Call for Proposals: Haas Finishing Lines Grants - Institute of East Asian Studies
Program Description
Funded by the Haas Chair endowment at the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS), the new Haas Finishing Lines Grants support UC Berkeley graduate students in East or Southeast Asian studies who are in the final stages of writing their dissertations. Each grant provides a stipend of $10,000 for one semester, to support PhD candidates in good standing who are completing the final chapter(s) of their dissertations. Grants can be used for general support. Two awards will be made for 2025-26.
Successful applicants will be invited to share their research at a public presentation at IEAS at a time convenient to them, and will be required to acknowledge the support of the Haas Chair in Asian Studies at the Institute of East Asian Studies in their completed dissertation.
Guidelines and Deadlines
UC Berkeley doctoral students in any discipline who are in good academic standing and who are in the final stages of writing up their dissertation, and whose research has a central focus on East or Southeast Asia, are eligible to apply for the IEAS Haas Finishing Lines Grants.
Step One: Nomination by Faculty
A nomination letter from the faculty advisor describing the student’s progress, the contribution of the student’s PhD dissertation to any field in East or Southeast Asian studies, and noting any specific need for financial support. Although the grant is based primarily on merit, fuller consideration will be given to those students with financial need.
The Faculty Nomination Letter is due by Monday, September, 22, 2025.
Step Two: IEAS will review all nominations by October 31, 2025.
Step Three: Invitation and Application
On or before October 31, 2025, IEAS will invite all nominated PhD candidates who are eligible for the award, to submit the following application materials by November 14, 2025
1) A one-page narrative about their research and dissertation topic.
2) A completion plan and timeline for the remaining chapter(s) of their
3) A description of current support and financial need. A budget may be
4) Sample dissertation chapters (typically 3 or 4 chapters) with a description of
the remaining chapter(s) still to be written.
Faculty nominations for the 2025-26 Haas Finishing Lines Grants are due by Monday, September 22, 2025. Applications at both stages should be submitted as a single PDF file to IEAS Associate Director Dylan Davis at Questions may also be directed to him.
Note: For graduate students in other stages of their graduate work, IEAS also offers the Koo Fellowships for Outstanding Graduate Students in East Asian Studies. It also offers smaller research grants each spring to graduate students in all stages of their programs. Please visit the following link: