years.
Rarely has architecture been so influenced by totalitarian rule. Showcase buildings and monuments reinforce the state's core values: leader-worship, collectivism, and triumphalism. Yet, as history reveals, these structures have also been shaped by compromises, conflicts, and failures.
Author Chris Springer recently returned from his third trip to North Korea. His lecture and slide show explains how North Korean architecture and urban design evolved, what makes it important, and what it reveals about the North Korean state.
Different Data Tell Different Stories: A Revisit Of Some Highlights In Sino-American Relations During The Pacific War
Hsi-sheng Ch'i, Professor Emeritus, Humanities and Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
September 25, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Drawing on underutilized or misinterpreted data from both Chinese- and English-language sources, this talk will suggest conclusions that challenge the conventional wisdom on Sino-American Relations during WW II, including such major events during the alliance as Stilwell's assignment to China, his role in the First Burma Campaign, the diplomatic crises of 1942, and the showdown over his quest for command power.
Buddhism and Warfare: A Note on Mahāvaṃsa 25, 110
Padmanabh S. Jaini, Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley
September 27, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
A special lecture to celebrate the establishment of the Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies
Responses by UCLA Professors Gregory Schopen and Robert Buswell
The "Buddhist" Nationalism of Ceylon (late 19th and early 20th century) had its roots in the Saṅgha-led agitation against the five hundred years of missionary activities during the successive Christian rule of that island by the Portuguese (1505-1638), the Dutch (1638-1795), and the British (1814-1947).
In the wake of independence that "religious" nationalism became transformed into an "ethnic" nationalism, claiming primacy for Buddhist education as well as for the Sinhalese over Tamil (the language of the minority), thus sowing the seeds of a bloody separatist movement. This was partly inspired by the widely read accounts of the victory of the Buddhist Sinhala hero Duṭṭhagāmaṇi Abhaya (101-77 B.C.E.) over the Damiḷa (Tamil) ruler Eḷāra (145-101 B.C.E.) in a bloody war, after which the king grieved over the dead, feared for his own rebirth in heaven, but was assured of his "innocence" by a group of arahants.
All this is detailed in the epic Mahāvaṃsa, hailed as a Buddhist Chronicle by its editor and translator W. Geiger (1908). Much has been written about the ensuing Sri Lankan political developments in the papers edited by Smith Bardwell in his Religion and Legitimation of Power in Sri Lanka (1978) and by G. Obeysekere in his "Duṭṭhagāmaṇī and the Buddhist Conscience" (1992).
Professor Jaini will examine the doctrinal implications of the grounds for "absolution" granted by the arahants in an act of warfare by a Buddhist king, apparently for the glory of the Dhamma.
Padmanabh S. Jaini is Professor emeritus of Buddhist Studies and co-founder of the Group in Buddhist Studies. Before joining UC Berkeley in 1972, he taught at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London and at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is the author of numerous monographs and articles on both Buddhism and Jainism. In the field of Buddhist Studies he is particularly well known for his work on Abhidharma and for his critical editions of the Abhidharmadīpa (a Vaibhāṣika treatise), the Sāratamā (a commentary on the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā), and a collection of apocryphal Jātakas, the Paññāsa-Jātaka, that appeared in four volumes (text and translation). His collected essays have appeared in two volumes, and, recently, he has been honored by a Festschrift (2003) with contributions on early Buddhism and Jainism.
The Rhetoric of Hiddenness in Traditional Chinese Culture
September 28–29, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, Department of East Asian Languages and Culture, Townsend Center
How does the play of the hidden and the manifest contribute to the construction of meaning in traditional China? The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures brings together scholars from the fields of traditional Chinese literature, philosophy, art, history, and Buddhism for two days of panels and discussion on the craft and cultural significance of hiddenness in traditional Chinese culture.
Keynote Speaker: Pauline Yu, President of the American Council of Learned Societies.
Hong Kong-Mainland Relations and Democratic Reform
Alan Leong, Legislative Councilor, Kowloon East, Hong Kong SAR
September 28, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative
Legislative Councilor Alan Leong will discuss the HKSAR Government's latest green paper on democratic reform. Despite the promise in the Basic Law — Hong Kong post-1997 constitution — that the ultimate aim is universal suffrage, Hong Kong has made hardly any progress towards a more democratic system. Indeed, all signs point to Beijing's unwillingness to consider substantive reform until 2017. Will the people of Hong Kong accept this? Will the lack of democracy hold Hong Kong back economically? What problems will the HKSAR Government face in the coming years? Could the Hong Kong people take to the streets again in very large numbers like they did on 1 July 2003? And how may Beijing deal with the continuing demands from Hong Kong for a faster pace of reform?
Moderator: Tom Gold, Associate Professor, Sociology, UCB
Shedding Light: Performance and Illumination
Denise Uyehara, Performance Artist/Playwright
September 28, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Consortium for the Arts, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Berkeley Art Museum
One Way or Another: Asian American Art Now
Art Exhibitions: September 19-December 23, 2007
Light, like memory, tells a story. So can an artist create a performance from a string of light bulbs, a child's rotating fish lamp and lump of clay? Performance artist Denise Uyehara says yes. Challenged by a beautifully minimalist theater at the Berkeley Art Museum, internationally presented Uyehara will perform new and recent works that harness the intangible qualities of light, memory and history. An artist whose work is hailed by Los Angeles Times as "mastery [that] amounts to a coup de theater," Uyehara explores individual and collective memory through theater, movement, video projection and odd light sources.
Uyehara will share excerpts from Big Head, exploring the links between the Japanese American relocation, detention and internment during the WWII, and current state violence against Arab Americans, South Asians, and Muslims in the U.S. Previews from The Senkotsu (Mis)Translation Project respond to war and occupation in Okinawa, and her post-partum performance Yo Mama is still Queer-ish posits "When do babies begin voting Republican?" This evening also celebrates the publication of Uyehara's new book Maps of City & Body: Shedding Light on the Performances of Denise Uyehara (Kaya Press), a collection that brings together her performance work of the last 15 years. Book signing follows.
A pioneering performance artist, playwright and writer Uyehara was one of the first to explore Asian American queer subjectivity through performance. Her work has appeared at REDCAT at Disney Hall, the Walker Art Center, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Highways Performance Space, and internationally at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, the Kiasma Museum in Helsinki, and in Tokyo, Vancouver, and Hairou, China. Her performances take on issues of body, memory and identity, bringing together narrative, movement, clay animation and other visual elements, while challenging pre-conceived notions of identity, and catalogues what marks the body in migrations across borders. The Los Angeles-based artist is also a founding member of the culturally diverse experimental collective Sacred Naked Nature Girls. Her ongoing workshops including the Rad Asian Sisters explore notions of shares space and community formation through a focus on form and aesthetics. She is a recent recipient of the mid-career City Of Los Angeles (C.O.L.A.) Fellowship and a frequent lecturer at the University of California, Irvine.
Fukuzawa Yukichi's Asian Strategy
Naoaki Hiraishi, Emeritus Professor of Japanese Political History, Tokyo University, Japan
October 1, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
Professor Naoaki Hiraishi, CJS distinguished visiting scholar will be in residence for a month from September 20 through October 19. Currently emeritus professor of Japanese political thought at the Institute of Social Science (University of Tokyo), Professor Hiraishi is an eminent and wide-ranging scholar, whose books include studies of the Confucian philosopher Ogyû Sorai, a survey history of Tokugawa political thought, and an essay on the notion of "Heaven" (ten) in Japanese thought. In his many articles, Professor Hiraishi has taken up topics in Meiji and postwar thought, focusing particularly on the figures of Fukuzawa Yukichi and Maruyama Masao.
The seminar will focus on Fukuzawa's famous 1885 text, "Datsu-A ron" (Leaving Asia Behind). Faculty and students in all areas of Japanese studies are warmly welcome to attend. This will be a great opportunity to discuss a major issue in Fukuzawa's thought (and in Japan's modern history) with one of its major interpreters.
This presentation will be given in Japanese. Please contact CJS if you are interested in participating in the seminar. Paper will be available after September 24th.
The Present and Future of Conservation of Mogao Caves & Digital Works of Dunhuang Mogao Caves
Fan Jinshi, Director, Dunhuang Research Academy
Wang Xudong, Deputy Director, Dunhuang Research Academy
Lecture will be conducted in Chinese with English translation.
October 4, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Lecture will be conducted in Chinese with English translation.
Rich in Buddhist murals and painted statues of exquisite craftsmanship, the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang have become a mecca for artists, scholars and tourists. Its fame has been it's downfall, though, and now the grotto caverns and their famous works of ancient art are under siege. In March 2003, the president of the Dunhuang Academy, Fan Jinshi, and 24 members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) submitted a proposal for the preservation of the grottoes, a plan that included the use of digital technology and the promise of a virtual tour of the grottoes, in a bid to keep visitors from destroying the caverns with their sheer numbers.
Catching the Wave: Connecting East Asia Through Soft Power
October 5–6, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, Institute of International Studies, Asia Society of Northern California, The Japan Society of Northern California
This conference will explore a number of broad threads under the rubric of "soft power." The overarching goal is to examine some of the important ways in which culture, product branding, export projection of national cultures, athletic events, and global NGOs serve to create a more unified (or divided) Asia. To what extent are cultural and athletic activities used by national governments to project positive images? Do transnational groups such as NGOs operate independently of governments as cross national cultural unifiers? Are cultural products such as films, soap operas, and toys moving more easily across national borders in ways that foster some comprehensive sense of "Asian-ness" or "Asian identity?"
The Rise of Phono-centricism and Its Implications for the Korean Language
Young-mee Yu Cho, Associate Professor of Korean Language and Culture, Rutgers University
October 5, 2007
Center for Korean Studies, Koret Foundation
Many progressive intellectuals in the 1890s advocated the idea of onmun ilchi in the sense of "write as you speak" as an integral part of modernization. This movement began by encouraging the use of the phonetic script, han'gŭl, in place of Classical Chinese, and promoted experimentation on various colloquial written styles, finally resulting in the modern narrative prose style. With the spread of han'gŭl through the vernacular press, the private and public initiatives to educate the masses and to raise the national consciousness in the wake of the Japanese annexation led to the birth of the modern literature. This "phonocentricism" (Derrida 1982), which recognizes the primacy of speech over writing, continues on to present-day Korea although emerging language contact involving English is quite different. In the Chinese diglossia model, literary Chinese was studied as a noble means in the search for truth, not for its utilitarian or communicative value. English is ubiquitous both as writing and as speech, which causes xenophobic responses among language purists, who function as watchdogs against massive flows of foreign words and syntactic expressions. However, it might be impossible (or not even desirable) to weed out millennia-old Chinese translation styles, century-old Japanese borrowings and English loans flooding the country at an unstoppable speed. Rather, we notice the adaptive power a live language has in absorbing, rejecting, and assimilating foreign elements; there is an increasing vitality in native morphological power of word-formation, word plays such as puns and rhymes, and other creative innovations in cyberspace.
Korean Traditional Dance
Aeju Lee, Korean National Treasure (Intangible Cultural Property) No. 27, Professor of Seoul National University, President of Korean Traditional Dance Society
Kum Ju Lee, Korean Traditional Dance Society
Yeon Hee Joo, Korean Traditional Dance Society
Ji Hyun An, Korean Traditional Dance Society
October 5, 2007
Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Korea Foundation, Koret Foundation
Aeju Lee, M.F.A., is a professor at Seoul National University and is an intangible human treasure in the art of Buddhist Dance ("Seungmu"), an honor awarded by UNESCO in 1996.
This performance is presented for the opening of the new Tien Center for East Asian Studies by the Institute of East Asian Studies, the Center for Korean Studies, and the Department of Music, with support from the Korea Foundation and the Koret Foundation.
Admission is free and no tickets are required.
Challenges and Opportunities for American Lawyers in China or with Chinese Companies
Carmen Chang, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Registration Required
October 9, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy
Transformation from a centrally planned economy, virtually closed to foreign trade, to a now rapidly expanding, market-oriented one has brought profound change for China and the companies outside the country doing business there. As China continues its breathtaking sprint toward modernization, debates on everything from limited natural resources to the value of the yuan to copyright enforcement have become more urgent. In the face of such change, how is the legal profession adapting — both here and in China? And how best can American lawyers advise their clients who, with growing frequency, conduct business there?
Free. Registration Required.
For more information contact: Ken Taymor <CLBE@law.berkeley.edu>.
History, Culture, and Aesthetics of Bunraku
Peter Grilli, President, Boston Japan Society
Mary Elizabeth Berry, Chair, Department of History
Janice Kanemitsu, East Asian Languages and Cultures
October 11, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Cal Performances, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center
Bunraku, Japan's centuries-old form of puppet theater, combines three distinct and highly refined artistic disciplines: joruri, or ballad narration, shamisen instrumental music, and ningyo tsukai, or the art of puppet manipulation. Each of these skills demands years of intense training (it is said to take at least 25 years to attain the status of omozukai, the main puppet master). But the true magic of bunraku is revealed when the three independent components of movement, words, and music come together — it is this awe-inspiring ensemble work that evokes such deep emotion and wonder. This is extraordinary, multidimensional performance, displaying complexities not found in any other theater in the world. In a major cultural event, Japan's foremost exponent of this singular living art form — a company that includes four "Living National Treasures" — visits the United States for the first time since 1983.
In a symposium moderated by the Boston Japan Society's Peter Grilli, a leading scholar of Japanese culture, the puppets of the Bunraku — The National Puppet Theatre of Japan will be at the center of a discussion about the history, culture, and the art of puppetry in Japan. Presented by Cal Performances in association with the Institute of East Asian Studies and made possible by the Japanese American Community and Cultural Center.
China's Information Revolution
Xiao Qiang, Director, the China Internet Project; Professor, Graduate School of Journalism
October 12, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative
China is in the nascent stages of a momentous transition. The development of participatory media technologies, such as Weblogs, Wikis, and Social Network Services, are transforming communication. Will this significantly alter the Chinese political system by promoting the growth of a networked public sphere? Or will China's authoritarian regime ultimately domesticate Chinese cyberspace, turning it into an Orwellian monster?
The Rise of Manchu Power in Northeast Asia (c. 1600-1636): Local and global dimensions
Nicola Di Cosmo, Professor of East Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
October 12, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
The Manchu conquest of China is arguably the greatest historical event of the seventeenth century, both for the changes it engendered within Asia and for its far-reaching implications in world history. Yet if we take even the simple phrase "Manchu conquest of China" we see that whether the conquerors were really "Manchu," whether it was an actual "conquest," and whether they ruled a land that could have been defined as "China" at the time are all disputable notions. Indeed, historians have argued against the concept that the Qing state can be identified with a single ethnicity, that the Qing rulers occupied China less as an act of willful conquest than as the result of the Ming dynasty's collapse, and that China under the Ming was very different from that ruled by the Qing.
This talk will focus on the process of formation of Manchu power in northeast Asia and on local, regional, and even global dimensions of the rise of the Manchus. An appreciation of several aspects of this process, and especially of the nature of the solutions adopted by the early Manchu rulers to the several challenges they faced, is essential in order to understand what happened in and after 1644.
Discussant: Wen-hsin Yeh, Professor, History, UCB
The Elvera Kwang Siam Lim Memorial Lecture brings an eminent scholar in Chinese Studies to Berkeley each fall semester to present a public lecture, meet with faculty and graduate students, and generally foster scholarly exchange and debate amongst colleagues. This named lecture honors Ms. Lim's dedication to scholarly exchange, and was made possible through a generous gift by her family.
Cal Performances presents Bunraku: The National Puppet Theatre of Japan — a company that includes four "Living National Treasures"
October 13–14, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Cal Performances
Bunraku, Japan's centuries-old form of puppet theater, combines three distinct and highly refined artistic disciplines: joruri, or ballad narration, shamisen instrumental music, and ningyo tsukai, or the art of puppet manipulation. Each of these skills demands years of intense training (it is said to take at least 25 years to attain the status of omozukai, the main puppet master). But the true magic of bunraku is revealed when the three independent components of movement, words, and music come together — it is this awe-inspiring ensemble work that evokes such deep emotion and wonder. This is extraordinary, multidimensional performance, displaying complexities not found in any other theater in the world. In a major cultural event, Japan's foremost exponent of this singular living art form — a company that includes four "Living National Treasures" — visits the United States for the first time since 1983.
Program: Date Musume Koi no Higanoko (Oshichi of the Fire Watch Tower) (1773), Tsubosaka Kannon Reigenki (Miracle at the Tsubosaka Kannon Temple) (1887), and an introduction to bunraku
The Magic Of Chinese Animation
Duan Jia, Professor, Beijing Film Academy
October 14, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
(Total running time: c. 90 mins., Color)
Introduction by Duan Jia, Professor, Beijing Film Academy
Sponsored by the Pacific Film Archive — Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
Susan L. Mann in conversation on her new book The Talented Women of the Zhang Family
Susan Mann, Professor, History, UC Davis
Sophie Volpp, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley
October 16, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, University Press Books
The history of China in the nineteenth century usually features men as the dominant figures in a chronicle of warfare, rebellion, and dynastic decline. This book challenges that model and provides a different account of the era, history as seen through the eyes of women. Basing her remarkable study on the poetry and memoirs of three generations of literary women of the Zhang family — Tang Yaoqing, her eldest daughter, and her eldest granddaughter — Susan Mann illuminates a China that has been largely invisible. Drawing on a stunning array of primary materials — published poetry, gazetteer articles, memorabilia — as well as a variety of other historical documents, Mann reconstructs these women's intimate relationships, personal aspirations, values, ideas, and political consciousness. She transforms our understanding of gender relations and what it meant to be an educated woman during China's transition from empire to nation and offers a new view of the history of late imperial women.
The author will be in conversation with Sophie Volpp, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley.
Susan Mann is Professor of History at University of California, Davis, and was president of the Association of Asian Studies 1999-2000. She is the author of Local Merchants and the Chinese Bureaucracy, 1750-1950 (1987) and Precious Records: Women in China's Long Eighteenth Century (1997), which won the Joseph Levenson Prize. She is also coeditor of Under Confucian Eyes: Writings on Gender in Chinese History (UC Press, 2001).
Landscapes of Ritual: China and the Performative Body
Thomas H. Hahn, Assistant Professor, Asian Studies; Curator, Wason Collection, Cornell University
October 17, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, International House, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Events Celebrating the Opening of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library and Chang-Lin Tien Center for East Asian Studies
October 18–20, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley China Initiative
Text, Translation, and Transmission
October 18–20, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
"Text, Translation, and Transmission" is a two-day conference being held in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Numata Chair program.
The goal of the event is to honor the contribution of Bukkyô Dendô Kyôkai (BDK) to the field of Buddhist Studies, as well as to celebrate the tremendous achievements that have taken place in the field over the past twenty years.
Representatives from each of the 19 North American and European Buddhist Studies programs that have received Numata Chairs will present papers on the three aspects of Buddhist scholarship that the BDK has traditionally valued:
- The study of texts (their production and reception)
- The practice of translation (both textual and cultural), and
- The study of the historical transmission of Buddhism across time and place
The Concept of "Heaven" in Japanese Intellectual History
`Naoaki Hiraishi, Emeritus Professor of Japanese Political History, Tokyo University, Japan
October 18, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
As Professor Hiraishi stresses, the notion of "Heaven" was used, not only to justify social hierarchy, but also, in the era of the Tokugawa-Meiji transition and afterward, to support ideals of universal equality among people, and indeed as a justification for the dismantling of hierarchical relations in society.
(Lecture given in English)
Cal Performances presents the Guangzhou Ballet — Mei Lanfang
October 19–21, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Cal Performances
Mei Lanfang, Peking Opera, and the Chinese Aesthetic
Joshua Goldstein, Associate Professor, History, USC
Zhang Dandan, Artistic Director, Guangzhou Ballet
Ban Wang, Professor, Chinese Literature, Stanford University
October 19, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, Cal Performances
This colloquium will introduce the themes of Peking Opera, 20th-century Chinese dramatic arts, and the life of Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), the outstanding star of Peking Opera.
Mei Lanfang is the subject of a new production by the Guangzhou Ballet Company (Oct 19-21). The ballet will be presented as part of the opening celebrations for the Chang-Lin Tien Center for East Asian Studies and C. V. Starr East Asian Library.
The Changing Asian Security Landscape: From Subordinate to Region-dominant System
Muthiah Alagappa, Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center
October 23, 2007
Institute of East Asian Studies
Asia has moved from a subordinate position during the Cold War to become a core world region with the potential to become the core region of the world in due course. In line with this the security system in Asia has been transformed from a penetrated system dominated by the Soviet-American rivalry to a region-dominant system the dynamics of which are shaped largely by the interaction of states in the Asia security complex. The regional system, however, has no central security dynamic that affects all or even most security concerns in the region. The rise of Asian powers, their competing quests for power, status, and wealth, and their differing visions of regional order set in the context of the desire of the United States to remain the pre-eminent power portend geopolitical competition. That competition is likely to further alter the system dynamics with Sino-American interaction becoming the primary driver of security in Asia. Sino-Japanese and Sin-Indian relations would also become consequential. Although several outcomes may be imagined, a loose informal balance of power system that perpetuates American pre-eminence and prevents hegemony by an Asian power appears most likely in the next two to three decades. The centrality of economic development and increasing integration of Asian economies into the regional and global capitalist economies as well as the development of a regional normative structure that supports mutual survival of states complicate the geopolitical picture making the Asian strategic environment more akin to that of complex interdependence increasing the scope for rule-governed interaction in areas beyond economics. The role of force in Asia is changing with defense, deterrence, and assurance becoming the dominant function of armed forces in the region.
For Fun with Director Ning Ying in-person
Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
October 23, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Pacific Film Archive
For Fun Ning Ying (China/Hong Kong, 1992, Mandarin with English subtitles, 98 mins.)
Advance Tickets: (510) 642-5249
The Alley-Level State: Residents and Neighborhood Organizations in Beijing and Taipei
Ben Read, Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Iowa
October 26, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Most East and Southeast Asian countries feature dense networks of organizations at the neighborhood and village level that are cultivated if not directly managed by the state. Beijing's Residents Committees (jumin weiyuanhui) and Taipei's Neighborhood Heads (lizhang) share many characteristics, yet also contrast in that the former are essentially appointed by the authorities while the latter vie for their positions in open and competitive elections.
Extensive participant-observation, interviews, and surveys all shed light on the behavior of these ultra-local institutions as well as the ways in which residents perceive and interact with them. Though they differ from and even compete with the kinds of independent associations that we think of as civil society, they enjoy substantial
popular support in both cases. The Taiwanese case shows that even state-fostered institutions growing out of an authoritarian past can become channels for bottom-up demands and representation.
Discussant: Kevin, O'Brien, Professor, Political Science, UCB
Corporate Environmentalism and the Aesthetics of Industrial Ruins in Post-Industrial Japan
Tak Watanabe, Lecturer, Anthropology, Sophia University
October 26, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
How is a mining enterprise aestheticized after centuries of industrial growth and ecological damage? This paper examines the tension between corporate environmentalism and industrial tourism in Niihama, a blue-collar city on Shikoku island widely known as the ancestral home of the Sumitomo keiretsu. The city and the corporation trace their origins to the Besshi Mine, one of Japan's richest and oldest copper mines. But with the mine exhausted and factories moving overseas, residents are faced with the economic and environmental aftereffects of the sustained development that began in the late seventeenth century. This economic decline has coincided with the promotion of industrial ruins as monuments of environmentalist triumph, thus turning earlier connotations of brutal exploitation and social discrimination into proud stigmata of ecological suffering. The paper will focus on the representation of industrial ruins in corporate literature and tourism-promotion haiku, the apotheosis of a Meiji-period corporate mogul as the father of environmentalism in a local musical, and the cynicism found in the responses of former mineworkers who live on Besshi mountain. In sum, this moral and aesthetic appraisal of modern industrialization is part of the search for meaning in a post-high-growth-era Japan.
(Please contact CJS to request the paper. Reading required for participation.)
The Xinfang System Reform and Constitutional Politics Building in China: 中国的信访改革与宪政建设
Yu Jianrong (于建嵘), Director, Institute of Rural Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
October 29, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Review
Dr. Yu Jianrong received his Ph.D. degree in Legal Studies from Huazhong Normal University in 2001. He currently serves as Professor and Director of the Rural Development Institute's Social Issues Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, China. He argues that the Chinese legal system must be revised to give peasants more control over their land, and that rural migration to cities alone will not be enough to solve the problem. Yu recommends an overhaul of China's land ownership laws.
Professor Yu will show a 15-minute documentary film made by himself about the Shangfang Village (上访村, literally "Visiting village") in Beijing. Introduction and comments on Chinese Xinfang (信访, literally mailing and visiting) system reform will follow.
The lecture will be given in Chinese. The film will be in Chinese with English subtitles.
Reactions to China's Control Crisis — an Analysis of Recent Incidents of Social Unrest: 中国的管制危机与对策 — 近年来社会骚乱事件分析
Yu Jianrong (于建嵘), Director, Institute of Rural Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
October 30, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative
Lecture will be conducted in Chinese with English translation
于建嵘, 男, 1962 年 9 月生, 汉族, 湖南省衡阳市人。 月毕业于华中师范大学中国农村问题研究中心, 获法学博士学位。随后进入中国社会科学院农村发展研究所博士后流动站从事博士后研究。现为中国社会科学院农村发展研究所社会问题研究中心主任、教授。兼任教育部重点研究基地华中师范大学中国农村问题研究中心博士生导师;教育部重点研究基地山东大学科学社会主义研究所学术委员会委员;河北大学中国乡村建设研究中心学术委员会主任。曾在香港中文大学、香港浸会大学、美国哈佛大学做访问学者。主要著述有《岳村政治 转型期中国乡村政治结构的变迁》, 《中国工人阶级状况:安源实录》和《当代中国农民的维权抗争:湖南衡阳考察》等。
Discussant: Kevin O'Brien, Professor, Political Science, UCB
Strategic Deterrence: A Chinese Scholar's Perspective
Bao Shixiu, Chief Expert, Marxist Military Theory Studies Program, Academy of Military Sciences, PLA
October 31, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Dancing in the Streets of Contemporary Beijing: Improvised Uses of Space by Niu Yangge Fan-Dancers within the Urban System
Caroline Chen, Ph.D. Student, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, UC Berkeley
October 31, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
The Conceit of Self-Loathing
Maria Heim, Amherst College
November 1, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies
This talk will explore the psychological intricacies of Theravādin interpretations of the "conceit of inferiority" (omāna), which is considered to be one of the standard types of pride or conceit (māna). Considering oneself inferior involves an inflated and contrived construction of oneself, akin to other varieties of conceit. Yet the conceit of inferiority is a curious form of pride, involving as it does much self-abasement, disparagement, and despising of oneself. Looking primarily at Abhidhamma texts, Professor Heim will investigate questions about the nature of pride and humility in Buddhist thought, the psychology of self-loathing, and the affective dimensions of self-knowledge.
Maria Heim is an assistant professor of Buddhist Studies at Amherst College. She works primarily on the Theravada, and is currently working on a book about Buddhist theories of intention and the springs of moral action.
Quanzhen Daoism in Modern Chinese Society and Culture: An International Symposium: 全真道與近現代中國社會和文化: 國際學術研討會
November 2-3, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Department of History, Berkeley China Initiative, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités, CNRS-EPHE, Paris, Townsend Center for the Humanities, Center for the Study of Religion and Culture, Graduate Theological Union
Co-organized by Xun Liu, History Department, Rutgers University and Vincent Goossaert, CNRS/Chinese University of Hong Kong
As a very influential and distinct Chinese religious institution in both late imperial and modern China, Quanzhen Daoism has long attracted scholarly and public interest. However, the scholarship on the subject has dealt primarily with the early formative period of Quanzhen Daoism in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and concerned mainly with its doctrinal teachings, self-cultivation techniques, and other internal issues of the religious sect.
Recently, scholars of modern China and Daoism have begun to focus on the Quanzhen Daoism's close ties with and influences on modern Chinese society and culture for the past several centuries. Adopting new interpretative frameworks and strategies of social and cultural history, anthropology, and sociology, and using fresh data culled from archives, local and temple gazetteers, newly discovered epigraphic materials, literary writings, art works, and contemporary fieldwork, scholars in the field of Daoist studies and modern China have in the last decade or so produced a rich body of new research and writings focused on both the tradition and transformation of Quanzhen Daoism in modern Chinese society and culture.
It is our shared belief that these recent scholarly works are not only representative of the new directions and approaches to the studies of Quanzhen Daoism, but they are also closely engaged with the most debated issues of religious studies, social history, and anthropological studies of modern China. For that reason, we are convinced that a small symposium involving the major scholars from the field will be best venue to showcase and consolidate the recent innovative research and writings, and further contribute to the field of modern Daoism and modern Chinese studies at large through close and intensive intellectual exchange and discussions among the leading scholars in the field.
NOTE: There will not be a formal reading of papers at the conference. Discussants will read the papers before-hand, and begin the session with their comments, which will then open up to a general discussion amongst panelists.
Friday, November 2, 2007
9:00 a.m. — Welcome
9:30 a.m. — Panel 1: Quanzhen Identities
This panel deals with the construction of a distinct Quanzhen identity, in various contexts: the monastic culture, the Quanzhen practices among the laity, and the contemporary scholarly milieu, and literary and popular imagination. In all these cases, we ask what makes Quanzhen unique and specific, and examine what elements of Quanzhen tradition have been chosen and invested with particular significance by those people who claim a Quanzhen identity for themselves. We would also like to address to the social discourse on Quanzhen, and seek to understand how non-Quanzhen people represented Quanzhen and thought about it.
Vincent Goossaert, CNRS/GSRL, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Quanzhen's Place in Chinese Urban Religious Life, 1850-1950"
Zhang Guangbao, Institute of History, CASS, Beijing
"On Quanzhen Studies in China Since the Early Republican Period 民国以来中国大陆全真教研究评述
Monica Esposito, Institute of Research for Humanistic Studies, Kyoto University — "Daozang jiyao and Quanzhen Identity during the Qing"
Lai Chi-tim, Centre for Daoist Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong — "An Overview of Cantonese Quanzhen"
Raoul Birnbaum, History of Art and Visual Culture, UC Santa Cruz
Terry Kleeman, Religious Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder
12:00 p.m. — Lunch
2:00 p.m. — Panel 2: Quanzhen Material Culture, Production and Transmission
This panel examines the material productions and propaganda of the Quanzhen, such as texts and works of art as well as event-productions (rituals, festivals), all considered as means by which the Quanzhen identity and teachings reach out to society at large. We are most of all interested in both the modes of production (who writes/ paints/ performs; in what media; for what audience) and the social and political contexts of such production. We would like to reach a balanced view of the Quanzhen specific contribution in the larger picture of late imperial and modern circulation of religious products such as self-cultivation manuals, morality books, religious art, temples cults and festivals, etc.
Vincent Durand-Dastes, Classical Chinese Literature, INALCO, Paris — "Quanzhen Masters and Ming-Qing Vernacular Hagiographical Novels"
Mei Li, Historical Geography, Central China Normal University — "The Revival of the Longmen Lineage and the Temple Constructions on Mount Wudang during the Qing 清代武当山龙门派的中兴与宫观建设"
Stephen Eskildsen, Philosophy and Religion, University of Tennessee — "Late Qing and Early Republican Textual Transmission of Quanzhen Inner Alchemic Texts: the Cases of Dacheng jieyao 大成捷要 and Xingming fajue mingzhi 性命法訣明指
Wu Yakui, Independent Scholar — "Quanzhen Daoist Altars in Late Qing and Early Republican China: The Case of Jueyun Altar in Shanghai 论清末民初的全真道坛:以海上觉云为中心"
Philip Clart, East Asian Religions, University of Missouri, Columbus
Eugene Cooper, Anthropology, University of Southern California
4:30 p.m. — Tea break
5:00 p.m. — Special Visual Presentation: Thomas H. Hahn, Asian Studies, Cornell
"Capturing the Tao with a Camera? Don't Be Ridiculous, Dear!"
Saturday, November 3, 2007
9:30 a.m. — Panel 3: Quanzhen Daoism, Local Society, and Religious Culture
This panel looks at how the Quanzhen institution fitted in the larger late imperial and modern Chinese religious culture and local society; it examines the particular niche that Quanzhen Daoism occupied in terms of patronage and audience, and how it competed or cooperated with other religious institutions (other Daoists, Buddhists, local cults and specialists, etc.). Special attention will be paid to the multiformity of Quanzhen, that is, the many local variations and different adaptations of the Quanzhen institutions to local religious and social contexts.
Guo Wu, Religious Studies Institute, Sichuan University — "Quanzhen Daoist Development and the Regional Culture in Southwestern China in Modern Times近现代西南地区全真道的发展及其与地方文化之关系
Wang Gang, African & Asian Languages and Literature, University of Florida, Gainesville — "A Local Longmen Lineage in Late Ming-Early Qing Yunnan"
Mori Yuria, Faculty of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, Waseda University — "Yan Yonghe and the Quanzhen Daoism in Sichuan in Qing China"
Fan Guangchun, Center for Taoist Studies, Shaanxi Academy of Social Sciences — "Quanzhen Daoism on White Cloud Mount in Contemporary Shaanxi"
David Johnson, History, UC Berkeley
Paul Katz, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
12:00 p.m. — Lunch
1:30 p.m. — Panel 4: Quanzhen Daoism, the State, Secularization, and Modernity
This panel explores the processes of transformation through which Quanzhen institutions and practitioners continuously adapted to changing socio-political contexts throughout China's late imperial, modern and contemporary periods. The Quanzhen tradition, far from conservative and insulated from social change, did actively adapt and reinvent itself during the early Qing to regain control and autonomy of many Daoist sacred places, and become a privileged actor in Chinese society and state politics. It also adapted to the changing social and political conditions of the expanding state during the late imperial and early Republican periods by creating a Daoism fitted for the new nation-state. It is now reasserting itself since the 1980s for a new and vigorous revival amidst contemporary China's increasingly market economy and social change. All of these changes deserve to be examined as fragments of one continuous history of Quanzhen adapting to its context.
Liu Xun, History, History, Rutgers University — "Quanzhen Expands Learning 全真廣學: the Xuanmiao Monastery and the Local Modern Education and Other Reforms in Late Qing and Early Republican Nanyang"
Fang Ling, Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies, College de France, Paris — "Medicine, Healing and the Revival of the Quanzhen Fuxing guan on Yuhuangshan, Hangzhou"
Kang Xiaofei, Modern Languages, Carnegie Mellon University — "Struggles in Paradise on Earth: Quanzhen Daoists and "Cultural Tourism" at China's Ethnic Borderland"
David Palmer, Cultural and Religious Studies, ÉFEO, Chinese University of Hong Kong — "Globalization and the Quanzhen Daoists"
Richard Madsen, Sociology, UC San Diego
Susan Naquin, History and East Asian Studies, Princeton
4:00 p.m. — Tea break
4:30 p.m. — Special Session: Current research projects by participants
5:30 p.m. — Conclusions, discussion of publication
North Korea Between Hope and Despair: Ideology, Rhetoric, and Reality in the Juche State
Darren Zook, Lecturer of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley
November 2, 2007
Center for Korean Studies, Koret Foundation
Recent reports from North Korea have been filled with stories about an emerging "market culture" that has managed to flourish outside the control of the party and state apparatus in North Korea. There have even been official announcements from the North Korean government about the need for ongoing economic and legal reforms. But how well do these reports and announcements of nascent prosperity match with the proverbial "reality" on the ground in North Korea? Is there hope that the regime might well reform itself into obsolescence? Are the cries of despair of the North Korean people really dissipating into a mere low-level hum of complaint?
Based on notes from a recent trip to North Korea, this talk will suggest that the state apparatus in North Korea, along with the official ideology of juche ("self-reliance"), remain firmly entrenched in North Korea, and the scattered archipelago of "emerging markets" in North Korea poses no real or effective challenge to the state. But there may yet be room for cautious optimism for change in the near future for North Korea, based on evidence of the potential emergence of disaffected factions within the regime itself.
Forces: Artist's Talk by Lampo Leong
Lampo Leong, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Art, University of Missouri-Columbia
November 7, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies
"In the traces of the hand, Chinese calligraphy captures not merely the shape of the characters, but also the spirit of the artist. For me, the inky blacks of figural marks playing against fields of colored densities and radiant lights speak of my own fascination with the processes of creation. Reflecting both a reverence for the spirit of the Tao and the Sublime, as well as an ever-renewed wonder at the universe revealed to us by modern science, my paintings celebrate the dynamic forces that give birth to new life, new planets, and new stars; and provide glimpses into the crucible of genesis."
— Lampo Leong
Renowned internationally for his abstract painting and calligraphy, Professor Lampo Leong, Ph.D.-ABD from the prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, is currently Art Department Chair at the University of Missouri-Columbia. To see samples of his painting and calligraphy, please visit www.LampoLeong.com.
Wen-hsin Yeh in conversation on her new book Shanghai Splendor: Economic Sentiments and the Making of Modern China, 1843-1949
Wen-hsin Yeh, Professor, History, UC Berkeley
Margaret Tillman, Graduate Student, History, UC Berkeley
Allison Rottman, Graduate Student, History, UC Berkeley
November 7, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, University Press Books
Chinese Calligraphy Workshop with Professor Lampo Leong
Lampo Leong, Art Dept. Chair, University of Missouri-Columbia
November 8, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley China Initiative
This workshop is being held in conjunction with the exhibit "Forces: Paintings and Calligraphy by Lampo Leong," which is showing from September 17 – December 14, 2007 at the IEAS Gallery, 2223 Fulton Street, 6th Floor, UC Berkeley.
This workshop is open to students from all levels; no Chinese language background nor prior experience in calligraphy are necessary.
$10 material fee/class is free
Class size is limited. To reserve a place please email ccs@berkeley.edu before October 31, 2007.
Dating back more than 5000 years, Chinese calligraphy involves the use of bold, expressive strokes to portray the essence of a given word while simultaneously revealing the spirit and expression of the artist. Increasingly popular throughout America, this Eastern medium is related to, but distinct from, Western painting and calligraphy practices and its theoretical aspects have had a direct influence on modern arts, such as Abstract Expression and many post-modern approaches. Chinese Calligraphy Workshop is an introduction to the classical and contemporary concepts and techniques related to the medium, and includes a significant examination of the aesthetic and philosophy of Chinese culture and art history. Through slide-illustrated lectures, Professor Lampo Leong will introduce participants to masterpieces that illuminate the unique concepts of Daoism, meditative quality, strokes quality, rhythm, spatial treatment, and shifting perspective in composition. Five major scripts of Chinese calligraphy will be the main subjects of study (Seal, Clerical, Standard, Running & Cursive). Additionally, Professor Leong will demonstrate a wide variety of brush painting/calligraphy materials and their applications, which participants could use to experiment with different painting media. Creative approaches using brush painting and calligraphy techniques in abstract painting/calligraphy will be explored in the latter part of the course. This workshop is open to students from all levels, no Chinese language background or prior experience in calligraphy are necessary. Individual attention will be given to students with advanced background. At the end of the workshop, participants will not only have enriched their artistic vocabularies, but will have expanded their appreciation for Asian atheistic and philosophy.
Lampo Leong, PhD-ABD, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing; MFA, California College of the Arts; BFA, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China, is an internationally renowned master of brush painting and calligraphy whose work has been featured in more than 55 solo and 250 group exhibitions internationally at venues such as Stanford University Museum of Art, Ethan Cohen Fine Art in New York City, Taller Galeria Fort in Barcelona, and the National Museum of Fine Arts in Beijing. In addition to three solo exhibitions this year in UC Berkeley, Minneapolis, and San Antonio, his paintings and calligraphy are featured in the First Taipei International Modern Ink Painting Biennial in Taiwan, which will travel to other museums in Taiwan, China, Canada and the United States. Leong's works are collected by numerous museums, among them the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, Cantor Center for the Visual Arts at Stanford University, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and Guangdong Museum of Art in China. His 26-foot-diameter calligraphy in granite, commissioned by the San Francisco Art Commission, is permanently installed in a city park. Leong's artistic contributions have earned him more than 35 awards, and over 800 feature stories in newspapers, magazines, web, and television, including a PBS documentary and the U.S. Congressional Record. In 1999, San Francisco Mayor proclaimed November 19 to be Lampo Leong Day. He is currently an Associate Professor of Art and the Chair of the Department of Art at the University of Missouri–Columbia. He has also influenced thousands of students through more than 100 lectures across the United States, China and Taiwan at institutions such as the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei and Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. With his distinctive knowledge, Leong's teaching is informative, inspiring and enlightening. To see samples of his painting and calligraphy, please visit www.LampoLeong.com.
The Americas of Korean American Cinema
Elaine Kim, Professor of Asian American Studies, University of California, Berkeley
November 9, 2007
Center for Korean Studies, Koret Foundation
Professor Elaine H. Kim discusses representations of interstitiality in contemporary Korean American cinema — the ways in which Korean American representations emerge from the interstice of U.S. and Korean cultural expression.
Elaine H. Kim is Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.
Touristic Ritual, Sacred Journeys, and Tourism's Effects on Religious Life in Tibet
Jinfu Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism, Xiamen University, China
November 9, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Tourism Studies Working Group
Professor Zhang's research interests are tourist behavior, relationships in tourism, and the social impact of tourism. His current research focuses on tourism, pilgrimage, and social change in Tibet. His published papers include "Evaluation and Guidance of Folk Custom", "Towards a Framework on the Sociology of Tourism," and "Security Cognition of Tourists." He is co-author of the book of Tourism Security: Theory and Practice. Prof. Zhang is also an active fieldworker who has finished several research projects in western China and Tibet.
As usual, following the colloquium the Working Group will host a dinner with the speaker for graduate students and faculty who are conducting research on allied issues. If you would like to participate in the dinner, please RSVP as soon as possible at tourism@berkeley.edu. Spaces are limited.
Being Chinese and Modern: Three Unlikely Case Studies
Sarah Fraser, Associate Professor, History of Art, Northwestern University
November 14, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, History of Art
This talk will explore how Republican period (1912-1949) scholars developed new disciplines (archaeology, anthropology, ethnography) in tandem with an emerging nationalism. New technologies measured the past, its art and material culture, and ethnic groups thought to embody early cultures in their primitive states. The discussion focuses on the archaeological copying project of Zhang Daqian (1899-1983) who imagined the future of Chinese painting through its multiethnic, medieval form.
Reception to follow lecture
Western Zhou Bell Music in Texts and Archaeology
Haicheng Wang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley
November 15, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
Chinese classics of the last few centuries BC tell us that in the early first millennium BC Chinese civilization was the exclusive possession of the Zhou empire in north China. Zhou ritual music, we are told, was pentatonic; south China (i.e. the Yangzi region) was inhabited by barbarians playing strange music. But the bronze bell sets unearthed in recent years tell a different story. Zhou bell sets play a tetratonic scale. Moreover the Zhou seem to have obtained their first bells from musically and technologically more sophisticated centers in the south. The south was home to a civilization unknown to recorded history but increasingly visible in the archaeological record. Problems involved in reconstructing the history of Zhou music will be addressed.
Discussant: Robert Ashmore, Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley
Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring in Japan
Takeo Hoshi, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego
November 16, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
The talk is based on the following two recent papers by Professor Hoshi.
"Economics of the Living Dead," Japanese Economic Review, 57:1, 30-49, March 2006.
Zombie firms are those firms that are insolvent and have little hope of recovery but avoid failure thanks to support from their banks. This paper identifies zombie firms in Japan, and compares the characteristics of zombies to other firms. Zombie firms are found to be less profitable, more indebted, more dependent on their main banks, more likely to be found in non-manufacturing industries and more often located outside large metropolitan areas. Zombie firms tend to increase employment by more (but do not reduce employment by more) than non-zombies. Finally, when the proportion of zombie firms in an industry increases, job creation declines and job destruction increases, and the effects are stronger for non-zombies.
"Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring in Japan" (Joint with Ricardo Caballero and Anil Kashyap), NBER Working Paper 12129.
This paper starts with the well-known observation that most large Japanese banks were only able to comply with capital standards because regulators were lax in their inspections. To facilitate this forbearance the banks often engaged in sham loan restructurings that kept credit flowing to otherwise insolvent borrowers (called zombies). Thus, the normal competitive outcome whereby the zombies would shed workers and lose market share was thwarted. The model in this paper highlights the restructuring implications of the zombie problem. The counterpart of the congestion created by the zombies is a reduction of the profits for healthy firms, which discourages their entry and investment. Empirical analysis confirms the model's key predictions that zombie dominated industries exhibit more depressed job creation and destruction, and lower productivity. The paper presents firm-level regressions showing that the increase in zombies depressed the investment and employment growth of non-zombies and widened the productivity gap between zombies and non-zombies.
The Hierarchical Regional Space Model of China's Spatial Economy/Society
Mark Henderson, Postdoctoral Researcher, Anthropology, UC Davis
November 19, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Survey Research Center
This talk will report on work at the Regional Systems Analysis Project at UC Davis. In an effort to develop a more comprehensive and discriminating picture of socioeconomic phenomena in late imperial and contemporary China, we are using a geographic information system to place data in a fine-grained spatial framework that reflects the underlying structure of China's regional economies/societies. We apply Prof. G. William Skinner's model of Hierarchical Regional Space (HRS) that views Chinese society as a nested hierarchy of nodal local and regional systems, each centered on a city or town at one of eight levels in the urban hierarchy. This talk will review the conceptualization and methodology of the HRS framework, the types of census and land use data that have been analyzed, and some preliminary findings on urbanization and related phenomena.
The Regional Systems Analysis Project is an interdisciplinary research team conducting spatial analyses of regional systems in contemporary China as well as early modern Japan and France. For each project we are constructing a spatial framework, referred to as Hierarchical Regional Space (HRS), building on central place theory from Christaller and regional systems theory from von Thunen. Geographic information systems (GIS) facilitate modeling the core-periphery structures of macroregional systems at multiple hierarchical scales. In the societies under analysis here, the HRS model provides a useful framework for explaining the spatial variation in many demographic and ecological phenomena.
Autos, Transit and Bicycles: Comparing the Costs in China
Rui Wang, Ph.D. Candidate, Public Policy, Harvard
November 19, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of Urban and Regional Development
Iconicity and Advertising: Shanghai, Mukden, Tianjin and the Modern Commodity Girl
Tani Barlow, Professor, History and Women's Studies, University of Washington
November 27, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of Gender & Women’s Studies, Beatrice Bain Research Group, Center for the Study of Race and Gender
Tani Barlow, Professor of History and Women's Studies at the University of Washington is founding Senior editor of Positions, East Asia Cultures Critique and the author of "The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism" (Duke University Press, 2004).
China's Global Environmental Footprint
Peter Bosshard, Policy Director for International Rivers
Please RSVP to cepp@berkeley.edu by November 26
November 28, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Environmental Public Policy (CEPP)
How Sustainable are Sustainable Development Programs?: The Case of the Sloping Land Conversion Program in China
Pauline Grosjean, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley
November 28, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
A Strange Buddha for Strange Buddhists: The Silk Road and the Sogdians
Etienne de la Vaissière, Associate Professor, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris
Opening Remarks by Sanjyot Mehendele, Program Coordinator, Silk Road Initiative
November 29, 2007
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Chinese Studies
Foreign Direct Investment and Wages: Differential Impacts by Worker Rank at Japanese Manufacturing Firms
Masao Nakamura, International Business, The University of British Columbia
November 30, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
Foreign direct investment (FDI) can have important implications for domestic economies. For example, inward FDI is thought to bring in new foreign technologies, employment and competition, while outward FDI is often associated with hollowing out and skill upgrading of domestic economies. These in turn have effects on domestic wages. However, available empirical evidence on these wage effects of FDI is mixed.
Japan has accumulated significant amounts of inward and outward FDI since the early 1980s but empirical evidence on their impacts on Japanese wages is scarce. Such evidence for Japan's FDI since the 1990s would be of particular interest because of certain FDI-related economic issues. For example, the outward FDI-related transfer of jobs out of Japan was thought by some to have worsened Japan's deep recession, which began after the burst of a financial bubble in 1990 and continued into the early 2000. Meanwhile Japanese manufactures blamed their inflexible domestic keiretsu relationships with Japanese suppliers for their inability to rapidly reduce their production cost by extending their outsourcing and FDI operations in overseas low-cost production sites. In order to combat the recession and employment problems, the Japanese government instituted policy measures, such as promoting inward FDI.
This paper estimates the effects on workers' wages of Japan's inward and outward FDI in manufacturing industries in the 1990s. Using linked worker-employer data sets covering most of Japan's manufacturing firms and their employees, the authors find that Japanese employees benefit, in the form of wage gains, from their employers' association with FDI in both directions. The main findings are as follows. (1)Firms' preferences towards higher ownership shares in their overseas subsidiaries (such as fully-owned subsidiaries) are justified given that higher ownership shares lead to higher wages at home. (2)Workers in higher ranks benefit more from outward FDI. (3)Contrary to their foreign connections, Japanese firms' equity connections with other domestic firms (keiretsu) have negative effects on the wages of their employees.
Turning Things Around: Daughters and Their Natal Families in Qing China
Maram Epstein, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Oregon
November 30, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
The traditional Chinese saying that daughters are born "facing out" is part of the patrilineal culture that expected women to switch loyalties to their husband's family after marriage. As has been well documented, this expectation intensified during the Ming and Qing when many chaste maidens threw in their lot with their future husband's family after betrothal. These chaste widows and maidens became important symbols of local virtue. However, even as female virtue became more narrowly identified with chastity and loyalty to the marital family, natal families became more invested in their daughters' symbolic value as icons of virtue.
Historians of women's culture have paid relatively little attention to changes in women's relationships with their natal families. My presentation will discuss how the filial devotions of daughters to their natal families became a popular theme in eighteenth and nineteenth-century fiction. This increased interest in daughters' relationships with their natal families is also reflected in certain local gazetteers that recognized chastity daughters, girls who refused to marry in order to serve their parents. My presentation argues that the universal fascination with women as virtuous agents during the late-imperial period invested women's filial loyalties to their natal families with a renewed moral validity.
Discussant: Sophie Volpp, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Cultures
Hierarchy, Power, and Poetry: Haiku Groups from an Anthropological Viewpoint
Hideaki Matsuoka, Anthropology, Shukutoku University, Japan
December 3, 2007
Center for Japanese Studies
Publishing in China Quarterly
Julia Straus, Senior Lecturer, Political Studies, SOAS; Editor, The China Quarterly
December 6, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies
This talk will be on The China Quarterly — its operations, standards, processes, what to expect when submitting articles for publication, and how to make things go smoother with the review process...
China's Environment: What do we know, and how do we know it?
December 7–8, 2007
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley China Initiative
Funded by the Luce Foundation
China's environment has become a subject of great domestic and international interest and importance. Pollution of the air, water and soil; climate change; deforestation; desertification; water shortage; animal and plant species extinction; public health concerns — the list of topics is extensive and growing. The Chinese leadership has given high priority and publicity to environmental cleanup and sustainable development. The international community — government agencies, scientists, universities, think tanks, businesses, non-governmental organizations, media — on their own and in collaboration with Chinese counterparts, have undertaken wide-ranging research and published numerous reports calling attention to the internal and global impact of China's environmental problems. Given China's size and complexity, as well as complicated and at times conflictual relations between the center and localities, many experts have raised questions about the reliability and validity of the data that have comprised the basis for our understanding of China's environment and the formulation of policies to address problems, as well as the extent to which policies have actually been implemented as reported.
On December 7-8, 2007, the Berkeley China Initiative will host a conference at the University of California, Berkeley, on the theme, "China's Environment: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?" Acknowledging that the problem has scientific as well as social, political, economic, public health and cultural aspects, the BCI will bring together an international lineup of experts from a diverse range of fields — science, media, policy, business, NGOs, social science, humanities — to share data on China's environment, as well as reflect on how the data are collected, verified, disseminated, and utilized.
The format includes 3-4 keynote speakers and 6 panels which bring together experts from different fields who may not ordinarily converse with each other. The goal is to generate fresh and unexpected questions, connections, insights and recommendations. The conference will be webcast and a report prepared for wide dissemination.
This conference is funded by a generous grant from the Luce Foundation as part of BCI's 3-part series on "The Production of Knowledge About China."
Another "Language that Failed"?: The Beginnings of "Soviet" Korean in the Russian Far East, 1922-1937
Ross King, Associate Professor of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
December 7, 2007
Center for Korean Studies, Koret Foundation
In this paper, I examine the attempts to forge a standardized "Soviet" Korean written language during the decade or so of intense cultural work among the Soviet Korean populace in the Russian Far East before all Soviet Koreans there were deported to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in autumn of 1937. In particular, I examine Soviet Korean from the perspective of a) Terry Martin's "Piedmont principle" — "the Soviet attempt to exploit cross-border ethnic ties to project political influence into neighboring states"; b) notions of center vs. periphery and hard-line vs. soft-line bureaucracies in Soviet governmentality and nationalities policy (Martin 2001); c) Heinz Kloss' notions of "Ausbau languages" (languages by extension or elaboration) vs. "Abstand languages" (languages by distance), and "Nebensprache," summarized by Wexler (1981: 108) as "… dialects which develop their own standard norms, with or without a differential non-native component — rather than preserving links with a related standard language..."; and d) Eloy's (2004) notion of "langues collatérales."
I conclude that, through a combination of pre-existing Korean dialect constellations on the ground, ideologically motivated orthographic choices that (coincidentally) reinforced salient dialect differences, Soviet korenizatsiia (indigenization) policies, and the workings of the Piedmont Principle (Soviet Koreans as a shining beacon for their oppressed brethren across the border in Japanese-occupied Korea), "Soviet" Korean was well on its way to emerging as a new Korean "Nebensprache" and/or distinct Korean "Kultur"-dialect (Haarmann 1975) when these developments were nipped in the bud by the forced deportation of 1937, an act that made of the Soviet Koreans yet another "rag doll nation" (Schrad 2004).
Ross King is Associate Professor of Korean at the University of British Columbia.