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Language, Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Landscapes of the Ainu: Perspectives from Nibutani, Hokkaido

The Center for Japanese Studies of the University of California, Berkeley, and the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) San Francisco Office are pleased to present a three-day online lecture series by speakers from Nibutani, Biratori Town, Hokkaido. Recent discussions of indigenous rights highlight the critical roles that indigenous cultural landscapes, traditional knowledge and indigenous languages play in restoring the identity of indigenous peoples and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Three distinguished speakers from Nibutani present lectures on their ongoing efforts and future perspectives to revitalize the Ainu culture, language and cultural landscapes. Each presentation is followed by comments from a scholar working on aspects of Ainu and/or indigenous cultures and languages.

Part 1: March 4, 4:30-6PM PST (March 5, 9:30-11 AM in Japan) "Indigenous Rights and the Importance of Ainu Language Education"

Part 2: March 7, 4-5:30 PM PST (March 8, 9-10:30 AM in Japan) "Current Status of Ainu Language Education"

Part 3: March 8, 4-5:30 PM PST March 8 (March 9, 9-10:30 AM in Japan) "The Ainu and the Problems of Dam Construction"

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