2009 IEAS Events Calendar

January 1, 2009

China's Environmental Crisis & Solutions: On Pandas, Carbon Trade, and Tibetan Sacred Lands
January 15, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, BCI, School of Public Health, Environmental Health Sciences, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

Dr. Lü Zhi, Professor of Conservation Biology, Director of Center for Nature and Society of Peking University

The Future of Democracy in Northeast Asia
Robert Scalapino, Professor Emeritus, Political Science; Director Emeritus, Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley
Fredrick Chien, Chairman, Cathay Charity Foundation; former Foreign Minister of Taiwan, 1990–96
Han Sung-Joo, former foreign minister of South Korea, current president of Korea University
Michael Armacost, Shorenstein Distinguished Fellow, Stanford University; former U.S. Ambassador to Japan
January 20, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Asia Society

5:30 Registration/Reception
6:00–7:30 pm Program
$5 Asia Society/Co-Sponsor members
$10 Non-Members

To register please call 415-421-8707.

China's New Antimonopoly Law — What's Next?
Nathan Bush, of O'Melveny & Myers, China
January 20, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Center for Law, Business, and the Economy

On August 1, 2008, China's first comprehensive competition statute, the Antimonopoly Law, took effect. Although many provisions of the AML are modeled on foreign antitrust laws and enforcement practices, the extent to which "antitrust with Chinese characteristics" will actually converge with prevailing international practices remains to be seen. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce's landmark ruling imposing conditions on InBev's acquisition of Anheuser Busch and the circulation of draft implementing measures have raised new questions about the political economy of competition policy in China. Chinese regulators now face a string of test cases that will test their antitrust acumen and political clout, notably Coca-Cola Co.'s proposed acquisition of Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. (China's leading fruit juice company) and petitions to investigate prominent multinationals and state-owned enterprises for alleged abuses. Nate Bush will assess the lessons of China's first six months of AML enforcement and their implications for future enforcement.

Commentary-writing in Chinese Buddhism
Imre Hamar, Fulbright Scholar, Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia
January 22, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

The Pacific War Revisited: Scholars' View on "Letters from Iwo Jima"
January 23, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Department of History

The Center for Japanese Studies presents this program on the "Pacific War Revisited" with a panel of distinguished scholars of Japanese film studies and Japanese history who will comment on this critically acclaimed film. This panel will be followed by a screening of Letters from Iwo Jima, with post-screening comments by the film's director, Clint Eastwood.

The Pacific War Revisited: A Screening of "Letters from Iwo Jima"
Takashi Fujitani, History, University of California, San Diego
Carol Gluck, History, Columbia University
Akira Mizuta Lippit, Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California
January 23, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Pacific Film Archive

Clint Eastwood's Flags of Our Father and Letters from Iwo Jima depicted one of the most horrific WWII battles in the Pacific theater from both the American and Japanese points of view. Letters from Iwo Jima, based on letters written by General Tadamichi Kuribayashi (portrayed in the film by Ken Watanabe), is the first major Hollywood film on the Pacific War that managed to portray the Japanese from the perspective of ordinary soldiers and as fellow human beings.

Chinese Posters: Art from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Lincoln Cushing, Archivist, art historian, former UC librarian
Ann Tompkins, Co-author, with Lincoln Cushing, of "Chinese Posters: Art from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution"
January 28, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution produced thousands of powerful social and political posters exhorting the people in a sweeping transformation of Chinese society. These brilliantly colorful images of cultural celebration, industrial development, agricultural production, and revolutionary heroes were displayed in homes and public spaces across the country. Ann Tompkins provides a personal account of living in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution, and Lincoln Cushing presents a slideshow on the international context in which these posters flourished.

Buddhist Dreams, Erotic Dreams, and Herophilus of Calcedon
Giulio Aogstini, Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley
January 29, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

For a Buddhist cleric, a seminal emission is a fault, unless it occurs in a dream. The traditional definition of karma as passionate intention entails that dream actions are real and produce retribution, because intention and passions are present even while dreaming. Thus believed the Theravādins, the Vaibhāsikas, and the Mūlasarvāstivādins. And yet, dreams are instead unreal according to the Uttarapāthakas, the Dārsṭāntikas, Harivarman, the Yogācārabhumi, and arguably the Mahāsāṁghikas. In these disagreements, one must also see different reactions to Mahādeva's thesis on the possibility of nocturnal emissions for liberated beings. Related to the dream exception are the various Buddhist classifications of dreams. In most of them, a separate category for dreams caused by desire and for wet dreams is conspicuously missing. Noteworthy are those classifications mentioning dreams caused by humor disequilibrium and prophetic dreams not sent by the gods. The latter category is problematic because it includes heterogeneous elements: in the Theravāda commentaries, its prophetic character is explained in terms of the theory of karma, as a result of past actions; in the Milindapañha, instead, it is explained in terms of a theory of dream perception of external subtle images; according to a Chinese Theravāda commentary, to this category also belong dreams caused by desire, in which karma is produced. Quite surprisingly, this heterogeneity may be understood in the light of the Greek physician Herophilus' threefold classification, mentioning dreams caused by humor disequilibrium, dreams sent by the gods, and dreams caused by external subtle images. In the last category, Herophilus includes two Buddhist apparently heterogeneous elements: explicitly, dreams caused by desire and wet dreams; implicitly, referring to Democritus' theory of eidola, prophetic dreams not sent by the gods. Other details confirm the hypothesis of Herophilus' influence on the Buddhist classification, especially evident in the Milindapañha.

Philip Gotanda and Asian American Art and Culture: Yohen
Philip Gotanda, Playwrighte, Asian American Theater
Miryam Sas, Moderator, Comparative Literature, UCB
January 29, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Department of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies

A bilingual Japanese-English reading of excerpts from Philip Gotanda's play Yohen, followed by discussion with the playwright and actors.

A divorced Japanese woman and an African American GI meet in post-World War II Japan and fall in love. After decades of struggle, they have found an accepting Los Angeles suburb to call home—but their peaceful world is changing. More than a study of clashing cultures, Yohen is the poetic, resonant story of two partners who discover that intimate relationships change with environments—and love, however time-tested, is never constant.

Tickets are free, but seating is limited.

The Poems of Mao Zedong
Willis Barnestone, translator, scholar and poet
January 29, 2009

Globalization and Middle-Class Anxiety in South Korea
Hagen Koo, Professor of Sociology, University of Hawaii
January 30, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Like in many other societies, the middle class in South Korea is under great stress in this era of globalization. The Korean middle class is squeezed and fractured and is in danger of being disintegrated as a basis of social and political stability. Professor Koo's talk examines the sources of middle class instability and the way they try to adapt to the changing environment. He will argue that globalization modifies the structural context of class distinction and social mobility and introduces greater anxiety and status competition among middle-class people. In particularly, he looks into the globalized arenas of consumption and education and reveals how economic inequality is being transformed into social and cultural inequalities. The Korean middle class is no longer one large homogeneous class, he argues, but is becoming internally differentiated and its social significance changes from a basis of social integration to a site of contention and social conflict.

Hagen Koo is professor of sociology at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa and the editor of Korean Studies. Born in Seoul Korea, he received his BA in Korea and Ph.D. from Northwestern University. He published extensively on the political economy of East Asian development and the industrial transformation of South Korea. He is the author of the awardwinning book, Korean Workers: The Culture and Politics of Class Formation (Cornell University Press, 2001), which has been translated into several languages. His other books include State and Society in Contemporary Korea, edited (Cornell University Press, 1993).

The American Financial Crisis and the Korean Economy
Chung Un-chan, Professor of Economics, Seoul National University
February 3, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Professor Chung will examine the deep-rooted structural problems beneath the American financial crisis, the risks of market fundamentalism, the importance of a consistent regulatory philosophy in the proper supervision of markets, and related to this, what is going on in the Korean economy. He will consider several factors that contributed to the current situation (including the subprime mortgage crisis, imbalance of saving and spending, and income distribution), compare the problems in Korea and the U.S., and offer prescriptions for the future.

Chung Un-chan has been Professor of Economics at the College of Social Sciences, Seoul National University, since 1978. From 2002 to 2006, he served as the 23rd President of Seoul National University. He is currently president of the Korean Social Science Research Council and director of the Institute for Research in Finance and Economics at Seoul National University. He received a B.A. from Seoul National University, an M.A. from Miami University, and a Ph.D. from Princeton University.

  From Leavenworth to Lhasa: Living in a Revolutionary Era
Robert Scalapino, Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley
February 4, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies

In 1949, the year Institute of East Asian Studies Founding Director Robert Scalapino began his career teaching Political Science at Berkeley, was a momentous one on the world stage: the Communist Party prevailed in China, the Cold War was underway, and the specter of atomic war loomed. In his memoirs Scalapino revisits the turbulent political landscape of twentieth century Asia.

Introduced by Wen-hsin Yeh, Director, Institute of East Asian Studies.

Robert Scalapino is renowned for his work on East Asia in a career spanning five decades. He has played a singular role in cementing the university's reputation as a premier center of teaching and research on Asia. The author of more than 500 articles and 38 books or monographs on Asian politics and U.S.-Asia policy, Scalapino has served as an advisor to heads of state and key policy makers around the world, including three U.S. presidents. He is a frequent visitor to the People's Republic of China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan and the countries of Southeast Asia and Central Asia. He twice headed an American delegation to Korea, and he served as a visiting lecturer at Peking University in 1981, 1985 and 1999. Professor Scalapino retired from teaching in 1990, but remains active in political and development issues in Asia.

Kazuo Inamori: A Conversation on Business Innovation and Philosophy
Kazuo Inamori, Founder of Kyocera Corporation and KDDI Corporation
February 5, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Consul General of Japan, San Francisco, Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California, Haas School of Business

Kazuo Inamori is the founder and chairman emeritus of the Kyocera Corporation (originally Kyoto Ceramic Co.), a global firm producing information and communications equipment and fine ceramic products. Inamori was also the Chairman of one of Japan's largest telecommunications companies, KDDI (originally DDI).

One of Japan's leading entrepreneurs with a distinctive management philosophy, Inamori is a visionary business leader, an ordained Zen Buddhist priest, and a major philanthropist. Inamori today serves as president of a private business school, the "Seiwa-Jyuku," with branches in 60 locations, sharing his management philosophy at no charge to thousands of young business owners and entrepreneurs.

His concern for humanity and the environment is well-known. He established the Inamori Foundation and its Kyoto Prize since 1984 as a way to recognize individuals and groups worldwide who have made outstanding contributions to the betterment of society and humankind. (The talk will be presented in Japanese with simultaneous English translation)

Light reception to follow.

Free and Open to the Public.

Opening the Gates: A Critical Appraisal of China's Urban Development Practices
Harrison Fraker
Ming Zhang
Yung Ho Chang
Xing Ruan
Thomas J. Campanella
Alexander D'Hooghe
Dan Abramson
Renee Chow
Margaret Crawford
Galen Cranz
Li Zhang
Robert Mangurian
Mary-Ann Ray
Qingyun Ma
Jianfei Zhu
John Kriken
Kongjian Yu, Dean, School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University
Peter Bosselman
Elizabeth Deakin
Jennifer Day, Architecture, Univ. of Melbourne
William Fain
John Ellis
Marco Cenzatti February 6–7, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, The City of Jiaxing, China, The Berkeley/Tongji Research Center for Sustainable Transit Oriented Development, Global Metro Studies, China Project, PLACES Journal, Eva Li Chair in Design Ethics

China has undertaken the largest, most rapid, urban development transformation and arguably the largest social/cultural experiment in human history. This workshop seeks to examine the phenomena and to open a critical appraisal of its impact. What is known about China's urban transformation? What research needs to be done? What innovative planning and design models are being considered to address specific concerns?

Friday, February 6
9:00 — Introductions and Questions — Harrison Fraker, Professor, Architecture and Urban Design, UC Berkeley
9:20 — Overview: China and the Urbanism of Ambition — Thomas Campanella
9:40 — Hypotheses for Releasing the Civic and Design Potential Contained in China's Infrastructure Investments — Alexander D'Hooghe
10:00 — Discussion — Moderator: Harrison Fraker
10:30 — Break
11:00 — Accumulation by Dispossession? Rethinking Real Estate Development in Urban China — Li Zhang
11:20 — Lessons Learned: Recent Chinese Projects — John Kriken
11:40 — Villages in Development in the Pearl River Delta Marco Cenzatti
12:00 — Discussion — Moderator: Harrison Fraker
12:30 — Lunch break (lunch not provided)
1:30 — Form and Formlessness: Thinking through Traditional and Modern Beijing — Jianfei Zhu
1:50 — On Amazement and the Temperament of a City — A Postscript to the Post-Olympic Beijing — Xing Ruan
2:10 — Beijing Inside/Out — Caochangdi Village in the City: Farmers, Floaters, Taxi Drivers, Artists and the Contemporary Art Mob Challenge and Re-make the City — Robert Mangurian/Mary-Ann Ray
2:30 — Discussion — Moderator: Lan-chih Po, Professor, International and Area Studies, UC Berkeley
3:00 — Break
3:30 — Field Tactics: Strategies for City Building, Renee Chow
3:50 — A Modest Approach to Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design in China — Yung Ho Chang
4:10 — Chinese Residential Building Typologies — John Ellis
4:30 — Discussion — Moderator: Wen-hsin Yeh, Professor, History; Director, IEAS, UC Berkeley
5:00 — Adjourn

Saturday, February 7 9:00 — Space for Community Empowerment in China's Urbanization — Daniel Abramson
9:20 — A Social Approach to Sustainable Urban Design in China: Nanjing — Galen Cranz
9:40 — Villages, A Potential to Provide New Types of Urban Experience — Margaret Crawford
10:00 — Outcomes of Fringe Resettlement — Jennifer Day
10:20 — Discussion — Moderator: Donlyn Lyndon, Eva Li Professor of Architecture and Urban Design (Emeritus) UC Berkeley, Consulting Editor, Places
10:45 — Break
11:00 — Smart Codes for Smart Growth — Ming Zhang
11:20 — China's Transit Oriented Development — Elizabeth Deakin
11:40 — Complexity and Contradiction: Urban Design in Remaking Chinese Cities — William Fain
12:00 — Discussion — Moderator: Harrison Fraker

12:30 — Lunch break (lunch not provided)
1:30 — Curatorial Urbanism — Qingyun Ma
1:50 — Designing Cultural Landscapes — Peter Bosselmann
2:10 — Looking for a Smarter Solution: The Negative Approach to Urban Growth Planning — Kongjian Yu
2:30 — Discussion — Moderator: Linda Jewell, Professor and Chair, Landscape Architecture, UC Berkeley
3:00 — Final discussion — Moderator: Harrison Fraker
4:00 — Reception

Chinese New Year Banquet
February 6, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

The Faculty and Staff of the Center for Chinese Studies invite you to join us for the...
Chinese New Year Banquet — Year of the Ox — 2009/4707 — Friday, February 6, 2009
Details: No-host bar — 6:30 pm, dinner — 7:30 pm
168 Restaurant
Pacific East Mall, Suite 8109
3288 Pierce Street
Richmond, CA
Students/staff $15.00; Non-students/faculty $25.00
Make checks payable to Regents of the University of California
Fun and friends! Fabulous door prizes! Delicious food!
Friends/spouses/children welcome.
Mail or drop off checks in advance to: Center for Chinese Studies; 2223 Fulton Street Room 503; Berkeley, CA 94704-2328

New Trade Policy Directions in the Korea-EU FTA Talks: A Comparison with the Korea-US FTA
Dr. Heung Chong Kim, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Institute of East Asian Studies; Head of European Studies, SNU-KIEP Center for EU Studies
February 11, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

The ongoing Korea-EU FTA negotiation, which has finished its seventh round of talks, has reached a critical moment, as both parties must reach agreements in the fields of tariff concession, non-tariff barriers, services, and the rules of origin. Many observers are optimistic, however, that the eighth-round talks, scheduled to take place in the first week of March, will be the final round of talks before both pronounce the completion of negotiations.

It is interesting to note that the Korea-EU FTA talks can be highlighted from the viewpoints of both trade policymakers and academics. These talks reflect the main features of a new trade policy direction, which emphasizes lifting non-tariff barriers, promoting wider scope of services liberalization, protecting IPRs, and enhancing cooperation in environmental and labor standards.

In this lecture, the main features of the FTA talks will be illuminated by a comparison with the Korea-US FTA, and the contents and background of the new trade policy directions in both cases will be discussed in detail.

Doctrine and Destiny: Religious-Historical Connections in Colonial Korea
Ken Wells, Visiting Professor of History, UC Berkeley
February 13, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

The relation between religious belief and history has recently attracted renewed attention, but mainly for negative reasons, and historians discover that their discipline is not well endowed with language and terminology to analyze the relation. In my own studies of the relation between Christianity and Korean national history of the colonial period, I have long struggled to understand the relation free from the idiom of the national historical paradigm that continues even now to frame the question.

Evaluation of the Christian connections with society and history in colonial Korea is a very complex exercise, if one wishes to address their every facet, for the introduction to Korea of Protestant Christianity and its growth into an active church community coincided with the decline of the long-lived Choson dynasty into colonial subjection to Japan, the loss of authority of the traditional Confucian intellectual and moral edifice that underpinned cultural, social, political and economic values and institutions, the oscillation between reform, revolt and reaction from the late nineteenth century, the sharp rise in interest in Western education, institutions, and technology, the debate over the proper roles of men and women, the appearance of ideological schism, and the general issue of modernity. In many cases, the growth of Christianity not only coincided with but also lent impetus to the developments.

In this talk I single out of this complexity one chief issue that could be considered fundamental to Christian experience in such contexts, namely, the doctrine of Divine Providence. Through a comparison of the positions and actions of selected Protestant leaders in relation both to their understanding of providence and to what might be regarded as the logic of the doctrine itself, I propose some descriptive and analytical terms that might help us understand the relation between their beliefs about the ultimate destiny of individuals and the temporal fate of their nation under Japanese imperial power. I will conclude with ruminations on the significance for this relation of the treatment of death at a personal level in the fiction of the Christian writer Chon Yongt'aek (1894–1968).

transPOP: Korea Vietnam Remix Symposium
Trinh T. Minh-ha, Rhetoric, Gender and Women's Studies, UC Berkeley
Viet Le, American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California
Yong Soon Min, Studio Art, UC Irvine
Lan Duong, Media and Cultural Studies, UC Riverside
Kyu Hyun Kim, History, UC Davis, and film critic
Hyun Sook Kim, Sociology, Wheaton College
H. Lan Thao Lam, Artist, NYC
Viet Nguyen, American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California
Christine Hong, English, UC Berkeley
Jonathan Hall, Comparative Literature, UC Irvine
Sowon Kwon, Artist, NYC
Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University
Clare You, Center for Korean Studies, UC Berkeley
February 14, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Gender & Women's Studies, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

transPOP: Korea Vietnam Remix Symposium is held in conjunction with a traveling contemporary art exhibition of the same title that is currently on view at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco until March 15, 2009. This exhibition introduces a dynamic mix of sixteen critically acclaimed artists from Korea, Vietnam, and the United States, signaling an unprecedented engagement with the rich historic and contemporary linkages between Korea and Vietnam. The featured artworks variously engage the interconnections between the two countries, including the intersections of history, trauma, and contemporary popular culture.

The symposium seeks to build upon—and expand—the critical discourse examining Korean and Vietnamese historical and contemporary cultural, political, and socio-economic interactions. The symposium brings together some of the leading scholars, artists, media producers, and activists to explore the intersections of contemporary popular culture—including hallyu and V-pop—and the legacies of historical trauma in Korea and Vietnam and their diasporas. A better understanding of the development and dynamics of the Korean Wave and V-pop can be gained from a broader discussion of the transnational circuits and flows of popular culture and desire that represent and are constituent parts of the intertwined constructions of Asian modernity and emerging subjectivities, examined within a historical context. The proceedings also seeks to contribute to the nascent, comparative scholarship on Korea's substantial involvement in the American War in Vietnam and its legacies, as well as the current, close cultural and economic relationship that has developed between the two countries, and the triangulated relationship between Korea, Vietnam and the United States, highlighted by the war.

Program is made possible with support from the Korea Foundation, Tides Foundation, Wallace Foundation, Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network (DVAN), and W.L.S. Spencer Foundation

The "Problem of China" in the Study of Korean History: The Case of History of Science
Yung Sik Kim, Director, Seoul National University Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies
February 18, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

The title of my talk refers to a problem which has been troubling me when I try to think in general terms about the history of traditional Korean science. It is basically about the significance of the scientific ideas and technical artefacts of China apparently everywhere in traditional Korean science and technology. What roles and meanings should be assigned to such ideas and techniques in the history of Korean science? Would it be reasonable, or permissible, for a historian of Korean science to neglect them and to study only what is uniquely Korean? In discussing these questions in this talk, however, I will be posing a good number of more questions. Indeed, rather than trying to come up with solutions for them, I will present the problem and share my concerns about these issues. And although I raise the problem in connection with the study of science and technology, I believe that it is relevant to the study of many other areas of Korean past.

Safeguarding and Revitalizing Historic Urban Quarters: Zhongshan Road Historical District Revitalization
Tao Qi, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
February 18, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, UCB Archaeology

Many Chinese cities with long histories are unique for their fascinating city space and context. China is experiencing great changes in city reconstruction, with improvements erasing historic quarters, replacing unique traditional characteristics with featureless modern textures. Government officials, experts and local inhabitants agree that these disappearing historic districts, which belong not only to the past but also the present, should be saved. The great challenge is how to mix old treasures with modern necessities, preserving unique characteristics while improving living standards. This case study analyzes the problem from two perspectives: first, how to protect historic quarters during China’s current speedy urbanization; and second, how to revitalize urban space in historic areas to accommodate the needs of local inhabitants.

Portraits of Buddhist Bhutan: Photographs by Mark Tuschman
February 19 – April 15, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for South Asia Studies

Buddhism is the state religion of Bhutan, and its institutions play a central role in society. Its monasteries are centers of continuing training. Buddhist ceremonial dances, choreographed over the centuries by religious leaders, serve not only spiritual functions but offer merit to all who observe. The visual arts, however beautiful, exist as expressions and enactments of Buddhist world-view, and as revelations of meaning for the initiate.

Known as the "Land of the Thunder Dragon," Bhutan has guarded its borders against much of twentieth-century development. With the acceptance by its king of a constitution in 2008, Bhutan may emerge as Asia's newest democracy. However, access to the country remains strictly controlled, and its traditional Buddhist culture as yet yields little to modernity.

American photographer Mark Tuschman seeks "to photograph people with compassion and dignity in the hope of communicating our interrelatedness." His images capture structures, rituals, arts, and individuals—young and old alike—that suggest the range of visual imagery associated with Buddhism in Bhutan.

This exhibit has been arranged as a complement to the exhibition The Dragon's Gift: The Sacred Arts of Bhutan at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. On March 4, IEAS will host a colloquium on Buddhist Bhutan with Dragon's Gift curator John Johnston and UC Berkeley Professor and Buddhism specialist Jacob Dalton.

The Cultural Politics of the Brushstroke
Martin Powers, Sally Michelson Davidson Professor of Chinese Arts and Cultures at the University of Michigan
February 20, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

In both modern and premodern critical writing, both "East and West," the brushstroke has been extolled as a vehicle of personal expression in defiance of the stifling rules of naturalistic representation. By the mid-twentieth century the brushstroke had become such an icon in American art that Roy Lichtenstein was able to lampoon the notion in both painting and sculpture. But it doesn't follow that the seductive rhetoric of the brushstroke has been thus deconstructed, or understood. This paper is an attempt to survey the shifting cultural politics of the brushstroke in transcultural terms, in debates between and among European and Chinese intellectuals, over a period of four centuries.

The Uncertain Future of Chinese Law Reform
Stanley Lubman, Professor, Law School, UC Berkeley
February 24, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy

China's legal system has come a long way. Economic reform has driven legal reform: formal legislation now provides a framework for the organization of the Chinese government, and judicial institutions have been reconstructed in the wake of the Cultural Revolution. But the courts are inadequately professionalized, often favor local interests, and corruption is widespread. For the Chinese leadership maintaining power trumps the rule of law. Rights-consciousness is growing in Chinese society, but political reform is needed to accelerate legal reform. Professor Lubman will overview the quiet progress being made, notably in development of laws to control administrative arbitrariness, professionalize the judicial system and reduce the impact of "local protectionism."

  Love, Passion, and Patriotism: Sexuality and the Philippines Propaganda Movement, 1882–1892
Raquel A.G. Reyes, Research Associate, Department of History, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
February 25, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Southeast Asia Studies

This book is an intimate account of the lives and experiences of the renowned group of Filipino patriots whose propaganda campaign was a catalyst for the country's revolt against Spain in the late nineteenth century. Dr. Reyes uses paintings, photographs, novels and letters to show the moral contradictions inherent in their actions and philosophy, and their struggle to come to terms with the relative sexual freedom of European women, as contrasted with sexual mores of the Philippines at that time. Provoked by racism and allegations of effeminacy, the young men asserted their manliness and urbanity through fashionable European dress, careful grooming and refined deportment, and demonstrated their virility through fencing, pistol shooting and dueling.

Introduced by Professor Penny Edwards, Chair, Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

Raquel A.G. Reyes is a British Academy Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London.

Biographies of Non-Eminent Monks: Situating Contemporary Japanese Buddhist Priests
Mark Rowe, Assistant Professor of Japanese Religions, McMaster University
February 26, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

Despite the fact that there are currently over 300,000 officially certified Buddhist priests in Japan, there has hardly been any significant scholarly research into their lives and training. What are their backgrounds? How are they trained? What are their day-to-day activities? How do they mediate between the doctrinal ideals of their particular traditions and the real-world needs of parishioners? What do priests think of the larger organizations (sects) to which they belong? As a way to open up some of these issues, this presentation will explore varying ideas of "propagation" within several Japanese Buddhist sects. Time permitting, there will also be an audience participation component to the talk.

The Irony of Korean Financial Reform: Why Does Korea Suffer More?
Myung-koo Kang, Assistant Professor of Government, Claremont McKenna College
February 27, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

All countries are suffering from the global financial meltdown, and the Korean economy is no exception. Yet, the Korean economy is experiencing much sharper currency depreciation, massive withdrawal of portfolio investments by foreigners, and increasing short-term foreign debts in the banking sector than in other Asian countries. Various ominous economic indicators forebode that the current situation is much more complicated and serious than the financial crisis of 1997. This impending systemic crisis for the Korean economy originates not only from external factors such as declining global demand, but also from its vulnerable internal economic situation such as over-indebted households and the remarkably high proportion of self-employed work in employment, which are being more quickly and massively hurt by the current economic downturn spirals. This reality is ironic, considering that the Korean government has attempted to upgrade the financial system for the past decade by emulating the "best practices" in global finance, and thereby transforming the fundamentals of the Korean economy. Why, then, is the Korean economy in general, and the financial sector in particular, so vulnerable to external shocks? Is it because the Korean economy is small and open? What went wrong? This talk will explain the reasons by reviewing the sequence and institutional consequences of financial restructuring in Korea for the past decade, paying special attention to the impacts of the current global financial crisis on the Korean economy.

Myung-koo Kang received his Ph.D in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2006. After his two-year postdoctoral research on East Asian political economy at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia Pacific Research Center at Stanford University, he joined the faculty of the government department of Claremont McKenna College in 2008. His most recent articles on Korean financial reforms are: "Too Fast to Adjust: The Sequence and Consequences of Bank Restructuring in South Korea, 1998–2006," (Asian Survey, March/April 2009) and "Korea for Sale? The Impact of the Global Financial Meltdown on the Korean Capital Markets, 2006–2008" (Korea Economic Institute Academic Paper Series 2009, forthcoming). He is currently working on finishing a book manuscript titled, "Two Diverging Paths to Financial Globalization: The Systemic Financial Crisis and Government Intervention in Japan and South Korea, 1980s to 2008."

Thinking About Not Thinking: Buddhism, Film, and Meditation (Week 1)
After Life (Hirokazu Kore-eda,Japan, 1999)
Robert Sharf, Chair, Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley
March 2, 2009
Pacific Film Archives, L&S Discovery Course Program

This series will use film to explore some seminal and controversial issues in Buddhism and Buddhist meditation theory, and at the same time use Buddhist views of meditation and meditative experience to reflect on film. Thinking About Not Thinking will consider such topics as the Buddhist understanding of death, rebirth, and liberation; the ethical tension between ascetic withdrawal and compassionate engagement; the role of memory in Buddhist theories of consciousness; and contemporary debates (in both the academic and Buddhist communities) over the nature of meditation and mystical experiences.

In the film After Life three salient but incommensurable Buddhist death experiences are interwoven. In the first, one's state of mind at the moment of death irrevocably determines one's next rebirth; in another, at death one enters an interregnum — a bardo or purgatory — during which it is possible to influence the conditions of one's next rebirth; in the last, for Buddhas and enlightened beings only, death brings an eternal end to rebirth. However construed, Buddhists did agree that meditative practice was preparation for the inevitable confrontation with death. Kore-eda's After Life, which imaginatively draws on and moves beyond traditional Buddhist cosmology, will be used to explore central notions of death, rebirth, karma, and liberation.

  Popular Protest in China
Kevin O'Brien, Political Science, UC Berkeley
March 3, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

Do our ideas about social movements travel successfully beyond the democratic West? Unrest in China, from the dramatic events of 1989 to more recent stirrings, offers a good opportunity to explore this question and to consider how popular contention unfolds in places where speech and assembly are tightly controlled. The contributors to this volume, all students of Chinese politics and society, argue that ideas inspired by social movements elsewhere can help explain popular protest in China.

Drawing on fieldwork in China, the authors consider topics as varied as student movements, protests by angry workers and taxi drivers, recruitment to Protestant house churches, cyberprotests, and anti-dam campaigns. Their work relies on familiar concepts—such as political opportunity, framing, and mobilizing structures—while interrogating the usefulness of these concepts in a country with a vastly different history of class and state formation than the capitalist West. The volume also speaks to "silences" in the study of contentious politics (for example, protest leadership, the role of grievances, and unconventional forms of organization), and shows that well-known concepts must at times be modified to square with the reality of an authoritarian, non-western state.

Introduced by Professor Thomas Gold, Sociology, UC Berkeley and Executive Director, Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies.

Kevin O'Brien received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1987. Professor O'Brien's research focuses on Chinese politics in the reform era. His most recent work centers on theories of popular contention, particularly the origins, dynamics and outcomes of "rightful resistance" in rural China. He is the author of Reform Without Liberalization: China's National People's Congress and the Politics of Institutional Change, as well as articles on legislative politics, local elections, fieldwork strategies, popular protest, policy implementation, and village-level political reform. One of his articles, "Popular Contention and Its Impact in Rural China," Comparative Political Studies (April 2005), was a co-winner of the Sage Award for Best Paper in Comparative Politics delivered at the 2004 American Political Science Association Meeting. He is the co-editor of a book entitled Engaging the Law in China: State, Society and Possibilities for Justice (Stanford, 2005) and the editor of Popular Protest in China, which was published by Harvard University Press in Fall 2008. He is also the co-author of Rightful Resistance in Rural China (Cambridge, 2006).

Colloquium on Bhutanese Culture and Buddhism
Mark Tuschman, Photographer
John Johnston, Curator of Asian Art, San Antonio Museum of Art
Jacob Dalton, Assistant Professor of Tibetan Buddhism, UC Berkeley
March 4, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for South Asian Studies

Speakers John Johnston and Jacob Dalton will provide cultural, religious, and historical context for the exhibit "Portraits of Buddhist Bhutan" by Bay Area photographer Mark Tuschman that is on display in the IEAS gallery February 19–April 15, 2009. Abstracts below:

John Johnston: "Encounters with Buddhism in a Transforming Bhutan"
This talk will be based on the speaker's personal experience of living in Bhutan for three years where he located and researched Buddhist works of art for the exhibition "The Dragon's Gift: Sacred Art of Bhutan".

The small kingdom of Bhutan is undergoing significant changes as influence from the "outside world" are bearing down on the relatively isolated country. Television, the internet, increased tourism, and growing prosperity are bringing Bhutan into the modern age. Buddhism, the dominate belief system in Bhutan, is experiencing change in this time of societal transformation. From the lifestyle of the monks to the expectations of lay practitioners, the Tantric Buddhism practiced in Bhutan is quietly evolving.

The progressive constitution of Bhutan, which was ratified in 2007, sets up safeguards intended to protect and preserve the nation's Buddhist heritage and institutions. The Official Monastic Authority (Dratshang)is also active in envisioning a form of Buddhism which will be appropriate for this era. However,advocates for change and more conservative Buddhists do not always agree on the direction the Buddhist Dharma should take in contemporary Bhutan. The benefits and drawbacks of the changes experienced in the Buddhist community in Bhutan will be discussed.

Jacob Dalton: "Flying Tigers, Hidden Dragons: A Brief History of Buddhism in Bhutan"
Bhutan is the world's last remaining Buddhist kingdom. Nestled in the Himalayas between Tibet and India, it is a beautiful land of snow mountains, rhododendron forests, and picturesque temples. Yet the appearance of an idyllic and simple Buddhist kingdom belies a complex political history. Bhutan has achieved its modern political independence thanks to skillful planning and a long history of political intrigue, controversies over lines of reincarnation, competing Buddhist schools, and multiple wars. This informal talk will provide an introduction to this remarkable nation and its mysterious history.

Making Room for the Dao, Getting Rid of the Buddha: The Case of Qianfo Dong
Sheng Jiang, Head, Institute of Religion, Science and Social Studies, Shandong University
March 4, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Chinese Studies

In a remote dangerous mountain in Shandong Province,China, there is a former Buddhist cave that Daoists renamed Qianzhen dong (Cavern of a Thousand Perfected). This cave contains nearly a thousand Buddhist images on its walls. During our ethnographic fieldwork on Shandong Daoism, which included the collection of previously undiscovered stele inscriptions, we found that the character zhen ("Perfected") had been superimposed over the character fo ("Buddha"). Thus, at some point, Daoists had taken control of this "Buddhist" sacred site. In close proximity to Qianzhen dong, we found another cave called Qianfo dong (Cavern for Relocated Buddhas). It contains very simple Buddhist rock carvings that were executed or commissioned by local believers of Quanzhen Daoism. In this talk, I will discuss the process by which this geographical transformation occurred as well as its principal agents. I provide critical reflections on the inter-religious history of the place as well as the significance of this place for understanding Chinese religiosity during the early Qing dynasty, especially the local and regional situation of Shandong Daoism. This research challenges the common assumption that Buddhism was the primary tradition of privilege during the early Qing. It also provides an interesting window into doctrinal and ritualistic concerns of Daoists as they came to occupy and reconstruct sites previously inhabited by Buddhists. Interestingly, the Daoists in question expressed a reverence for Buddhist images and sacred objects that is noteworthy for its sense of spiritual power contained therein. My preliminary research indicates that these Daoists created innovative ways to relocate the Buddhas in order to make room for the Dao.

Yu Hua, author of Brothers
Yu Hua (余华), Author
March 5, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

Yu Hua, author of the best-selling book Brothers, will speak in Chinese with English interpretation.

"巨大差距的自画像"(A Self-Portrait of China's Vast Disparities)

Click this link to learn more about the author.

Additional appearance in Berkeley: Yu Hua will also appear on Friday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the independent bookstore, The Book Zoo, 6395 Telegraph Ave near Alcatraz.

Land Rights, Resources, and Chinese Development in Long-run Perspective
Kenneth Pomeranz, Chancellor's Professor of History, UC Irvine

March 6, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

Looked at in comparative perspective, among the most striking features of Qing political economy are the combination of highly commercialized agriculture with the strength of peasant land use rights — both through smallholding and through various forms of secure tenancy — and the very small share of the population dependent on wage-earning. This paper begins by analyzing some reasons for this pattern, focusing on the intersection of customary land rights, agricultural practices and family formation in China's wealthiest regions. Most of the paper then traces its long-run consequences — for urbanization, internal trade, migration, and fiscal policy — arguing that it created a distinct political economy which, though severely disrupted in the 19th and early 20th century, continued to shape Chinese economic development thereafter, and in some ways even into the present era of post-Mao reform.

Lost Heritage: Chinese Christians in a Modernizing Society
Carol Lee Hamrin, Global China Center
March 6, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

One hundred years ago, an earlier wave of globalization was changing China. Then as now, new technologies transformed the landscape, and Western-educated professionals built cooperation between Chinese and foreigners in all domains of life, including the intersection of religion and society. Some of China's early modernizers were Christians, educated overseas, who promoted nation building and moral progress. As educators, doctors and nurses, journalists and diplomats, they introduced practical social reforms and supported new civic associations.

The role of religion in developing civil society in China is often overlooked. Understanding the personal lives and social and moral activism of earlier Chinese Protestants provides a window into both the social impact of Christianity and its transnational scope. Recovering that earlier heritage can be a building block for today's global society, as well as for world Christianity.

Dr. Carol Lee Hamrin will introduce the main themes of her recent book, Salt and Light: Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2009). Hamrin is a Research Professor at George Mason University and Senior Associate with the Global China Center, both in Va., following a career as the State Department's senior research specialist for China.

Introduced by Lowell Dittmer, Political Science, UC Berkeley.

Berkeley and the World: 50 Years of International Education
March 6, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, International and Area Studies, Center for African Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Center for South Asia Studies, Institute of European Studies, Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Berkley Language Center, Fellowship Office Graduate Division, International House, ORIAS, The University Library

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the US Department of Education Title VI program, known at its inception as the National Defense Education Act. Berkeley has participated in Title VI since the program inception in 1959.

In recognition of this milestone and of the importance of the Title VI programs on the Berkeley campus, especially the National Resource Centers and Foreign Language and Area Studies fellowships, the eight Berkeley Institutes and Centers receiving Title VI funding are hosting an event to commemorate the 50th anniversary.

STRAIT TALK: China-Taiwan-US Relations
Robert Berring, School of Law
Tom Gold, Sociology
AnnaLee Saxenian, School of Information
Lan Chih Po, International Area Studies
Po Chi Wu, Managing Director of DragonBridge Capital
Andrew Jones, Chair of Center for Chinese Studies
Melissa Brown, Anthropology, Stanford
Darren Zook, Political Science
Hong Yung Lee, Political Science
Lowell Dittmer, Political Science
Julie Shackford-Bradley, Peace and Conflict Studies
March 9–14, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Law, ASUC, Institute of East Asian Studies, Student Opportunity Fund, School of Information, KTSF, TECO

As China continues to rise, Taiwan is being cited as a potential flashpoint "where two big nuclear powers could come into conflict." Strait Talk at Berkeley tackles this issue by bringing together 15 highly-accomplished student delegates—5 each from China, Taiwan, and the United States—to engage in direct, peace-building dialogue. Come hear esteemed speakers and student delegates examine the legal, business, cultural, and political factors that influence China-Taiwan-US relations.

Monday, March 9
"Today's China and Taiwan: Law and Society" —5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, 105 Boalt Hall, with Prof Robert Berring (School of Law), Prof Tom Gold (Sociology), Prof Xiao Qiang (School of Journalism)

Tuesday, March 10
"China 2.0: Doing Business in China and Taiwan" —5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Haas Wells Fargo Room, with Prof AnnaLee Saxenian (School of Information), Prof Lan Chih Po (International Area Studies), Prof Po Chi Wu (Managing Director of DragonBridge Capital)

Wednesday, March 11
"Chinese or Taiwanese?: Culture and Identity" —7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, 2060 VLSB, with Prof Andrew Jones (Chair of Center for Chinese Studies), Prof Melissa Brown (Anthropology, Stanford)

Thursday, March 12
"Peaceful Rise: Promoting Stability in East Asia" —7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, 2060 VLSB, with Prof Darren Zook (Political Science), Prof Hong Yung Lee (Political Science), Prof Lowell Dittmer (Political Science)

Friday, March 13
"Peace Project Talks" —4:00 –6:00 PM, FSM Cafe, Led by Prof. Julie Shackford-Bradley of Peace and Conflict Studies, the 15 student delegates will develop peace-building strategies that utilize open dialogue and social advocacy. Voice your opinions and comments to help the delegates refine their projects, which they will share with their home universities. Come be part of the change!

Saturday, March 14
"Delegates" Consensus Report Presentation" —10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, IEAS Conference Room, 2223 Fulton St., 6th Floor

During the week, the student delegates will meet to discuss specific recommendations for improving China-Taiwan-US relations. Come learn about the policy suggestions for Beijing, Taipei, and Washington, D.C. that all 15 student delegates agree on. Talk to the delegates in person and hear what actions these future leaders around the Pacific Rim would recommend to ensure peace and stability.

Facebook: "Strait Talk Symposium"
Visit: www.straittalk.org
Email: straittalk.berkeley@gmail.com.

Higher Education and the University Today: From a Japanese Perspective
Takeshi Sasaki, Professor of Politics, Gakushuin University, Tokyo
March 11, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Center for Studies in Higher Education

Professor Takeshi Sasaki received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Tokyo, specializing in political science and the history of Western political thought. He joined the faculty in 1968 and is now a noted commentator on Japanese politics. From 2001 to 2005, Professor Sasaki served as the 27th president of the University of Tokyo. He has also served on government commissions on higher education and the imperial house law, as well as on corporate boards including the Eastern Japan Railway Co. and Tôshiba Corporation.

Reservation required.
Contact: cjs@berkeley.edu

Diagnosis and Policy Directions for the Korean Economy 한국경제의 진단과 경제정책 방향
Kim Jong In
March 11, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Please note: This lecture will be delivered in Korean.
현재 세계경제는 금융시장과 실물경제의 동반 위기에 직면 하여있다. 일반적인 예상과 달리 현 위기가 언재 종식되어 회복될 것인지에 대한 전망이 보이지않는다. U자형의 경기 회복을 예상하다가 최근 L자형의 회복을 전망하는 추세로 전환 하는것 같다. 이는 최대의 소비시장인 미국의 금융시장이 안정되고 소비가 활성화 될 전망이 보이지 않기 때문이다.

한국경재 또한 국제금융위기와 세계경기 후퇴로 금융과 실물경제의 어려움에 직면하여 있다. 작년 4/4분기 경제성장률은 마이너스를 실현하였고 금년 1/4 또한 부의 성장이 예상되며, 금년도 성장률도 추정치로 마이너스 3%이상 으로 예측되고 있다. 이러한 샹황에서 외신들은 아시아 신흥국들과 비교하여 한국경제의 보다 심각한 위험성을 보도하고 있고 정부의 경제정책은 경제주체들로부터 신뢰를 얻지 못하고 있는 상황이다. 한국경제가 직면하고 있는 위기의 실체는 무엇이고, 이를 극복하기 위한 경제정책의 한계와 가능성은 무엇인가?

김종인 (金 鍾 仁) — 독일 뮌스터 (Münster) 대학교 대학원 졸업 (경제학 박사) — 제 11, 12, 14, 17 대 국회의원 —대통령 경제수석 비서관 —보건사회부 장관 —국민경제자문회의 자문위원 —서강대학교 경제학 교수; 국민은행 이사장

Reform, Political Culture and Globalization: Japanese Party Politics and the Problem of Political Integration
Takeshi Sasaki, Professor of Politics, Gakushuin University, Tokyo
March 13, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies

Professor Takeshi Sasaki was born in the northern Japanese prefecture of Akita. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Tokyo, and joined the faculty there in 1968. A student of Kan'ichi Fukuda, Professor Sasaki specialized in political science and the history of Western political thought. From an initial focus on Machiavelli, Bodin, and Plato, Professor Sasaki broadened his scope to the U.S., and moved on from there to become a noted commentator on Japanese politics. A prodigious and prolific author, Professor Sasaki has published multiple books in each of his areas of expertise, ranging from The Political Thought of Machiavelli (1970), Contemporary American Conservatism (1984), What Can Politics Achieve? (1991), Plato's Curse: Philosophy and Politics in the 20th Century (2000), to The Mysterious System Called Democracy (2007). In parallel with his rising stature as a political analyst, Professor Sasaki served in a number of high-profile administrative positions, including dean of the Faculty of Law and Politics, and, from 2001 to 2005, as 27th president of the University of Tokyo. He is currently professor of politics at GakushÛin University, Tokyo. Along with his academic activities, Professor Sasaki has served on government commissions on higher education and the imperial house law, as well as on corporate boards including the Eastern Japan Railway Co. and Tôshiba Corporation.

Pyongyang, Capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Alternate Realities
Marsha Haufler, Professor of Art History, University of Kansas
March 13, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

In the second half of the twentieth century, a phoenix rose from the ashes of war on the banks of the Taedong River: the city of Pyongyang. The extraordinary landmarks of this new capital belong to the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the world, yet they are perceived very differently within and beyond the country's borders. This talk examines the creation and narrative power of these monuments in North Korea, and the fascination they hold for foreign observers.

Anthropology of Contemporary China: Graduate Student Conference
March 13, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of Anthropology

9:00 — Opening Comments Professor Aihwa Ong
Professor Liu Xin
10:00 — The Body
Jeannette Ng, UC Berkeley, East Asian Languages and Cultures —Politics of Qi in Chinese Notions and Representations of the Body
Janelle Lamoreaux, Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley —What Matters to Scientists of Sperm? The "Independent Variables of a Chinese Semen Analysis
Fei Shi, Department of Comparative Literature, UC Davis —Blood, Body, and Bio-politics: Queering Social Discourses in Contemporary China

11:45 — The City
Chris Tong, Department of Comparative Literature, UC Davis —Macau from Below: Dislocating the City through Film, Architecture, and the Ethnographic Drift
Lisia Zheng, Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley —Seeing China through its Cities: Challenges and Lessons of Chinese Urbanism
Kao Shih-Yang, UC Berkeley, Geography —The Unexpected Urban Transformation: Observation and Reflection on Beijing's Garbage Belt

1:15 — Lunch

2:15 — Self, Nation, World
Mun Young Cho, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University —The Will to Survive: Burden of "Community Self-governance"
Cheng Xiuying, Department of Sociology, UC Berkeley —Lost in Transition: The Pension Disputes of State Workers in Wuhan
Gowoon Noh, Department of Anthropology, UC Davis —The Locality of Place in Globalization: The Transnational Connection between the Korean-Chinese Region in Northeast China and South Korea
Jerry Zee, Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley —Citizen and Civilization: Reflections on National Unity at the Barbarian Fringe

4:30 — Disease
Lyle Fearnley, Department of Medical/Anthropology, UC Berkeley —Circulation as Pathology: The Epidemic in Contemporary China
Theresa MacPhail, Department of Medical/Anthropology, UC Berkeley —The Politics of Bird Flu: The Battle over Viral Samples and China's Role in Global Public Health

6:15 — Dinner

Thinking About Not Thinking: Buddhism, Film, and Meditation (Week 2)
I Heart Huckabees (David O. Russell, U.S., 2004)
Robert Sharf, Chair, Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley
March 16, 2009
Pacific Film Archive, L&S Discovery Course Program

This series will use film to explore some seminal and controversial issues in Buddhism and Buddhist meditation theory, and at the same time use Buddhist views of meditation and meditative experience to reflect on film. Thinking About Not Thinking will consider such topics as the Buddhist understanding of death, rebirth, and liberation; the ethical tension between ascetic withdrawal and compassionate engagement; the role of memory in Buddhist theories of consciousness; and contemporary debates (in both the academic and Buddhist communities) over the nature of meditation and mystical experiences.

Buddhism teaches that everything we hold to be true, everything we hold most dear, is in some sense an "empty" conceptual construct, and that the solution to human suffering is to recognize the ephemerality of the world around us. Yet Buddhism also emphasizes compassion; although a saint or bodhisattva recognizes that suffering itself is an illusion, he/she must still act to alleviate that suffering. Russell's "existential comedy" plays out the struggle between emptiness and compassion, withdrawal and engagement, alienation and interconnectedness.

  The Politics of Intimacy in China
Sara L. Friedman, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Indiana University
March 18, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

How are intimate relationships legitimized and made meaningful by broader social and political forces? This talk examines the politicization of marriage and other intimate bonds in the Greater China region, drawing on research from the Maoist and post-Mao eras and contemporary cross-Strait relations. It asks why certain kinds of intimate relationships and practices were of such concern to China's early socialist regime and what that history of state intervention has meant for young people as they forge new kinds of intimacy under post-Mao market reforms. Turning to marital migration across the Taiwan Strait, the talk analyzes how Mainland spouses in Taiwan experience new forms of regulation and discipline as they and their marriages come to stand in for the state of cross-Strait relations more generally. In these contexts, intimacy produces affective ties that may or may not successfully incorporate individuals and groups into larger chains of national inclusion.

Introduced by You-tien Hsing, Geography, UC Berkeley.

The Chinese Lubitsch Touch: A Forgotten History of the Art of Ellipsis
Xinyu Dong, Stanford IHUM Fellow
March 18, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

As the brand name of the Hollywood German director Ernst Lubitsch's unique cinematic style, the term "Lubitsch touch" is most aptly elusive and becomes only more so in a trans-cultural context. In the film journals and newspaper supplements of Republican China, quite a number of Chinese directors were hailed the "Lubitsch of the East" (Dongfang Liu Bieqian), all the way from the mid-1920s to late 1940s. What did the name of Lubitsch mean to Chinese filmmakers and critics? And how was it able to maintain the lasting hold on the modern Chinese cultural imagination? By examining these contemporaneous discourses as well as a few Chinese Lubitsch films, this paper suggests an understanding of the Chinese Lubitsch touch in terms of the visual and narrative economy of the art of ellipsis. As such, the Chinese Lubitsch films marked both the historical exploration of the film-spectator relationship and the aesthetic experiment with national cinema.

Strikes in Vietnam and China: The Impact of the State on Workers' Struggles for Their Rights
Anita Chan, Professor, Sociology, Australian National University
March 23, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute for the Study of Social Change, UC Berkeley Labor Center

Join us for a presentation by China expert Anita Chan, who will discuss labor conditions in Vietnam, where strike waves have been hitting in the past three years, and China, where strikes have been sporadic. Chan will present data comparing the two countries' key players' attitudes towards strikes and the differences in their legal regulatory frameworks. Chan's research shows that the countries' different industrial relations laws have caused them to diverge. She will discuss the question of whether a legal framework that grants workers the right to strike at this stage in these two countries' development obstructs or furthers workers' struggles for their rights.

Anita Chan is a sociologist specializing in China at the Australian National University. She is the author of five books, including China's Workers Under Assault and Children of Mao. Her newest co-authored book is Chen Village: from Revolution to Globalization. Coming publications will include edited volumes "Wal-Mart in China" and "Labor in Vietnam." Chan's current research focuses on Chinese management styles, worker-management relations in Chinese firms, the Chinese trade union, global production chains and corporate social responsibility.

Thinking About Not Thinking: Buddhism, Film, and Meditation (Week 3)
Fearless (Peter Weir, U.S., 1993)
Robert Sharf, Chair, Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley
March 30, 2009
Pacific Film Archive, L&S Discovery Course Program

This series will use film to explore some seminal and controversial issues in Buddhism and Buddhist meditation theory, and at the same time use Buddhist views of meditation and meditative experience to reflect on film. Thinking About Not Thinking will consider such topics as the Buddhist understanding of death, rebirth, and liberation; the ethical tension between ascetic withdrawal and compassionate engagement; the role of memory in Buddhist theories of consciousness; and contemporary debates (in both the academic and Buddhist communities) over the nature of meditation and mystical experiences.

Some see the heart of Buddhist meditation as the practice of mindfulness or "bare attention" — a stepping "forward" into the present moment. But there is also a sense in which Buddhist practice is a step "back" — one withdraws from the world so as to let go of everything, including the fear of one's own death. Can one be utterly fearless and still care deeply about the things of this world? Peter Weir's Fearless is a powerful vehicle for exploring the conundrums involved in bringing traditional Buddhist practices — practices originally intended for celibate renunciates who had left their families — into the modern world.

In An Age of Depoliticization: Some Reflections on Contemporary Intellectual Debates in China Since the 1990s
Wang Hui, Professor of Chinese, Tsinghua University; Townsend Center Scholar-in-Residence in East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley
Pheng Cheah, Associate Professor, Rhetoric, UC Berkeley
Martin Jay, Professor, History, UC Berkeley
Colleen Lye, Associate Professor, English, UC Berkeley
April 1, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Townsend Center, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Shorenstein Foundation

Wang Hui, Political Theorist, in dialogue with Professors Martin Jay, Pheng Cheah, and Colleen Lye.

Enemy Under My Skin: Contingent Transcendence and the Seduction of the Underground
Haiyan Lee, Stanford University
April 1, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

In this talk, I read Eileen Chang's short story "Lust, Caution" (Se, jie), and Ang Lee's film adaptation to a lesser extent, by drawing on Emmanuel Levinas' ethical philosophy, particularly his notions of transcendence and the "face of the other." The story stages the Levinasian itinerary of the self through the thematic device of an espionage/assassination conspiracy undertaken by underground activists under conditions of war, occupation, collaboration, and resistance. The theatricality of the underground creates a "face to face" situation and precipitates a gendered ethical subjectivity against the backdrop of the collective politics of national salvation. I also engage Hannah Arendt's theory of the (bourgeois) social in conjunction with its feminist revision to reflect on women's space of action in "dark times."

Love Revelations in the Autobiography of a Tibetan Ḍākinī
Sarah Jacoby, Columbia University
April 2, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

Romantic love as we think of it today is a product of a particular set of socio-historical influences exclusive to European-American cultures, or so many scholars contend. The Tibetan Buddhist context would seem to prove this point as love between a man and a woman is more often associated with the Buddhist nemeses of attachment, desire, and craving than with the path to enlightenment. Despite the ubiquity of iconographic and literary depictions of male-female (yab yum) deities, sexual union in Tibetan Buddhism is usually understood less as a sacralization of the love act than it is as a means to the end of spiritual realization. That said, the rare autobiography of the Tibetan visionary Sera Khandro (1892–1940) and the biography she wrote of her root teacher and partner Drimé Özer (1881–1924) offer a different perspective on consort practices far more akin to "Western" notions of love than her Tibetan Buddhist context would seemingly allow. In this talk, I suggest that as one of the few Tibetan women to have written her autobiography or to have her writings become accepted as authentic Buddhist revelation, Sera Khandro drew on the Tantric paradigm of wholeness as the union of male method and female wisdom to write herself into the male dominated religious hierarchy of her early twentieth-century Eastern Tibetan world. Her representations of her relationship with Drimé Özer not only mirror this Tantric paradigm, but articulate a sentimental love between the two of them that shares a great deal with Euro-American notions of romantic love.

A Korean Wave: Lunch Poems Series
Choi Jeongrye (최정례)
Choi Young Mi (최영미)
Hwang In Suk (황인숙)
Moon Chung-hee (문정희)
Ra Hee-duk (나희덕)
April 2, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Lunch Poems, Department of English

A remarkably strong generation of women poets has emerged in Korea in the last decade. For a week in April, five of them will be visiting Berkeley, reading, and talking to Korean-American poets and women poets of the Bay Area. This is a very rare chance to hear some of the most important and exciting voices in Asia.

Poets: Jeongrye Choi, Young Mi Choi, In Suk Hwang, Chung-hee Moon, Hee-duk Ra
Presented by Lunch Poems, a noontime poetry reading series under the direction of Professor Robert Hass. See http://lunchpoems.berkeley.edu/.

Moment and Methodology: Chinese Intellectual and Cultural History in Global Modernity
Wang Hui, Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University; Former Editor of Dushu (读书)
Christopher Connery, Professor, Literature, UC Santa Cruz
Harry Harootunian, Professor, History, New York University
Theodore Huters, Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA
Andrew F. Jones, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley
Rebecca Karl, Associate Professor, East Asian Studies, New York University
Lydia Liu, Research Scholar, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University
Li Tuo, Research Scholar, East Asian Languages Cultures, Columbia University
Viren Murthy, Assistant Professor, History, University of Ottawa
Xiaobing Tang, Professor, Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
Yiching Wu, Assistant Professor, Anthropology and History, University of Michigan
Alan Tansman, Professor, Chair, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley
April 3–4, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Shorenstein Foundation, Townsend Center for the Humanities

Friday, April 3 Seaborg Room, Faculty Club
4:00 p.m. — Keynote speech — Variations between Culture and Politics: War, Revolution, and May Fourth, Wang Hui, Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University
Note: the Seaborg Room is not wheelchair accessible

Saturday, April 4 — Heyns Room, Faculty Club, first floor
9:00 a.m. — Coffee and registration
9:30 — Panel 1 — The Long 19th Century: From the Late Qing to the May 4th Moment
Rebecca Karl, "Of Slavery and Race in the Late-Qing"
Viren Murthy, "Buddhist Epistemology and Modern Self-Identity: Zhang Taiyan on Religion and Morality"
Theodore Huters, "Rethinking the Simplification of Chinese Prose"
Andrew F. Jones: "The Year 1887: Evolutionary Adventure from the Late Qing to the May 4th"

12:15 — lunch

1:30 — Panel 2 — The Global 1960s and its Afterlives: From Cultural Revolution to "Depoliticization"?
Christopher Connery, "Intellectuals and Revolution in the Chinese and World Sixties, and Beyond"
Yiching Wu, "Coping with Crisis in the Wake of the Cultural Revolution"
Tang Xiaobing, "On the Politics of Political Pop"
Li Tuo, title TBA

4:00 p.m. — Panel 3 — Moments in Time, Moments in Media: Methodologies in Cultural and Intellectual History
Lydia Liu, "Empires of the Mind: From Old Media to New Media"
Harry Harootunian, "Uneven Temporalities/Unpredictable Pasts: Preliminary Thoughts on Forms of Time in the Historical Field"
5:15 p.m. — Roundtable
Alan Tansman, Moderator

5:45 p.m. — adjourn

Strong Voices: Korean and Korean American Women Poets
Choi Jeongrye (최정례)
Choi Young Mi (최영미)
Hwang In Suk (황인숙)
Moon Chung-hee (문정희)
Ra Hee-duk (나희덕)
Cathy Park Hong
Myung Mi Kim
Suji Kwock Kim
Sandra Lim
April 3, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

A remarkably strong generation of women poets has emerged in Korea in the last decade. Four representatives of this group will join four prominent Korean American poets for a reading and discussion of their work, in English and Korean. This event is presented in cooperation with the UC Berkeley Center for Korean Studies, in celebration of their 30th anniversary, and co-sponsored by the Daesan Foundation and the Korean Literature Translation Institute.

Korean Poets:
Choi Jeongrye (최정례)
Choi Young Mi (최영미)
Hwang In Suk (황인숙)
Moon Chung-hee (문정희)

Ra Hee-duk (나희덕)

Korean American Poets:
Cathy Park Hong
Myung Mi Kim
Suji Kwock Kim
Sandra Lim

Introduced by Korean Consul General Koo Bon Woo, CKS Chair Clare You, and UC Berkeley English Professor Robert Hass

Chinese Instruction and Grammar Learning
Chaofen Sun 孙朝奋教 授, Professor and Director, Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University
April 4, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures, NCCLP

成年人学习汉语,必须学习汉语语法。但是汉语课堂不是语法课堂,大部分课堂时间应该以学生练习活动为主,语法讲解要三言两语解决问题。可是要做到这一点,汉语教师首先必须懂语法,才能做到深入浅出地教学生准确地理解一些汉语语法点。语法讲解可以与真实材料相结合,如用流行歌曲和名人语录来点穿语法点的奥妙,使学生很快就能理解某语法点。此次讲座将使用邓丽君的歌 "甜蜜蜜" 和两条相关的毛泽东语录来讲解汉语常用方位词比较复杂的用法。崔希亮 (2001)说汉语表示空间方位关系有方位结构(如桌子上、汽车旁边)、命名性处所词(如公园、八达岭)、"在" 方位结构(如在桌子上)、和 "在" 命名性处所词(如在公园)。但是现行的汉语课本有关的讲解大都讲得不全面,更有许多错误的说法。此次讲座还将讨论汉语学生需要知道多少语法,老师需要知道多少语法才能立于不败之地、无往不胜。

Lecture will be conducted in Chinese.

RSVP to Stella Kwoh: stellakwoh@berkeley.edu or Tel. (510) 642-8390

Directions to 370 Dwinelle Hall: Dwinelle Hall is notorious for being hard to navigate; in addition, on Saturdays most of the entrances into the building are locked. In order to find the room where the lecture will be held and signs to help you get in on Saturday, we suggest that you follow the directions below.

1. Enter campus via Sather Gate which is located where Telegraph Avenue meets the Berkeley campus. (See this campus map for details.) After going through the Gate and crossing the immediately following bridge, the first building on your left will be Dwinelle Hall. Enter through the doors off the big plaza.
2. This entrance to Dwinelle Hall is on Level D. (See the map of level D for details.) To the right in the main hall, there will be an elevator. Take it to Level F/G. Alternately, you can take the stairwell directly opposite the elevator.
3. Once you have exited the elevator, room 370 will be immediately to your left. (See the map of level F/G for details.)

Symposium on Women's Writing
April 4, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Department of English

The UC Berkeley Department of English presents a symposium on women's writing and related topics, with leading writers and scholars from the Bay Area. This event features readings of work by prominent Korean American poets. The full schedule will be announced soon.

Thinking About Not Thinking: Buddhism, Film, and Meditation (Week 4)
Memento (Christopher Nolan, U.S., 2000)
Robert Sharf, Chair, Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley
April 6, 2009
Pacific Film Archive, L&S Discovery Course Program

This series will use film to explore some seminal and controversial issues in Buddhism and Buddhist meditation theory, and at the same time use Buddhist views of meditation and meditative experience to reflect on film. Thinking About Not Thinking will consider such topics as the Buddhist understanding of death, rebirth, and liberation; the ethical tension between ascetic withdrawal and compassionate engagement; the role of memory in Buddhist theories of consciousness; and contemporary debates (in both the academic and Buddhist communities) over the nature of meditation and mystical experiences.

What is the place of memory in Buddhist thought and practice? Does "living in the moment" require letting go of the past, or coming to terms with it? Memento, a film about someone who has lost the ability to form short-term memories, will be used to ponder the often conflicting Buddhist theories about the role of memory in experience, consciousness, and meditation.

Notes on North Korea
T. J. Pempel, Professor, Political Science, UC Berkeley
April 7, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

Political Science Professor T. J. Pempel recently journeyed to North Korea. He offers his observations and impressions in this informal presentation.

Modern Thai Buddhist Poetry by Women Poets: A Transformation of Wisdom
Suchitra Chongstitvatana, Director of Institute of Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University

April 9, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, English Department

The study is an attempt to explore and explain the transformation of Thai didactic poetry, especially Buddhist poetry by women poets. The texts selected are Dawn in the Night by Chomchan, Under the Rain and Thunder by Khunying Chamnongsri Rutnin. In Thai Theravadin tradition women poets rarely hold a high position nor have authority in teaching Dharma. In the realm of didactic poetry, monk-poets or male poets are the norm. These two women poets convey the teaching of Dharma through expressing artistically their personal experience of practicing Dharma. This aspect transforms the tradition of Thai didactic poetry by emphasizing the "practice" of Dharma in daily life and not only "the faith" in Dharma. These women poets are showing their readers a directing path to wisdom. The message conveyed in their works is quite universal though they are writing as practicing Buddhists. Thus, these women poets are no longer addressing the limited audience of Buddhists. They are speaking to a wider audience and propagating Buddhism not as a religion but as a message of wisdom for all mankind.

Introduced by Susan Kepner, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies.

Interstate Relations and China's Unification in 221 BCE: A Lesson for Modern International Relations Theory
Dingxin Zhao, Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Chicago
April 10, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

In comparison with the nature of the international relations in early modern Europe, the interstate politics during Spring Autumn and Warring States China (770–221 BCE) lacked three related ideas-cum-institutions to construct a European-like international order: sovereignty, international law and international society. The lack of the regulative power of these norms, in conjunction with early China's highly successful state-empowering Legalistic reforms, facilitated the rise of an interstate order that highly resembled an international order understood by the modern neorealist international relations scholars. This interstate order pushed every state to behave as an egoistic entity, undermined any sustainable counterbalancing attempts toward aggressors, and facilitated the unification of China under the Qin Empire. This nature of the interstate relation and its outcomes provide an ideal "controlled experiment" case for us to understand what international relations would look like once they are understood and organized according to the neorealism principles, which in turn shows the limitation of neorealism international theories and the importance of norms in international politics.

Toyo Ito: A Conversation on Japanese Architecture
Toyo Ito, Architect
Dana Buntrock, Architecture, UC Berkeley, Interviewer
April 11, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Department of Architecture, Berkeley Art Museum

In September 2006, the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive at the University of California, Berkeley announced that Japanese architect Toyo Ito had been selected to design a new facility for the world-renowned art museum and film center. While honoring the University and community's collective influence in art and film, his plans for the new museum will provide a visual arts gateway capable of absorbing the intellectual, cultural, and seismic shifts that the twenty-first century will undoubtedly bring to Berkeley.Japan is one of the few countries in the world today with the ability to foster a culture of the highest quality, contemporary architecture and a futuristic urbanism. Toyo Ito is part of a new generation of modern Japanese architects who are creating magical and imaginative, innovatively engineered buildings that profoundly influence the way people view urban communities and the space that we live and play in. Among this cadre of international, up-and-coming Japanese architects are Yoshio Taniguchi (Museum of Modern Art, New York), Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa (New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York) and Arata Isozaki (Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles). Each brings a Japanese aesthetic to their work, drawing on certain carpentry and architectural traditions, while utilizing the latest technologies to shape the future of architecture. The building, set to open in 2013, will be situated on a half-block site bordered by Oxford, Addison, and Center Street, where the museum will be rejoined with its sister institution, the Pacific Film Archive. BAM/PFA's new building will also be Ito's first work in North America, which brings its own challenges in regards to environmental impact, regulations and codes, as well as the Berkeley cultural and intellectual aesthetic.  Toyo Ito's best-known projects are the Sendai Médiathèque, Miyagi, Japan (2001); TOD'S Omotesando Building, Tokyo, Japan (2004); the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, London, England; (and the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House, Taiwan, Republic of China (under construction). In this special event, Toyo Ito will engage the audience with his observations on Japanese architecture today and explore the implications of his own most innovative works. Tickets will be available on a first-come-first-served basis at the Wheeler Auditorium box office at UC Berkeley, starting at 6 p.m.; doors open at 6:30.

CANCELLED — Epistolary Korea: Letters in the Communicative Space of the Choson, 1392–1910
JaHyun Kim Haboush, King Sejong Professor of Korean Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures, and History, Columbia University
April 15, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

What can we read in and through the codes that govern written expression? From royal public edicts to private letters, the works in this collection —written in both literary Chinese and vernacular Korean —recast relationships between epistolography and concepts of public and private space, between classical and everyday language, and between men and women.

Introduced by Clare You, Chair, Center for Korean Studies.

The Pain of Our Society: On Contemporary Chinese New Documentary Movement
Xinyu Lu, Professor and Chair of the Broadcasting Department, School of Journalism, Fudan University
April 15, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

The New Documentary Movement has emerged as an important medium by which to examine some of the social, political, and historical disjunctions in contemporary China. In fact, the New Documentary Movement can be seen as integral parts of those social developments and also as part of a historical movement, which use their own style to maintain a dialogue with society. This dialogue includes investigation, interpretation and intervention. The significance of the New Documentary Film Movement lies in the activist engagement of the filmmakers with the emotional and living conditions of Chinese people in all walks of life in contemporary China.

North American Graduate Student Conference in Buddhist Studies
April 17–19, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies, Townsend Center for the Humanities

The graduate students of the Group in Buddhist Studies at the University of California Berkeley are organizing this conference to be held at UC Berkeley April 17–19, 2009. Approximately 15 papers selected from submissions made by graduate students from Buddhist Studies programs all over North America will be presented at the conference.

Republican Era Newspapers: The Journalistic and the Literary
Timothy Cheek
Eileen Cheng-yin Chow
Wen-hsin Yeh
Lucie Cheng
Xu Xiaoqun
Timothy Weston
Shen Shuang
Carlos Rojas
Christopher Rea
Michel Hockx
Catherine Yeh
Wang Di
April 17–18, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Luce Foundation, Li Ka-shing Foundation

This workshop will examine the relationship between Republican Era Newspapers and "the literary" in all its permutations. Areas of exploration will include the relationship between literary writing and newspaper-style writing, the cultural status of "newspaper men," the ways in which news offices served as incubators and production centers for literary writers and writing, and the evolving aesthetic of newspapers and the reading audience.

Friday April 17
The Faculty Club, O'Neill Room
1:00–1:30 — Opening Remarks
Session 1 (1:30–3:45): Entertainment News, and News as Entertainment
Wen-hsin Yeh, Discussant
Wang Di —"Real or Not Real: Political Satire Seen from the Column "Xuxu Shishi" in 1917 Citizens' Daily"
Christopher Rea — "Your Word for Today is …: Illustrated Slang Dictionaries in Shanghai Newspapers 1910s–1940s"
Catherine Yeh — "Creating Mass Entertainment: The Tabloid Newspapers and Rise of the Actor as Star 1898–1930"

Session 2 (4:15–5:45): The Age of the Fukan (Literary Supplements)
Timothy Cheek, Discussant
Xu Xiaoqun —"Social Agendas and Personal Tastes: Editorial Policies of the Chenbao Fukan, 1918–1928"
Michel Hockx —"Newspaper Supplements and the Promotion of New Literature in the Early 1920s"

Saturday, April 18
IEAS Conference Room, 2223 Fulton Street, 6th Floor
Session 3 (9:00–11:15): Press Epistemologies
Timothy Cheek, Discussant
Shen Shuang, "The Time and Place of an English-language Periodical in the Republican Era: the case of T'ien Hsia."
Carlos Rojas, "Missing Persons Report: Shenbao, 1934"
Eileen Cheng-yin Chow, "From Sheying Huabao to Laozhaopian: Pictorial News and An Archive of Intimacy"

Session 4 (11:30–1:00): Personalities and the Press
Wen-hsin Yeh, Discussant
Timothy Weston, "The Life and Afterlife of Shao Piaoping"
Lucie Cheng, "'Feizibenahuyi dazhonghua': Cheng Shewo and Chinese Anarchism"

Respite from War in 1595: Did Korea Spend the Year Well?
Nam-lin Hur, Professor of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
April 17, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Choson Korea was plunged into turmoil in the late sixteenth century, as Japan's Hideyoshi regime launched an invasion of massive military force. This invasion, which is commonly known as the Imjin War in Korea, single-handedly threw Korea into uncharted territory for seven years from 1592 to 1598. During this period, the Korean government was in disarray; Koreans were desperate to survive; and Korean society underwent a profound transformation. Curiously, however, the years of 1595 and 1596, which were sandwiched by devastating military skirmishes, remained calm as all the fighting forces opted to pause. Korea was poised to benefit from this interlude that offered an opportunity for relief and self-strengthening. What happened to wartime Korea in these years of military inaction? In discussing this question, Hur focuses on the year 1595 from three angles: the court in the capital, a field general at the war's front, and a civilian in the remote countryside. Was Korea able to strengthen its military? Did Koreans have a chance to find better avenues of security? Based on firsthand experiences and observations, Hur explores the ways in which Koreans in 1595 cast themselves into the wartime effort of survival and regeneration.

Nam-lin Hur is currently a professor in the Department of Asian Studies and serves as director of the Centre for Korean Research at the University of British Columbia. His teaching focuses upon premodern Japanese history and international relations (particularly those between Korea and Japan) in premodern and modern East Asia. His book publications include: Prayer and Play in Late Tokugawa Japan: Asakusa Sensoji and Edo Society (Harvard University Asia Center, 2000) and Death and Social Order in Tokugawa Japan: Buddhism, Anti-Christianity, and the Danka System (Harvard University Asia Center, 2007). His current research involves Japan's invasion of Choson Korea, 1592–1598.

New Media and Civil Society in China: A Roundtable Discussion on the Political Impact of the Internet
Xiao Qiang
Perry Link
Liu Xiaobiao
Liu Jiangqiang
Zhang Ping
Hu Yong
Wang Lixiong
Isaac Mao
Ashley Esarey
April 18, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley China Initiative, China Internet Project of the Graduate School of Journalism, Luce Foundation, Shorenstein Foundation

In this roundtable discussion, participants will present their observations and share their experiences relating to the rise of the Internet, and its interplay with China's media, society and politics. What is the state of new media in China? How do members of Chinese society employ these technologies to participate in politics and what it is the real impact? How does the Chinese government actually regulate and control the Internet? What role does the rise of Chinese cyber-nationalism play in this complicated process? Ultimately, will this pervasive, many-to-many, and emergent communication platform play a critical role in transforming the Chinese political system by fostering the nascent civil society? – or has it actually enabled China's authoritarian regime to forestall political reform by turning it into a safety valve or even an Orwellian monster? The panel will seek to stimulate discussion and elicit meaningful dialogue on these key questions.

Thinking About Not Thinking: Buddhism, Film, and Meditation (Week 5)
Waking Life (Richard Linklater, U.S., 2001)
Robert Sharf, Chair, Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley
April 20, 2009
Pacific Film Archives, L&S Discovery Course Program

This series will use film to explore some seminal and controversial issues in Buddhism and Buddhist meditation theory, and at the same time use Buddhist views of meditation and meditative experience to reflect on film. Thinking About Not Thinking will consider such topics as the Buddhist understanding of death, rebirth, and liberation; the ethical tension between ascetic withdrawal and compassionate engagement; the role of memory in Buddhist theories of consciousness; and contemporary debates (in both the academic and Buddhist communities) over the nature of meditation and mystical experiences.

Waking Life — a rollicking reflection on dreaming, altered states of consciousness, and death — is the first feature film to use the technology of "digital interpolated rotoscoping," which uses computers to facilitate hand-drawn animation over digitally-shot film. The result is an unusual blending of medium and message, in which neither the characters in the film nor the audience are quite sure where the contours of reality lie. Waking Life is an ideal film to end a series that ponders the relationship between meditative states, reality, and the film-makers' art.

A Thematic Study of Chosŏnjok Novels from the Late 1990s to the Present: 전환기 조선족 소설에 대한 주제학적 연구
Kim Ho-woong (Jin Huxiong), Professor and Director, Asia Research Center, Yanbian University
April 21, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Please Note: This lecture will be delivered in Korean.
Professor Kim Ho-woong will speak about themes addressed in novels by Chosŏnjok writers (ethnic Koreans living in China), focusing on the key period of the late 1990s to the present.

Kim Ho-woong (Jin Huxiong) is director of the Asia Research Center, chair of the Center for Korean Studies, and professor in the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Yanbian University (Yanji, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province, China). He is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association, and vice chair of both the Yanbian Writers' Association and the Yanbian Committee for Developing Chosŏnjok Literature. He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from Yanbian University. In addition to his current administrative positions at the University, he has served as chair of the Center for Korean Literature Studies and chair of the Department of Korean Language and Literature. He has been a visiting scholar at Waseda University in Japan and Hanyang and PaiChai Universities in South Korea.

Eternal Sky: Reviving the Art of Mongol Zurag
Narmandakh Tsultem, Institute of Fine Art (IFA), Mongolian University of Arts and Culture (MUAC
April 22 –July 15, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

The "Eternal Sky" is a profoundly meaningful concept in Mongolian tradition. For a people ever on the move, criss-crossing the vast sweep of the Eurasian steppes, the ever-present sky was invested with spiritual significance. In the time of Chinggis Khan, it is believed, the eternal sky blessed the Mongol leader in his imperial ambitions. In our own time, as Mongolia seeks to re-establish its identity in Asia, the Mongol Zurag (literally: Mongol picture) is being reinvented. The traditions of the past are being revisited in art: the legendary power of Chinggis Khan, the brilliant flat colors of traditional arts, the crafts and activities of nomadic culture, and the celebration of life under the endless canopy of the Mongolian sky.

"Eternal Sky: Reviving the Art of Mongol Zurag," on view at the IEAS Gallery April 22 through July 15, features the work of artist and calligrapher Narmandakh Tsultem. Since 1988, when the decades-long repression under Mongolia's Soviet-style regime eased, Tsultem has taught Mongol Zurag style painting at Mongolian University of Arts and Culture. Her work encourages emerging young artists to look for their inspiration to the traditional culture of Mongolia.

Two events will be held in conjunction with this exhibition. On April 29, a panel entitled "Mongolia: On the Eve of Modernity" will examine Mongolia during the Qing dynasty. On May 7, artist Narmandakh Tsultem, Institute of Fine Art at the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture, Ulaanbatatar, Mongolia, will speak about her work in this exhibition. Mongolian throat singing and musical performances will be featured at this event.

Christianity and Political Culture in North Korea: Challenges for Reunification
Jong Sun Noh, Professor of Christian Social Ethics and Peace Studies, Yonsei University
April 22, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Religion, Politics and Globalization Program, Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity

Professor Noh is frequently quoted in the media as an expert on Korean reunification. In this lecture, he will detail the ideology of "Juche" that lies behind North Korea's "collective solidarity" and will go on to argue that Korean reunification could lead to economic prosperity. From a theological perspective, he will explore how Christianity could play a role in establishing peace on the Korean peninsula.

Trained as a theologian, he received his MDiv from Harvard, his PhD from Union Theological Seminary, and has taught at Yale. His most recent book was titled A Paradigm Shift for Peace in North East Asia.

Music of Hyeon-ok Kim
Jin-young Su, Pop Singer
Dong-hee Shin, Baritone
Aaron R. Miller, Piano
Hyeon-ok Kim, Piano
Jory Fankuchen, Violin
Paul Rhodes, Cello
Sung-yul Kim, Contrabass
Yoo-jin Kim, Keyboard
April 23, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Piano Trio No. 3, "Life in Berkeley" (2008)
The Truth of Moments: Seven Short Pieces for Piano
Moon Over the Mountain for Cello Solo
Korean Art Songs:
"A Night of Spring," "He Is," "Salpuri,"
"Day Moon," "Spring Day," "I Hear Your Voice"

Jin-young Su, Pop Singer
Dong-hee Shin, Baritone
Aaron R. Miller, Piano
Hyeon-ok Kim, Piano
Jory Fankuchen, Violin
Paul Rhodes, Cello
Sung-yul Kim, Contrabass
Yoo-jin Kim, Keyboard

Hyeon-ok Kim composed the opera When the Buckwheat Comes Into Bloom in 2005, which was performed in Russia and Korea. The opera was broadcast by the KBS network and won the KBS Best of the Year Award. She was also commissioned in 2000 to produce an event entitled "International Tattoo World Peace Fanfare." She has produced a Contemporary Music Composition Recital of her works ten times over the previous decades. In 2003, she was honored with the Korean Composer's Award.

Professor Kim was born in Korea in 1956 and became a professor of music at Kangwon National University in 1981. She was selected to be a Chair of the Department of Music and Vice-Dean of the College of Arts and Culture. She later became a vice president of the Korean Composers Association. She has been a visiting scholar of the Royal Academy of Music in London. Also, she has been a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley since 2008.

Professor Kim's study at Berkeley was supported by a 2008 Research Grant from Kangwon National University.

The Center for Korean Studies would like to thank the Department of Music for generously allowing use of their space.

Collective Killings in Rural China During the Cultural Revolution: Evidence From Guangxi and Guangdong
Yang Su, Assistant Professor, Sociology, UC Irvine
April 24, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

The presentation first establishes the historical case of collective killings, based on data collected from county gazetteers, internal documents, and interviews. In 1967–1968, thousands of former landlords, rich peasants and other "class enemies" were executed, often along with their family members.

The killings took place in the plain sight of public view. The perpetrators were village militias led by local cadres. Second, it reports some statistical analysis on a sample of 120 counties. The collective killings were a) particularly severe in Guangdong and Guangxi; b) mainly an rural phenomenon; c) more likely in backward and mountainous areas; d) more likely in communities populated by a the Hakka sub-ethnic group than other communities; and e) affected by situational factors related to the on-going Cultural Revolution movement. Finally, the presentation discusses these findings in a new sociological framework, the community model, as a critique of existing scholarship on mass killing and genocide.

Yang Su (苏阳) obtained his Ph.D. degree from Stanford University in 2003 and is now Assistant Professor of Sociology at UC Irvine. He is author of Mao's Willing Communities: Collective Killings in Rural China during the Cultural Revolution, forthcoming at Cambridge University Press. He has also published as at American Sociological Review, China Quarterly and Journal for Asian Studies. His recent projects examine state response to social protest in post-Mao China.

Making Confucian Music: Kisaeng Performers and Their Kagok Songs
Insuk Lee, Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Auckland

April 27, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

A unique, Korean, dynastically controlled, social group, kisaeng, was the only female group that was allowed to be involved in musical and artistic activity during the Choson dynasty. They were educated systematically, and thoroughly, to serve and entertain men. Among the subjects of a kisaeng's curriculum, only kagok (Korean traditional classical song), was taught every day.

This paper will examine how Confucian culture and society affected kisaeng's song making in terms of its texts, vocalization, vocal quality, and performance position. In addition, the examination of kagok, in particular, will explain how kisaeng's lives conveyed the Choson dynasty's ideology and Confucianism.

Insuk Lee is currently carrying out her post-doctoral research supported by the Korea Foundation at the University of Auckland. She received her Ph.D. in Music (Ethnomusicology) at the University of Canterbury in April 2008. She completed a Bachelor of Arts (Piano) and Master of Arts (Musicology) in Korea.

She won an NZASIA Research Award (2000) and a Canterbury Doctoral Scholarship (2000–2003). She was also awarded second prize by the National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts (Kungnip kugakwon) in the competition for a scholarly work on Korean Traditional Music Education (2002), and the Thesis Prize for New Figures in Korean Musicology by the society for Korean Historical Musicology (1997). Insuk's main research area for her Ph.D. was Korean traditional vocal music, focusing on the relationship between musical sound and social and cultural aspects. Her several articles including "Aesthetics of Kagok: The Integration of Music and Korean Culture" and "Traditional Music Education: Present and Past" were presented at international conferences and published in journals in New Zealand and Korea.

She has taught Korean Music and Understanding Korea at the University of Canterbury since 2001.

"The Other Half": film screening, and discussion with director Ying Liang
Ying Liang, film director
April 28, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

Screening of the film The Other Half, followed by discussion with director Ying Liang.

More about the film: http://movies.nytimes.com/2008/03/19/movies/19half.html
Ying Liang's new film, Good Cats, will be screening at the San Francisco International Film Festival.

Mongolia: On the Eve of Modernity
Chair and Moderator: Professor Patricia Berger, History of Art, UC Berkeley
April 29, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

Mongolia is undergoing major changes, and negotiating its place in the contemporary world. With this in mind, this panel looks back to another moment of emergence prior to the era of Soviet domination, during the empire of the Qing. What systems, codes, and practices were put in place in this era, and how do these relate to Mongolia's subsequent development? Four panelists, two from UC Berkeley and two from Stanford, will present on aspects of Mongolia under the Qing, and explore the implications of their research.

Matthew Mosca, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley: "Placing the Mongols in Qing History: Approaches and Questions"
Lkhamsuren Munkh-Erdene, Visiting Scholar, Stanford University: "Mongols' Origin Myth during the Qing Dynasty: Statehood and Chinggisid Lineage"
Ying Hu, History Department, Stanford University: "The Mongol Code in Practice: A View from Eighteenth-Century Chahar Mongolia"
Uranchimeg Tsultem, History of Art, UC Berkeley: "Text and Image in Later Mongolian Buddhist Art"
Matthew Mosca, Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley: "Placing the Mongols in Qing History: Approaches and Questions" —This talk will consider the role of the Mongols in Qing history. It will first review existing scholarship on the relationships of various Mongol political entities with the Qing state, primarily in the context of imperial ideology and strategy. Other potential areas of research will then be explored, especially interactions between the Mongols and other parts of the Qing Empire in the intellectual, economic and religious spheres. It will conclude with a consideration of how further research on the Mongols could change our understanding of Qing history.

Lkhamsuren Munkh-Erdene, Visiting Scholar, Stanford University: "Mongols' Origin Myth during the Qing Dynasty: Statehood and Chinggisid Lineage" —From the Qing period sources we learn at least two different discourses of the Mongols' origin myth: elite and folk. While the elite discourse is best represented in the Mongol chronicles of the period, the folk discourse is revealed by ethnographic inquiry. The two discourses reflect not only two different realities but also two different potentialities and possibilities.

This paper, however, focusing on the elite tradition which was tied to the Chinggisid lineage and the history of the Mongolian statehood, contends that the presence of the Chinggisid ruling lineage and its "imperially sanctioned" intact rule of the Mongols facilitated the imagination of a distinct Mongolia, "a realm within a realm."

Ying Hu, History Department, Stanford University: "The Mongol Code in Practice: A View from Eighteenth-Century Chahar Mongolia" —Shortly after the submission of the Eastern Mongols to Manchu rule in 1636, the Mongol Department (later renamed the Lifanyuan) was created expressly to govern Mongol principalities. Thereafter, a set of administrative regulations and a penal code — The Mongol Code — applicable exclusively to Mongolia were promulgated. Based on this legal code, Mongol justice was dispensed by Manchu and Mongol officials. In the early Qing, customary Mongolian law formed the basis of the statutes in the Mongol Code. As the central government revised the code over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, however, the Mongol Code as well as Mongolian legal culture became increasingly influenced by Chinese legal codes and administrative practices. By the end of the dynasty, it became routine practice for administrators in Mongolia to cite Chinese regulations and adopt Sino-Manchu judicial review procedures in the adjudication of Mongol cases. Using court cases from Chahar Mongolia, this paper will examine the Qing legal system in Inner Mongolia in the eighteenth century. I will outline the types of crimes reported to the imperial center, the codes and statutes administrators cited in actual adjudication, and the judicial review process. Legal cases provide a view on how the Qing legal system actually worked in practice in eighteenth century Mongolia.

Uranchimeg Tsultem, History of Art, UC Berkeley: "Text and Image in Later Mongolian Buddhist Art" —Two thangka paintings, the Meditation of the Bogdo Gegeen and the Vajrabhairava Mandala are stored today at the Bogdo Khan Palace Museum in Ulaanbaatar. Patricia Berger and Terese Bartholomew published the Meditation of the Bogdo Gegeen in 1995 in the exhibition catalog The Legacy of Chinggis Khan (Asian Art Museum, San Francisco), where Berger offered a first reading of the extensive imagery. The other painting, Vajrabhairava Mandala has never been published and subsequently has never been studied.

Both paintings are large in size, with a similar composition of a central bloc surrounded by twenty-two smaller scenes—all narratives inscribed in Mongolian—of mainly, but not exclusively, Mongolian reincarnate ruler, Jebzundamba's empowerments (abhiseka). Based on the imagery and the inscriptions, Berger has shown that the Meditation of Bogdo Gegeen is not only a story of Jebzundamba's initiations, but also carries politically-charged messages of the Eighth Jebzundamba (1870–1924), who commissioned the two thangkas.

The Jebzundamba's pair of the empowerment stories are "visual hagiographies," to borrow Berger's term, of not only the Eighth Jebzundamba, but more so of the Jebzundamba lineage. Given the monumentality of the two paintings, the Mongolian language of the inscriptions, and the fact that the deities carry Mongolian appellations, I suggest that both paintings were intended to be publicly seen. What does it mean for a ruler to publicly display his spiritual authority by depicting multiple scenes of his initiations, his Vajradhara-nature, and his devotion to his disciples?

This paper will initiate close reading of lavish inscriptions in Mongolian and Tibetan to discuss whether and how the two thangkas constitute a set. The paper will analyze how the artist creates a visual history of Jebzundamba's empowerments by showing a clever interplay of multilingual text and complex imagery to convey the ruler's message to his people and the posterity.

Tang-Song Transition and Material Culture: A Case Study of Tombs in Hubei
Huang Yijun, Associate Professor, History Department of Central University for Nationalities; 2008–2009 Visiting Scholar of Harvard-Yenching Institute
April 29, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

As noted by the Japanese scholar Naito Konan in the early decades of the twentieth century, the Tang and Song dynasties witnessed a number of unprecedented developments in Chinese history. This led Naito to define the late Tang and Five Dynasties periods as a transitional period leading to China's "Early Modern Age." Most previous assessments of the Naito hypothesis have emphasized political and intellectual changes, while overlooking developments in material culture. Based on a case study of Hubei tombs dated to the relevant centuries, this essay seeks a deeper understanding of the Naito hypothesis via a consideration of the underlying causes for the increasing regional diversity exhibited among tomb types over the course of Tang and Song. This case study suggests that an influx of new immigrants to the region was responsible for the increasing regional diversity in tomb types, a picture that tallies well with observations registered in the historical and literary sources. This paper illuminates only one small corner of the so-called "Tang-Song Transition," as viewed from the single perspective of material culture. How researchers may best connect changes in material culture with those in the political and intellectual realms remains an open question requiring further exploration.

Rethinking Advanced Level Korean Teaching: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and More
Hye-Sook Wang, Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, Brown University
May 1, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

In this presentation, I will begin by talking about why advanced level Korean teaching needs to be revisited. Then I will address issues such as the status quo in Korean language teaching and the specific issues and challenges that teachers face in the advanced levels. I will discuss survey results and current common practices in the field. I will also talk about pedagogical approaches and material development issues, and possible/effective activities and tasks. Based on these discussions, I will propose a curriculum model that I think would be relevant and useful to consider. If time allows, I'll also share sample lessons based on the proposed curriculum.

Hye-Sook Wang received her Ph.D. in English Language and Linguistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1993 and joined the Brown faculty in the same year. Professor Wang teaches all levels of Korean language and culture courses and coordinates Korean Studies and study abroad in Korea. Her primary research interests are in sociolinguistics, cross/intercultural communication and pragmatics, and applied linguistics (mainly acquisition of Korean as a second or foreign language).

Massive Unemployment and Worker Protests: So Why Were Workers More Restive in China than in France and Mexico?
Dorothy Solinger, Political Science, School of Social Science, UC Irvine
May 1, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

After the early 1980s, leaders in China, France, and Mexico readied their nations to join supranational economic organizations (the GATT/WTO, the EU, and NAFTA, respectively). In each case there was sudden and massive loss of jobs for workers. But it was only in China that protest shot up significantly from the level of protest in the past; in the other two countries protest actually declined as compared with previously. How can this be explained, especially since of the three, France was a democracy, Mexico was democratizing, and China remained an authoritarian polity? Professor Solinger refers to unions and international influences to answer this question. This talk is based on part of her forthcoming book, "Global Liaisons and Labor's Losses: States, Workers and Supranationals in China, France and Mexico."

Introduced by Peter Lorentzen, Assistant Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley

Scaling Up: From Green Buildings to Green Cities in the US and China: Private sector and academic representatives
May 1, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Asia Society, Bay Area Council

$50 Students, $100 Asia Society/Bay Area Council/Co-Sponsor Members, $150 Non-Members
Special Offer: $125 Admission + Asia Society membership ($155 Value)

Buildings consume well over 30 percent of all primary energy in the world, more than either transportation or industry. By building green, we can reduce energy consumption in this key sector by 30–50 percent and cut greenhouse gas emissions by similar margins. It is also one of the cheapest ways to do so: green building adds only 1–5 percent to construction costs, which are recovered through reduced energy demand in a few years or less.

The green building revolution has begun, but it has far to go. In the US, the floor space of LEED-certified buildings totals 12.5 million square meters, with much more in the pipeline. California leads the way, with far more green buildings than any other state. In China, green buildings have gone from zero in 2000 to 4 million square meters today, again with much more in the offing.

Today, the greatest challenge for green design is to scale up — to move beyond pilot projects and piecemeal solutions to building and retrofitting on a massive scale in order to have a meaningful impact on global warming. Green materials must be mass produced, construction techniques must be standardized, and the principles of green design must inform urban planning, not simply the design of individual buildings. These are the critical issues this conference will address.

This one-day conference is the first to bring together leading green design specialists from the fields of research, technology, architecture, business, and policy from the U.S. and China to build dialogue and collaboration. The US and China are rapidly becoming the global centers for green design promotion, development, and investment, and many other Asian countries are beginning to follow suit.

Invited Speakers (Partial List)
Vincent Lo, Chairman & CEO, Shui On Group
Arthur Gensler, Chairman, Gensler
Peter Darbee, Chairman, CEO, and President, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Dian Grueneich, Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission
Mark Levine, Group Leader, China Energy Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jiang Yi, Professor of Building Science, Tsinghua University
John Kriken, FAIA, AICP, Consulting Partner, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP
Robert Hertzberg, Chairman and Co-founder, G24 Innovations; former Speaker, California State Assembly
Paul Holland, General Partner, Foundation Capital
Marc Porat, CEO, Calstar Cement
David Nieh, General Manager of Planning and Development, Shui On Land
Jeff Heller, President, Heller-Manus
Stanley Yip, Director of Planning & Development, Arup China
Peter Schwartz, Co-founder and Chairman, Global Business Network
Simon Tay, Chairman, Singapore Institute of International Affairs; Chairman, National Environment Agency (Singapore); Bernard Schwartz Fellow, Asia Society
Sabeer Bhatia, Founder, Hotmail; planner and developer, Nanocity (India)
Tadakatsu Sano, Partner, Jones Day; former Vice-Minister, Ministry of International Trade, Japan
Jalel Sager, Executive Director, Vietnam Green Business Council
Orville Schell, Director, Asia Society Center on US-China Relations

Cosponsors: Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative, Build It Green, California Association of Environmental Professionals, Center for Resource Solutions, Energy Foundation, FountainBlue, Haas Alumni Network, Next Ten, US China Energy Efficiency Alliance, UC Davis Department of Land, Air, Water Resources, USF Center for the Pacific Rim, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, SPUR, 1990 Institute, Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley.

Kazuo Hara: Documentary Film Making
May 2, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Pacific Film Archive

Throughout the four decades of his career, Hara Kazuo has pursued the bizarre and disturbing margins of Japanese society, certain that central truths are to be found in fringe phenomena. His method of documentation, which he calls "action documentary," pursues the shocking effect of the action film, following the gesture and staying in the moment – not commenting in voiceover from a safe distance. Hara's innovations have transformed documentary filmmaking, and contributed directly to the current ascendance of the documentary, both within the industry and among audiences, on a global scale. His best-known admirer is Michael Moore, who lists Hara as one of his favorite directors.

Born in 1945, Hara Kazuo was influenced as a young man by the protest movements that took place throughout Japan and the world in the late 1960s and 70s. He founded Shisso Productions in 1971 with his wife, producer, and primary collaborator Sachiko Kobayashi. He has published five documentary films thus far, including the award-winning The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On, widely recognized as most important and influential documentary ever made in Japan, Goodbye CP, A Dedicated Life, Extreme Private Eros: Love Song 1974, and Watashi no Mishima.

This event includes a screening of two of Hara's best known films, followed by a booksigning to launch the release of Hara Kazuo's new memoir/documentary handbook.

Film Screening (Ticket required for each screening.)
12:00 pm — Extreme Private Eros
2:45 pm — The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On
Comments by Hara Kazuo, Hosted by Miryam Sas, Comparative Literature, UCB
Book Release and Signing (Free and open to the public)
5:30 pm — Camera Obtrusa: Hara Kazuo's Action Documentaries

Kazuo Hara and Japanese Film Studies
Abe Mark Nornes, Screen Arts & Culture, University of Michigan
Aaron Gerow, Film Studies Program, Yale University
Akira Mizuta Lippit, Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California
May 3, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies

Three of the top film studies scholars from around the country will conduct a panel discussion on Hara Kazuo's body of work and the future of Japanese film studies at universities worldwide.

10:00–10:30 am — Opening Remarks and Introduction of Guest Speakers

Miryam Sas, Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley
Comments by Kazuo Hara (with translation)
10:30 am – 12:00 noon — Panel presentation
Documentary and Historical Context — Abe Mark Nornes, Screen Arts & Cultures, University of Michigan
On "Chika" — Aaron Gerow, Film Studies Program, Yale University
Subjects and Subjection in Hara's Films — Akira Mizuta Lippit, Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California
12:00–12:40 pm — Question & Answer

Buffet Luncheon to follow

Industrial Clusters and High-tech Enterprises 产业集群与高科技企业成长
Ma Li, Professor, School of Management, University of Jinan
May 5, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

High-tech content, miniaturization, innovation, high-risk and high-return are the main characteristics of small and medium high-tech enterprises. These characteristics make clustering growth suitable for small and medium high-tech enterprises, yet clustering is a double blade sword. Clustering brings small and medium high-tech enterprises a series of benefits such as regionalization of industry, industry relevancy, exterior efficiency, market agglomeration and radiativity, knowledge creation and sharing, and convenience of innovation as well as some potential negative effects like excessive competition, overcrowding, over dependence on cluster resources, the limitation of cluster life cycle, and etc. Small and medium high-tech enterprises should conform to and take advantage of the trend of clustering growth, evade its disadvantages in order to achieve long-term sustainable growth. (In English)

Up the Yangtze
May 5, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, International Accountability Project, Friends of the Earth, Environment Pacific

A free public screening and panel discussion of the award-winning documentary, Up the Yangtze, and the opportunity to converse with the film's director.

This beautiful and critically acclaimed documentary offers a moving portrait of displacement resulting from China's Three Gorges Dam, the largest hydroelectric project in the world.

Immediately after the film screening, we will welcome the film's director, Yung Chang, who will join us from Canada, via Skype, for a Q & A with our audience.

We will follow our conversation with Yung with a discussion panel, with participants from each of the co-sponsors for this event: International Accountability Project (IAP), International Rivers, Friends of the Earth, and Pacific Environment. Our panelists are:
Peter Bosshard, Policy Director, International Rivers
Adina Matisoff, China Sustainable Finance Campaigner, Friends of the Earth
Xiu Min Li, China Program Associate, Pacific Environment
International Accountability Arts & Media Program Coordinator, Molly Clinehens.

Together, our panelists offer expertise in key issues raised by Up the Yangtze, including development-induced displacement, the social and environmental impacts of dams and of China's Three Gorges Dam in particular; and development and human rights in contemporary China.

中共进攻台湾战役的决策变化及其制约因素 [Factors in the Changing Chinese Communist Battle Strategy for the Invasion of Taiwan]
Shen Zhihua, Center for Cold War Studies, East China Normal University
May 6, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

中共关于解放台湾战役的最初想法比较简单, 1949 年夏天的计划是一年后攻占台湾,毛泽东甚至一度考虑在 1949 年冬季占领台湾;金门、登步岛作战的失利后决定分两步走,先解决沿海诸岛问题,同时为攻台做准备,进攻时间推迟到 1950 年 9–10 月; 1950 年 3–4 月确定的计划是,金门战役推迟到 8 月开始,而攻打台湾则延至 1951 年夏。影响和改变中共决策的三个主要因素是国民党军队的抵抗能力、苏联对中共进攻台湾的援助力度以及美国对援助蒋介石防守台湾的政策取向。其中的基本条件是国共军力对比,而核心问题中苏同盟条约的签订。 中共欲巩固政权,统一全国,只能与苏联结盟。中苏同盟建立后,苏联减缓了对中共军事援助的力度,而美国则逐步改变了对台政策,准备大力援蒋。朝鲜战争的爆发不过是为白宫宣布其新政策提供了机会和借口。在中苏关系、苏美关系、美台关系相互交错和影响的冷战格局中,武力攻占台湾是一个中共无法解开的死结。 In Chinese without interpretation.

Mongol Zurag: Artist's Talk with Narmandakh Tsultem
Narmandakh Tsultem, Institute of Fine Art at the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture, Ulaanbatatar, Mongolia
Translator: Uranchimeg Tsultem, Graduate Student, History of Art, UC Berkeley
Peter Marsh, Music Department, Cal State University-East Bay
May 7, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, East Asia National Resource Center

Artist and calligrapher Narmandakh Tsultem, whose work is featured in the IEAS Gallery exhibition "Eternal Sky: Reviving the Art of Mongol Zurag," (on view April 22 – July 15), has sought to capture the spirit of Mongolia's traditional arts in her work. Mongol Zurag (literally: Mongol picture) was largely neglected and suppressed in Mongolia during the seven decades of socialist regime, but has received renewed attention in recent years. With its flat and decorative quality, vibrant colors and distortion of forms, Mongol Zurag represents a distinctive form of visual expression in Mongolia. At a time when Mongolia seeks to re-establish its own identity in Asia, Narmandakh Tsultem, who has taught Mongol Zurag style painting at the Institute of Fine Art (IFA), Mongolian University of Arts and Culture (MUAC) since 1988, inspires and nurtures a new generation of artists exploring this idiom.

This event will feature Mongolian musical performances: khuumii (throat singing), morin huur (horse fiddle), and ever buree (horn).

Commenting on Mongolian traditional art and music will be ethnomusicologist and Mongolia specialist Peter Marsh, Music Department, Cal State University-East Bay.

Translation by Uranchimeg Tsultem, History of Art, UC Berkeley.

Qing China's Perspectives on India before 1850: Some Approaches and Conclusions
Matthew Mosca, CCS Postdoctoral Fellow
May 8, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

This talk will explore several important episodes in the Qing Empire's relations with British India, beginning with the Qing-Gurkha wars of 1788–1792 and Lord Macartney's embassy to China, and concluding with the first Opium War and its impact on Chinese strategic thought. Particular attention will be paid to how Qing officials and scholars gathered information from informants on several frontiers, and tried to synthesize it into a coherent picture. Evolving understandings of the identity and significance of the Pileng tribe will be used to consider how the case of India can provide new perspectives on Qing foreign relations and the empire's internal cohesion.

A New Era for Taiwan-PRC Relations
Chien-Min Chao, Deputy Minister of the Mainland Affairs Council, Taiwan
Chong-pin Lin, Professor, Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University, Taiwan; former Deputy Minister of Defense, Taiwan
Kuo-ning Shuang, President, United Daily News
Robert Kapp (moderator), President of Robert A. Kapp & Associates, Inc.; former President, US-China Business Council
May 28, 2009
Asia Society, Institute of East Asian Studies, USF Center for the Pacific Rim, World Affairs Council of Northern California

After Ma Ying-jeou took office as the president of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in 2008, he dramatically changed the confrontational policies towards China of the previous administration. Since then, he has introduced a number of important rapprochement measures, including resumption of cross-strait talks, establishing direct flights and sea transportation, and announcing a "diplomatic truce" with China.

Faced with a global economic downturn, the Ma Administration is also working to sign a free-trade agreement-like agreement with China, which would remove trade and investment barriers on each side. With all these changes, tensions between Taiwan and the PRC are now at their lowest level in many years.

Still, the new policies have not decreased the 1000+ Chinese missiles targeting the island. By treating China as both a threat and an opportunity, Ma is walking a tightrope in developing new relations with Beijing, yet mindful of the criticism and opposition at home.

The Chinese word for "crisis" combines two separate characters, wei and chi. The former means "danger"; the latter means "opportunity." The world is watching if these new developments will reduce the danger and create a strong foundation for peace in the region.

Taiwan's Mainland China Policies and Current Cross-Strait Relations
Dr. Chien-min Chao, Deputy Minister of Mainland Affairs Council of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
May 28, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

Dominating Taiwan's foreign policy is the continuing issue of relations with mainland China. Chien-min Chao, Deputy Minister of the Mainland Affairs Council, presents an overview of cross-Straits relations and the major events that have shaped policy decisions, as well as an assessment of current strategic thinking. Prior to his government service, Dr. Chao was a Professor at Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute for Development Studies at National Chengchi University for twenty-five years. Together with over 100 articles in academic journals, his publications include eight authored and edited volumes, among them Lee Teng-hui's Legacy: Democratic Consolidation and Foreign Relations (2002); Rethinking the Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security (2001); The ROC on the Threshold of the 21st Century: A Paradigm Reexamined (1999); and Cross-strait Relations and Taiwan's Foreign Policies (2000).

Introduced by Lowell Dittmer, Political Science, UC Berkeley.

From the Voice of God to the Self-Reflexive Voice: The Transformation of Narrative Style in Chinese Independent Documentary
Luo Xianyong, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
June 2, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

The contemporary Chinese independent documentary begins in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Those talented documentary film-makers such as Wu Wenguang, Jiang Yue, and Duan jinchuan rejected the narrative style of voice of god, which is the main approach adopted in official and mainstream Chinese documentaries, and preferred a new narrative style named self-reflexive voice they borrowed from the Japanese and American documentary. In this talk, I will explore the Chinese documentary film-makers' preference for the cinema verite and interview style as an effort to counterbalance the propagandist, voice of god approach in the official news and documentary programming. However, due to the amateurism and negligence of the theories formed in Euro-American documentaries, the Chinese independent documentary film-makers also face some problems.

Nothing lasts forever, nobody lives forever: Cultural Heritage and Cultural Policy in Laos
Catherine Raymond, Associate Professor of Art History and Director, Center for Burma Studies, Northern Illinois University
Alan Potkin, Adjunct Consultant, NIU Center for Southeast Asian Studies, and Team Leader, Digital Conservation Facility Laos
June 8, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Southeast Asia Studies

This lecture presents recent work in multimedia formats relating to cultural heritage in Laos, and a discussion of implications of Laotian cultural policy, from the challenging museology at Ho Phrakeo museum to the repurposing of a Danish-funded ecological reserve in downtown Vientiane into a water-slide adventure park. Long-standing disputes relating to authority and legitimacy erupting into contemporary conflict present an opportunity to explore issues of current understanding of Laotian culture and history. Raymond and Potkin offer in their multimedia projects examples of the use of new technologies in cultural representation.

Corporate Governance in China: An Investigation of the Interdependent Model
Liu Pingqing, Department of Business Administration, Beijing Institute of Technology
June 23, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

China has been undergoing a great transition since the end of 1970s. Governance is a hot topic, and many researchers have studied the transition from corporate governance to public governance. Compared to the competitive model for corporate governance in the U.S. and U.K., and the cooperative model found in Japan and Germany, what type of model or beginning of a model has arisen in China during the past 30 years? Based on data analysis and case studies from Central Stated-Owned Enterprises and Private Enterprises, this investigation proposes an interdependent model. This lecture will outline the following conclusions: (1) Different enterprises gain different support from different government levels. Different government levels rely on different types of enterprises to achieve their goals. (2) SOE internal management is concentrated within a single person who may have several titles. This leader is often promoted to the public sector. (3) In private enterprise, power is concentrated within a single owner. Because government support is limited, private enterprise development necessarily depends upon this owner's social network. (4) The transformation of the interdependent model is different from competitive and cooperative models.

A Poetry Reading with Ham Seongho
Ham Seongho, Poet
July 13, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Daesan Foundation

Ham Seongho was born in Sokcho, South Korea, in 1963. He earned his undergraduate degree in architecture from Kangwon National University. As a poet, he debuted in the journal Literature and Society (문학과 사회) in 1990. His poetry anthologies since then include Holy Taj Mahal (聖 타즈마할), 5.67 Billion Years of Solitude (56억7천만년의 고독), and The Very Beautiful Disease (너무 아름다운 병). He has also published a prose collection, Record of Nothingness (허무의 기록), and is recognized as a prominent critic of architecture and graphic novels. The Whang Mi-Sook Dance Troupe adapted his poetry in a 2002 performance, and he has presented art exhibitions including the "Seoul Time Capsule Exhibition" (2003). Mr. Ham has written, "I did not attach myself to just writing poems. I connected architecture and poetry, dancing and poetry, and philosophy and poetry. Poetry, architecture, art and others are nothing but tools to complete my life. I believe my existence can be completed through art." The Center for Korean Studies is honored to host him as the fourth Daesan Foundation Writer-in-Residence, following novelist Kim Yeonsu, poet Kim Ki-taek, and novelist Jo Kyung Ran.

Differences and Similarities in Han and Song Dynasty Studies of the Spring and Autumn Annals
Ge Huanli, History, Shandong University
July 21, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

As one of the main Confucian classics, the Spring and Autumn Annals attracted the attention of many scholars studying in the Han and Song Dynasties. Just as Confucianism in the Han Dynasty had obvious differences with Confucianism in the Song Dynasty, the studies of the Spring and Autumn Annals in the two dynasties were also different, though they shared some similarities. This talk will try to define a reasonable analytical model for further comparative study of Han and Song Confucianism as it relates to scholarship on the Spring and Autumn Annals.

In Chinese and English, with no interpretation.

The Role of the Natural Environment in the Return Migration of Chinese Reservoir Resettlers
Milton Wang
Sociology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
August 4, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

This lecture will examine the fundamental features of return migration for people displaced by China's many reservoir projects since the 1950's. What role does the natural environment play in return migration? Underdeveloped arable land and bad weather in the immigration region often compels migrants to return to the reservoir area. In addition the slow or incomplete inundation of the reservoir region coupled with the development of natural resources attracts migrants back to the reservoir areas after the dams are completed. This lecture will look at return migration in light of the push-pull theory.

Note: this talk will be in Chinese and English, with no interpretation.

Taiwan Nocturne: Post War Photographs of the New Republic
August 10 – October 7, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

A divided China entered the 1950s. Sixty years ago, the mainland became the People's Republic of China, and Taiwan became the Republic of China. Taiwan and the mainland shared much culturally, despite their separate historical trajectories, and new political realities.

The photographs in this exhibition, on loan from the collection of the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco Center for the Pacific Rim, are not journalistic reports of the ferment and struggles of the era, but lyrical meditations on traditional culture and daily life. Through the eyes of two Jesuit priests working in Taiwan in the 1950s, Frederick J. Foley and Alden J. Stevenson, we see street scenes, working lives, agricultural labor, and studies of individuals.

Though little documentation on these works survives, the photographs themselves are part of the visual record of the period. Shot primarily in Taiwan by both photographers, and by Reverend Stevenson in mainland China, we see in these photographs the shadows of an earlier age, a way of life even then in its twilight years. Glimpses of the encroaching industrial and urban development are rare. Absent entirely is the turmoil and tumult of nation-creation in the wake of war, revolution, and flight. Instead, the two photographers, though working individually, share nostalgia for a pastoral idyll they saw in their surroundings. Their works celebrate the poetry in the everyday, not the struggle and upheaval that was equally a reality of their time.

This exhibition is part of a series of events for the month of September focusing on Taiwan and China. Among the programs are a conference on political culture and questions of identity in Taiwan, and speakers discussing contemporary developments in the relationship between China and Taiwan, and discussions of the political situation in China today. As a backdrop to these discussions of the great questions of the history, politics, and identity, this exhibition offers a view of commonplace concerns. At our historical moment, when relations between Taiwan and the People's Republic of China are undergoing significant shifts, this exhibition looks back at life during the moment of emergence, seen through the lens of foreign encounter.

This exhibition is on loan from the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco Center for the Pacific Rim (http://www.usfca.edu/ricci), with the support of members of Friends of Ricci.

The Employee after Chinese Public Institutional Reform: The Changing Employee-Organizational Relationship
Chang Li, Political Science and Public Management, Wuhan University
August 18, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

This talk will examine the changes in employee-organizational relationships resulting from Chinese Public Institutional Reform. Employees, both the survivors of the reforms and post-reform recruits, have substantially different expectations about employee-organizational relationships. This talk will explore this changing relationship through comparative study methods on the angle of commitment. Compared to traditional employees, post-reform recruits demonstrate lower levels of affective commitment and continuance commitment to their organization as well as higher levels of work commitment. To adapt to the changing employee-organization relationship this talk will offer an HRM innovational framework to facilitate the transformations in work design, recruitment, training and retention. The talk will conclude with an explanation of this framework for human resource management in public institutions and some suggestions for future research.

"Zen Practice at 50"
Hoitsu Suzuki, Norman Fischer, Edward Brown, Carl Bielefeldt, Grace Schireson, Robert Sharf, Richard Jaffe, and Wendy Adamek
August 28–29, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies, San Francisco Zen Center

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi's arrival in America, an event that offers the opportunity for a broader look at Zen practice in America over the past fifty years, its current place in American life, and its vision for the future. "Zen Practice at 50" will bring together a mix of scholars and Zen teachers, including Hoitsu Suzuki, Norman Fischer, Edward Brown, Carl Bielefeldt, Grace Schireson, Robert Sharf, Richard Jaffe, and Wendy Adamek, who will create a forum for a lively exchange of ideas.

The first day, to be held at the San Francisco Zen Center, will begin with a brief biographical and historical presentation on Shunryu Suzuki, including the cultural context of his Japanese background and his choices regarding how to offer Zen practice to Americans. The day will continue with considerations of what was happening in the 1960s in San Francisco, what people perceived Suzuki offered, and what they received from him.

The second day, to be held on the UC Berkeley campus, will examine the current state of Zen practice in America. This will include consideration of what has been transmitted from Asia, what has changed, what has possibly been misunderstood, and how and what may have been lost in the transmission of Zen to America. Participants will also address the effect of Zen on American culture, the challenges facing Zen teachers and practitioners, the sustainability of Zen practice as a movement, and the most helpful and effective ways to offer and teach the dharma.

The New Taiwanese Identity
Xi Cao, PhD Student, Taiwan Research Institute, Xiamen University
September 1, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

Against the backdrop of post-war Taiwan's globalization and indigenization, the people of Taiwan have been searching for an new identity to define themselves. This search for a new identity in modern Taiwan has given rise to numerous conflicts and debates. This lecture will examine the historical aspects of the seach for a new Taiwanese identity, trying to find its origins and implications. What can we learn from this Taiwanese phenomenon and how can it help us understand Cross-strait relations?

  A Lifetime is a Promise to Keep: Artistic Expression and Resistance in the work of Huang Xiang
Huang Xiang, Poet and Calligrapher
Michelle Yeh, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Davis
September 2, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

Huang Xiang in conversation with Michelle Yeh, UC Davis Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and translator of Huang Xiang's poetry.

Labeled a dissident poet and artist, Huang Xiang, whose work is still banned in China, will offer an artistic performance and a reading from his new book, A Lifetime Is a Promise to Keep: Poems of Huang Xiang. The book, published by IEAS in 2009, contains an introduction to Huang Xiang and his poetry, as well as Chinese and English versions of his poems. Described by Michelle Yeh as "an irrepressible free spirit" sustained by his belief in life through the harrowing experiences of repression, he and his poems speak with vitality and intensity, with humility and gentleness. Words and images intertwine as Huang Xiang offers a demonstration of his work in visual art.

Lang Lang, pianist and author, in conversation with Sarah Cahill
September 8, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, KPFA Radio, Berkeley Arts & Letters, Institute of International Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC)

Tickets: $20 ($10 students) in advance at Cal Performances (calperfs.berkeley.edu) or at Cal Performances box office; tickets at door if event is not sold out.

Lang Lang will also be signing copies of his autobiography, Journey of a Thousand Miles.

27 year-old Lang Lang has played sold out recitals and concerts in every major city in the world and is the first Chinese pianist to be engaged by the Berlin Philharmonic, the Vienna Philharmonic and the top American symphony orchestras. Born in China to parents whose musical careers were interrupted by the Cultural Revolution, Lang Lang has emerged as one of the greatest pianists of our time. Journey of a Thousand Miles documents the intimate story of a family who sacrificed almost everything for the belief in a young boy's talent.

Sarah Cahill is a classical pianist who specializes in new American music as well as the American experimental tradition. She has commissioned, premiered, and recorded numerous compositions for solo piano.

Why Doesn't Foreign Direct Investment Flow into Western China?: An Industrial Perspective
Yang Xianming, School of Development Studies, Yunnan University
September 8, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

It is difficult to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) into Western China. This situation might not be explained by traditional geographical factors, because the gap of inward FDI between the western and the eastern regions of China has increased. This talk attempts to explain the situation from an industrial perspective by exploring the industrial differences in the two regions and analyzing their effects in terms of industrial development level, industrial structure and industrial linking capability. The results reveal that industrial factors are important barriers to the inflow of FDI to western China.

Legal Reform in China: The Domestic Debate
Thomas Kellogg, Open Society and Soros Foundation
September 9, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy (BCLBE)

Lunch provided, please RSVP to Fredda Olivares at 510.643.6319.

Many assumed that China would, as it grows more prosperous, embrace the rule of law, even as it maintains a go-slow approach on political reform. But in March 2008, the Communist Party renewed its support for "socialist legality," highlighting the role of the Party in the judicial process and explicitly rejecting Western-style legal reforms. Some Chinese critics of the new policy have called for an embrace of global values and renewed efforts to construct independent legal institutions free from Party influence. Others advocate wide-ranging, wholesale structural reforms based on the Western constitutional model. Still others eschew specific policy proposals and instead offer a nationalist critique of Western governments' interactions with China. This ongoing internal debate is vitally important: its outcome will help determine China's reform path. Those seeking to better understand where China is going need to look closely not just at the ever-growing thicket of new laws and regulations issued by the State, but also at what both the government and its well-meaning critics are saying about the future of political and legal reform in China.

Short-term (Organ) Memory: 100 Years of Chinese and Comparative Media Controversy from Dissection to the Bodyworlds
Larissa Heinrich, Department of Literature, UC San Diego
September 10, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

This talk will present some preliminary research on media treatments of the Bodyworlds exhibits in the U.S., China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Australia. It will address more specifically how media from each of these regions deals with the controversial problem of Chineseness and individual identity of "donor" bodies in both Gunther Von Hagens original exhibits and the "copycat" exhibits, with bodies produced and processed in China, in the wake of Von Hagens' separation from his Chinese suppliers. It is part of a larger project that looks at the historical context of contemporary transnational debates about copyright and ownership of Chinese body-materials.

Narrativity and Rhetorical Excess in Gong Zizhen's Essay "Zunyin" (Honoring the Recluse)
Stephen Roddy, Pacific Studies, University of San Francisco
September 16, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

One of Gong Zizhen's famously opaque essays, "Zunyin" illustrates various aspects of his unique prose style, such as a fondness for abstruse, sometimes impenetrable diction, an abundance of hyperbole, and an unusually eclectic range of literary and historical references. While recent interpretative studies tend to draw heavily on both the author's biography and his philosophical and political views, this talk examines the rhetorical structure of this essay, in particular its use of temporal allusions that both complement and diverge from the Gongyang exegetical tradition with which Gong came to be associated.

Sounds of Korea: A Dialogue of Classic and Modern
Aeri Ji, gayageum,
Hoe-Seok Jeong, pansori,
Woong-sik Kim, buk/janggo
September 16, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Mr. Guen Do Gyun, Korea Times, San Francisco, Korean Consulate General, San Francisco

The Center for Korean Studies presents a performance of traditional and modern music in celebration of its 30th anniversary. This program features Aeri Ji, renowned virtuoso of the gayageum, a Korean zither related to the Japanese koto. She will present the American premiere of "Melody for Gayageum" by Andrew Imbrie, the distinguished composer and Berkeley professor who passed away in 2007. Ji will also perform works by Hi Kyung Kim and Byungki Hwang. The second half of the program includes pansori, a uniquely Korean form of singing accompanied by drum, with Hoe-Seok Jeong, who has been designated by the Korean government as an Intangible Cultural Treasure. Woong-sik Kim is one of Korea's most versatile and sought-after percussionists.

Tickets: $15 general, $10 students

Available by phone at (510) 642-9988, online at http://tickets.berkeley.edu, in person at the Cal Performances Box Office (Zellerbach Hall), or at the door beginning one hour before the concert

Andrew Imbrie: "Melody for Gayageum" (U.S. Premiere)
Byungki Hwang: "Chimhyangmu"
Hi Kyung Kim: "A Story"

Pansori "Sugungga"
Gayageum Sanjo

Sixty Years of Cross-Strait Relations: From Conflict to Conciliation
The Honorable Lien Chan, Former Vice-President, Taiwan, Chairman, Lien Chan Foundation for Peace and Development, Honorary Chairman, Kuomintang Party
Introduced by: Robert Price, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
September 17, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, San Francisco

Space is limited; preference will be given to UC Berkeley faculty, students, and staff with valid ID.

The complex relationship between China and Taiwan has evolved considerably since the events of 1949. Former Vice-President of Taiwan Lien Chan, who has been instrumental in reaching out to China, takes a look back at relations as they have developed and assesses the prospects for relations between China and Taiwan.

Dynamics Across the Taiwan Strait, 1949–Present
Yomi Braester, Literature, University of Washington
Melissa Brown, Anthropology, Stanford University
Leo Ching, Literature, Duke University
Lowell Dittmer, Political Science, UC Berkeley
Andrew Jones, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley
Thomas Gold, Sociology, UC Berkeley
Ming-cheng Lo, Sociology, University of California, Davis
Kevin O'Brien, Political Science, UC Berkeley
Shelley Rigger, History, Davidson College
Michael Szonyi, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
Emma Teng, Literature, MIT
Robert Weller, Anthropology, Boston University
Wen-hsin Yeh, History, UC Berkeley
September 17, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office

Taiwan's history and current outlook are explored in the light of on-going and evolving relations with China. Panelists address Taiwan's political culture, democratic practice, and the negotiation of identity. The conference culminates with a keynote address by the Honorable Lien Chan, former Vice President of Taiwan.

The Dreamscape of Early Medieval China
Robert Campany, Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Southern California
Robert Ashmore, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley, discussant
September 18, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

In early medieval times, there was not one unitary Chinese view—or, for that matter, one unitary Daoist or Buddhist, or elite or popular, view—of what dreams are, how they signify, and what, if anything, they portend. Rather, there was an array of coexisting, sometimes competing views on these matters, each view performing certain functions and each mobilized in certain practices. In my talk I will offer a preliminary mapping of this complex, multidimensional dreamscape of early medieval China. The mapping is based on a study of certain genres of documents with an eye to questions such as these: What was the perceived relation between the dreamer and what is dreamed? How did dreams carry meaning? How were they interpreted, and by whom? To what uses were dreams put? With what other sorts of assumptions and arguments were assumptions and arguments about dreams intertwined?

Religious Policies in the PRC: A Sociopolitical History
Fenggang Yang, Associate Professor of Sociology, Purdue University
September 23, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Religion, Politics and Globalization Program (RPGP), Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity, Sociology Department

In this lecture, Professor Fenggang Yang of Purdue University will provide the historical and political backgrounds of the religious policies of the Chinese Communist Party and state since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. There are three distinct periods: from 1949 to 1966, the Party-state first targeted religious supply by suppressing various religions, co-opting the five major religions through establishing the "patriotic associations," and reducing the number of religious venues; from 1966 to 1979, all religious venues were closed down, eradication measures targeted religious demand through atheist propaganda and imprisonment of staunch believers; from 1979 to the present, limited tolerance of certain religious groups is governed by increasingly strict regulations. Whereas in the material economy the PRC has undergone dramatic reforms toward a market economy, the religious policy and regulations have remained ideology-based and have had little change from the pre-reform era. In fact, the overall policy is not substantially different from that of the 1950s. However, the restrictive regulations are rendered ineffective by the economic and sociopolitical changes in the larger society, including the open-door policy that integrates China into the globalizing world. All kinds of religions have revived in the reform era.

Tracing Japanese Buddhism: An International Conference
September 25–27, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai/Numata Foundation, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Shinnyo-en Foundation

International Conference on Japanese Buddhism featuring leading scholars from the U.S. and Japan. Featured speakers include: Sueki Fumihiko (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, author of Studies in the Formation of Kamakura Buddhism), Shimazono Susumu (Univ. of Tokyo, former President of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies), Ryuichi Abe (Harvard Univ., author of The Weaving of Mantra), Jacqueline Stone (Princeton Univ., author of Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism), Bernard Faure (Columbia Univ., author of The Rhetoric of Immediacy and Visions of Power), Carl Bielefeldt (Stanford Univ., Director of the Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies and author of Dogen's Manuals of Zen Meditation), Hoshino Eiki (Taisho Univ., President of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies), and Tamamuro Fumio (Meiji Univ., author of The History of Japanese Buddhism: Early Modern)

The Problem with Anthologies: The Case of the Poems of Ying Qu (190–252)
David Knechtges, Asian Languages and Literature, University of Washington
Paula Varsano, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley, discussant
September 25, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

The shi poems in the Wen xuan are classified into twenty-three categories. There is one troublesome category designated "Bai yi" 百一, which literally means "one hundred one" or "one of a hundred." The "Bai yi" category in the Wen xuan contains only one poem by a single poet, Ying Qu 應璩 (190–252). Li Shan 李善 (d. 689) in his commentary to the Wen xuan records four explanations of title "Bai yi" all of which state that Ying Qu's poems contained veiled criticisms of contemporary affairs. This talk will examine the extant fragments of Ying Qu's poem and consider the question of why some sources designate his poems not as "Bai yi," but xin shi 新詩 or "new poems." Evidence will show that Ying Qu was considered throughout the Wei, Jin, Nanbeichao period the premier author of poems critical of contemporary affairs, and his poems were called "new" because he was the first poet to use the pentasyllabic form to write a series of critical poems. The speaker will reconsider Ying Qu's "Bai yi" poem included in the Wen xuan and argue that it may actually contain an implicit criticism of the court.

A Place of Nowhere: Spatial Practices in a Tourist Village in Southwest China
Rongling Ge, visiting scholar, and PhD student in Anthropology at Xiamen University
September 25, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Tourism Studies Working Group, Townsend Center for the Humanities

This presentation will cover the spatial practices based on a temporal logic of spatial activities and interactions between the residents and the tourists, both of whom dialectically experience sense of nowhere through chronological interruption.

Islam and Democracy in East Asia
Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Opposition Leader and Former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia
September 29, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Goldman School of Public Policy, International House

Anwar Ibrahim was Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Malaysia from 1993–1998. An ardent supporter of freedom and democracy, and the most powerful critic against corruption and abuse of executive power, he was dismissed from office in 1998 and imprisoned by then Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed. After serving six years in solitary confinement the Malaysian Courts overturned his conviction. He assumed teaching positions at Oxford University, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and Georgetown University, lecturing extensively on issues of governance, democracy and contemporary politics in Southeast Asia. In the 12th Malaysian General elections in March 2008 Anwar forged a political coalition called the Pakatan Rakyat, which scored massive victories, breaking the ruling party's stranglehold in Parliament and gaining control of six of Malaysia's fourteen states and territories, heralding a transition to a two-party system. He is currently Leader of the Opposition in the Malaysian Parliament.

This event is free and open to the public.

For general information, contact the Center for Southeast Asia Studies at (510) 642-3609.

Media inquiries, please contact the Goldman School of Public Policy at (510) 642-8005

Domestic Challenges to China's "Peaceful Development"
Katherine Kaup, Associate Professor of Political Science and Asian Studies, Furman University
Peter Lorentzen, Assistant Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley
Alex Wang, Director of the China Law Project of the Natural Resources Defense Council
Timothy Weston, Associate Professor of History, University of Colorado at Boulder
September 30, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, National Committee on United States-China Relations

China's image in the news media tends to take one of two extremes: either an unstoppably rising economic superpower or a fragile undemocratic regime buffeted by unrest. Protests from people affected by environmental problems, farmers and urbanites displaced from their land and homes, and unemployed workers have been augmented by the recent rioting in western China and similar events in Lhasa last year. This panel will bring together four specialists in different aspects of China to discuss the nature and importance of these issues and how the Chinese government is coping with these challenges.

This event is presented with support from the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations' Public Intellectuals Program, which is funded by the Henry Luce Foundation and the Starr Foundation.

Saving the World through Commerce: Buddhism, Merchants, and Mercantilism in Early India
Andrew Rotman, Associate Professor of Religion, Smith College
October 1, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

In the early centuries of the Common Era, Buddhism had a very close and formative relationship with the merchant world, and this relationship transformed Buddhism in fundamental ways, leaving the market's imprint on the very foundations of Buddhism. One important byproduct of this relationship was a resultant market-based morality. Merit and virtue were now subjected to the forces of commodification, and as such could be bought, earned, stockpiled, transferred, cashed in, and depleted. I discuss this moral economy, and the market-based morality that underlies it, in my book Thus Have I Seen: Visualizing Faith in Early Indian Buddhism. Yet, why use merchant activity as a model for spiritual activity? Did Buddhism embrace the market, or was Buddhism overrun by it? The aim of this paper is to begin to make sense of the history of this mercantilization process, focusing primarily on merchant-monastic relations in the Kuṣāṇa and Sātavāhana empires.

  Honorable Survivor: Mao's China, McCarthy's America, and the Persecution of John S. Service
Lynne Joiner, Broadcast journalist, news anchor, and documentary filmmaker
October 6, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

John S. Service, before he was associated with UC Berkeley in later life, lived through extraordinary times between the worlds of wartime and revolutionary China and a post-war America gripped by anti-Communist hysteria. Lynne Joiner discusses her biography of Jack Service, the story of an idealistic U.S. Foreign Service officer in wartime China who early on predicted Mao Zedong's successful revolution. His prescient reports went unheeded by U.S. policy makers, and later he became Senator Joseph McCarthy's first victim. The author describes Service's long fight to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ordered him reinstated, and reveals how his renewed career was derailed by anti-communist crusaders, the China lobby, the FBI, and Chiang Kai-shek's secret police. Honorable Survivor weaves John S. Service's life story into the fabric of watershed moments in history.
Introduced by Tom Gold, Sociology, UC Berkeley.

Globalization and Made in China: The Innovation of a Price-Killer
Sun Guangsheng, Associate Professor, Industrial Economics, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
October 6, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

China has won its reputation as "The World's Factory" by establishing global competitiveness in labor-intensive and capital-intensive industries. Chinese companies have not only proven capable of moving into industries where multinationals have pulled out, but are also moving into high-tech areas where multinationals are still dominant. Two factors have allowed China to gain world preeminence in the manufacturing of industrial goods. Firstly, Chinese companies are competing in a new global economy that allows for more open policies and production networks. China's manufacturing industry opened to Foreign Direct Investment at an opportune time. They took off from the low end of industrial chain and are gradually climbing upward. Secondly, although the primary competitive advantage of China's manufacturing industries has been low-cost labor, many companies have begun to establish cost advantages through innovation. Low-cost innovation will soon become the core of China's industrial competitive advantage. This lecture will discuss why Chinese products have rapidly come to dominate the global market, and the factors that restrict China's manufacturing industries from further improvements.

A Pure and Remote View: Visualizing Early Chinese Landscape Painting
James Cahill, Professor Emeritus, History of Art, UC Berkeley
October 7, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

James Cahill hopes to bring his life's work to the digital age with the creation of "A Pure and Remote View: Visualizing Early Chinese Landscape Painting." This project will present a wealth of examples from early Chinese painting, accompanied by Cahill's own commentary and analysis, as a set of lectures for digital distribution. In this talk, Professor Cahill will discuss his plans for the project, his rationale and methodology, and offer samples of the lectures as they have developed thus far.

James Cahill received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In 1956 he joined the staff of the Freer Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., where he served as curator of Chinese Art until joining the UC Berkeley History of Art faculty in 1965. His publications include the widely read and much reprinted Chinese Painting (Skira, 1960) and many other books and exhibition catalogs, in addition to numerous articles on Chinese and Japanese painting. Professor Cahill retired from UC Berkeley in 1994. Both before and since then he has received major accolades, including the College Art Association Lifetime Distinguished Teaching of Art History award in 1995 and the Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Writing on Art in 2007.

The Great Socialist Transformation: Capitalism without Democracy in China
Kellee Tsai, Political Science, Johns Hopkins University
Kevin O'Brien, Political Science, UC Berkeley, discussant
October 8, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

The stunning expansion of China's private sector growth has led observers to assume that its growing ranks of capitalists represent a force for democratization. Tsai's research in ten provinces finds little evidence for this belief, but shows that private entrepreneurs have nonetheless had a structural impact on Chinese politics through a variety of "adaptive informal institutions."

US-Japan Relations: A Japanese American Perspective
Norman Mineta, former US Secretary of Commerce, Clinton Admin., US Secretary of Transportation, Bush Admin., Cal Class of '53
October 9, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies

This evening talk by Hon. Norman Mineta is the first keynote address that will be followed by a full-day conference next day on the theme of "Japan and Japanese America: Connections Across the Pacific Rim." It will explore the close historical and contemporary interconnections between Japan and the Japanese American Community.

Opening Remarks by Yasumasa Nagamine, Consul General of Japan, SF

Japan and Japanese America: Connections Across the Pacific Rim
October 10, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, UC Berkeley Asian American Studies Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, San Francisco Consulate General of Japan, National Japanese American Historical Society

Morning Session
9:00 AM–11:45 AM — Goldman Theater
9:00 AM — Opening Remarks
9:15–10:30 AM — Keynote Lecture
Gary Okihiro, Columbia University — "Rethinking Subjects: "Japan" and "America"

10:30–11:45 AM — Panel Session I: History
Eiichiro Azuma, University of Pennsylvania — "Issei Antiracism and Japan's World War I Diplomacy: The Fickleness and Perils at Immigration Homeland Political Partnership"
Lon Kurashige, University of Southern California — "Japanese Immigrants and the Opposition to White Supremacy in the U.S."
Respondent: Greg Robinson, University of Quebec

Noon Session
11:45 AM – 1:45 PM — 2nd Floor
11:45 AM–12:45 PM — Luncheon — Outdoor Terrace
12:45–1:45 PM — Luncheon Lecture — Tamalpais Room
Glen S. Fukushima, CEO, Airbus Japan and former President, ACCJ — "Adventures of a Japanese American Positioned Between the U.S. and Japan"

Afternoon Session
2:00 PM – 5:30 PM — Goldman Theater
2:00 – 3:30 PM — Panel Session II: Literature
Yoshitaka Hibi, Nagoya University — "The Flow of Books and Japanese (Language) Literature"
Teruko Kumei, Shirayuri College — "Immigrant Senryu Clubs and Japan, 1930s–1950s"
Kyoko Nozaki, Kyoto Sangyo University — "Internment and Identity Shift: Through Transnational War Memory"
Respondent: Andrew Leong, UC Berkeley

3:30 – 3:45 PM — Coffee Break

3:45 – 5:15 PM — Panel Session III: Religion
Mark Mullins, Sophia University — "Kagawa Toyohiko and the Japanese Christian Impact on American Society"
Akihiro Yamakura, Tenri University — "Transnational Context of the Wartime Internment of Tenrikyo Ministers in America"
Duncan Williams, UC Berkeley — "Faith within Barbed Wire: Issei Buddhism and the Wartime Incarceration"
Respondent: Jane Iwamura, University of Southern California

5:15 – 5:30 PM — Closing Remarks

Romance, Insularity, and Representation: Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood for Love
Giorgio Biancorosso, School of Humanities, University of Hong Kong
Andrew Jones, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley, discussant
October 13, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Film Studies

Wong Kar-wai's film "In the Mood for Love" (2000) is set in Hong Kong in the early 1960s and explores the predicament and reactions of a female character (So Lai-chen) who experiences a personal crisis at a time of political turmoil. For all the casual tone with which it is presented, the backdrop of the 1966 riots is a shivering revelation of the social and political conditions that have made possible the protagonists' solipsistic absorption in their feelings as well as the fragility of Hong Kong's status as a geographical and political island. Like that other great film about passion and solipsism, Nagisa Oshima's Ai no corrida (1976), "In the Mood for Love" poses as a mere love story only to open up, in a brilliantly off-handed fashion, a scenario of political devastation against which romance becomes all but impossible.

A Tribute to Robert Scalapino
Han Sung-Joo, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Former President, Korea University; Chairman, ASAN Institute for Policy Studies; President, Seoul Forum for International Affairs; Chairman, International Policy Studies Institute of Korea
George T. Yu, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois, Urbana
Chongsik Lee, Professor Emeritus, Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Hong Yung Lee, Professor, Political Science, UC Berkeley
Host and Moderator: Wen-hsin Yeh, Richard H. and Laurie C. Morrison Professor of History and Director, Institute of East Asian Studies
October 14, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

The political landscape of Asia has by custom been studied in terms of country-specific research. Long before the term "globalization" was coined, UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus Robert Scalapino's career was marked by the broad sweep of his perspective. As part of his mission, Scalapino founded the Institute of East Asian Studies, where the study of region-wide comparative politics, together with other disciplines, could be pursued. Scalapino, who gained the ear of presidents, premiers, and politicians across Asia and beyond, now celebrates his 90th birthday.

Former students, now formidable figures in their own right, return to UC Berkeley to pay tribute to their former teacher through a panel on critical concerns in Asian affairs: George T. Yu: "Reflections on China's African Policy," Chongsik Lee: "Explaining Pak Chung-Hee," Han Sung-Joo: "Among the Strangers: Korea and the Outside World." Political Science Professor Hong Yung Lee will comment on the significance of Robert Scalapino's career, and act as discussant. History Professor Wen-hsin Yeh will moderate the discussion.

War and its Aftermath in North Korea: Images from the 1950s
Chris Springer, Author, North Korea Caught in Time
October 15, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

In the 1950s the North Korean people lived through the cataclysm of the Korean War and the ferment of postwar reconstruction. Rare photographs have now emerged that help shed light on this turbulent era. In an audiovisual presentation, Chris Springer shares some of these photos from his new book North Korea Caught in Time: Images of War and Reconstruction. The images depict the devastation wreaked by U.S. bombing, the destitution faced by civilians, the operations of the North Korean army, and the reconstruction of shattered cities. Also shown are senior politicians whom the regime later purged and erased from the official record. Chris Springer will explain the photos' varied origins (from both official and amateur photographers) and discuss what the images reveal about North Korean history.

Intellectuals, Professions, and Knowledge Production in Twentieth-Century China
Clayton Brown, History, Rhodes College
Timothy Cheek, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia
Zhihong Chen, History, Guilford College
Robert Culp, History, Bard College
Bryna Goodman, History, University of Oregon
J. Meghan Greene, History, University of Kansas
Tze-ki Hon, History, SUNY Geneseo
Sean Hsiang-lin Lei, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
David Luesink, Ph.D. Candidate, University of British Columbia
Bridie Minehan, History, Bentley College
Klaus Muehlhahn, History, Indiana University
Thomas Mullaney, History, Stanford University
Dan Shao, East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Huei-min Sun, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Eddy U, Sociology, UC Davis
Peter Zarrow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Li Zhang, Anthropology, UC Davis
Glenn Tiffert, Ph.D. Candidate, History, UC Berkeley
Xiaomei Chen, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Davis
Ling Shiao, History, Southern Methodist University
Ming-chen Lo, Sociology
October 16–17, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, American Council of Learned Societies, funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Li Ka-shing Foundation Program in Modern Chinese History at Berkeley

This conference examines the transformation of China's literati into modern professionals and intellectuals in the twentieth-century. The papers discuss careers and sources of knowledge in the legal, medical, academic, and technical professions. How these professions emerged and changed in contexts of state-building, revolution, socialism, markets, and globalization is a central focus. The conference also discusses ways that professionals and intellectuals engaged the state and the public, how they used their knowledge and influence, and how their work and livelihoods have been shaped by governments and other forces.

The Instant City and the Postspatial Turn in Chinese Cinema
Yomi Braester, Department of Comparative Literature and Program in Cinema Studies, University of Washington
Pheng Cheah, Rhetoric, UC Berkeley, discussant
October 22, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies

The trope of a city constructed in the blink of the eye is central to recent Chinese films and stage plays. The instant city is visually represented by miniature models and computerized simulations. The salience of architectural modeling — in the media, on the theater stage, and on the screen — is a symptom of the neoliberal state's need to reify its vision in idealized form. In response, some filmmakers have turned to preserving the present condition of cities in images. Others go beyond recording the pro-filmic, using new media to propose a post-cinematic and post-spatial understanding of the city.

Multiethnic/Multicultural Korea
Hae Yeon Choo, University of Wisconsin
Henry Em, New York University
Sue-Je Gage, Ithaca College
EuyRyung Jun, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Elaine Kim, University of California Berkeley
Minjeong Kim, Virginia Tech
Nadia Kim, Loyola Marymount University
John Lie, University of California Berkeley
Timothy Lim, California State University Los Angeles
Gi-Wook Shin, Stanford University
Hwa-Ji Shin, University of San Francisco,John Skrentny, University of California San Diego,Keiko Yamanaka, University of California Berkeley
October 23, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Korea Foundation

This program is a workshop convened by Professor John Lie, Chair of the Center for Korean Studies, for the purpose of developing an edited volume on the theme of "multiethnic/multicultural Korea." The event will be open to the public, but it is not a formal conference and the schedule will not be posted in advance. Participants are listed on this page. This program is sponsored by the Korea Foundation.

  Beyond Exams and Universities: Alternative Histories of Buddhist Monastic Education in Thailand
Justin McDaniel, Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
October 28, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Southeast Asia Studies

Looking at the study of Thai Buddhist education, perhaps the most common marker for change from the pre-modern to the modern are the reforms culminating in the Sangha Act of 1902. Most scholars invoke this royal administrative act as the signal that Thai Buddhism was entering into modernity. The main crux of this act was the formalization and centralization of Thai Buddhist education and administration. This was part of the nation-building and social control process to suppress regionalism, strengthen the country against foreign missionary influence, formalize the curriculum, and "modernize" the entire education system. Siamese ecclesiastical ranks, textbooks printed in Siamese script, monastic examinations, the Pali Buddhist canon, and teachers approved from Bangkok and Central Siam were disseminated to the rural and urban areas in Siam and its holdings. Since Siam (later Thailand) is the only country in Southeast Asia that was "never colonized," the nation-building project in which religious reform played a major part could be considered a success. Although the Buddhist ecclesia has grown in wealth and institutional stability since 1902, there are still deep fissures in Thai Buddhism that existed before 1902 and persist today. Looking at the 1902 Sangha Act tells us little about the actual history of monastic education on the ground outside of the capital and some strategically located royal monasteries and monastic universities. More often than not, individual abbots and teachers outside of Bangkok have ignored these reforms over the last 100 years. Despite this fact, scholars have still seen studied the history of Buddhism in Thailand and Laos primarily through the structural mechanisms of reforms, edicts, laws, standardized texts, and canons. In this paper, I will show why this approach is no longer tenable. We need to turn to a closer examination of the "proximate mechanisms" of knowledge change and continuity in local communities by looking at pedagogical methods, rhetorical styles, text choices, liturgies, and the formation of informal local curricula. In this way, Lao and Thai Buddhist teachers are not simply the supine receivers of modernization who choose to profit from it or be overrun. Their efforts to define their own forms of Buddhism in their particular locales has largely been ignored. For the sake of time, this paper will focus on the failings of the institutional approach. In the question and answer session I would be happy to field questions regarding new approaches to the study of monastic education.

Justin McDaniel is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies in 2003. He taught Buddhism and Southeast Asian Studies at the University of California, Riverside before moving to the University of Pennsylvania. His research foci include Lao, Thai, Pali and Sanskrit linguistics and literature, Southeast Asian Buddhism, ritual studies, manuscript studies, and Southeast Asian history. He is the chair of the Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Studies Association and the founder of the NEH funded Thai Digital Monastery Project. He is the author of Gathering Leaves and Lifting Words: Histories of Monastic Education in Laos and Thailand, as well as articles in the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, the Journal of the Siam Society, and the Journal of Burma Studies.

Introduced by Alex von Rospatt, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies

China on the World Stage: Ready for Prime Time?
Thomas Fingar, Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
October 28, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

China is increasingly engaged on the world stage. Its quest for markets, minerals, and energy has increased its presence abroad, its stake in the international system, and growing pressure to take more responsibility for system maintenance. Its increasing stake in and dependence on the quality of governance in developing countries calls into question the continued viability of its long-standing policy of noninterference in the internal affairs of other countries; and the hundreds of millions of Chinese who have not yet benefitted substantially from their country's rise question why the government invests abroad rather than at home. Chinese leaders are buffeted by pressures to be more engaged and to change China's modes of engagement on the world stage but protest that the country is not yet ready or able to do so. Are they right?

Mater Dolorosa: Māyā and Mahāprajāpati in Grief
Reiko Ohnuma, Associate Professor of Religion, Dartmouth College
October 29, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

In the 13th century Latin hymn Stabat Mater, Mary, the mother of Christ, is celebrated and idealized as the "grieving mother" (mater dolorosa) who stands by the cross and weeps as her son is crucified. The believer, speaking through the words of the hymn, longs to experience Mary's grief for himself and thereby identify more closely with Christ's torment upon the cross. In the Indian Buddhist tradition, by contrast, the "grieving mother" is an iconic figure in an altogether different way: Mindless and hysterical out of grief over the death of her child, she stands as a paradigmatic example of the fact that all attachment leads to suffering. Spiritually stunted because of her grief and frequently likened to a pitiful animal, she is anything but an exemplary model for the Buddhist believer. She becomes exemplary, in fact, only when she is violently "de-mothered" — eradicating any particularistic attachment whatsoever to her own child, and universalizing her personal grief into a detached appreciation of the inevitability of death, impermanence, and suffering. Professor Ohnuma will focus on episodes in Buddhist literature in which the Buddha's own mothers — his biological mother Māyā and his foster-mother Mahāprajāpati — are depicted in states of grief. It will contrast the way in which each mother deals with her grief, as well as placing this contrast within the context of a larger argument contrasting Māyā and Mahāprajāpati as alternative representations of motherhood.

Object Knowledge: Art, Artifact, and Authority in Southeast Asia
October 30, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Southeast Asia Studies

Recent scholarship on the role of cultural production in defining and articulating national identity has gravitated towards Europe, the Pacific, Africa, China and Australia. Building on earlier work on the social lives of things and the complex mechanisms that determine patterns of desire, exchange, taste, and consumption, scholars of these areas have productively explored the role of objects as dynamic and multivalent repositories and transmitters of historical and cultural narrative with the power to connect and transect, as well as to divide and delineate, cultural, ethnic, and social groups. "Object knowledge" here denotes both the meanings associated with things in diverse cultural landscapes, and the knowledge that objects can embody and signify to those who study and collect them outside of their original contexts. As objects move through time and fields of ownership — from sponsor to artisan, merchant to consumer, custodian to thief, donor to holder, alms-giver to monk, collector to museum — how do they shape spectrums of value, belief, and taste?

While Southeast Asia has proved a critical site for innovative theories on nationalism and cultural politics, work on material culture in the region is still predominantly oriented toward archaeology and ancient ruins. Despite reflections on the potency and tactility of power as vested in sacred and ritual objects in Southeast Asia, and on the power of monuments and images of nation to rally modern political community, more work remains to be done on the influence of material transactions in shaping social relations, spiritual beliefs and ethnic identifications.

Designed to complement the concurrent Asian Art Museum exhibit, Emerald Cities: Arts of Siam and Burma, 1775–1950, this symposium aims to forge new dialogue on the recent genealogy of material culture in Southeast Asia, with specific reference to Siam, the Shan states, and Burma. By bringing together curators, historians, art historians and anthropologists, we aim to stimulate new inquiry into the interpretive potency and methodological possibilities of "object knowledge" in Southeast Asia.

Staging History — Action and Reenactment in the Cultural Revolution
Carma Hinton, History and Art History, George Mason University
Alexander Cook, History, UC Berkeley, moderator
October 30, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

This lecture will be accompanied with excerpts from the documentary film, Morning Sun. It will address issues of spectacle and representation in China's revolutionary culture during the 1950s and 1960s and examine how the development of political thinking and action during the Cultural Revolution (ca. 1964–1976) are linked to visual narratives of past revolutions. It will also discuss the difficult choices Hinton encountered from the perspectives of both a historian and a filmmaker in the process of making Morning Sun.

The War of Scripts: The Emergence of a Korean National Vernacular Space during the Imjin War of the Late Sixteenth Century
JaHyun Kim Haboush, Columbia University
October 30, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Academy of Korean Studies

I am currently working on a book in which I reconstruct the trajectory of the discourse of nation in Korea. I am presenting it as a historical phenomenon to be located at particular points in time-place. I contend that the "nation" emerged as a literary trope in the early stages of the Imjin War, 1592–1598, and spread to several socio-textual communities. In mapping out the trajectory of this evolving and expanding discourse of nation, I differ from Benedict Anderson's vision of a nation realized in simultaneity in homogeneous and empty time. The spread of the discourse of nation in premodern Korea was a process — an idea of nation was constructed gradually as it moved through a multi-layered, non-linear space. It spread within the limits of the technology and economy of the time. It moved through the linguistic spaces of literary Chinese and vernacular Korean and the oral and ritual spaces of commemoration.

I will speak on the emergence of the vernacular space, a portion of this work. As we know, a war is never simply battles; communication is also vital. During the Imjin War, a national vernacular space, in contradistinction to the transnational literary Chinese writing space that spanned East Asia, emerged in a moment of crisis. With the arrival of foreign powers using literary Chinese, the Korean domestic literary Chinese communicative space was suddenly permeable to Japanese and Chinese forces. Alarmed, the Choson government adopted a radical language strategy: to deploy Korean script to create an exclusive communicative space for Koreans. Departing from the practice of using only literary Chinese for public missives, it sent out royal edicts in Korean script. I believe that the creation of a vernacular national space was an unprecedented and epochal measure that redefined Korea as a geo-political entity. In the lecture, I will discuss the historical context in which the vernacular script emerged in the national communicative space. I will also briefly discuss the meaning and impact of the emergence of a national vernacular space in the diglossic literary culture.

The Construction of a "Pre-Modern Nation" in Korea: Methodologies and Sources
JaHyun Kim Haboush, Columbia University
November 2, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Academy of Korean Studies

JaHyun Kim Haboush, King Sejong Professor of Korean Studies at Columbia University, speaks on her research methodologies and sources.

Shots in the Dark: Japan, Zen, and the West
Shoji Yamada, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
November 3, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies

How the Basic-Level People's Court Operates: The Case of W District of X City in Northwest China
Wei Ding, Associate Professor of Law, Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology
November 3, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

During the past three decades of reform and opening-up, China has established comprehensive legal institutions and legal regulations from top to bottom that simulate those of Western countries. China has also established the rule of law as a fundamental principle of statecraft — "run the country in accordance with the law, and build a socialist state under the rule of law". Institutions and regulations alone, however, do not guarantee the rule of law. Compared to developed countries, judiciary independence is less feasible in contemporary China. In order to understand China's judicial system, one must observe the actual operations of Chinese people's court at all levels. Based on interviews and documentary sources from basic-level people's court located in the Wei River Plain in northwest China from the past five years, this case study examines how jurisdiction is distributed and wielded, how judges make decisions, and looks at the complex relationships among local party-state organs.

在改革开放的三十年间,尤其是 1990 年代中期以后,中国大体上按照西方国家的法治模式,自上而下地建立起一套完备的法律制度体系,并且确立了 "依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家" 的治国方略。然而,建立法制体系并不等于实现法治。和发达国家相比,一个显而易见的事实是中国目前还不存在完全意义上的司法独立。要想深入理解中国司法制度的实质,就必须观察各级人民法院的实际运行状况。过去的五年时间里,我们对陕西关中地区渭河平原一个基层法院的多位法官进行了半结构式的深度访谈,并搜集了许多档案卷宗资料。在上述材料基础上,本项研究试图描述中国的司法审判权力究竟如何进行分配,法官又如何作出裁判,以及围绕司法审判权而展开的当地党政机关之间错综复杂的关系。
This talk will be in Chinese and English with no interpretation.

Chinese Investment and Aid in Cambodia
Michael Sullivan, Acting Director, Center for Khmer Studies (Cambodia)
November 4, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Southeast Asian Studies

This talk investigates Chinese investment in Cambodia in the context of strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries. This talk suggests that Chinese investment, backed by China's regional foreign policy goals, may create new rent-seeking opportunities for powerful political and economic networks within the Cambodian state, at the expense of the government's reform agenda. At the same time, Chinese influence is unlikely to alter donor efforts to push the Cambodian government down the reform path. The upshot of Chinese investment and aid, for the foreseeable future, will be the further entrenchment of Cambodian state political elites and their business associates, alongside a continued government-donor dialogue that to date has failed to bring about substantive reform where it is needed most. This situation also raises a number of important questions concerning the overall long-term benefits that may or may not accrue to Cambodia from Chinese investment and aid.

  Epistolary Korea: Letters in the Communicative Space of the Choson, 1392–1910
JaHyun Kim Haboush, Columbia University
November 4, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Academy of Korean Studies

What can we read in and through the codes that govern written expression? From royal public edicts to private letters, the works in this collection—written in both literary Chinese and vernacular Korean—recast relationships between epistolography and concepts of public and private space, between classical and everyday language, and between men and women.

Jahyun Kim Haboush is a cultural historian of pre- and early modern Korea, particularly from the 16th to 19th centuries. Her current areas of interest include Korean literature, political culture, pre-modern nationalism, diglossia, language and ideology, genre, gender, and historiography. Professor Haboush received her MA from the University of Michigan in 1970 and Ph.D. from Columbia in 1978. She is the author and editor of many works, including most recently Epistolary Korea.

Introduced by Clare You, Vice Chair, Center for Korean Studies.

The Uncertain Path of Chinese Law Reform
Stanley Lubman, Lecturer in Residence, Boalt School of Law
November 4, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Boalt School of Law

Introduction to the Asian Area and the Chinese Medicinal Herb Garden
November 5, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Botanical Garden

A half hour lecture in the Conference Center's Mirov Room will be followed by a 90 minute tour of the Garden. This event is free but requires pre-registration. Limited to 30 people. To register, call 510.643.6321 or email ccs@berkeley.edu

Many elements of the vast Asian flora are represented in the Garden, with an emphasis on rhododendrons and maples, as well as the first collections of the dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) on the West Coast. Fall color is particularly lovely in the vicinity of the Japanese Pool; maples, dogwoods and birches provide a vivid display.

The Chinese Medicinal Herb Garden is one of the Botanical Garden's Ethnobotanical collections and was developed in collaboration with the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou, China. These herbs are organized according to their function in traditional Chinese medicine and many are depicted in classical Asian art.

Note: Wheelchair accessibility in the Garden is limited. The Conference Center and much of the main road are accessible. Participants in wheelchairs will be able to attend the lecture and then directed to the Japanese Pool where they can meet the others for the second half of the tour. The Chinese Medicinal Garden is not easily accessible.

Japanese Food Culture on the Global Stage — Part I: Scholarly Roundtable
November 8, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies

The History and Contemporary Forms of Japanese Food Culture
9:00 am — Welcome Remarks
9:15 am – 12:15 pm — Panel Session
Eric Rath, Univ. of Kansas, author of Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Japan — "Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Japan"
Katarzyna Cwiertka, Leiden Univ., author of Asian Food: The Global and Local and Modern Japanese Cuisine: Food, Power, and National Identity — "Legal and Illegal Dining in 1940s Japan"
Jordan Sand, Georgetown Univ., author of A Short History of MSG — "Japanese Hybrid Gastronomy at the Beginning and End of the 20th Century: "The Gourmet's Delight" and "Iron Chef"
Tomoko Aoyama, Univ. of Queensland, author of Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature — "Food and Gender in Yoshinaga Fumi's Manga"
Gavin Whitelaw, ICU, author of At Your Conbini — "Convenient Cuisine"

Japanese Food Culture on the Global Stage — Part II: The World's Longest California Roll
November 8, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Cal Dining

Food historians generally credit Ichiro Manashita, of the Tokyo Kaikan restaurant in Los Angeles, with "inventing" the California roll. Although the exact date on when the California roll made its culinary debut is undocumented, according to gastronomical lore, this unique hybridization of Japanese sushi was available on cutting edge menus starting in the early 1970s. The "California roll" is popularly defined as sushi made with avocados, crabmeat, cucumbers and other ingredients wrapped in vinegar rice. The roll has also gained popularity in Japan, where it is called kashu-maki, a literal translation of "California roll."

Here is your chance to make food history by participating in the attempt to make a new world record for the longest California roll. Here is a listing of official and unofficial records for longest sushi rolls in the world. Can we beat it?

With fifty-six tables, you can sign up as an individual ("unaffiliated") or as part of a team (students groups, community organizations, etc.) with a team leader for each table.

In addition, feel free to email CJS Chair Duncan Williams at duncanw@berkeley.edu if you want to create your own team. The team leaders need to report to their tables at 11:30 am on November 8th and will also be responsible for attending a mandatory practice roll at 8 pm on Tuesday, October 27th at the Unit 1 Residential Halls All-Purpose Room (basement of Unit 1 — located at College/Bowditch and Durant/Channing).

After creating the longest California roll at noon and documenting its length as a certified world record, we will all have the chance to eat the results! This event is co-presented with Cal Dining and the many food sponsors who have contributed the ingredients.

The current record is 300 feet, and was set in Maui, Hawaii in 2001. Let's bring the California roll record back to Cal!

Japanese Food Culture on the Global Stage — Part III: Washoku and Wine
November 8, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, JETRO

Washoku and Wine — A Benefit Gala Dinner for the Center for Japanese Studies
Culinary Institute of America, Napa, CA

5:00 pm — Vinters Barrel Room — Reception
Reception Lecture by featured speaker, Prof. Ted Bestor, Harvard Univ., author of Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World

6–8:30pm — Ventura Center — Washoku and Wine
Exclusive 5-course dinner prepared by SF Bay area celebrity chefs

Hiro Sone – First Japanese chef to own two Michelin starred restaurants — Terra in St. Helena and Ame in SF St. Regis Hotel; 2003 winner of the James Beard Foundation award for "Best Chef in California."

Mitsunori "Nori" Kusakabe – Executive Chef at Michelin-starred and Zagat top-5 Bay area restaurant, Sushi Ran in Sausalito; winner of the world 2008 Sushi of the Year Award in London; former executive chef at Nobu in Tokyo and Miami Beach and kaiseki chef at Kyo Kaiseki Juntei in Kyoto.

Shotaro "Sho" Kamio – Executive Chef of San Francisco hot spot, Yoshi's Jazz Club and Japanese Restaurant; winner of the Iron Chef San Francisco title and former executive chef at SF Ozumo.

Ron Siegel – The chef of the Dining Room at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in SF, which has made Gayot's "Top 40 Restaurants in the US" every year since Siegel took over. The first American "Iron Chef" beating Hiroyuki Sakai in 1998. Former sous chef at the French Laundry, chef at Charles Nob Hill and executive chef at SF Masa's.

Stephen Durfee – Executive pastry chef instructor at the Culinary Institute of America, formerly at Charles Nob Hill and the French Laundry. Winner of the James Beard "outstanding Pastry Chef" award and named one of the "10 Best Pastry Chefs in America" by Pastry Art and Design.

Washoku and Wine Menu
Reception — Small bites
By Ron Siegel (Ritz-Carlton) and Sho Kamio (SF Yoshi's)
DeLoach Chardonnay (DeLoach Winery)
2006 Russian River Pinot Noir (Freeman Winery)

Course I — Chawan-Mushi: Japanese Savory Custard with Maine Lobster and Sea Urchin
By Hiro Sone (Ame/Terra)
2008 Viognier (Miner Winery)

Course II — Abalone with Miso Gelee, Matsutake Mushrooms, Dashi Broth
By Ron Siegel (Ritz-Carlton)
White Wine TBA

Course III — Five Classic Tastes of Nagasaki Hon-Maguro
By Nori Kusukabe (Sushi Ran)
1905 Vintage Merlot (Luna Winery)

Course IV — Wagyu Rib Eye Beef "Shabu-Shabu" Style with Sesame Miso Beurre-Blanc
By Sho Kamio (SF Yoshi's)
Raymond Reserve Cabernet (Raymond Winery)

Course V — Black Sesame Seed Panna Cotta with Buckwheat Sable Cookies and Fuyu Persimmon Salad
By Stephen Durfee (CIA)
Premium Teas from Japan

Individual Tickets and Table Sponsorships can be purchased from the CJS — Phone:510-642-3156; E-mail:cjs@berkeley.edu

Facing Japan: A Special Screening of 15 Short Videos Presented by Digital TV and the World Reporters
November 9–10, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, The Center for Digital TV and the World, a project of the Tides Center, Skirball Foundation, ANA, The Japan-United States Friendship Commission, The Henry Luce Foundation, Sony, Center for Japanese Studies, Graduate School of Journalism

Join us for a close-up look at Tokyo at a moment of social and political confusion.

Digital TV and The World reporters invite the J-School community and friends to a special screening of "Facing Japan." Their 15-short videos document the lives of ordinary people in Tokyo and California. J-Schoolers Nick Burns ('10), Tuomas Forsell ('09), Julie Johnson ('09), Tyler Sipe ('10), Clayton Trosclair ('10) and Japhet Weeks ('10) reported and produced the videos. Their works examine tensions and changing attitudes among Japanese and Japanese Americans on both sides of the Pacific. The group also took an intimate look at a Tokyo neighborhood that clings to tradition. Monzen-Nakacho, located on Tokyo's east side, typifies some of the demographic and societal shifts taking place in Japan: an aging population, fewer children, and flagging faith.

At Berkeley, the reporters took Digital TV and the World classes and produced video profiles of Japanese and Japanese Americans in the Bay Area. They also enrolled in a Reporting on Japan class taught by Yomiuri Shimbun reporter Izumi Miyachi. Some of the reporters, participated in the Center for Digital TV and the World's month-long professional reporting practicum in Tokyo.

The Digital TV and the World class is offered each spring. Past reporting projects covered Beijing, Guangzhou, Phnom Penh, India, Latin America and other points around the globe. The class is taught by instructor Todd Carrel with Samantha Grant and technical advisor Milt Wallace. For more information on Digital TV and the World contact Todd Carrel.

The Center for Digital TV and the World, a project of the Tides Center, is supported by the Skirball Foundation, ANA, The Japan-United States Friendship Commission, The Henry Luce Foundation, Sony, and UC Berkeley's Center for Japanese Studies, Graduate School of Journalism and Institute of East Asian Studies.

Event contact: Julie Hirano (510) 642-3394

Somewhere I Have Never Travelled
Fu Tien-Yu, Director
November 9, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, San Francisco Film Society, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office

Taiwanese director Tien-Yu Fu will discuss and answer questions about the new film "Somewhere I Have Never Travelled." This screening with the artist is part of the "Taiwan Film Days" series, with support from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office.

Film Description: In a small secluded town by the sea, there lives two lonely youths filled with angst and uncertainty. To the 15-year-old Ah-Guei, her world has always been different from others. Her eyes tell her that there are no greens or reds in the world. The only person she looks up to is her cousin, Ah-Xian. Ah-Xian has a big world map and a whole bookshelf of traveling guides. He takes Ah-Guei on imaginary journeys out of their little town, into a world full of wonders.

Yet, the 20-year-old Ah-Xian harbors a secret, as he has come to realize that the only objects of his desires have always been people of his own sex. Ah-Guei and Ah-Xian dream and plan that one day when they can fly away to a place where there will be no more loneliness or angst. The boy dreams about going off to the Great New York with his beloved. And the girl, she dreams about sailing to a little island in the Pacific. And on that island, no ones world would be shaded with green or red. Every one of them would be color-blinded, just like her.

Healing Without Harm: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Endangered Species in Asia
Jill Robinson, Animals Asia Foundation
Lixin Huang, President of American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
November 10, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, Asia Society, USF Center for the Pacific Rim, Chinese Historical Society of America

Join Jill Robinson, founder of the Animals Asia Foundation, and Lixin Huang, President of American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, for a facinating look at the use of endangered species products in traditional medicine.

The Elvera Kwang Siam Lim Memorial Lecture in Chinese Studies: Chinese Reforms in Historical and Comparative Perspective
Prasenjit Duara, Raffles Professor of Humanities, National University of Singapore
Wen-hsin Yeh, History, UC Berkeley, discussant
November 12, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

This talk will look at the last 30 years of reform in China in both a global, comparative perspective and a Chinese historical one, paying particular attention to the long-term role of the cultural nexus of power in creating an entrepreneurial local culture as well as long-term patterns of state-society relations. The revolutionary model of development often produced unexpected connections with the cultural nexus to enable and nourish local enterprise.

Re-evaluating the Translations of Zhu Fonian 竺佛念: A Preliminary Report
Jan Nattier, Research Professor of Buddhist Studies at the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology (Soka University) in Tokyo, Japan
November 12, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

Zhu Fonian (fl. 365–early 400s CE) is one of the best-known names in Chinese Buddhist translation history. Modern scholars generally think of him first in connection with the Dīrghāgama (長阿鋡經, T1) and the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya (四分律, T1428), both of which are listed in scriptural catalogues (both ancient and modern) as translated by Zhu Fonian together with the Kashmiri monk Buddhayaśas 佛陀耶舍. These two titles, however, are not singled out for attention in the oldest extant account of his life and works: the biography by Sengyou 僧祐 contained in the Chu sanzang jiji 出三藏記集 (completed c. 515 CE). Though these scriptures are registered under Zhu Fonian's name in the catalogue section of this work (which, as Antonello Palumbo has shown, is of a later vintage) in the biographical section Sengyou selects a quite different list of texts as representing Zhu Fonian's most important works. In this talk, Professor Nattier will begin by considering Zhu Fonian's life history as presented by Sengyou, paying special attention to what is said about the chronological sequence of his translations. She will then take a close look at at a text that is seldom mentioned in modern scholarship, but was considered by Sengyou to be one of Zhu Fonian's outstanding works: the Shizhu duan jie jing 十住斷結經 (T309), a scripture that presents an otherwise unknown account of the ten stages of the bodhisattva path. By doing so, we will be able to gain new insight into the way Zhu Fonian actually worked.

Wartime Economy and Culture in Chinese Daily Life, 1937–49
Kubo Toru, Shinshu University
Matthew Johnson, Oxford University
Elisabeth Koll, Harvard Business School
Kwan Man Bun, University of Cincinati
Sophia Lee, Cal State East Bay
Micah Muscolino, Georgetown University
Wang Di, Texas A & M University
Brett Sheehan, University of Southern California
Wen-hsin Yeh, UC Berkeley
Shana Brown, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Parks Coble, University of Nebraska
Susan Glosser, Lewis and Clark University
Wang Chaoguang, Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
November 13–14, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, The Li Ka-shing Foundation Program in Modern Chinese History at Berkeley

How did people survive during the Sino-Japanese and the Chinese Civil Wars and what role did the state play in their survival? This conference will bring together scholars across fields in social, cultural, political, and economic history to examine the various aspects of culture and economy that pertain to the daily lives of the Chinese people at this time, with topics ranging from food, clothing and shelter to mobility, communication, and organization. Was there a single "War of Resistance" or "War of Liberation" or were there significant regional and other differences all across China? The conference will address, in short, the central question of a wartime Chinese culture and economy of survival as seen in the daily lives of the Chinese people.

Please note, this is a working conference for the purpose of further sharpening the themes and findings on the central question. It will be run as a discussion rather than a series of presentations. Therefore, it is recommended that those who wish to attend the workshop familiarize themselves with the papers in advance. To register for the workshop and receive the papers, please e-mail the Center for Chinese Studies.

Friday, November 13, 2009
9:00–9:30: Opening remarks
9:30–12:00: Panel 1 — "Production and Consumption"
Kubo, Toru, "The Cotton Industry under the War Economy in Free China"
Kwan, Man Bun, "Salt in the War of Resistance"
Sheehan, Brett, "When Urban Met Rural in the Japanese Occupation: Life on an Agricultural Research Station in North China."

11:45–12:15: Open discussion of Panel 1

2:00–5:30: Panel 2 — "Information, Propaganda, Entertainment"
Brown, Shana, "His (Chinese) Girl Friday: Female Reporters in Wartime China"
Johnson, Matthew, "Sun Mingjing, Audiovisual Education, and the International Imagery of China's Reconstruction"
Wang, Chaoguang, "Film Censorship during the Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945)"
Wang, Di, "Drinking Tea and National Fate: Teahouses and Teahouse Politics in Wartime Chengdu"

5:15–5:45: Open discussion of Panel 2

Saturday, November 14, 2009
9:00–11:30: Panel 3 — "Mobility and Displacement"
Coble, Parks, "Trauma and Displacement in Wartime China, 1937–1945: The Experience and Economics of Wartime Mobility"
Koll, Elisabeth, "China on the Move: Railroad Passenger and Freight Transportation during Wartime"
Muscolino, Micah, "Stories of Survival: Refugees and Environment in Henan, 1938–1947"

11:15–11:45: Open Discussion of Panel 3

1:30–3:30: Panel 4 — "Food, Clothing, Shelter"
Glosser, Susan, "Life in a Dovecoat: Housing in World War Two Shanghai"
Lee, Sophia, "Food and Rationing in Wartime Beijing, 1937–1945"

3:30–4:00: Open discussion of Panel 4

4:30–5:30: Round table discussion of major issues

Public Construction and Viewing of a Vajradhatu-mandala
Dr. Nareshman Bajracharya, Tribhuvan University
November 13, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies, Townsend Center for the Humanities

In a single isolated valley on the southern flank of the Himalayas, Indic Buddhism has survived to the present day. The historic Nepal Valley, known today as Kathmandu Valley, is the ancient home of the Newars. Some six hundred years after Buddhism disappeared from India, the Newars continue to preserve a form of "tantric" Vajrayāna Buddhism characteristic of the late phase of Buddhism in India. This highly ritualized form of Buddhism employs maṇḍalas, mantras and esoteric initiatory rites in pursuit of both liberation and worldly ends. The Vajradhātu-maṇḍala is the principle maṇḍala invoked in this tradition, used to consecrate and worship images, paintings, stūpas, monasteries, books, and other sacred objects.

Between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm Dr. Bajracharya will lay out a Vajradhātu-maṇḍala, following the Newar Buddhist tradition. Anyone interested is invited to come and observe the production of the maṇḍala and interact with Dr. Bajracharya. At 4:00 pm, having traced the maṇḍala, Dr. Bajracharya will give a brief presentation that will introduce the maṇḍala and its ritual uses in Newar Buddhism.

Sixty Years of Labor and Employment Policy in China: Development and Transition
Yang Xue, Associate Professor, Northeast Asian Studies Academy, Jilin University, Changchun, China
November 15, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

In the 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chinese labor and employment policy has improved and played an important role in solving employment issues. Chinese labor and employment policy can be divided into 5 chronological periods: the initial period, stagnation, recovery, transition and stability. Depending upon the national conditions during each period, the government formulated and implemented different labor and employment policies, based on theoretical exploration, extensive studies and continual readjustment. Over time China's labor and employment policy developed from a simple space transfer policy to a multiple choice, non-directional proactive employment policy. This talk will discuss the major employment policies of each period, highlighting their main characteristics and potential problems.

In Chinese and English with no interpretation.

Seoul Eunpyeong-gu City Choir Concert
Seoul Eunpyeong-gu City Choir
November 16, 2009
Center for Korean Studies, Korea Times, San Francisco, Korean American Association of San Francisco

The Seoul Eunpyeong-gu City Choir performs in an outdoor concert featuring opera arias and popular Korean and American songs. Sponsored by the Korea Times San Francisco, the Korean American Association of San Francisco, and the UC Berkeley Center for Korean Studies.

Sixty Years of Labor and Employment Policy in China: Development and Transition
Yang Xue, Associate Professor, Northeast Asian Studies Academy, Jilin University, Changchun, China
November 17, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

In the 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chinese labor and employment policy has improved and played an important role in solving employment issues. Chinese labor and employment policy can be divided into 5 chronological periods: the initial period, stagnation, recovery, transition and stability. Depending upon the national conditions during each period, the government formulated and implemented different labor and employment policies, based on theoretical exploration, extensive studies and continual readjustment. Over time China's labor and employment policy developed from a simple space transfer policy to a multiple choice, non-directional proactive employment policy. This talk will discuss the major employment policies of each period, highlighting their main characteristics and potential problems.

Buddhist Studies and Digital Technology: Computational Humanities
Lewis Lancaster, Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley
November 18, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Buddhist Studies

Lewis Lancaster, a specialist in the canons of Buddhist texts, earned his Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies at the University of Wisconsin. He taught at UC-Berkeley for 33 years, with five years as Chair. With a grant from the National Geographic Society, he and a group of students and faculty inventoried texts in monasteries among the Sherpa people in the Himalayas. He then began to research the problems of converting Buddhist texts from Pali and Chinese into computer format, which resulted in major CD ROM databases. That computer experience then led him to form an association of scholars called the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI), which is housed on the Berkeley campus and has a thousand affiliates worldwide. ECAI is promoting worldwide electronic access to quality research data by creating a partnership of technical specialists and the scholarly community dedicated to the support of scholarship through technology. Guided by the paradigm of the historical atlas, research data is indexed by time and place using temporally-enabled Geographic Information Systems software. User queries retrieve and display data in GIS layers on a map-based interface, allowing comparisons across discipline, region, and time.

Train to My Hometown (documentary film) — Followed by panel discussion on "Rethinking Labor Migration"
Ai Xiaoming, Filmmaker
Abby Chen, Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco
Eriberto Fernandez, Instituto Laboral De La Raza
November 19, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies, Bay Area Video Coalition

Location: Bay Area Video Coalition, Second Floor, 2727 Mariposa Street, San Francisco

The Train to My Hometown, Screening of a documentary by Ai Xiaoming
Rethinking Labor Migration: Migrant workers in China and in the U.S., Panel discussion

The film will be followed by a panel discussion.

Film summary: At the beginning of 2008, the major traffic line that links South, Central and North China, was paralyzed by a snowstorm. Eager to get home before the eve of the Spring Festival, 200,000 travelers, most of them migrant workers, were stranded at the Guangzhou railway station. This film tells the stories of migrant workers affected by the disaster, and how they and the soldiers got through the hardships together.

Panel session: Rethinking Labor Migration: Migrant workers in China and in the U.S.
Panelists: Abby Chen, Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco, Eriberto Fernandez, Instituto Laboral De La Raza

Co-sponsored with the Bay Area Video Coalition and W.T. Chan Fellowships Program.

The Buddha Sakyamuni and the Courtesan Utpalavarna in Gandhâran Buddhist Art
Osmund Bopearachchi, Paris IV-Sorbonne University
November 23, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

The Buddha Sakyamuni, having preached Abhidhamma in the Trayastrimsa heaven to the gods and to his mother who was then reborn as a deva, descended to Jambudvipa at Samkasya on a triple ladder with Brahma to his right and Indra to his left. At the bottom, the Buddha was greeted by Utpalavarna, a Buddhist nun who had been a courtesan in Rajagriha. Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese sources, relate how Utpalavarna came to renounce the secular world. While giving birth to a daughter, to her utter dismay, she discovered that her husband was having an illicit affair with her mother. She then ran away from home, leaving her newborn child behind. Sometime later she became the wife of a wealthy man in Varanasi, only to discover one day that the second wife he brought home was her own daughter. Disappointed with life, she became a courtesan in Rajagriha. After a chance encounter with Maudgalyayana, she became a disciple of the Buddha, engaging in Buddhist practice under the guidance of Mahaprajapati until she attained arhatship. The story of Utpalavarna has been a favorite legend among Buddhists, as attested not only by literary sources but also by Buddhist art in which the depiction of Utpalavarna, transformed by magic power into a great emperor (Chakravartin) and admitted with her chariot and troops into the foremost row to pay tribute to the Buddha upon descent from the Trayastrimsa heaven, was a popular theme. Very few art historians have paid attention to representations of the encounter between Utpalavarna and the Buddha. In his lecture, Prof. Bopearachchi will reexamine previously identified reliefs depicting this event in the light of newly discovered unpublished Gandharan reliefs where Utpalavarna is shown both as a Chakravartin and a Bikshuni.

The Monroe Doctrine and National Self-identity in the Late Qing Period
Guo Shuanglin, History, Renmin University
November 25, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

Note date change to November 25

This lecture will be in Chinese without interpretation.

"中国者,中国人之中国",这一清脆响亮的口号在清朝末甚为流行。它不仅在一些 报刊上的政论文章中频频出现,甚至还被写进了中国同盟会的《革命方略》。本报告将 考察这一口号的来源、内涵及影响。我认为,这一口号是从 "门罗主义"("美洲者美洲人之美洲")引伸来的,也可称之谓 "中国门罗主义"。本报告 还将对当时知识界围绕 "中国" 国名以及 "中国人" 的认同差异及其争论进行了分析,并对 "亚洲的门罗主义" 展开讨论。

"China for the Chinese." This slogan was very popular in the late Qing period, appearing frequently in press articles, and written into the Chinese Alliance's "revolutionary strategy." This talk will examine this slogan, including its source, meaning, and impact. This slogan is patterned after the "Monroe Doctrine" ("America for the Americans"), so it can be called "Chinese Monroe Doctrine." The speaker will also try to analyze the different views about the name for "China" among the intelligentsia, and the arguments around national self-identity between the revolutionists and the constitutionalists at that time.

Personal / Political Conciousness: South Korean Women Confront Breast Cancer
Laura Nelson, Associate Professor of Anthropology, CSU East Bay
December 1, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Breast cancer, like all diseases, is an embodied and cultural experience. Breast cancer patients learn of their diagnosis and undergo treatments in a context of stigma, caring, fear, fatalism, faith, and the medicalization of the self. And because breast cancer is nearly always a woman's disease, and in particular because it attacks a part of the body with strong sexual and maternal associations, breast cancer reaffirms and reshapes patients' gender identity. Although the incidence of breast cancer is relatively low in South Korea, the rate of increase in breast cancer cases is twenty times the global rate in recent years. Moreover, breast cancer strikes a younger demographic group in South Korea than in most other places: half of all newly-diagnosed women in South Korea were under 50 years old. This rise in breast cancer in South Korea, and its concentration in younger women, has been attributed to cultural changes, including fattier diets, fewer children and later first births, less breast feeding. Fortunately, the prognosis for most women diagnosed with breast cancer in South Korea is quite good, but this leads to many women living years in a liminal state, haunted by mortality years before most of their peers. This talk explores the discourses associated with breast cancer in South Korea, and the responses of women who have gone through cancer treatment. For many women, their experiences provoke a radical (but not yet political) re-imagining and re-configuring of their lives.

The Current State of Historical Cultural Heritage Sites in China: Tibetan Buddhist Temples in Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and Lhasa
Bao Muping, University of Tokyo
December 1, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies


笔者于 2005–2007 年对内蒙古地区以及拉萨、青海的藏传佛教建筑的现状进行了全面的调查。就内蒙古而言,自 1937 年日本东亚考古学会蒙古调查班以及 1958 年 中国 建工部建筑科学研究院理论历史室(今中国建筑设计研究院建筑历史研究所)展开的寺院普查之外,再没有其他普查研究活动。其间,佛教建筑经历了文化大革命时期的严重破坏,目前又面临旅游、开发等经济活动起因的建设性破坏。因此,这项普查是掌握藏传佛教遗产现状的重要手段。笔者横断蒙古高原,行程 2 万公里,对现存藏传佛教遗产进行了人物访谈、建筑实测及图纸化,以及记录各建筑的调查档案表。在整理寺院建筑的现状数据的同时,指出目前对寺院建筑研究及保护的问题所在,探讨今后研究的方法论及保护方策。

This lecture will present findings from a survey of Tibetan temples in Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and Lhasa conducted between 2005 and 2007. Inner Mongolia historical buildings have only been surveyed twice. The first survey was conducted by the Japanese Society for East Asian Archaeology in 1937 and the second was carried out by the China Academy of Building Research in 1958. However, many of these historical buildings were destroyed between 1966 and 1976. The remaining historical buildings face a new threat of destruction from urban development and tourism reconstruction. Bao Muping traveled by jeep over 20,000 km in order to conduct this field survey. The results present an important look at current state of historical cultural heritage sites. Bao will share her survey data, including photos, plans and section plans, etc., including surveys of temples which have never been measured before. She will also discuss problems within the current research framework and preservation techniques.

In Chinese with no interpretation

Through A Glass Darkly: Colonial Images of Burma
Penny Edwards, Associate Professor, Department of South and Southeast Asia Studies
Maurizio Peleggi, Associate Professor, Department of History, National University of Singapore
December 2, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies

Two lectures will open the photography exhibit "Through A Glass Darkly: Colonial Images of Burma." Penny Edwards, Chair of the Center for Southeast Asia Studies, presents "Image Makers," a talk on the nineteenth-century images of Burma by British colonizers that comprise the exhibition.

Featured speaker Maurizio Peleggi of the National University of Singapore will present "Colonial Hotels in the Asian City: Travel, Empire, and Nostalgia." At the turn of the last century, when imperialism oriented the axes of European expansion and hence the geography of international travel, a new building type made its appearance in the cities of South and Southeast Asia: the "European hotel." Such hotels represented not only a qualitative improvement over earlier travel lodgings, but also prominent sites for the naturalization of modernity in the colonial urban milieu. Yet, as sites of foreign capital accumulation and as public spaces where Westerners asserted their racial superiority over Asians as well as national and class distinctions among themselves, colonial hotels were a microcosm of colonial society. Their decline in the post-war period coincided with decolonization, nationalism, and modernization. When foreign tourism to Asia revived in the 1960s, the concrete block towers of the hospitality industry's multinational corporations replaced colonial hotels and the old world they embodied. In the 1990s several extant colonial hotels underwent widely publicized renovation and stand today in Asia's postcolonial cityscapes as monuments to an otherwise deprecated past but also "colonial theme parks" that evoke an era of European power and privilege for both foreign tourists and domestic consumers.

A reception follows the program.

The exhibit Through a Glass Darkly will be on display in the IEAS Gallery December 1, 2009 – March 10, 2010.

Through a Glass Darkly: Colonial Images of Burma
December 2, 2009 – March 15, 2010
Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Southeast Asia Studies

Framing History in British Burma by Penny Edwards
The images on display in Through a Glass Darkly: Colonial Images of Burma are digitized reproductions of select portrayals of colonial Burma from two rare collections: Eighteen Views Taken at and near Rangoon by Joseph Moore, and R. B. Graham's Photographic Illustrations of Mandalay and Upper Burmah Expeditionary Force, 1886–87. The artist Moore and the amateur photographer, Graham, accompanied British naval and military campaigns at two critical junctures in the colonization of Burma.

Moore's sketches document Rangoon in the first Anglo-Burmese War, from 1824–1826. Graham's photographs record scenes from Mandalay at the time of the 1885–1886 annexation of Upper Burma. Both series include imagery of two cultural epicenters under siege: Shwedagon Pagoda in Rangoon and the Royal Palace in Mandalay.

Each of these conquests signaled serious ruptures of the Burmese moral order: Shwedagonwas converted to a barracks and arsenal. The Royal Palace became Fort Dufferin, a British military operational headquarters, complete with Christian chapel. The accomponaying dispossession and desecration of sacred space – as soldiers and collectors ransacked Buddhist reliquaries and palace chambers for personal gain and museum collections was soon followed by the sacralization of colonial space, as Christian cemeteries and memorials were established for fallen soldiers.

Recent work on the history of the image stresses the subjectivity of the genre, and the dangers of taking photographs at face value. Such scholarship has highlighted the significance of context, and enhanced the sense of nuance with which we gaze on and through colonial photographs. But to read these images as nothing more than a lens on the mindset of the producer, and a mirror of colonial hierarchies, is to neglect a valuable historical record.

What kind of history can we read through such impressions? Are these the random visual footnotes of colonial encounters, the careful output of artistes intent on capturing the moment, or larger framing devices for narratives of British mastery? We invite visitors to reflect on such questions as they contemplate this series. One way to read these images is as early steps towards, and examples of, war photography. Another is as mute colonial testimony to racial hierarchies reflected in their composition. Several images are clearly choreographed to underscore the centrality of British officers; some highlight the central role of Indian infantry and medical auxiliaries. Many scenes reveal details of landscape, dress, architecture and design that ordinarily escape war reports. All lend themselves to multiple interpretation, and offer a valuable supplement to textual records.

Through a Glass Darkly: Colonial Images of Burma, is curated by Penny Edwards and Caverlee Cary of the IEAS, with vital assistance from Rosalie Fanshel. The curators gratefully acknowledge the National Library of Australia, who generously furnished Edwards with copies of these images during her tenure as a Harold White Fellow in 2002, and the University of California Junior Faculty Research Grant, made available to Penny Edwards in 2008, and which financed reproduction of the digital images by Nelson Otter.

Li Xiangting, guqin master: Guqin music presentation
Professor Li Xiangting, Professor, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing
December 3, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

A brief presentation (in English) about the history of the guqin by Wang Fei, Director of the North American Guqin Association, will be followed by a musical presentation by Professor Li Xiangting.

Professor Li Xiangting is one of today's leading guqin masters. He is one of the few musicians who can compose, improvise, teach and perform on this instrument. He is a distinguished professor of guqin at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and president of the China Guqin Association. Professor Li is renowned not only for his individual style of guqin music but also for his refined traditional scholarly skills in xiao flute playing, calligraphy, ink-painting and poetry. The Chinese Ministry of Culture has recently declared him one of the ten National Representative Heirs to China's Intangible Culture.

Audience members are encouraged to bring a poem or a theme (in Chinese) and Professor Li will use those for musical improvisation.

Professor Li Xiangting's presentation is co-sponsored by the North American Guqin Association, and is made possible by a grant from Meet the Composer.

Jingdezhen Porcelain: Producing china and China
Ellen Huang, Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow, History of Art
December 3, 2009
Institute of East Asian Studies, History of Art

Fiction Reading and Commentaries in Ming/Qing China: Zhang Zhupo's "Jinpingmei dufa" (How to Read The Plum in the Golden Vase)
Wei Shang, Chinese Literature, Columbia University
Sophie Volpp, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley, discussant
December 4, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies

Focusing on Zhang Zhupo's "How to Read The Plum in the Golden Vase," this presentation seeks to examine the traditional Chinese fiction commentary from new perspectives: (1) instead of following Zhang's dufa as an objective guide for reading The Plum in the Golden Vase or as an indigenous source for the construction of an authentic theory of the Chinese novel, the speaker sees it primarily as an unfinished project of transforming xiaoshuo (fiction) into what is called wenzhang—a broadly defined term that refers to the genres and texts at the center of the Confucian literary tradition; (2) The speaker will also highlight dufa as a genre literarily concerned with "the methods of reading." Taking reading practice into account in our study of fiction commentary, we will have to move beyond literary criticism, or rather, do literary criticism differently by engaging the history of the book and the history of reading.

Japanese Studies at Berkeley: Past, Present,and Future
December 6, 2009
Center for Japanese Studies, Japan Foundation

9:00 – 9:10 am — Welcome and Introduction by Duncan Williams
9:10 – 10:40 am — Roundtable Discussion: UC Berkeley, Japanese Studies, and Area Studies
Presentations by Former CJS Chairs
• Irwin Scheiner
• Mary Elizabeth Berry
• Andrew Barshay

10:40 – 11:00 am — Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:00 pm — Roundtable Discussion: Supporting Japanese Studies
Presentations by Major Foundation Representatives
• Isao Tsujimoto, Director General, Japan Foundation
• Seishi Takeda, Director, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, SF
• Eric Gangloff, Executive Director, Japan-United States Friendship Commission

12:00 – 1:30 pm — Lunch and Lecture: Japanese Studies in the U.S.: A Global View

• Patricia Steinhoff, University of Hawai'i

1:30 pm – 5:00 pm — Roundtable Discussion: The Future of Japanese Studies in North America
Presentations by Current Directors/Chairs of Centers for Japanese Studies
East Coast Centers
• Steve Covell, Western Michigan University, Soga Japan Center
• Ken Ito, University of Michigan, Center for Japanese Studies
• Greg Pflugfelder, Columbia University, Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture
• Susan Pharr, Harvard University, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies

2:10 – 2:40 pm — Coffee Break
West Coast Centers
• David Edgington, University of British Columbia, Centre for Japanese Research
• Robert Huey, University of Hawai'i, Center for Japanese Studies
• Michael Thies, UCLA, Paul I. & Hisako Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies
• Duncan Williams, UC Berkeley, Center for Japanese Studies

Research on the Dual Translation System of Korean Poetry into English: 한미작가 공동 번역을 통한 한국시 해외 소개 방법론 모색
Choi Jeongrye, Visiting Scholar, Center for Korean Studies
December 10, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Poet Choi Jeongrye presents a brief lecture on translating Korean poetry into English, followed by a reading of several of her poems in both languages.

Poems include:
"Barbed Wire in a Stream"
"The Five-thousand-Year-Old Heart I've Swallowed"
"An Apple Seller Scattered in Front of a Musso [1]"
"In Three Minutes"
"The Airplane Took Off. The Airplane Disappeared."
"A Town with Trumpet Creeper"
"Watching Deer"
"Old Woman"
"The Whale Sashimi Restaurant"
"Deer Climbing a Bamboo Pole"
"A Dance With the Wall"
"While Slipping on Stockings"
"Frog! Grasshopper! Dung Beetle!"

Born in 1956, Choi Jeongrye holds a Ph.D. in Korean poetry from Korea University. She is the author of four books of poems, including Tigers in Sunlight, which received the Kim Daljin Literary Prize in 1999, and Dry Red Field, which won the Isu Literary Prize in 2003. She also won the prestigious Modern Literature Prize in 2007. In 2006–2007 she was a fellow in the University of Iowa's International Writers Program. Choi has been a visiting scholar at the Center for Korean Studies since January 2009, and was featured in "Strong Voices: Korean Women Poets," a series of events in April celebrating the Center's 30th anniversary.

International Adoption, Defectors, and Multicultural Families: Nation and Nationalisms in South Korea
Katharine H.S. Moon, Professor, Department of Political Science, Wellesley College

December 11, 2009
Center for Korean Studies

Katharine H.S. Moon is Professor in the Department of Political Science at Wellesley College. Moon received her B.A. from Smith College, magna cum laude, and her Ph.D. from Princeton University, Department of Politics. She was born in San Francisco.

Moon is the author of Sex Among Allies: Military Prostitution in U.S.-Korea Relations (Columbia University, 1997; Korean edition by Sam-in Publishing Co., 2002) and other publications on the U.S.-Korea alliance and social movements in Korea and Asia (e.g. democratization, women's movements, migrant workers, human rights). They are available in edited volumes and academic journals such as Asian Survey and The Journal of Asian Studies and Korean publications such as Changjak gwa Bipyeong,and Dangdae Bipyeong.

Currently, Moon is completing a book manuscript Protesting America, Pursuing Democracy: Korean Civil Society in Alliance Politics (forthcoming, GAIA/University of California Press). Moon received a Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship in 2002 to conduct field research in Korea on this subject and was a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Sigur Center for Asian Studies at the George Washington University in 2002–03.

Katharine Moon has served in the Office of the Senior Coordinator for Women's Issues in the U.S. Department of State and as a trustee of Smith College. She serves on the editorial board of several journals of international relations and consults for NGOs in the U.S. and Korea. She also serves on policy task forces designed to examine current U.S.-Korea relations and contributes op-eds to various media organizations.

Pre-release screening of "Journey From Zanskar" and discussion with filmmaker Frederick Marx
Fredrick Marx, Producer/Director
December 14, 2009
Center for Buddhist Studies

中国股票市场:成长与争议 — Chinese Stock Market: Growth and Controversy
Wang Yubao, Associate Professor, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
December 15, 2009
Center for Chinese Studies
"合抱之木,生于毫末" 。新中国的股市诞生于 1980 年代,创立的初衷是为了国有企业提供新的融资渠道。初期的市场明显具有 "试点" 性质,1995 年终于拿到了 "准生证"

股票市场经过快速扩张后,从市值规模上看已经具备了发挥经济 "晴雨表" 功能的条件。但是,从市场成立至今的实际表现看,我们并不能有这个 "奢望"。从根本上讲,我们的股票市场还没有走出巨幅波动和 "政策市" 怪圈。证监会还免不了向市场打 "打板子" 和给市场 "吃糖果" 。

真心希望我们的监管层不要因为上了多少大盘股,融了多少资而沾沾自喜。因为在投资者眼里过去你们的表现难以服众。 "千里之堤,毁于蚁穴"。现在仍然需要我们的管理层对股票市场功能定位、证监会功能定位、市场基础制度建设等做出系统而扎实的工作。

好在我们通过 "国九条" 和最高领导人的讲话看到了股市的未来。让我们共同期待中国股市这棵 "合抱之木"。"