
All News

January 1, 2017

Our colleague, Professor Emeritus in History David Keightley, passed away February 23, 2017. He died peacefully in his sleep.

David Keightley was born in London in 1932. He received his Ph.D. at Columbia University in 1969 with a dissertation entitled "Public Work in Ancient China: A Study of Forced Labor in the Shang and Early Chou.”

October 20, 2016

Hong Yung Lee, ed. Sunil Kim, ed. Logos Verlag Berlin. | The contributors of this edited volume delineate the shifting role of the Korean state from the developmental state, which led economic development by guiding investment in strategic industries through various means, to a slightly subtler role as a regulator, supervising the operation of the market in the changing economic environment.

June 1, 2016

We are pleased to announce that Aihwa Ong — Professor and the Robert H. Lowie Distinguished Chair in Anthropology — has been named chair of the Group in Asian Studies. Professor Ong's research interests have always dealt with the particular entanglements of politics, technology, and culture that co-constitute changing societies on the Asia Pacific rim. Currently, her work focuses on modes of governing, biomedical science, and contemporary art in diverse Asian contexts.

April 11, 2016

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new online catalogue, available here:

Through the site, you can order our softcover books, as well as pdf e-books of newer titles. Choose the bundle of book and e-book for a discount! Chapters of some multiple-contributor volumes are available for sale individually--perfect for course reading.

The site also features:

April 4, 2016

The Berkeley APEC Study Center (BASC), headed by Professor of Political Science Vinod K. Aggarwal, has joined IEAS as of April, 2016. Created in 1996, BASC conducts multidisciplinary research on political, economic, and business trends in the Asia-Pacific, especially related to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. Its primary mission is to produce and disseminate knowledge to decision makers in the public and private spheres to facilitate the creation of mutually beneficial cooperation in the business, academic, and policy-making communities.

February 9, 2016

As part of its 6-year “Top University Strategic Alliance” (TUSA) agreement with the Taiwan Ministry of Education and a consortium of twelve Taiwan universities, the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) is pleased to offer additional short-term teaching opportunities in Taiwan for UC Berkeley ladder rank faculty during calendar year 2016. Applications can be accepted for stays in Taiwan during the spring or summer months of 2016, the fall term, or during December 2016. No funding is available for stays that continue into 2017.

January 1, 2016

As part of its Mongolia Initiative, IEAS has put aside special funding for graduate student research proposals that incorporate Mongolia-related topics. Students should apply for this funding through the regular competition for continuing students.  These same rules and application procedures should be followed for the special Mongolian funding.

Professor Cahill's video lecture series Gazing into the Past is now available! Both this series and his first, A Pure and Remote View, are viewable, for free, in HD (1080p). These lectures by UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus James Cahill are a legacy of his life's work in the history of the visual arts of China. They include Cahill's stimulating commentary and thousands of high-resolution images of paintings with close-in details.

With a generous gift from the government of Mongolia, UC Berkeley and the Institute of East Asian Studies are delighted to announce the establishment of the Mongolia Initiative. Under the Institute of East Asian Studies, the Mongolia Initiative will bring together UC Berkeley's diverse resources related to Mongolia. Mongolia is now being taught on campus for the first time in many years, the first Visiting Scholar has been selected, the library acquisitioogram is being expanded, and plans are underway for future courses and conferences on Mongolia.

October 1, 2015

Steven S. Lee. Columbia University Press. | The Ethnic Avant-Garde makes a unique contribution to interwar literary, political, and art history, drawing extensively on Russian archives, travel narratives, and artistic exchanges to establish the parameters of an undervalued "ethnic avant-garde."

September 1, 2015

April 6, 2015

Andrew Jones — former chair of the Center for Chinese Studies — is one of three UC Berkeley faculty awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowships in 2015. The awards went to 175 scholars, scientists and artists who have shown “prior achievement and exceptional promise” to assist them in furthering their work in their field of study.

March 16, 2015

The Taiwan-United States Sister Relations Alliance (TUSA) Summer Scholarship Program is an Ambassador program. A unique program especially designed for students who will be representing their state, as well as the United States, and acting as ambassadors to Taiwan. Please share the information below with any of your students who would be interested in applying for a scholarship studying Mandarin and culture in Taiwan.

March 9, 2015

The 14th issue of IEAS's open-access, interactive e-journal Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review is now available online.

Read the co-editors' Note to Our Readers for a description of the contents.   This special issue, guest edited by Suzy Kim (Rutgers) features research articles on the theme of "(De)Memorializing the Korean War: A Critical Invention." Along with book reviews, the March issue also features a visual exhibit of Chinese pen-and-ink drawings — "Picturing Science in China" — curated by Lisa Claypool (U Alberta).

March 2, 2015

The Haas Junior Scholars Program for Doctoral Candidates at the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) allows Berkeley PhD candidates from various disciplines in East Asian studies to come together for twice-monthly meetings of Doctoral Candidate Working Groups during the academic year to discuss perspectives, methodological approaches, empirical research and original findings centered on their dissertation projects. Participants are expected to share draft chapters of research in progress and to receive feedback from peers.

February 2, 2015

Dylan Davis, Program Director for CKS since 2011, will be be leaving IEAS in late February to become the Asia Foundation's new Country Representative in Korea. Dylan has been a tireless promoter of Korean studies at Berkeley and a wonderful colleague to all, and we will miss his enthusiasm and good cheer in Berkeley. His new position with the Asia Foundation will allow him to bring his talents to a larger stage, where he will help develop programs focusing on Korea's efforts to expand and deepen international development cooperation and knowledge-sharing within the Asia-Pacific region.

January 1, 2015

On Sunday, September 28, 2014, Professor Emeritus James Bosson, who taught Mongolian and Tibetan in the Department of Oriental Languages (now the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures) from 1963 until 1996, was awarded the Order of the Polar Star Medal of Mongolia for his contributions to Mongolian studies in the United States. The author of a standard language textbook of Mongolian and several scholarly works on Mongolian culture, Professor Bosson trained many of the Mongolianists active in the field today.

The 13th issue of IEAS's open-access, interactive e-journal "Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review" is now available online.

Please read the co-editors' Note to Readers for a description of the contents, or cross-currents. This issue features China-related research articles on topics including scouting, wartime cartoons, patriotic music, copper mining, and gardens. Along with book reviews, the December issue also features a photo essay, "Tibet in the 1930s: Theos Bernard's Legacy at UC Berkeley."

The 15th issue of IEAS's open-access, interactive e-journal Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review is now available online.

December 1, 2014

John Lie, ed. Transnational Korea 1. IEAS Publications. | The Center for Korean Studies is pleased to announce the publication of the first title in the "Transnational Korea" series, the first English-language book of its kind to address multiculturalism in South Korea.