2024 Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities

Dates: Friday - Saturday, April 19-20, 2024
Location: UC Berkeley
Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley; Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University

Call for Proposals


Initiated in 2010, the annual Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities brings together current graduate students from across the U.S. and around the world to present innovative research on any aspect of modern Chinese cultural production in the humanistic disciplines.

The conference provides a window into current research in Chinese studies, and serves as a platform for fostering interaction among budding scholars of geographically disparate institutions, facilitating their exchange of ideas and interests. Specifically, the organizing committee hopes that this conference will encourage interdisciplinary scholarship within and between literary and cultural studies, cultural history, art history, film and media studies, musicology and sound studies, as well as the interpretative social sciences.

Applications are due in the fall of each year for the conference taking place the following spring. Currently-enrolled graduate students at any institution are encouraged to apply. Accepted presenters will generally not be allowed to present a second time at subsequent conferences.  Papers will be selected by a joint faculty-student committee of China specialists at the two institutions. Local faculty and graduate students will serve as discussants for the selected papers. Applicants are encouraged to present papers associated with ongoing or projected dissertation research.
Conference registration is free. Presenters will be provided with shared lodging, Friday dinner, and Saturday lunch. Partial travel assistance available for students who cannot find other funding.

Each year the conference also features a keynote address from a prominent Chinese studies scholar and alumni scholar, chosen by the student organizing committee.

Keynote Speaker:

Jinying Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University

Alumni Keynote:

Jianqing Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Washington University in St. Louis

Organizing Committee:

  • Mathew Beauchemin, Graduate Student, Film and Media, U.C. Berkeley
  • Puck Engman, Assistant Professor, History, UC Berkeley
  • Delaney Chieyen Holton, Graduate Student, Art and Art History, Stanford University
  • Andrew Jones, Louis B. Agassiz Professor of Chinese, East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, UC Berkeley
  • Haiyan Lee, Walter A. Haas Professor of the Humanities and Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and of Comparative Literature, Stanford University
  • Xiying Lin, Graduate Student, History, UC Berkeley
  • Ban Wang, William Haas Professor in Chinese Studies, Stanford University
  • Lingjia Xu, Graduate Student, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University

Conference Schedule


The Institute of East Asian Studies is located on the fifth floor of 1995 University Avenue — two blocks west of the University Avenue entrance to campus at the intersection of Milvia Street and University Avenue. The building is three blocks from BART and also has a public parking garage which is accessed off Bonita Street. 

Directions to the Berkeley campus

If traveling by BART, exit the Richmond-Fremont line at the Downtown Berkeley station (not North Berkeley). If going to the campus, walk east up Center Street (towards the hills) one block to the edge of campus. If going to IEAS, walk two blocks north to University Avenue, then one block west (away from the hills) to 1995 University Avenue.

From Interstate 80

To reach the campus by car from Interstate 80, exit at the University Avenue off-ramp in Berkeley. Take University Avenue east (toward the hills) approximately two miles until you reach the campus.

From Highways 24/13

To reach the campus from Highways 24/13, exit 13 at Tunnel Road in Berkeley. Continue on Tunnel Road as it becomes Ashby. Turn right at College Avenue and drive approximately one mile north to Bancroft Way.


There are various public parking lots and facilities near campus and in downtown Berkeley. More information is available on the UC Berkeley Parking and Transportation page.