Center for Chinese Studies

Xin Liu


Social/cultural anthropology, history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, development and social change, China/East Asia

Dingru Huang

AY2022-23 CCS Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Chinese Studies

Appointment Dates: 7/25/22 - 7/24/23

Field: Modern Chinese and East Asian literature and media

Home Institution: Harvard University

Research Topic: “Between Animal and Machine: Ecologizing Modernisms in Wartime China, 1931-1945”

Sophie Volpp

CCS Faculty Chair / Professor
East Asian Languages and Cultures

Sophie Volpp is Professor at Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard in 1995. She specializes in Chinese literature of the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries. Research interests include the history of performance, gender theory, the history of sexuality, and the representation of material culture. Her book Worldly Stage: Theatricality in Seventeenth-Century China (Harvard) concerns the ideological niche occupied by the theater in seventeenth-century China....

CCS AY2022-23 Postdoc Fellow Program Call for Applications

October 11, 2021

The Fellowship is intended to foster the academic careers of recent Ph.D’s and to allow the revision of the dissertation for publication, or for research on a new project. The Postdoctoral Fellow is expected to be in residence during the entire term. They will give a public lecture on their research as part of the Center for Chinese Studies Colloquium Series, and they are expected to take part in all regular Center for Chinese Studies events and workshops. The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to the intellectual life of the Center, for example, serving as moderator or discussant for...

New! - CCS Working Groups

July 29, 2021

The Center for Chinese Studies will launch a new working group program in the AY2021-22 in support of research in the humanities and the social sciences. This program will provide opportunities for smaller groups of Berkeley faculty and advanced graduate students to share their research in progress, garner thoughtful and detailed feedback on papers or grants, brainstorm new projects, and discuss the latest published research related to their working group.

2020-21 CCS Graduate Student Fellowship Application will be due by April 15 now!

March 18, 2020

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, CCS will allow students to submit applications to engage in research in Berkeley. Given the uncertainty of travel abroad, we encourage applicants who hope to travel abroad to also include an alternative research proposal in the same application to engage in research from the U.S. The due date for these applications is Wednesday April 15.