Visiting Scholars

Updated as of January 24, 2025

Hajime Kidera

Hajime Kidera Appointment Dates: 04/01/2024-03/31/2026
Home Institution: Meiji University
Field: Japanese Politics, Urban and Local Politics
Research Topic: A study of patterns of committee membership in local councils.

Soichiro Mitani

Soichiro Mitani Appointment Dates: 02/01/2024-01/31/2025
Home Institution: Konan University
Field: Public Administration
Research Topic: Comparative studies of knowledge management in the policy process between Japan and the United States.

Ryoko Oki

Ryoko Oki Appointment Dates: 03/01/2024-02/28/2026
Home Institution: Hosei University
Field: Industrial Organization, Antitrust Economics
Research Topic: Theoretical analysis of digital platform markets and competition policy for the markets; consumer survey on digital platform choice.

Yumiko Sankoji

Yumiko Sankoji Appointment Dates: 11/15/2023-11/14/2025
Home Institution: SBI Graduate School
Field: Accounting History Research
Research Topic: Religion and Accounting in Medieval Japan: Accounting materials by Kōmyō-kō-kata in Tōji Temple.

Keiko Sasagawa

Keiko Sasagawa Appointment Dates: 1/20/2025-2/28/2025
Home Institution: Seikei University
Field: Sociology
Research Topic:  A basic research on the David W. Conde Collection, the CIE Information Section (Film Group) of the GHQ/SCAP, acquired by the C. V. Starr East Asian Library

Hidetsuna Sasaki

Hidetsuna Sasaki Appointment Dates: 9/02/2024-03/22/2025
Home Institution: Yokohama National University
Field: Organizational Behavior, Social Psychology
Research Topic: Research on the perception of power by organizational members and the resulting psychological and behavioral changes.

Naohisa Yahagi

Naohisa Yahagi Appointment Dates: 4/01/2024-3/31/2025
Home Institution: Keio University
Field: Strategy for System Designing, Models for Healthcare Innovation
Research Topic: Title Strengthening the Role of Universities in Supporting Startups in Japan.

See Former Scholars here.