Multiethnic Korea?
Multiculturalism, Migration, and Peoplehood Diversity in Contemporary South Korea
John Lie, ed. (CKS Affiliated Faculty)
Transnational Korea #1
IEAS Publications
2014. 344 pp.
ISBN-13 (print): 978-1-55729-110-3
ISBN-10 (print): 1-55729-110-1
ISBN-13 (e-book): 978-155729-168-4
The Center for Korean Studies is pleased to announce the publication of the first title in the "Transnational Korea" series: Multiethnic Korea? Multiculturalism, Migration, and Peoplehood Diversity in Contemporary South Korea edited by John Lie. This is the first English-language book of its kind to address multiculturalism in South Korea. Part 1 presents macroscopic and ethnographic looks at South Korean multiculturalism. Part 2 turns to migrants and others in contemporary South Korea, including North Korean refugees, migrant workers, and Korean adoptees from overseas. Part 3 analyzes groups leading multicultural or multiethnic lives in contemporary South Korea, including biracial children, recent migrants from Africa, and Filipina wives in rural households.
If you are interested in ordering a copy of this book or looking for more detailed information, visit the Catalog Page.