Liang Liu 刘亮

Job title: 
Associate Professor, Ph.D. School of History, Beijing Normal University.

Liang Liu, Associate Professor at School of History, Beijing Normal University, focuses on early Chinese philosophy and thoughts. His recent projects include a study on the thoughts of Han Feizi and a spontaneous order about the outlaws described in early Han dynasty writings. Recent published book is Han Fei's Six Basic Terms (Taipei: Wanjuanlou, 2020), and recent related articles include “Can Wu and Xi in Guoyu be categorised as shamans?” Religions 13, no. 8: 741, etc. He has been conferred a Permanent Trustee and Deputy Secretary General of the Legalism Studies Branch of China Pre-Qin History Association since Nov. 2018.

Dates of Affiliation: Dec. 31, 2022 to Dec. 30, 2023

Research Project: The spontaneous order about the outlaws described in early Han dynasty writings

Research interests: 

Early Chinese philosophy and thoughts