Impunity for Emperor Hirohito and its Consequences
Herbert Bix, Professor, Hitotsubashi University
September 13, 2000
Center for Japanese Studies
Frontiers of the East Asian Modern: Authenticity, Sovereignty and Manchukuo
Prasenjit Duara, Professor of History, University of Chicago
September 14, 2000
Center for Chinese Studies, Center for Japanese Studies
"Perverse Masochism" and Japan's History Curriculum: the "Citizen's Movement" to Correct Textbooks and Shape Cultural Identity in Contemporary Japan
John Nelson, Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of San Francisco
September 21, 2000
Center for Japanese Studies
The Origins of the Bilateral Okinawa Problem: Okinawa in Postwar U.S.-Japan Relations, 1945–1952
Dr. Robert Eldridge, Fellow, Suntory Foundation
September 28, 2000
Center for Japanese Studies
Fiber Art Movement in Postwar Japan
Yoshiko Wada, Research Associate, UC Berkeley
October 12, 2000
Center for Japanese Studies
Settlement and Reorientation?: Government Reform for the 21st Century in Japan
Mao Guirong, Professor, Department of Political Science, Meiji Gakuin University
November 2, 2000
Center for Japanese Studies
The Influence of Shinran's Marriage upon his Faith
Masaharu Imai, Professor, Department of History, Tsukuba University
November 9, 2000
Center for Japanese Studies