
To see all CKS-affiliated publications, view our complete Publication List.

Korea Publications from the IEAS Publication Program

The Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) publishes two Korea focused book series and one broadly East Asia focused series that sometimes includes Korea-related material. Books from all three series can be ordered directly from the IEAS catalogue, linked here:

Other Publications by Affiliated Faculty

The Center for Korean Studies occaisionally receives funding to support publications through grants. These projects may either be published by IEAS or through other publishers. One on-going series funded in part by CKS is the Global Korea Book Series published by UC Press. Funding, research, and workshop support for the publications in this series come from the Academy of Korean Studies and Samsung.

CKS also promotes individual works by affiliated faculty that are published outside of IEAS. You can view all affiliated publications on our Publication List page.


Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review was a peer-reviewed, quarterly online journal that offered its readers up-to-date research findings, emerging trends, and cutting-edge perspectives on material from the sixteenth century to the present day that had significant implications for current models of understanding East Asian history and culture. The semi-annual print issues of Cross-Currents (University of Hawai'i Press) featured research articles from the online journal.

A joint enterprise of the Research Institute of Korean Studies (RIKS) at Korea University and the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) at the University of California, Berkeley, Cross-Currents had an editorial board consisting of established scholars in Asia and North America that provides oversight of the journal, in collaboration with two faculty co-editors (one each at Korea University and UC Berkeley).

The final print issue—featuring content from the December 2019 and March 2020 online issues—was published in May 2020. Cross-Currents will be archived and remain open-access. The content of the thirty-four issues will be transfered to eScholarship, a publishing platform that serves as the institutional repository for the ten University of California campuses and is managed by the California Digital Library.