Funded by the Haas Chair endowment at the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS), the new UC Berkeley Research Collections Enhancement Grants support UC Berkeley librarians or curators specializing in East or Southeast Asian studies who wish to collaborate with a faculty member to build library or museum collections, or to develop exhibitions on campus. Grants are available to librarians/curators at all levels in relevant campus units such as BAMPFA, the Anthropology Museum, Ethnic Studies Library, the South and Southeast Asia Library, the C.V. Starr East Asian Library (including librarians for Mongolia and Tibet), or any other unit that supports collections in East or Southeast Asia studies. Each grant will be for $1,500. Two awards will be made for 2025-26. In selecting awardees, priority will be given to those proposals that identify specific gaps in the UC Berkeley collections and document established relationships with academic and research institutions. Funded curators/librarians will be expected to submit, at the end of the award period, a brief final report on grant-funded activities.