Berkeley - Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities
April 11-12, 2025
Stanford University
Initiated in 2010, the annual Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities brings together current graduate students from across the U.S. and around the world to present innovative research on any aspect of modern Chinese cultural production in the humanistic disciplines. Read more
Forum: Reconsidering the History of the Analects and other "Confucius said" Texts in Light of Recent Discoveries of Unearthed Manuscripts
April 25 and April 28, 2025
370 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
In the last hundred years, China has witnessed an unprecedented number of archeological and unprovenanced artifacts from the last millennium BCE. These documents offer unique a window into the production of writing media, scribal habits, and material cultures. The texts inscribed on these artifacts broaden our understanding of the ancient Chinese intellectual world out of which the canonical tradition was produced. Read more