DATES | May 24-25, 2019 |
LOCATION | Institute of East Asian Studies, Conference Room 1995 University Avenue, Suite 510, Berkeley, CA 94704 |
SPONSOR/S | Center for Korean Studies |
FUNDING | Samsung |

Coming Soon
Friday, May 24
1:00PM-1:20PM: Opening Remarks, Jinsoo An (UC Berkeley)
1:20PM-3:20PM: Depth of Evil, World of Crimes
Soh-Youn Kim (Dankook Univ., Korea)
“The Shameless or the Labyrinth of Malevolence”
Robert Cagle (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
"Truly Criminal: The Unknown Murderer as Site of Cultural Crisis"
Discussant: Hye Seung Chung (Colorado State Univ.)
3:40PM-5:40PM: Changing Contour of Others
Sue Heun Kim Asokan (UC Irvine)
"The 'Good' Mother's Self(ish)-Sacrifice: Breaking the Retrospective Curse”
Jinhee Park (USC)
"The Visuality of Number One and Code One in South Korean Films"
David Scott Diffrient (Colorado State Univ.)
"From Bleak Night to Night Flight: Bigots, Bullies, and Homophobic "Villainy" in South Korean Cinema”
Discussant: Kelly Jeong (UC Riverside)
Saturday, May 25
9:00AM-11:00AM: The Past, Present and Echoes
Keung Yoon Bae (Harvard Univ.)
"Dangerous Attractions: Colonial Era Villainy and Visuality in Contemporary South Korean Cinema”
Chan Yong Bu (Princeton Univ.)
"Prosthetic Encounter with the Past: Analyzing the Intergenerational Bond in Ssaum ŭi kisul (2005) and T'atcha (2006)"
Jina Kim (Univ. of Oregon)
“The Voice of Villains in Contemporary Korean Cinema"
Discussant: Joseph Jonghyun Jeon (UC Irvine)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon