Technology has the potential to greatly improve access and the full social participation of individuals in Japan and the United States. Both countries have invested considerable sums in these directions, but often this research is being conducted separately from the key stakeholders. This symposium brings together technologists, anthropologists, educators, and other researchers who are working on the nexus of technology, access, and design in Japan together with scholars, engineers, researchers, and activists in the United States for a four-day symposium and workshop in Berkeley, California, the home of the independent living movement. The majority of the participants identify as disabled people.
For an accessible version of this website, click here: http://www.disability.jp/index2.htmldisabled
Japan + International | United States |
Satsuki AYAYA, Researcher Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo |
Valerie BLACK, Doctoral Candidate UC Berkeley |
Asa ITO, Associate Professor Institute for Liberal Arts, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Regan BRASHEAR, Filmmaker |
Yoshihiko KAWAUCHI, Professor Department of Human Environmental Design, Toyo University |
Abigail COCHRAN, Doctoral Candidate UC Berkeley |
Shinichiro KUMAGAYA, Associate Professor Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo |
Chris DOWNEY, Architect Architecture for the Blind |
Ninon LAMBERT, Research Student Tokyo University |
Lucy GRECO, Web Evangelist UC Berkeley |
Grant Jun OTSUKI*, Lecturer Victoria University of Wellington |
Aimi HAMRAIE*, Assistant Professor Center for Medicine, Health, and Society, Vanderbilt University |
Ayako SHIMIZU, President Hikari Lab |
Laura HARRISON, Doctoral Candidate UC Santa Cruz |
Liz HENRY, Futurist Mozilla |
David James SAVARESE*, Co-producer and Subject Deej |
Sandra SOLOVAY, Attorney and Vice President of Content for Higher Education EVERFI |
Ian SMITH, Board Member Project Alloy |
Brent WHITE, AP Director Ala Costa Centers |
Gregor WOLBRING*, Associate Professor Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary |
Friday December 7 - Conference Day One
Open to the Public – no pre-registration needed
9:00 | Coffee and Pastries
9:15 | Opening remarks: Dana Buntrock (CJS), Toru Tamiya (JSPS), and Karen Nakamura (DisStudies)
9:30 | Panel 1: Neurodiversity and Technologies of Inclusion and Access
9:30 | Kumagaya Shin'ichiro– Introduction to Tojisha-kenkyu (User-led Research) in Japan: Co-creating narratives within the invisible minority community
9:50 | Ayaya Satsuki– Toward Inclusive Society and Culture for Autism Spectrum: Tojisha-kenkyu (User-led Research) on Social Majority and Accessible Information Design
10:10 | Brent White– A Neurodivergent-Designed Educational Model (NDEM): Neurodivergent-Lead Design
10:30 | Laura Harrison– Neurodivergent Co-Participatory Research
10:50 | Panel discussion and Q&A
11:30 | Break
1:00 | Plenaries on Inclusive Spaces and Universal Design
1:00 | Yoshihiko Kawauchi– Universal Design in Japan
1:30 | Aimi Hamraie*– Building Access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability
2:00 | Q&A
2:30 | Break
3:00 | Deej film screening (73 minutes)
4:15 | David Savarese* - listen2us.net – literacy, self-determination and interdependence for non-speakers
5:00 | Conference Day One ends
Saturday December 8 - Conference Day Two
Open to the Public – no pre-registration needed
8:50 | Coffee and Pastries
9:00 | Fixed Film Screening (60 min) w/ introduction by director Regan Brashear
10:00 | Discussion on Transhumanism, Feminism, and Crip Futurities
- Gregor Wolbring*, Liz Henry, Ian Smith | Moderator: Franky Spektor
10:45 | Plenary on Disability Centered Design
- Chris Downey– Universal Design and the BVI Perspective
- Q&A
11:30 | Break
1:00 | Plenary
- Ayako Shimizu– Technology x Mental Health Care -Why we do it, what we do, what we will be doing
1:45 | Panel 2: Care Robotics, Human-Computer Relations, and AI
1:45 | Ninon Lambert- Who cares? Exploring the entanglements of interaction and care with social robots in nursing homes
2:05 | Grant Otsuki*- Human-Machine Interfacing as Utopian Practice in Japan
2:25 | Disscussant: Valerie Black
2:45 | Break
3:00 | Panel 3: Crip Futurities
3:00 | Asa Ito– Disabled person’s Interaction with objects and self-governance
3:20 | Lucy Greco- Title TBA
3:40 | Abigail Cochran– People with Disabilities' Use of On-Demand Transportation Services
4:00 | Sandra Solovay- Disability Tech at the Margins: Weighing Our Options
- Note: due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr. Miele is unable to attend
4:20 | Discussion
5:00 | Closing Remarks: Karen Nakamura (DisStudies)
* Speakers indicated with an asterisk * will be attending via teleconference or telecommunication.
ASL interpretation and CART services have been requested for the conference and films will be open captioned and audio described. The conference venue is wheelchair accessible and is located in downtown Berkeley near the Berkeley BART station.
Please do not come wearing any scents or perfumes (including essential oils) and please respect the scent-free zones in the conference area. Scented individuals (including essential oils) may be asked to move.
Please note that there will be small children and service animals present.
For all other access requests, please email knak@berkeley.edu
David Brower Center
2150 Allston Way, Suite 100
Berkeley, CA 94704
Green from the ground up, the Brower Center is a powerful model of sustainable, mixed-use development. Utilizing the latest in energy-saving technologies and recycled building materials, the Center makes as light a footprint on the Earth as possible, taking into account the true life-cycle cost of building construction, operation, and maintenance.
Designed by acclaimed architect Dan Solomon, the Brower Center follows the example of some of Europe’s most distinguished green buildings in both its contextual fit and use of innovative technologies. In so doing, the Brower Center is articulated with a distinct base, middle, and top.
The base is formed by awnings, arcades, and entrances for the various ground floor uses, while the middle of the building is defined by exposed structural columns and various light control devices. A projecting upper floor and sculpted awning structure that orients photovoltaic panels southward toward the sun delineates the building’s top.
The Brower Center has received a LEED Platinum rating, the highest possible rating from the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program.