IEAS Publications

Video Lectures by Professor James Cahill

About the series

This lecture series, conceived by the late UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus James Cahill, is a legacy of his life's work in the history of the visual arts of China.  The videos contain thousands of high-resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels) images of original and reproduction art that Professor Cahill and many other scholars collected since the middle of the twentieth century, with close-in details to be seen nowhere else.  Professor Cahill’s accompanying introductions and commentary provide special insights and information on the artists and their works, often mixed with reminiscences from his long career and his scholarly and personal contacts.

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A Pure and Remote View by James Cahill (1-minute Teaser)

A Pure and Remote View by James Cahill - Teaser


Digital enhancement was applied to some images to render them more visible for video display. Professional film production software was used to animate details for pedagogical clarity and to deliver the series in the highest commercially available format.  Rand Chatterjee of Chatterbox Films produced A Pure and Remote View and the early lectures in Gazing into the Past; Skip Sweeney of Video Free America continued the work.


IEAS gratefully acknowledges the generous support from the Tang Research Foundation, as well as the Chiang-ching Kuo Foundation.

Creative Commons License

The video files and lecture notes are to be viewed, downloaded, and used by anyone without charge; this is a completely nonprofit project. This series is intended solely to further the personal and professional educational pursuits of its viewers and not for any commercial purpose, nor to represent or take the place of a university course. All materials are being released under Creative Commons licenses. All intellectual property in these lectures belongs to Professor James Cahill, is specifically cleared for noncommercial use only, or is covered under the US legal principle of Fair Use for noncommercial educational purposes only.