K-14 Outreach
The Institute of East Asia Studies has been designated an East Asia National Resource Center by the U.S. Department of Education since 1973 under the Title VI of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Under these auspices, the institute sponsors several activities that are beneficial to K-14 educators. Teachers are encouraged to contact us about these resources. The Center for Southeast Asia Studies, in a consortium with the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at UCLA, has been a Southeast Asia National Resource Center since 2000.
The Office of Resources for International and Area Centers(link is external)(link is external) (ORIAS) is a joint program of the Title VI National Resource Centers at UC Berkeley. Since its inception in 1996, the office has been dedicated to providing scholarly resources and supporting professional development for educators addressing international studies. ORIAS offers weekend programs, book groups, a speakers bureau, and curriculum development for K-12 and community college educators, as well as a thematic summer institute for K-12 teachers each year. ORIAS also serves Community College instructors with an annual workshop designed specifically to meet the needs of curriculum articulation with 4-year California colleges and universities.
ORIAS also offers professional development opportunities to community college instructors through its summer institute and through other programs offered during the academic year. One emphasis of the community college program is to address issues relating to curriculum articulation of community college courses in global studies and world history with California's four-year public universities.
For further information and to register for current programs, teaching resources, or to receive the ORIAS newsletter, contact:
Shane Carter, Program Representative
Office of Resources for International & Area Studies (ORIAS)
University of California, Berkeley
1995 University Ave., Room 520D
Berkeley, CA 94720-2318
The UC Berkeley History Social Science Project(link is external)(link is external) (UCBHSSP) seeks to help K-12 teachers strengthen their instructional practice and provide equitable educational opportunities to all students through a model of learning, practicing, and doing. Through a partnership with the Title VI-funded National Resource Centers at UC Berkeley, UCBHSSP has developed programs on international topics, including covering East and Southeast Asia.
Department of History
University of California, Berkeley
2407 Dwinelle Hall, MC 2550
Berkeley, CA 94720
General Inquiries: ucbhssp@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)
Dr. Rachel B. Reinhard, Project Director, rreinhard@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)
The Institute provides support to the East Asia Regional Materials and Resources Center(link is external)(link is external) (EARMARC) at San Jose State University. EARMARC maintains a large lending library of East Asia-related films and videos. EARMARC also hosts biannual seminars where participants view and critique new materials. For further information contact:
Co-Directors: Chris Jochim and Xiaojia Hou
East Asian Regional Materials and Resources Center
c/o History Department
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0117
The National East Asian Languages Resource Center(link is external) (NEALRC) at Ohio State University is a Title VI-funded National Foreign Language Resource Center. Founded in 1993, the NEALRC has developed many initiatives designed to increase learners' abilities to master advanced levels of language and cultural competence. Among the many resources generated and made available through the NEALRC are learning materials (textbooks, workbooks, teachers' guides, audio and video recordings) for more than a dozen less commonly taught languages, pedagogy and program development resource and guide books, teacher training and intensive language summer institutes, and more.
National East Asian Languages Resource Center
The Ohio State University
100 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Columbus OH, 43210
A collective of area and international studies Title VI National Resource Centers(link is external) (NRCs), which are partially funded by the U.S. Department of Education, have leveraged resources to create the Teaching the World K-14 outreach website(link is external). NRCs are required to conduct outreach to K-14 educators, students, and the public through education, training, and cultural programming.
NRC resources are available locally and nationally, and include virtual classroom visits, training workshops and seminars, multimedia materials, lesson plans, and more.
The Teaching the World website provides links to all of the current NRCs and their outreach websites, organized by world region of focus. The site also features a calendar of upcoming professional development programs, including information specifically for community college educators.

The Institute or the Centers can recommend speakers on East Asia and Southeast Asia topics to schools or nonprofit organizations. ORIAS also sponsors a Speakers Bureau(link is external)(link is external) featuring talks specifically designed for younger audiences.
Lectures, Seminars, and Conferences
The Institute and its Centers for Buddhist, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Southeast Asia, and Silk Road Studies sponsor lectures, afternoon colloquia, seminars, and conferences that involve the Berkeley academic community, the Bay Area community at large, and scholars from the West Coast and the wider world. These meetings cover a range of social science and humanities issues regarding East and Southeast Asia. Most events are free and open to the public.
The Institute, in conjunction with its Centers, publishes several research monograph series on China, Japan, Korea, Buddhism and other areas of Asian studies, including policy studies. The editorial offices of the monthly journal Asian Survey are located at the Institute, while the journal's printing and distribution are handled through the University of California Press.
For further information about resources for teachers, contact:
Dylan Davis, Associate Director
University of California, Berkeley
Institute of East Asian Studies
1995 University Ave., Suite 510-520
Berkeley, CA 94704-2318
510.642.2815 (phone)
510.642.5035 (fax)