Former Scholars


By Year

2010 - 2019

   2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 20172018 | 2019

1995 - 1999 | 2000 - 2009 | 2020 - Current


Soonhwa Hwang, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2010–08/31/2011
Home Institution: Kyungnam University
Field: Japanese Education
Research topic: Teaching of "aspect" in Japanese textbooks in Korea and America

Eiji Kawabata, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/15/2010–08/31/2011
Home Institution: Minnesota State University, Mankato
Field: Political Science and Law Enforcement
Research topic: Politics of privacy in Japan

Yoshiko Konishi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 01/05/2010–12/31/2010
Home Institution: Independent Scholar
Field: Anthropology
Research topic: Pedagogy on Japanese culture and society in universities in the United States

Tsuyoshi Wakatsuki, Postdoctoral Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/10/2010–03/31/2011
Home Institution: Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences
Field: History
Research topic: Japanese modern political history and the collapse of the two-part system

Ikuko Patricia Yuasa, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/01/2010–07/31/2011
Home Institution: University of Iowa
Field: East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research topic: Socio-cultural usage of creaky voice

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John Ertl, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/15/2011–09/20/2012
Home Institution: Kanazawa University
Field: Anthropology
Research topic: "Japanese archaeology" research centers and specialists in the US through ethnographic methodology

Marta Rodriguez Fernandez, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 07/01/2011–06/30/2013
Field: Architecture
Research topic: Japan-Western transnationalism and the approach of experimental architecture toward industrial design

Kazumi Hoshino, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/01/2011–09/30/2012
Home Institution: Independent Scholar
Research topic: Health Care Policy for Healthy Aging for Older Asian Immigrants in the United States and Japan

Regan E. Murphy, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/01/2011–07/31/2012
Research topic: Japanese Buddhism

Kaku Sechiyama, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2011–03/31/2012
Home Institution: University of Tokyo
Field: Sociology
Research topic: Gender, sexuality, and generation in East Asian societies

Seishi Takeda, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 02/11/2011–02/10/2012
Home Institution: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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Taishin Ikeda, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2012–03/31/2013
Home Institution: Konan Women's University
Field: Human Sciences
Research topic: Activities of American Otaku

Akio Kamitani, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/01/2012–09/30/2013
Home Institution: Sapporo Gakuin University
Field: Sociology
Research topic: Comparative study of conservative politics in Japan and the United States

Masatoshi Kato, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2012–03/31/2014
Home Institution: Kwansei Gakuin University
Field: Economics
Research topic: Entrepreneurship, innovation, and industrial dynamics of Japanese industries

Sukhyun Kim, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2012–03/31/2013
Home Institution: Tohoku University
Field: International Relations
Research topic: Establishment and development of the framework of regional cooperation in East Asia and the political process in each country

Hiroto Kobayashi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2012–08/31/2013
Home Institution: Keio University / Kobayashi Maki Design Workshop
Field: Architecture
Research topic: Revitalization of urban and rural areas in Japan

Naomi Kobayashi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2012–08/31/2014
Home Institution: Kobayashi Maki Design Workshop
Field: Architecture
Research topic: Improving architectural education for children in Japan

Taku Yukawa, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/01/2012–09/30/2013
Home Institution: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Field: International Relations
Research topic: International Politics and National Political Regimes in East Asia

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Kazuo Ishikawa, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 03/30/2013–03/29/2014
Home Institution: Senshu University
Field: Commerce
Research topic: Standardization of the marketing channel strategy of Japanese automobile manufacturers in foreign countries

Tetsuyuki Kagaya, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/20/2013–08/30/2014
Home Institution: Hitotsubashi University
Field: Commerce and Management
Research topic: Economic Effects of Changes in Accounting Standards: Comparison between the U.S. and Japan

Taichi Kajiwara, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2013–03/31/2014
Home Institution: Kochi Junior College
Field: Accounting
Research topic: Future prospects of capital cost management and disclosure of information concerning the cost of capital

Kenshu Kikuzawa, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 03/15/2013–03/14/2014
Home Institution: Keio University
Field: Business and Commerce
Research topic: Efficiency of Japanese Management based on comparative institutional analysis

Hiroaki Inatsugu, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/21/2013–03/31/2015
Home Institution: Waseda University
Field: Political Science and Economics
Research topic: Comparative Research on Civil Service System in OECD countries

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Zhaohui Bu, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/05/2014–08/04/2016
Home Institution: Guangxi University
Field: Japanese Language and Culture; Japanese-Chinese Translation
Research topic: The study on Analysis of the translation difficulties for Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation; Cultural Exchange Cases Study between China and Japan in Tang period

Nobutaka Fukuda, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 02/05/2014–03/19/2014; 08/15/2014–09/30/2014
Home Institution: Aoyama Gakuin University
Field: Sociology
Research topic: The Influence of Social and Economic Policy on Childcare Provision

Yoshikazu Nakada, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/31/2014–08/30/2015
Home Institution: Gakushuin University
Field: Law and Politics
Research topic: Political thought of premodern Japan

Norihiko Ogawa, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2014–08/31/2016
Home Institution: Hosei University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: Corporate culture, human resource development, and recruiting practices in Japanese companies

Yohei Takahashi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 06/01/2014–03/31/2015
Home Institution: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (MEXT)
Field: Education
Research topic: The California Master Plan for Higher Education and the Processes of Public Higher Education in the UC System

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Takeshi Hoshikawa, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2015–08/31/2016
Home Institution: Kinki University
Field: Economics
Research topic: The Relationship between US and Japanese Trade and Exchange Rate Policy

Hajime Iseda, Visiting Scholar

Appointment dates: 10/01/2015–02/28/2018
Home Institution: Takenaka Corporation
Field: Architecture
Research topic: Research on Energy Conservation in Japanese Buildings

Saori Kanno, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2015–03/31/2017
Home Institution: Komazawa University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: Cultural Differences in Brand Relationships

Kenji Kawashima, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2015–03/31/2017
Home Institution: Hosei University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: International Comparative Study on Financial Reporting

Soo-mi Kim, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 02/02/2015–02/01/2016
Home Institution: Korea University
Field: Japanese Language and Literature
Research topic: The investigation of the state of research on Japanese literature and culture introduced to early modern United States

Ken Nittono, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/20/2015–04/19/2017
Home Institution: Hosei University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: Internet business models and statistical analysis for document data in English and Japanese

Kazuhiro Nishiyama, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2015–03/31/2016
Home Institution: Tokai University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: International comparison studies in the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in U.S. and Japan

Yoshiaki Takao, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2015–03/31/2016
Home Institution: Tokyo Metropolitan University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: Comparative studies of identity and identification in organizational contexts between the U.S. and Japan

Shinichiro Terada, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/01/2015–07/31/2018
Home Institution: KDDI Corporation
Field: Business
Research topic: Network Neutrality Debates and Its Influence on Japan’s Information Industry

Takako Yamada, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2015–03/31/2016
Home Institution: Kwansei University
Field: Policy Studies
Research topic: A Study of Influence Models on Social Networks with Mutual Interference of User Clusters

Tomiko Yamaguchi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/08/2015–01/31/2016
Home Institution: International Christian University
Field: Sociology
Research topic: Risk Responses of Organic Farmers and Sustainable Futures

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Miki Akiyama, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 02/25/2016–03/10/2017
Home Institution: Keio University
Field: Public Health
Research topic: Evaluation of a socially assistive medium among the elderly with dementia

Shun Gong, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 08/15/2016–07/15/2017
Home Institution: Tohoku University
Field: Behavioral Science
Research topic: Explaining immigrants’ retention rates in Japan from international comparison perspectives

Kazuyoshi Katayama, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/01/2016–09/30/2017
Home Institution: Sapporo Gakuin University
Field: Economics
Research topic: Comparative historical study of labor supply business in the United States and Japan

Zhe Ren, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 02/27/2016–02/26/2017
Home Institution: Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO
Field: Political Science and Developing Economics
Research topic: Township leaders and village chiefs in contemporary China: Complexities and tensions in their changing relationships

Florentino Rodao, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 08/15/2016–11/15/2016
Home Institution: Universidad Complutense Madrid
Field: History
Research topic: Fascist Spain and Fascist Japan: the Axis reinforces mutual contacts, 1939–1945

Jonah Salz, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2016–08/30/2016
Home Institution: Ryukoku University
Field: Comparative Theatre
Research topic: Introducing Japanese performance traditions into theatres, classrooms, and training academies historically and present

Timon Screech, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/15/2016–12/30/2016
Home Institution: University of London SOAS
Field: History of Art
Research topic: Japanese art volume for Oxford Histories of Art

Hirofumi Takada, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/25/2016–08/15/2016
Home Institution: Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences
Field: Political Science and Economics
Research topic: Political-religious relationships in contemporary liberal-democratic societies

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Takashi Asano, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2017–03/31/2018
Home Institution: Tokyo Metropolitan University
Field: Accounting
Research topic: Comparative Studies of Regulation Fair Disclosure and the Information Environment between the U.S. and Japan

Hiroyuki Fukushima, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2017–03/31/2018
Home Institution: Fukuoka University
Field: History
Research topic: History of education and politics in 1920–1960 Japan

Yuki Imoto, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2017–03/31/2018
Home Institution: Keio University
Field: Anthropology
Research topic: Mindfulness in American and Japanese education and its wider social contexts

Hiroaki Kuwajima, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 06/09/2017–06/30/2021
Home Institution: Linkers Corporation
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: Comparative analysis of Japanese firms in Silicon Valley

Hirokazu Matsumiya, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2017–12/31/2019
Home Institution: Gunma University
Field: Business Administration
Research topic: Comparative studies of the U.S.-Japan economic, business and policy situations in government regulations

Satoshi Miura, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2017–08/31/2018
Home Institution: Nagoya University
Field: International Relations
Research topic: Transnational governance platforms for sustainable development

Kayo Murakami, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2017–3/31/2018
Home Institution: Chikushi Jogakuen University
Field: Economics
Research topic: Consumer behavior toward organic and country-origin labels

Yoko Shirasu, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2017–03/31/2018
Home Institution: Aoyama Gakuin University
Field: Economics
Research topic: Empirical Finance

Tomohiko Sumiyoshi, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 03/01/2017–02/28/2018
Home Institution: Keio University
Field: Literature
Research topic: Chinese book culture in the early modern era and understanding of Chinese culture by modern Japanese intellectuals

Masatomo Torikai, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 09/12/2017–03/11/2018
Home Institution: University of Tokyo
Field: Political Science
Research topic: Center periphery relationship in authoritarian regimes

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Tatsuya Kubota, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2018–8/31/2019
Home Institution: Seijo University
Field: Innovation Management
Research topic: The relationship between innovation processes and technological development

Xiaoyuan Li, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 02/28/2018–02/27/2019
Home Institution: The University of Tokyo
Field: Law and Politics
Research topic: Gender inequality and stereotypes under legal context

Akihiro Nakamura, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2018–8/31/2019
Home Institution: Yokohama City University
Field: Telecommunications
Research topic: The monetary value of customer reviews in Internet service industries

Yoko Nishioka, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2018–09/30/2018
Home Institution: Komazawa University
Field: Anthropology
Research topic: Comparative Study of the Over-the-Top Video Markets of the United States and Japan

Yoshihiro Sakuma, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2018–8/31/2019
Home Institution: Tohoku Gakuin University
Field: Accounting
Research topic: Classifying trends in audit quality regulation in Japan and the US

Yul Sohn, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 01/31/2018–08/15/2018
Home Institution: Yonsei University
Field: Political Science
Research topic: How Japan has helped change a regional order in Northeast Asia

Deborah Solomon, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 05/01/2018–08/31/2018
Home Institution: Otterbein University
Field: History and Political Science
Research topic: Student Protest in Colonial Korea, 1910–1945

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Fumiaki Itakura, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 10/01/2019 – 09/30/2020
Home Institution: Kobe University
Field: Film Studies
Research topic: Historical reception of Asian films in the U.S.

Jun Kanazawa, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 09/01/2019 – 08/31/2020
Home Institution: The University of Tokyo
Field: Applied Linguistics
Research topic: As a Fulbright and Ph.D. student at the University of Tokyo, I have been studying Linguistics. My dissertation aims to analyze hedging expressions in Japanese and English and to reveal how hedging is used as a tool for persuasion.

Reiko Kitahara, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2019–3/31/2021
Home Institution: Japan Women's University
Field: Architecture and City Planning
Research topic: The function of Japantown in the settlement process of Japanese immigrants

Jie Ni, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 11/11/2019–1/10/2020
Home Institution: The University of Tokyo
Field: Area Studies
Research topic: America, Taiwan, Hong Kong’s Protect Tiao Yu Tai Movement in early 1970s

Kazuyo Nishihara, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 09/01/2019–06/30/2021
Home Institution: Kyoto University
Field: Anthropology
Research topic: Environmental Archaeology. Interaction between environment and human in Neolithic East Asia. Comparative research through baskets making techniques and transition of lifestyles. 

Kyoko Ohara, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/11/2019-12/15/2019
Home Institution: Keio University
Field: Linguistics
Research topic: Building a Japanese and English bilingual resource for humans and for natural language processing

Tomoe Otsuki, Postdoctoral Scholar
Appointment dates: 01/02/2019–12/31/2020
Ph.D. Institution: University of Toronto, Canada
Dissertation: God and the Atomic Bomb: Nagasaki's Atomic Bomb Memory and Politics of Sacrifice, Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Hanayo Oya, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 11/01/2019–10/31/2021
Home Institution: Independent Scholar
Field: Journalism
Research topic: Analyzing how the Status of Forces Agreement of the U.S. military has affected the criminal jurisdiction of host countries in East Asian countries and Europe

Takashi Shimizu, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 09/01/2019-02/26/2020
Home Institution: The University of Tokyo
Field: Management and Business History
Research topic: Historical analysis of the relationship between corporate law and business practices in the U.S. and Japan

Hiroko Shoji, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2019–03/31/2020
Home Institution: Seikei University
Field: American literature
Research topic: Urban Gothicism in the Post-Diaspora Era: Toward a Transnational Literary Historiography

Naoki Sudo, Visiting Scholar
Appointment dates: 04/01/2019–03/31/2020
Home Institution: Gakushuin University
Field: Law
Research topic: The effects of globalization and population aging over the past decade

Tomohiro Uozumi, Visiting Student Researcher
Appointment dates: 11/01/2019–06/30/2020
Home Institution: The University of Tokyo
Field: Sociology
Research topic: Social theory of Community and Individualism in the American sociological tradition

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