Skye VanValkenburgh

Job title: 
Program Coordinator
Center for Chinese Studies

Skye VanValkenburgh (吴思凯) manages all aspects of the Visiting Scholar Program at CCS. She earned her B.A. in Chinese from San Francisco State University and is an alumni of the Chinese Language Flagship Program. As part of the Flagship Program, Skye studied Chinese language and culture intensively at National Taiwan University, conducted several summer internships in Taiwan, and completed a yearlong intensive language capstone at Nanjing University, which included a six-month internship as the Program Assistant for the American Councils Chinese Language Flagship Nanjing Center. She previously worked as a student assistant at San Francisco State University’s Office of International Programs where she cultivated her skills and passion for a career in International Education Management. Currently Skye is also pursuing a Master’s Degree in Public Administration at San Francisco State University with an emphasis in Educational Administration.


Office Hours: By appointment only. Email to schedule an appointment.