Former Visiting Scholars


By Year

2020 - Current

2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

 1995 - 1999 | 2000 - 2009 | 2010 - 2019

Updated as of March 17, 2025


Lingzi Cai, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 01/15/2020–03/15/2020
Home Institution: Tokyo Institute of Technology
Field: Engineering
Research topic: Community Origin and Development in East Asian Countries

Yohei Ishihara, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 01/20/2020–03/24/2020
Home Institution: Japan Sports Arbitration Agency
Field: Sports Law
Research topic: Sports organization Governance/Compliance & Applicability of ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) to sports disputes

Tatsuyuki Negoro, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 02/01/2020–07/08/2020
Home Institution: Waseda Business School
Field: Business Management
Research topic: ‘Winner take all (WTA) ‘phenomena in the US and Japanese platform businesses

Kentaro Noda, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2020–08/31/2021
Home Institution: Rikkyo University
Field: Commerce and Management
Research topic: Comparative study of the effects of disclosing ESG (Environment, Society, Governance) information in the US and Japan

Sangjun Park, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 03/01/2020–06/01/2020
Home Institution: Osaka University
Field: Political Science
Research topic: Comparative study of intergovernmental relations at the sub-national level in the U.S. and Japan

Takaharu Saito, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 08/01/2020–6/30/2021
Home Institution: The University of Tokyo
Field: Law and Political Science
Research topic: Relationship between the U.S. president and bureaucracy in rulemaking process.

Yusuke Takasu, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/15/20- 03/31/21
Home Institution: Yokohama National University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: Comparative study on the effects of corporate governance on corporate activities and market valuations in the US and Japan.

Yoshiko Wada, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 07/12/2020–06/12/2021
Home Institution: University of Leicester
Field: Museum Studies
Research topic: Emergence of Boro Aesthetics: Japanese folk textile exhibitions, cultural interpretations and ethnographic realities in the age of anthropogenic environmental stress

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Takuya Furusawa, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 08/15/2021–05/25/2022
Home Institution: The University of Tokyo
Field: Political Science
Research topic: Ruling parties in South Caucasus

Takamasa Fukuoka, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2021–08/31/2022
Home Institution: Hosei University
Field: Business Management
Research topic: Global Strategic Business Management :A Study of Top Management in Foreign-based Japanese Startups

Ryoko Hanada, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 03/01/2021-08/31/2021
Home Institution: Tokyo Woman's Christian University
Field: Clinical Psychology
Research topic: Commonalities and Differences in Listening Between Cultures

Yuki Hayakawa, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/16/2021–08/15/2023
Home Institution: Kwansei Gakuin University
Field: Public Administration
Research topic: Comparative studies of regulatory policy and politics in Japan and the United States

Jihye Kim, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 01/04/2021–06/30/2021
Home Institution: Osaka University
Field: Traditional Performing Arts
Research topic: Comprehensive analysis of kabuki in the Meiji era: nostalgia to Edo cultures, modernization in compliance with Theater Reform Movement and canonization against the trend of modernization

Yuko Nakanishi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/07/2021-03/25/2022
Home Institution: Musashi University
Field: Sociology
Research topic: Ethnic Network as Social Capital: Postwar Migrant Women from Japan and Their Social Networks in SF Bay Area

Rika Niikura, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 02/20/2021-12/04/2021
Home Institution: Tokyo Institute of Technology
Field: Architecture
Research topic: Modern dwelling history of Southern California

Junyu Saito, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/31/2021–08/30/2022
Home Institution: Momoyama Gakuin University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: An international comparative study on CSR and corporate value with a focus on corporate governance.

Mika Tamai, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 05/31/2021–10/01/2021
Home Institution: Osaka University
Field: American Studies
Research topic: Women's Jury Duty: The American Jury Trials in Okinawa under the U.S. Occupation after World War II

Akira Tsuji, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/16/2021–08/15/2022
Home Institution: Kindai University
Field: Political Science
Research topic: Comparison of local politics and political institutions between U. S. and Japan

Takayuki Ueda, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 11/04/2021–03/31/2023
Home Institution: LAB-01 Law Office
Field: Education
Research topic: How U.S. startups have strategically updated “rules” to bring about disruptive innovation.

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Yi Ding, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 01/03/2022–05/31/2022
Home Institution: The University of Tokyo
Field: Chinese Studies
Research topic: Chinese aesthetics: Focusing on the relationship between poetry and painting

Yasushi Harry Kigoshi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2022-03/31/2023
Home Institution: Otani University
Field: Religious studies・Buddhist studies
Research topic: Dialogic studies of Pure Land Buddhism and Christianity, Clinical Buddhist Studies

Chika Minami, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/01/2022-11/30/2022
Home Institution: ZeLo, a Foreign Law Joint Enterprise
Field: Law
Research topic: ZeLo, a Foreign Law Joint Enterprise

Gen Miyagaki, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 03/18/2022–03/17/2023
Home Institution: Keio University
Field: Sociology
Research topic: Comparative studies on the organization structures and networks of the social sector in Japan and the U.S.

Yumiko Sankoji, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 02/01/2022-09/15/2022
Home Institution: Wakayama University
Field: Accounting History
Research topic: Historical consciousness in Buddhist thought and Accounting practice: The impact of Buddhism (Komyo-Shingon faith) on the accounting practices

Yuki Senda, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 06/04/2022-03/31/2023
Home Institution: Musashi University
Field: Sociology
Research topic: Comparative Studies on Shared Custody after Divorce between Japan and the United States

Kazunori Shima, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/01/2022–03/31/2023
Home Institution: Tohoku University
Field: Education
Research topic: Empirical Study on Economic and Social Effect of Education -Wage, Happiness, Health, SOC and Love-

Shinichiro Terada, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/21/2022-09/14/2023
Home Institution: University of Kitakyushu
Field:  Information studies
Research topic: Artificial Intelligence policies and business ecosystems in U.S. and Japan.

Takanori Yamamoto, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/01/2022–03/31/2023
Home Institution: Shizuoka University
Field: Startup Business
Research topic: How U.S. startups have strategically updated “rules” to bring about disruptive innovation.

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Tomonori Inukai, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 9/1/2022-8/31/2024
Home Institution: Chuo University
Field: Management of organization, Competitive strategy
Research topic: My current research is on the mechanisms in organizations of Japanese companies undergoing digital transformation.

Koichi Kawai, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/16/2023-12/23/2023
Home Institution: Kanazawa University
Field: Political Science, Public Administration
Research topic: Change in the bureaucratic personnel system and the influence of politicians on the bureaucracy in Japan.

Toshiya Kitayama, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 9/1/2023-2/20/2024
Home Institution: Kwansei Gakuin University
Field: Political Science
Research topic: Impacts of integrated administration of general-purpose municipal governments in Japan.

Natsuko Matsumori, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 07/19/2023-08/23/2023
Home Institution: University of Shizuoka
Field: History of Political Thought
Research topic: Early Modern Iberian Thought on the Americas and Asia

Lawrence Yoshitaka Shimoji, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 9/01/2023-8/31/2024
Home Institution: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Field: Sociology
Research topic: From the perspective of Racial Formation Theory and Intersectionality, I am researching the history and experiences of mixed-race people called "Hafu" in Japan.

Yuta Suzuki, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 9/20/2023-10/26/2023
Home Institution: Tokyo Institute of Technology
Field: Educational Research
Research topic: Reforming Lesson Study in Japan, Theories of Action for Schools as Learning Communities, School Reform, Action Research, Teachers' Learning, and Professional Community

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Nodoka Hiraoka, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 08/26/2024-12/06/2024
Home Institution: Hokkaido University
Field: Historical Biology
Research topic: To clarify the impact of red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) fruit use from the Jomon period on the morphology and ecology of modern S. racemosa, I am elucidating the history of the red elderberry in the Japanese archipelago by referring archaeological and ethnobotanical information in North America.

Soichiro Mitani, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 02/01/2024-01/31/2025
Home Institution: Konan University
Field: Public Administration
Research topic:  Comparative studies of knowledge management in the policy process between Japan and the United States.

Yusuke Sawanishi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 11/18/2024-01/04/2025
Home Institution: Ryukoku University
Field: Literature
Research topic:  The reception of modern Japanese literature and foreign literature

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Keiko Sasagawa, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 1/20/2025-2/28/2025
Home Institution: Kansai University
Field: Media Studies and Aesthetic
Research topic: A basic research on the David W. Conde Collection, the CIE Information Section (Film Group) of the GHQ/SCAP, acquired by the C. V. Starr East Asian Library

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