Online and print editions of Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review are now available

January 1, 2015

The 13th issue of IEAS's open-access, interactive e-journal "Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review" is now available online.

Please read the co-editors' Note to Readers for a description of the contents, or cross-currents. This issue features China-related research articles on topics including scouting, wartime cartoons, patriotic music, copper mining, and gardens. Along with book reviews, the December issue also features a photo essay, "Tibet in the 1930s: Theos Bernard's Legacy at UC Berkeley."

In addition to this online edition, a new print issue of Cross Currents is also now available. The volume features two sets of papers: one on the China-Vietnam Border and one on Islam in China. Go to is external) for the Table of Contents and ordering information.

A joint enterprise of the Research Institute of Korean Studies at Korea University (RIKS) and the Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of California at Berkeley (IEAS), Cross-Currents offers its readers up-to-date research findings, emerging trends, and cutting-edge perspectives concerning East Asian history and culture from scholars in both English-speaking and Asian language-speaking academic communities.