Prospective Scholars: J-1 Visa Requirements

If you have any additional questions about the program that are not covered on this site, please contact the Visiting Scholar Program Administrator at the email address below:

Skye VanValkenburgh


1+510.643.6322 (office)

Office Hours: By appointment only. Email to schedule an appointment. 

Please submit all required application materials to

Please note: Applications sent elsewhere will not be reviewed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Additional supplementary materials that are not listed as part of the application requirements will not be reviewed.

U.S. Department of State J-1 Visa Immigration Requirements

If you are an international scholar who has been nominated for affiliation you are required by law to enter the US on a J-1 Research Visa. Although the following documents are not required at the time of application, they will be required in order to apply for a DS-2019 through the Berkeley International Office. The DS-2019 is a form which permits a prospective exchange visitor to seek an interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate in order to obtain a J visa to enter the United States. The DS-2019 application process will be conducted through the Visiting Scholar Program Administrator and any questions or concerns regarding this process should be emailed to

Please note: If your native language is Chinese, please read both the English and Chinese translations of the required post-acceptance materials below, and always refer to the English translation to understand fully what is required of you. 

1. Passport Information Page |护照扫描件

Copy of passport information page for the scholar and any accompanying dependents (spouse and children only) valid at least six months into the future.

2. Proof of Legal Permanent Residence| 合法永久居民证明

  • This is required only if your country of residence is different from your country of citizenship, and must be translated into English.
  • 仅限于现居住地与国籍不一致的情况下。请提供合法永久居民证明复印件及英文翻译版本。

3. All Previous DS-2019s (if applicable) |以往DS-2019 表格 (如有)


If the scholar has been in J status before, please send a scanned copy of all previous DS-2019s (of scholar and dependents) to the Visiting Scholar Program Administrator at

4. Proof of Sufficient Funding |资金证明文件

资金文件 (英语): 资金证明文件须在申请之日起6个月内签发,且须写明有足够资金支付J-1访问学者及其J-2亲属(夫妻和/或子女)在美访学期间全部费用:

  • 2022年8月1日及以后提交申请的访问学者: a) J-1访问学者 ($2,000/月) ,b) J-2 配偶 ($600/月), c)J-2子女 ($400/人/月)。



All funding documents must be issued in English and dated within the past 6 months of the application period. They must show proof that the J-1 scholar has sufficient funding to cover the duration of their J Program for themselves and any J-2 dependents. The minimum funding requirement for J exchange visitors will be increasing effective August 1, 2022. For cases submitted to Berkeley International Office 8/1/2022 or later, the minimum monthly funding requirement will be $2000 for the J-1 + $600 for a J-2 spouse + $400 for each J-2 child.

Please see the UC Berkeley J Scholar Financial Requirements page for more information.

Please note: if you are receiving a scholarship that does not state a specific monthly stipend the Berkeley International Office will use the lower amount to calculate the funding requirements. For example, if the Chinese Council Scholarship states that the scholar will be receiving between $1400 - $1800 a month, the Berkeley International Office will consider the lower amount ($1400) the official monthly stipend. If this amount does not meet the minimal overall requirement, the scholar will have to use additional proof of funding, e.g. personal bank statement, etc. to meet the funding requirement.

5. English Language Proficiency |英语语言水平要求


U.S. government regulations state that scholars must show "sufficient proficiency in the English language, as determined by an objective measurement, in order to participate in his/her program and to function on a day-to-day basis." This may include qualifying TOEFL/ IELTS test scores, signed documentation from the scholar's academic institution or an English language school. For a detailed list of acceptable English proficiency documents please visit the Berkeley International Office information page. 

6. DS-2019 Application Form|DS-2019申请信息表



Please fill out the Visiting Scholar DS-2019 application form (which will be sent from as an email attachment to accepted scholars). This form will be used to submit your DS-2019 application to the Berkeley International Office and to request campus affiliation from the Visiting Scholar and Post-Doc Affairs (VSPA) office. Please fill out the PDF on your computer in its entirety and email it back to the visiting scholar administrator as soon as possible. DO NOT PRINT OUT AND THEN FILL OUT A HARD COPY! 

For more information about the steps to acquire a J-1 visa please visit the Berkeley International Office J-1 Researchers webpage.

J-1 Research Scholar Transfer Program:

For those scholars who are already participating in a J-1 Research Scholar Program and have applied to CCS as a J-1 transfer, i.e. transferring their program from one U.S. institution to another U.S. institution, please also submit the following documentation in addition to the documents listed above:

  • Download a copy of your Electronic I-94 record or scan a PDF copy of the paper I-94 (front & back) for the scholar and any J-2 dependents
  • Submit PDF scan of visa stamps for the scholar and any J-2 dependents
  • Submit PDF scans of current and previous DS-2019 documents for the scholar and any J-2 dependents
  • Download and sign the "Extension of Program/Transfer of Program Health Insurance Agreement" section of the form J-1 Host Faculty Agreement. DO NOT fill out the rest of the document. The CCS Program Administrator will follow up with the Berkeley host faculty sponsor separately to sign the J-1 host agreement portion of the document. 
  • Please email
    • The scholar's local U.S. Address, Phone & Email (Spouse’s email if applicable) 
    • Provide current host university International Adviser contact information: 
      • Name of Institution
      • Full Name
      • Email
      • Phone Number